The Clinton Bashing Is Heating Up. I Won't Fall For These Smear Tactics.
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
United States
June 19, 2007 9:03pm CST
I'm a serious new junkie. I watch CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, C-Span and I read Yahoo, Google, and every online newspaper I have time for.
I also listen to Shawn Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and other on the radio.
What I have noticed is the the Clinton Bashing is in full throttle. There must be real concern that not only will Hillary Clinton be the next President of the United States, but that their worst nightmare, Bill Clinton, will be back in the picture.
This is my personal opinion. I believe the Republican Party and the religious right hated the Clintons so much that they did everything in their power to remove a popular elected president.
They bought up a 20 year old land deal called Whitewater. They dug up all these women from Bill Clinton's past. They put tremendous pressure on Bill Clinton's associates like Web Hubble to turn on him. He didn't turn, so they indited him and jailed his wife.
He did show bad behavior in the Monica Lewinsky case, but it should have never led to impeachment hearings. He lied about an affair with another woman.
You had hypocrites like Newt Gingrich who did everything in his power to force Clinton out of office, while giving his cancer stricken wife, divorce papers in her bed at the hospital.
You had the pornographic report by special prosecutor, Kenneth Starr. It was called the Ken Starr report. This was dont to embarrass a popularly elected President. It didn't work and Bill Clinton would have been elected again if he could have run again.
Now the same Republicans who asked for the special prosecutor in the Lewinsky case are calling for the end of the special prosecutor because Special Prosecutor Scott Fitzgerald indited Scooter Libby and found hime guilty of lying to the grand jury about who leaked the name of CIA agent Valery Plame. Libby is looking forward to about 30 months in federal prison. What goes around comes around.
I really hope the voting America public don't fall for these smear tactics. Just look what the Swift Boat Veterens did to John Kerry. We could have had a President with real war experience dealing with our war on terror.
Instead we have a incompetant group who couldn't handle Hurricane Katrina and who can't even implement there own program when it come to issuing passports after 911.
All I want is a qualified person to sit in the Oval Office. Skip the smear tactics and elect the best possible person.
Don't let the Clinton Bashing and Smear Tactics cloud your common sense.
Just my opinion.
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12 responses
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Am concerned that her record will not be really understood and the bodies that have littered the way to their current positions will never be truly solved. There are too many questions about these Clinton people, that should preclude them from the White House. Especially Bill that cannot keep his parts to himself and embarass the country. Anyway, I hope things go smoothly this election and the indeed the best representative enters the White House. No animosity needed. We believe what we do is all.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
20 Jun 07
One thing that I know a Clinton administration will do is restore our relationships with our former allies.
When Bill Clinton use to go on foreign trips your rarely saw major protests.
We had excellent relations with our European allies. George Bush basically told them if your not with us, then you are against us.
That is not the way to be diplomatic. France has the largest Muslim population in Europe. We should have worked with them in our war againt terror. Instead we dismissed them as quote "The Old Europe".
So they said OK, you handle it on your own. Tell me what you think about the results so far.
We lead leadership from the most powerful person on the planet. And right now we don't have it.
Just look at how incompetant Condalesa Rice is. She has made over a dozen trips to the Middle East. She hasn't accomplished one thing. Things have gotten worse.
Being the President is a serious job. We can't let smear tactics affect our elections.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Cannot bash Condoleeza since she is dealing with higher ups while the lower downs are doing their dastardly deeds. Anyway it is a process. Also they probably shared their women with Clinton. We could debate this for a long time. We need someone that is diplomatic and firm and indeed considers the populations of the countries that we deal with. Results in the desert are really a no win thing. Too much is at stake and too many are doing evil deeds. Again, I hope the best person wins this time in a smooth running election and the world can heal from the evil deeds done by the few.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
21 Jun 07
"France has the largest Muslim population in Europe. We should have worked with them in our war againt terror."
First off, are you unaware of what results from the French approach to dealing with muslims? Did you not read about the massive riots that went on for weeks in France? Are you unaware that the French people threw out the government that allowed this to happen? Would you want what happened in France to happen in the USA? Why would we take their advice?
Second, are you unaware that General Tommy Franks, in his book "AMERICAN SOLDIER" praised the French military for its coperation and assistance in the war on terror?
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Howdy, I'm from Arkansas and I've known of Bill Clinton probably before you even heard of him. I think you are over looking a few things concerning him. Let's go over your posting and I'll point one of them.
"They bought up a 20 year old land deal called Whitewater."
At the time of Whitewater, Bill Clinton was the Attorney General of the State of Arkansas. That means Bill Clinton was the chief law enforcement officer in the state. James McDougal, a real estate developer, was a notorious huckster wanting to pull off a real estate scam, if he could find a way to do so.
He found a way! And it was legal in the State of Arkansas. Back then it was legal. Today it is not.
You see, what James McDougal and Bill & Hillary Clinton did was so onerous, so vile, so much in disregard of the public trust that it was made against the law. In most states it already was against the law. Well, what did James McDougal, and Bill & Hillary Clinton do that was so terrible?
