Do you use a bolster when u SLEEP?

What do you need when you sleep? - A picture of people sleeping on the grass. Taken from .
June 16, 2007 10:36am CST
Alright, this is a discussion of paramount importance. It has to do with your sleep. If you deny that you sleep everyday, I need you to do something for me - and you are not allowed to reply to this discussion - I want you to go to sleep RIGHT AWAY. You need to catch your daily rest else your body will just crumble from overuse. So what do you need when you sleep? Perhaps a bed? A pillow? A blanket? Let's just be generous and call them the 3 necessities of sleeping. But what about a bolster? For me, I have the 3 necessities plus an extra pillow and a bolster. However I don't use these 2 extra items. I just feel they get into the way most times. How about you? Do you use a bolster when you sleep? Why yes, why no? - if it would please you to share. ;-)
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74 responses
@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
16 Jun 07
Well if I knew what a bolster was I could answer your question. I sometimes sleep with a long pillow that is called a body pillow. Could this be what you are talking about?
• Singapore
16 Jun 07
Oh yes.. I should think it is.. no joke? I have always thought "bolster" is an universal term. :P
8 people like this
• Singapore
17 Jun 07
Oh yes, it is that! That's the very bolster I am talking about! :P
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• United States
17 Jun 07
OMG! I'm 49 and I remember my family calling a long tubular pillow a bolster. It goes on the back of a high rise bed... Maybe it's an East Coast thing.... But I know what a bolster is.... don't use one sleep with 4 warm puppies!
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@ibuemma (2953)
• United States
16 Jun 07
OMG.. i need bolster...i have using since i was a little kid. Can't sleep without it!
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• Singapore
16 Jun 07
Is it just a habit thing?
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@ibuemma (2953)
• United States
16 Jun 07
maybe it's a habit thing...first time i moved to US with my hubby, i got bring bolster from my home with me. My hubby said, bolster not popular in US. I just noticed some stores in here start selling it the last couple years. It's just so comfortable. I mean you can't hug your spouse all night long...hey there's a bolster to replace it! LOL
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• Singapore
16 Jun 07
Oh gosh.. you mean the bolster is supposed to be a new invention? :P
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
16 Jun 07
I have all kinds of pillows available, but use just one right now, fairly soft, under my head. Occasionally I will sleep on my left side and put another pillow between my knees as that is good for spinal alignment. I do not have a bolster, but one would be good if I slept on my back, to put under my knees. Again that is for spinal health. So the verdict right now is one bed, one blanket, one pillow, and a fan. A fan is pretty much an essential for me to keep the air moving. It covers up incidental sound and helps me sleep soundly. I do sleep every night, I try to get at least seven hours.
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• Singapore
17 Jun 07
I still can't find the right position and "equipment" for myself. :(
1 person likes this
16 Jun 07
I just go to sleep. I have three pillows, one large and padded, two smaller and softer. I could easily sleep without them and a bed lol All I really need is a space long enough and I go straight away or near has. (It's just easy to do this for me) ~Joey Kudos lordy!
4 people like this
16 Jun 07
Wait.. There's a thought! a bed all to myself, maybe kingsize :P ~Joey
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• Singapore
16 Jun 07
That's why I don't understand why people get married lol. :P
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• Singapore
16 Jun 07
Oh yea, I just want a big bed Joey. ^^
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
16 Jun 07
I have a twin bed, 2 pillows & some kind of cover (right now only a sheet.) I need that much to sleep. I also tend to have 3 or 6 cats in bed with me. I'm pretty sure they don't help much.
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• Singapore
16 Jun 07
3 or 6 cats? I can imagine!! haha :p
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• Singapore
17 Jun 07
Should I go get a cat? :P
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• Ireland
17 Jun 07
That must be like having moving bolsters! I have a couple of those myself, so I should change my reply!
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@tmlnmr (1850)
• Canada
16 Jun 07
On a warm day I can go sit in a chair and fall asleep there, in the house I will sleep in my bed(as long as my hubby is here) and I need 2 pillows and a blanket. Now that my hubby is not here I am sleeping on the couch and I need my 2 pillows and also a blanket but that is only for sleeping at night. If I have a nap during the day I will only need the pillows on the couch. My hubby uses 3 pillows sort of and a blanket that he has stolen from me. Normally in the morning 2 of his pillows are on the floor and he is using mine which he just kinda pushes me over until he can put his 3rd pillow on my two. LOL that is all we use though nothing more. If I had to I could go without it all and use my arm or a jacket as a pillow.
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• Singapore
17 Jun 07
Sounds complicated. I noticed 3 strands of my hair turning grey while reading your response. You gonna give me some compensation?
