Are you Optimistic or Pessimistic by nature?
@LightninStrike (5915)
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
June 16, 2007 3:44am CST
As you all know, there are people that almost always see the good side of things, try to find something good from every situation, and can be defined as Optimistics. But on the other hand, there are people who are pessimistics, because they always tend to think that there is no way that a certain situation turns out to be of any good, or they don't have much hopes that things will improve or change at all.
Those who know me know that I am an optimistic. Doesn't mean i don't see things the way they are, and i know that sometimes it's almost imposstible that something i wish that happened happens...but I still keep the hope in it...I think that pessimism leads to nowhere and i find hope and optimism healthier.
In which of the two groups would you place yourself? are you optimistic or pessimistic?
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29 responses
@senthil2k (1500)
• India
16 Jun 07
Im partially optimistic and partially pessimistic. Thats all I can say. Its because, at many of the situations I feel that you need to be pessimistic to avoid the forecoming problems.
But at handling the problems related to the families, I feel I need to be more optimistic and take a wise decision. Pessimistic decisions there may worsen the problem more.
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@steney (1418)
• Philippines
16 Jun 07
I've always been the optimistic one. Always looking at the bright side of things. There was a point in my life where I decided that it's no use worrying about something that you have no control of. People worry, get depressed, sometimes get sick, and all these doesn't help in solving their problems at all. So if you think about it, it's such a waste putting a lot of energy into a problem that you cannot do something about. So I just let the big man upstairs take care of it because I know with Him nothing is impossible, and let my mind take a rest. I enjoy life more being this way, and I believe a lot of people would lead better lives if they can incorporate optimism and drop their pessimistic views.
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
17 Jun 07
It's logical that you enjoy being optimistic's way healthier. Thanks for replying.
@mummymo (23706)
16 Jun 07
Well I am a pessimist by nature my friend but I have made myself become an optimist - and positive thinking really helps! Whenever a negative thought pops into my head I try to replace it immediately with a positive one! You really can change your mind set - I know i have and continue to do it! xxx
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
16 Jun 07
With a positive determination, almost everything can be overcome and changed, glad you've been able to do it mummy!! keep it that way!.
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@Schnorrawaggle (688)
• Austria
16 Jun 07
I'm rather pessimistic. Life isn't always pretty and good things don't always happen and life isn't fair and I got a bum deal and so on. These thoughts run wild in my head. I can get the upper hand at times but the negative certainly rules my brain. It's hard work to think happy thoughts. And by now I'm so used to it, it seems normal.
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
16 Jun 07
Well I'm glad you are able to admit it hon. But i should tell you that optimistic people also see how hard life can be at's just what you decide to do about it more than what it really happens, because things will happen wether we like it or not. I know that resignation is very easy and tempting when things haven't gone well in a while...but i think that really it's worthwhile to try to smile at life a little bit:) thanks for replying.
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@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
16 Jun 07
I know it's not easy, it is not. But well keep the strife hon :)
@Schnorrawaggle (688)
• Austria
16 Jun 07
Oh I try to smile a lot, fake it till you make it, right. I see my mom, focusing so much on all her problems and never the solution, and I know I got my attitude from her. She's obsessed with the negative and it rules her life, but she doesn't know it. I know it so I think there is still hope for me. I do try, but I just have to work hard to be positive because it doesn't come easy, it doesn't feel natural either. It's just not who I am, but it's who I'd like to be.

@Zerzis (557)
• India
16 Jun 07
i am optimistic by natue,in a way that whatever bad happens i take it in an affirmative way, i think i should give myself another chance as such and i should learn things, learn lessons from the mistakes i have done in the past. I never think that i have done a huge mistake and i should go and try it once again.
When something bad happens,hope for better... thats optimistic character!
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@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
17 Jun 07
yep, definitely optimistic. thanks zerzis.
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
16 Jun 07
that's what happens to me. As i said earlier mike, nobody is 100 percent optimist nor that wouldn't be healthy either.
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@sunilkonda (1215)
• India
17 Jun 07
Im an optimistic...
i cant think of any task as impossible,infact people who say "man....its impossible for me" are deep pessimistics..I say "Mann..its possible"..
When a person says a task as possible, his mind automatically prepares for the task and then its the person who has to think how to solve the task...
if a person says a task is not possible for him, then his mind automaticaly sets the flag to false, and even though how hard the person tries to work on, he cant get any fruitful result..
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
16 Jun 07
I am optimistic and I believe that - 'Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst'. Life is here to enjoy and enjoy it as much as you can.
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
16 Jun 07
That's definitely a good mottow dpk, thanks for the reply.
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@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
17 Jun 07
way to go mssnow! nice attitude of yours. thanks for replying.
@bcl_me (582)
• Philippines
17 Jun 07
I am very very optimistic by nature becasue I and not a Pessimist. I always look forward of a brighter future inspite of all the hardships that I am going matter how the dark each and every moment that passes doing so, I am able to survive and hurdle even the hardest obstacles that went my way...otherwise...things have turned out very differently.
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
17 Jun 07
it seems that you're a survivor, keep it like that bcl, way to go.
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
18 Jun 07
I can definitly say that i am an optimistic person.
I know that i have been an pasimistic one before, But i really saw that it does not help me in any way, and when i started seeing things in an optemisitic way, good things started to happen in my life. :)
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
18 Jun 07
I'm glad that you turned into an optimistic. Know what? apart from some good things happening, you probably didn't even notice that with that new attitude you were just taking the same things differently, and that made you think that you had more good things happening.