James McDougal, the huckster scam artist, bribed Bill & Hillary Clinton in advance with a partnership in the real estate scam he was setting up. Never heard it put that way? What else do you call it? James McDougal was setting up a scam he knew could possibly land him in jail, as it eventually did. How to avoid jail? Why, for no charge, make the chief law enforcement officer of the state your partner, IF HE IS CORRUPT ENOUGH! Bill & Hillary were that corrupt.
It was Bill Clinton's job in trust to the people of the State of Arkansas to find crooks like James McDougal and put them in jail. Instead, Bill Clinton accepted a partnership from James McDougal, for free. Do you not see that this is the same as agreeing to take half of a crook's profit instead of jailing him?
Like I said earlier, the deal made by McDougal and the Clintons would be illegal in the State of Arkansas today and is illegal in just about every other state.
This 20 year old land deal called WhiteWater was in and of itself sufficient to have disqualified Bill Clinton to serve in any other elected office ever again.
That he later served as Govenor is a disgrace to Arkansas.
That he later served as President is a disgrace to the USA.
This is just the story about WhiteWater. It is not even the worst thing he ever did. There is more, much more that disqualifies either Clinton from elected office.
Books have been written about these two. The horrible things in those books are true. Read a few of them.
I am certain the democrats can come up with a more honest candidate than Hillary Clinton.
BTW: Nothing I've said here should be seen as an endorsement of the republicans. They are mostly crooks, too.
BTW: Ever talk to any former military officers from the VietNam War era and ask them what they think of John Kerry? I've known quite a few. Mostly, they agree with the swift boat vets and think John Kerry is a disgrace, a liar, and was never fit to be an officer.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I'm sure there are many veterns who support John Kerry, particularily among his constituents.
My point is that his contempories, his peers, his fellow officers from that time frame, mostly think very little of the man.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Actually, redyellowblackdog, a number of Vietnam Veterans, officers and enlisted men from the area where I live, campaigned hard for John Kerry.
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I agree with you. The Whitewater matter was investigated exhaustively, people were punished, and the whole thing was laid to rest long ago.
I would hope people's marriages and affairs would become less important in presidential races as there are fewer people with a totally spotless past. Rudy Guiliani has been married 3 times and divroced twice, and other candidates have had affairs or rumors of them.
I read reputable news sites and channels but ignore all the 'talking-head' commentaries.
Re: Libby-- don't know if he'll ever serve his sentence; he may well get a presidential pardon.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Whitewater was just an attempt to remove a popularly elected Democratic President.
It was almost like a feeding frenzy. The rest of the world must have been looking at the U.S. like we were out of our minds.
It's going to be hard to remove the affairs of the candidates out of the picture, because the Republicans made it a mainstream thing to do.
Now they have to live with it in regards to Rudy Guliani, Newt Gingrich and McCain. All of these so called conservative family value candidates all have marital baggage.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I find it interesting that people always seem to try to dig up dirt on a front runner. You are so right about all of the people doing the yelling. I think they are all afraid of Hillary. I agree that the Monica thing was not right but let's face it if someone really wanted to there could be a lot of impeachable things on Bush. I think the public is too inclined to believe what ever news channesl say. Many decide to believe something because their favorite newscaster or channel says it. Some are slanted more than others I have noticed that CNN is less biased that Fox who says they are fair and balanced and yet they are very pro republican/Bush. No politician is without something questionable in their history. At this point, I wonder if the best person will get their parties nominations or will it be the one with the most money and the best spinwriter. It is too bad that somewhere out there is someone who should be elected to political office and would do the best. But we will never know cause every politician will say what the public wants to hear and will pander to almost anyone to get money.
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I agree with you. I think that they are afraid of Hillary. But Hillary knows how to fight back.
So they won't be able to "Swift Boat" her.
I'm not going to bash Fox News, because they do it to themselves daily.
It's almost like they have blinders on. They have to know that this administration is incompetant, but they continue to back this failed presidency.
Being elected President of the United States is very difficult and unfortunately the best person for the job may not be elected.
All we can hope for is that someone will do a better job than what we are getting at this time.
@inallduetime (741)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I'm not so sure the Clinton's were ever a quiet subject. Some say there was a Clinton fatigue, if there was one it is b/c some people were obsessed with them. There is nothing the Clintons can do to avoid the press. If one of them were to donate a kidney, someone would say it was for political, the talk never did rest/cool down for it to heat up. The level and intensity is the same it were when Clinton was president.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I listen to a lot of conservative radio shows and if you didn't it, you would swear that Bill Clinton was still the President of the United States.
No a day goes by without either Rush Limbaugh or Shawn Hannity bashing Bill and Hillary Clinton.
There was a Democratic debate on TV a few Sundays ago, so I went to Fox TV after the debate to hear their view on the debate.
Instead of reviewing the debate, Shawn Hannity was revisiting the Paula Jones affair.
They just won't let it go. They seemed possessed with scandal.