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• Singapore
18 Jun 07
See? You can make it sound simple or complicated. :P
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@tmlnmr (1850)
• Canada
17 Jun 07
absolutely you name it! LOL Not really complicated I have 2 pillows and must have a blanket unless I am outside in the heat. If I am in a situation where I have no pillow then I improvise. When my hubby is not home I cannot sleep in bed so I use the couch, which is where I am now, all alone, see easy!
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@weemam (13372)
16 Jun 07
we had a bolster when we got married at first 46 years this year ( and I noticed that the are becoming popular again here in Scotland) , I have six duck feather and down pillows on our bed but two are only for look to make my bed nice , We both have two pillows each and I get a good sleep with that , I use to go to sleep when I wash watching afternoon TV but I am too busy on My Lot to go to sleep now lol xx
@weemam (13372)
17 Jun 07
I have lately bought Duck feather and down matress topper and pillows and quilt( downie ) so I sleep in a cloud and have one over me but I still like it to look pretty too :) xx
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• Singapore
17 Jun 07
Vain pot :P
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• Singapore
17 Jun 07
Goodness, why would you want your bed to look pretty? I just want it comfortable to sleep on! :P
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@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
16 Jun 07
What's a bolster? I would love to go to sleep but my husband has been sick all week, very sick, and I have been on the go constantly. I am close to crashing (I have fibromyalgia so overdrive is not something I should be doing). I've got two spoiled brat kids who not only need to do everything they've been invited to do, they will not help out around the house and insist on US helping them with ridiculous little things. I am not sleeping well because DH is not sleeping well, and I think I am now at the point of being overtired. To answer your question, however, my husband and I both have two pillows on our bed, a bed sheet and a comforter. We have an overhead fan which we have used on the hotter nights because the air conditioning doesn't reach the top level too well, plus DH is sweating something awful with this virus he has. I was sweating last night myself and moved to the couch for awhile. When all this cr*p isn't going on I sleep well. My bolster, so to speak, is a sleeping pill. Necessary because of my fibromyalgia (chronic pain and ringing in the ears to name two symptoms that keep me awake). If I crash and burn, it better be after my husband is healthy again because this household obviously cannot run without me. We don't know what is wrong with him, possibly West Nile Virus, but he has shown some signs of improvement, but then relapses into headaches and fever. He can't sleep because of it. His tossing and turning isn't helping my sleep any. Okay, I've rambled on enough, but this is what is going on in my life right now and your topic relates well to it.
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@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
17 Jun 07
I saw the photo you attached to another post of a bolster. Yes, we have those here. I just don't know what we call them. Maybe we do call them bolsters. LOL! I have a chronic illness and without a sleeping pill I would not sleep at all. I even went away one weekend and forgot to take my sleeping pills with me. In two nights I slept maybe four hours. I am under doctor's care and the sleeping pill dosage is minimal (15 mg.) Comfort is not the issue when it comes to whether I can't sleep. I can be so comfortable in bed and get frustrated because I can't sleep. We all do what we have to, don't we?
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• Singapore
18 Jun 07
Long body pillows perhaps? What comes, comes.
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• Singapore
17 Jun 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Well, a bolster is just a long pillow. Sleeping pills are not wise but who am I to advise? I haven't even popped a single pill before. Has the doctor looked?
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@yanjiaren (9031)
16 Jun 07
I need my ruddy husband!! That's what I need and I haven't got him..he is three thousand odd friggin' miles away and it is driving me nuts, you think I can sleep?
• Singapore
17 Jun 07
But you are always coming closer.. and closer..
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
16 Jun 07
In fact, the bolster is the only necessity for me. It doubles as a pillow. It's easy to imagine how I manage with one bolster. Without the bolster, I need two pillows. One for the head, one to cover the face if there is a need or it becomes a substitute as a blanket. I do not use blankets for I kicked it away most of the time. In fact, I do not need the bed, the floor is fine, even the sofa.
• Singapore
17 Jun 07
I have tried using it as a pillow but it is somewhat thicker (bigger/taller).
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
17 Jun 07
I have a big head and so the bolster come in handy. lol.
• Singapore
18 Jun 07
To hit or hide the head? :P
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@hookfan (447)
16 Jun 07
Quite an interesting topic! Let's see, I use a lovely pure feather/down duvet, two pillows and my hubby. I just can't seem to sleep if he's not in the bed with me :) Guess the second pillow would count as the bolster though. A proper bolster just wouldn't work for me.
• Singapore
17 Jun 07
Gosh, you must always hug him hard then. :P
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• Singapore
18 Jun 07
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@hookfan (447)
18 Jun 07
No, just comfortably LOL
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• United States
16 Jun 07
oh..i WISH i had a feather bolster. my grandmother used to have one.feather bolster,pillows and quilt.i'd plop down in that when i was a kid and you'd have to pry me from it :)=)
• Singapore
17 Jun 07
Go get one. Christmas is coming. ;-)
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• Singapore
18 Jun 07
Time for online shopping lol.
