broke up

@donsky14 (5947)
June 19, 2007 8:05pm CST
my friend's gf broke up with him yesterday because she had no feelings for him anymore and she was starting to fall for her ex bf. They've been together for 3 yrs. My friend said that he gave her the freedom to be friends with her ex boyfriend..and this is the outcome of it. His girlfriend fell for her ex. What do you guys think about my friend's situation? And, do you think that its wrong to give your lover the freedom to still have a communication with their ex's?
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16 responses
@FSCAries (881)
• United States
20 Jun 07
First of all, I don't think that it should be your partner's choice who you can and cannot talk to. If you don't have enough trust in them, you probably shouldn't be in a relationship anyway. Furthermore, if they are going to fall for an ex, that probably means that they were never really over the ex in the first place. I'm sorry for your friend, but he wouldn't have wanted to be in a relationship with someone that no longer had feelings for him anyway.
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@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
yeah, I thought that maybe the girl only stayed for the sake of their "3 yrs" of being together.
@phayeth (519)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
ur friend's situation is just like me.. but difference is that i didn't fall for someone.. my bf give me a freedom to meet new friends and everything.. the outcome is that we broke-up co'z he fall for my friend.
@phayeth (519)
• Philippines
21 Jun 07
yeah i'm fine.. well, i told myself he really doesn't deserve me.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
21 Jun 07
he fall for your friend? aw, that sucks. I hope you're okay.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
true...somoeone out there is waiting for you...just wait and see. ^_^
• Canada
20 Jun 07
I wouldn't be able to do this because of trust issues I have but think it is good if anyone can do this because you have to be able to trust the person you are with . If she fell in love with her ex then it would lead me to believe that she was never truely in love with your friend and that she had never really got over the feelings she had for her ex and him for her . It is tragic that your friend had to be hurt in this way but she obviously wasn't the one for him as she wouldn't have changed her feelings like this if she had really careed and loved him . I am sorry for his hurt as I am sure that he is devestated but somewhere out there is someone for him . Best of luck !!
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
thats what I'm thinking too...maybe she doesn't really love my friend...but how could they have stayed that long if she didn't really love him...
@munyit (7)
• Malaysia
20 Jun 07
I think it is wrong to give our gf a freedom to communicate with her ex bf. Even with other people, I'll tell my gf not to get too close with somebody, because I afraid if I give her permission to get too close with that person, someday new feeling will come to their heart. It is very important to know who are our partner friends.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
no its not wrong to give your partner the freedom to communicate with their ex's...cause, it just proves that you don't trust your partner. though, they could really be the cause of fights sometimes...but we should just trust our partner that they love us and that they won't fall for their ex's again...
@teleios (737)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
i think if people are both adults and if they have enough trust for the other person, it won't be any trouble if they stayed on good terms with their previous boyfriends or girlfriends. its up to the person if he/she allows himself-herself to take advantage of the trust given by the other person, and allow herself to fall with for her ex once again. i think that true love means committing to the one you are with, and that includes staying away from temptations, which could take the form of someone's ex ;)
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
that is so true...if we're given the trust by our partners...then we should try our best to take care of that trust.
• Indonesia
21 Jun 07
girl very unpredicable
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
hahaha...thats what they all say.
@wavelander (1526)
• Portugal
20 Jun 07
well, your friend has to find someone else and forget about her! There are lots of girls in these world! I've been through some tuff situations and now if a gf wants to follow a different way, let her go! There is probably someone who wants to take her place!
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
true...we already told him that...but his still in that stage where his trying to move on. I'm just hoping whoever's gonna take her place shows up already so that my friend would be better.
@stormygrl (761)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I guess being adults you can be friends with whoever you want but I would not want someoneI'm with to still be friends with their ex unless ther's a child involved.If there's nothing to tie them together no way . If she doesn't have feelings for him she would have lost them either way.
@nitzel (79)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
It's not wrong that he gave her freedom to communicate with her ex. Maybe the problem was, their own relationship wasn't that strong for her to fall with her ex again.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
but how could they last for three years if their relationship wasn't strong?
@butterfly39 (3904)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
Personally, I realy don't want to talk about ex's anymore. In a relationship, we should not allow our ex's exist, not too good. Sometimes if your partner seem to be very open then it would be that way. Before I get married to my husband, no talks about past relationship to discuss (if it's not necessary), no talks about guys because he is very possessive Until now. So he makes sure that no ex's exist in our lives at all. And there's no point of seeing our ex anymore for sure. It will cause problem. So tell your friend not to do it again.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
that is so true, ex's can cause problems in a relationship. I've had that experience as well. I can actually relate to my friend...cause, my bf really trust me so much that he allowed me to be friends with my ex. But then my ex was crossed the line and that cost a lot of trouble to my relationship. So I decided to end the communication with my ex. Cause I don't want to loose my bf because of him.
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
there's no problem if you will allow your lover to be friends with her ex...but there is a limitation. in this case, i think your friend should just let go of her gf because i think it was so rude of her to do that more so that she was given the freedom to be friends with her ex because her bf trusted her. she took advantage of that trust. and once your trust will be broken, it's hard to regain that trust again. there are more fishes in the ocean, as they say. so tell ur friend to just let go. the right person will come along.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
yeah it was really rude of the girl. I'm actually annoyed with the girl. I mean, it was really so sudden, they were actually still together last Sunday and my friend felt like everything was fine between the two of them...then suddenly this. She just broke up. She abused the trust that my friend gave him.
@mjsg2468 (44)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
No one has the right to control us but ourselves. Your friend is not to blame for his girlfriend's misbehavior. If the girl truly loved your friend, she should have decided it herself not to communicate with her ex. Seems to me like the girl was never really serious abuot your friend.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
Yeah, it might be like that...the girl might not be serious with my friend. The bad part is, my friend is really in love with her.
• United States
21 Jun 07
I think the fact that the girl wanted a friendship with the ex in the first place may have been a problem from the get go...if hindsight is 20/20, she obviously had a lasting attraction for him...Your friend did the right thing to allow her to be friends with whomever she wanted...I would say that he is better off without her...and there has to be a reason why the other guy was an ex and perhaps they are better off messing up each others heads then your friends...he should just lose this chick and find someone a bit more mature and knows what she wants out of life.
• Canada
20 Jun 07
First of all Nobody has "possesion" of another person so saying give someone the freedom to talk to someone is obsurd!!! I understand what you are trying to say but choose your words a bit better!! Nobody should have the power to tell someone what they can and cannot do ESPECIALLLY who to be friends with! You need to rememebr ex's will always be in someones life...they are always in the back of people's minds whether they show it or not! And the fact that they have fallen back in love with each other jsut proves what I jsut said. And after three years I can totally understand that it would crush your friend It would distroy me! but it's better now then 10 years down the road at worst if they get married and so on....if she is doubtfull now it was bound to happen.... I feel for your friend sucks...any breakup really is the hardest thing!
@evangleen (218)
• India
20 Jun 07
You know what ya its necessary to have freedom. Or how else can one compare whats good and whats not. I believe that your friend was unable to give her what she got back from her ex. One should always know that when in love its just not about taking and expecting, but its totaly about giving and giving and freedom. Its about understanding the other and loving them for what they are. I know I might not be that good in that but because oof my partner I am atleast able to understand the real meaning. Don't Blame Just LOVE
20 Jun 07
lifr is a struggle so fight it