Paula Jones was in it for the money. Her so called right wings supportors dropped her when she posed in Playboy magazine.
@ChangingLivesForever (145)
• United States
4 Jul 07
Amen. I am tired already of half-truths, untruths and lies about politicians. The Clinton's have had their share of problems which were made very public. Why do certain people keep harping about them when there is Newt, Libby, Reagan (pardoned 393 and commuted 13) and don't forget the pardon's of the senior Bush. So, you are right. Listen to Lloyd.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
4 Jul 07
Believe me. This is going to be the dirtiest Presidential campaign we have ever witnessed.
I'm feeling very good about the Democrats taking back the White House. As far as I'm concerned, the current party in control of the White House don't deserve another chance. They had their chance and blew it big time.
I don't think the American people will be fooled again by groups such as the Swift Boat Veterans.
I think it's time for some new blood to be injected into the political process.
That eliminates McCain, Biden, Thompson and others who have been part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
Hillary seems to be the only logical choice. There are a lot of people who dislike her, but when they hear her debate, they might come around.
Just my opinion.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jul 07
Might want to search the Logan Act that Hillary violated while Bill was in office and the Mena coverup before singing their praises too loudly, my friend.
Scary stuff.

@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jul 07
I forgot to add Clinton's pardoning record, issued from a .gov site.
Setting lots of criminals free is not a good quality in a leader.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I'm a huge Hilary Clinton supporter. She will be the first serious female contender for the presidency in my lifetime and she definitely will get my vote if she runs. Her candidacy will bring out the worst in the good ole boys. I expect it will be the dirtiest fight in the history of politics and I'm sort of steeling myself for that. As you said, the right is afraid and when they get afraid, they get mean and fight dirty. Hopefully, they'll go too far and turn off the voters.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
20 Jun 07
You are so right. When they get afraid, they get mean and dirty. But America will not be swayed by it this time. They see the results of the last Swift Boat smear campaign.
We are all the worst for it.
I think the odds of her winning is very good.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Thanks for a very good post. You are so right I just hates when politics get nasty. I get they have never heard that "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones". I still like Bill Clinton and would rather have a "lover" like him as president that a sanctimonious idiot as we have now. These kind of tactics make me only look with distaste at the source.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Thanks for the compliment. You hit the nail right on the head when you wrote:
"people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".
They have shot themselves in the foot time and time again. They hypocracy is so blatant.
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Thanks for the "big AMEN!!!" Everything I wrote I really believe. I did say it was just my opinion, but I do believe it.
Glad to know that someone understands my point of view.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I agree with a lot of what you say, but all politicians have dirt on their hands whether they are Republicans or Democrats. Having said that I won't let any slanted view of any politician running for President cloud my own opinion. It will be very interesting though to see how this Presidential race starts to really heat up given the current administration.
@bravenewworld (746)
• United States
8 Jul 07
With you 100% on this. Republicans almost always use character assassination of their opponent if they can't win an argument. They're very good at avoiding the real issues and digging up dirt. Like that couldn't be done against just about anyone, particularly politicians.
The waste of tax payers money to try impeach Clinton was a disgrace. How can this be considered for the good of the people? It was just vindictive partisan politics - totally non-constructive.
I agree Clinton was the best president probably since JFK, though that's before my time. And this despite the distraction of the Starr investigation, and impeachment proceedings, etc.
Sure he didn't follow through with all his campaign promises. Mistakes at the start of his first term led to disasterous mid-term elections, and after that he was forced to compromise to get anything done. Still, much positive came from his presidency.
Anyway, Hillary would be my first choice. But I'm unsure whether the country is ready for a woman president, or an African American president (still too many bigots around, unfortunately). I'm encouraged, though, that even the Republican candidates are not all bad, in that some have liberal (read tolerant) positions on social issues.
I'm fairly optimistic about the country picking a president better than the current one. You'd think that would be easy, but I still suspect the entry of a Gingrich type, or the foisting of some ultra right-winger, puppeteer (ala Cheney), as running mate for whoever wins the Republican nomination.
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
8 Jul 07
Hello BraveNewWorld.
It's so rewarding to hear from someone who is objective when discussing he divide between the right and the left.
The impeachment of President Clinton and the multiple investigations of Hillary were the biggest waste of taxpayer money after the Bush/Cheney Iraq war. Nothing can top spenind over a billion dollars per month on a war that wasn't necessary.
No president can follow through all their campaign promises but Bill Clinton did a good job.
I think the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 was a great piece of legislation. It's the United States labor law allowing an employee to take unpaid leave due to a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform his job or to care for a sick family member or to care for a new son or daughter (including by birth, adoption or foster care). It was one of the first major bills signed by President Bill Clinton in his first term, fulfilling a campaign promise. The Republicans would never consider such a caring act like this.
I disagree with you on whether America is ready for a Woman or Black President. I don't think gender or color matters anymore after the incompentency of this current administration. Anyone would be better than President Bush.
Thanks for your reply. Keep speaking out. And don't let the smear tactics influence your decisions.