• United States
18 Jun 07
i'm tempted,wiz,i tell you what:)
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@andy0469 (139)
17 Jun 07
I enjoy my sleep, I probably sleep more than anyone in our household. I also take medication which makes me drowsy so sleep is sometimes a way through. As for bolsters and such my head gear (pardon the pun) is a pillow and a large cushion, the kind you would see on a sofa. The cushion I use to prop up my head between shoulders and head because I also get neck pains quite often (from stress hence the medication). My head and neck just sink into the cushion and I float away into my slumber zone. I once tried one of those foam supports which was a complete waste of money, it was wedge shaped, flat on one side and bumpy on the other. Very uncomfortable indeed which made me choose the cushion. :)
• Singapore
17 Jun 07
It is real hard to choose a suitable pillow. I still can't find one. :P
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• Singapore
18 Jun 07
Keep trying. :P
@andy0469 (139)
17 Jun 07
Took me ages and this one probably won't suffice, it'll get changed soon enough when I tire of it :)
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@sakana (260)
• Singapore
17 Jun 07
I have a whole ton of things on my bed! I have a Tempur foam pillow for my head (the kind which conforms to your head shape), a quilt, a baby blanket, a down pillow, a polyfill pillow, a mushroom plushie, a star beanie and a huge elephant beanie. My feet get cold during the night so the quilt's essential, but Singapore nights are quite warm so I use the baby blanket for the rest of my body. The extra pillows are for random grabbing, throwing, pummelling, whatever I feel like doing when I'm trying to sleep, and the toys are just for hugging when I need small, soft things.
• Singapore
17 Jun 07
I confess I burst out laughing before I even finished reading. :P Your bed is sure cozy! :PP
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• Singapore
18 Jun 07
@sakana (260)
• Singapore
17 Jun 07
Haha yeah it is! Doesn't keep me from being an insomniac though :/
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
17 Jun 07
Hello Lordwarwizard, The only time I use a bolster is in restorative Yoga poses. We have a combination of 6 down & regular pillows. But, Hubby & I each only sleep with one. The others just get in the way. I used to have a nice memory foam pillow -- but the dogs mistook it for a dog toy, and tore it to pieces. Which is a bummer! That was a great pillow for the neck & shoulders. The only other, special pillow that I use is a leg pillow between my knees, to help with spinal alignment, as I sleep on my side. I would think that a bolster would end up like our extra four pillows -- tossed on the floor. Here in the USA, "body pillows" are the new rage. It's a take on the old style bolster, but they are three or four feet long, and aren't as firm as the old style bolsters.
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• Singapore
17 Jun 07
I call your "body pillow" small bolsters. We have them in the living rooms sometimes lol...
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@winky73 (1404)
• United States
16 Jun 07
I don't use a bolster....those things are so big and make me feel to crowded.I can't stand having anything touching my back while I'm sleeping and I need to have room to move my legs. So the bolster would end up on the floor why even bother with it to begin with.
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• Singapore
17 Jun 07
Yea, I don't like that crowded feeling too.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
16 Jun 07
MY lord, I have to scroll down just to see what bolster was. I have never heard of such a thi9ng. Maybe us Americans are sheltered from that word. Who knows. Anyways i use a pillow,a bed and a blankie. But i have to have my own because i don't share :P:P
• Singapore
17 Jun 07
Oh yea.. Americans are too sheltered lol. :P
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• Malaysia
17 Jun 07
No...I hug my mini pillow to sleep... I buy my bolster so that i can utilise the bolster case which come together as a set with bedsheet and pillow. Bolster serve no purpose. My bed is so small so i normally just accidentally kick bolster off from the bed to the floor and i gotta pick it up the next morning.
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• Singapore
17 Jun 07
HAHAHA, so you can utilize the bolster case yea? :P
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@th_sia (164)
• Malaysia
17 Jun 07
I have a bolster, but i never use it to sleep. It's just a deco on my bed. I hug my baby pillow everynight and I found myself getting asleep faster with it.
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• Singapore
17 Jun 07
Dump it aside then lol. :)
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@MJLami (1173)
• United States
17 Jun 07
I'm not quite sure what a "bolster" is but I use 3 pillows when I sleep. One is pretty much to soften the headboard and the other two to keep me from a stiff neck. I have fused vertabrae in my neck and need the extra height for comfort. Hmm..yes unless brutally hot there's always at least a sheet over me. And of course a nice pillowtop mattress to sleep on. Every day, maybe even a nap too :) I like my sleep.
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• Singapore
17 Jun 07
It's good to know how to make yourself comfortable. ;-) Thanks cherbe. ^^
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