@FSCAries (881)
• United States
17 Jun 07
These days, I think I am a more pessimistic person. I wish I weren't and I try to be positive, it's just that there has been a lot of things go downhill in my life in the last 6 months and I just feel like I am in this whole that I'm not sure I'll ever be able to climb out of.
@arunbongale (144)
• India
17 Jun 07
Myself, I think that I am an optimistic person. I see the things in my life as they can be achived. And as much as I know I have achived almost all of the things I wanted do do.
@egortizv (225)
• United States
17 Jun 07
I unfortunately find myself to be very pessimistic, but i don't like to reveal it to other. I find im more comfortable being pessimistic. I find it worse when you are hoping for something great, and then life just lets you down. Makes you feel..excuse crap. But if your already expecting the wort, and something better happens. It can brighten your day. Or f something bad does happen, well hey, you were expecting it....thats just how i think.
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
17 Jun 07
I know that it gives you a feeling of safety, because you think that the risk is lower, so you suffer more. But let me tell you that being optimistic doesn't imply being super excited about things, so that if they don't happen you will get a real disappointment. Being optimistic means trying to see another path, a better way to things before feeling all bad about them. It's basically being aware that things can go wrong but that they can also go well.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
17 Jun 07
More and more in the optimistic camp. I am looking to find the best side of everything. I believe there is a good side to the events that seem to be hopeless. In every failure, there is something of value to be found. It is easier to be pessimistic because most people are. It takes energy and effort to be an optimist and you have to keep at it and soon it becomes a habit. I may be a bit pessimistic in some minor areas of my life, but in what really matters, I am much more optimistic.
@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
17 Jun 07
Hello LightninStrike!
I can say with confidence that by and large I am quite an optimistic person. I have always tried to see positive side of the picture and always hoped for a better outcome. I believe that optimism can really turn things positive for me. In fact just a couple of days ago, I started a discussion on the movie, "The Secret". It's based on the law of attraction which says that we attract what we think and what we actually are.
I think that one can take something positive even from an apparent negative. It is possible that losing something may turn out to be better in some way that we don't understand. I have had experiences in my life where something appeared really bad and negative but later turned out to be very positive. Like I loosed top spot in my 10th grade which really made me upset as I was so longing for that top position. That loss turned my attention to other things in my life, like my family, friends, the problems of poor people around me and my other responsibilities. Had I topped then, I couldn't be such a versatile personality that I now enjoy to be. Plus it gave me really a good perspective of my shortcomings, hence a totally bad appearing thing came out to be positive.
If I lose some competition, I think that it is positive not only in the sense that other person who won would be happy but also that I have more work to do to merit it. Sometimes when I get injured and lose blood, I think that it's good as I'll have new blood to replace. If I miss a train or bus and it wasn't my fault, I think that it wasn't probably better for me and in some cases it turned out to be so, as in some instances that bus got accident.
Having said that, I do try to see, analyze and weigh negative side of the picture and possible negative outcome from anything. I know that it may seem weird and unfitting with optimism but I am sure that seeing the other side of the picture strengthens and stabilizes my optimism. By seeing negative and dark side, I not only work and eliminate factors of possible negative outcome to reduce the likelihood of that negative outcome but it also prepares me to bear and tolerate in much better way if it really turns out to be negative.
I think there are always two ways to approach something, a positive one and a negative. Positive one will always give peace of mind and bliss while negative will create yet more panic and suffering.
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
17 Jun 07
complete answer as usual :) thanks for it.
@Nottie (52)
• Finland
17 Jun 07
I used to be a pessimist. But when I got a bit older and got my son it changed slowly. Now I try to see something good in everything. It is hard sometimes, and yes, there are times when I can get pretty pessimistic.
Trying to think positive thoughts and not beating myself up because I can't do everything right now or won't be able to do it perfectly have helped me getting even more optimistic.
I rather see on a glass as half full then half empty :)
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
17 Jun 07
glass full always helps, doesn't it? :) thanks for the reply.
@hero1037 (9)
• China
16 Jun 07
i do hope i am optimistic. but, the real life situtions often upset me. how to be more optimistic is important and necessary for me. to be more opitmisitic, and more objective. meanwhile, i have this kind of experiece. when i was a kid, i think i am really an optimistic guy, whenever happens to me, i will take it easy. but when i grow up, i become less and less opitimistic.sometimes, life really gives us a good lesson, and changes our character. i think what i say here seems to be pessmistic guy, although i eagerly want to be an optimistic guy...^_^!
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
16 Jun 07
thanks for your reply hero...stay optimistic, you will probably live longer LOL :).
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
16 Jun 07
Optimism is a healthier outlook but I am pessimistic and cynical by nature. I think I was just born that way and life events have reinforced a natural tendency.
@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
16 Jun 07
Well i'm with you about cynical..human being is cynical by least i think so. Tis necessary to survive LOL. Thanks for your reply.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
16 Jun 07
I am more of an optimist than a pessimist. Sometimes, I do feel pessimistic about something when a bad situation really looks to be beyond hope, but usually I try to look at the brighter side of things when things don't go well, but there is still a ray of hope that things can improve. Being optimistic helps one to stay positive, and thinking and acting positively will help one to conquer over adversity. So I am less inclined to be a pessimist.