Why are some people scared of the weather?

@rhinoboy (2129)
June 22, 2007 3:55am CST
I'm convinced that my wife thinks rain will make her melt or shrink! Once she used an umbrella to move 5 steps from the house to the car! I'm not nuts, I wear a waterproof coat etc, but one of the things I love about fishing is staying outdoors all day long, whatever the weather. I feel like I've really experienced the day. We don't get much extreme weather in the UK, but I really enjoyed sitting through a thunder-storm with heavy rain last week! I think the only thing I hav etrouble coping with is heat (good job I live in England!) Do you hide from the elements or revel in nature? What is the worst weather you have stayed outdoors in?
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14 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
22 Jun 07
I kind of like weathering the weather, whatever the weather whether I like it or not. It seems somehow typically British to just continue regardless of the weather. And though I sometimes feel a little reluctant once I am out in it I always enjoy it. all the best urban
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@rhinoboy (2129)
22 Jun 07
Obviously, practicality must reign sometimes. I wouldn't like to be soaked through, then sit wet in the office all day, but my wife (and plenty of other people I know) literally panic over getting just a little wet!
• Australia
22 Jun 07
Rhino, your wife is a lady. Your lady has hair. Ladies do not like getting their hair wet. I would be almost certain it isn't a matter of getting wet, but of not wanting to get her hair wet. And I must say I totally agree with her!
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@urbandekay (18278)
22 Jun 07
Hmmm, are you suggesting those females that brave the elements are any less lady like? all the best urban
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@latsmom (824)
22 Jun 07
I Also live in England, as you say good job we only see little of the sun, mainly though because I think what people are choosing to wear or shoudl I say not wear lol, may become indecent exposure. My freind is terrified of thunderstorms, to be honest I am not frightened of any weather but i am not a fan of getting soaked in a rainstorm, butthat's just cause my hair gets frizzy and my daughter moans lol. I'm not vain honest.
@rhinoboy (2129)
22 Jun 07
I think that's a big part of my wife's problem - the dreaded frizz bomb! lol Fair enough, before the baby we had spare time and she would spend ages doing her hair and wouldn't want it ruined. Now she usually sports the 'babymama ponytail' so it really wouldn't matter!
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
22 Jun 07
As a child I suffered from brontophobia (scared of thunder) and I hated the lightening, even as an adult the flashes still make me uneasy. The worst weather I have been out in was last year when I went camping in Scotland, I got drenched trying to erect my tent and it tore, I was getting frustrated which made things worst, I was absolutely soaked, I got the tent up eventually but it wasn't a nice experience.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
24 Jun 07
True you do take things for granted and only realize it when you're out camping and miss home comforts like electricity!!
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@rhinoboy (2129)
22 Jun 07
nah - camping is a right pain in the @rse when it rains. One of the nicest parts about being soaked is when you get out of the rain and get all warm with dry clothes and a hot drink! As usual, you've helped sum up what I'm trying to get at (what would I do without you?!) You need to experience the discomfort to really appreciate the relief or pleasure aftterward. You really don't appreciate your 'comfort zone' properly until you've been outside it for a while.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Jun 07
Well Rhino I am exactly the same Now think about how long it takes us to sort our Hair out and all that I mean if we get wet we have wasted our time haven't we it also means that we would have to go and do it again then you have to wait even longer or we are late for work
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• Australia
22 Jun 07
Great minds think alike, Gabs - or maybe it is just female logic. Our hair is our crowning glory and we don't want it messed by the rain. Men just don't understand these things.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Jun 07
Hey there Cloud have I missed you it is good to see you again big Hugs And yes you are right Men just do not understand this sort of thing at all All they have to do is brush the Hair and it is back in place not with us Ladies though
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• Australia
22 Jun 07
Hi Gabs. I'm only here for one night. I finished everything a day early so thought I'd catch up with a few friends. I'm off again in the morning and I'll be away for two weeks. See you when I get back.
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• Australia
22 Jun 07
Well Rhino, I live in the sub tropics and stay OUT of the sun as much as possible. Most of my life is spend sitting under a fan or two or three. It seems that the humidity is higher every year. I certainly can't revel in dripping wet humidity. Having said that, yesterday we had the coldest day on record, and for the first time ever I had two blankets on my bed and sat wrapped in a blanket to type. Normally I only use one blanket a few nights each year. Yesterday I was colder than I've been in England at Christmas time. Most unusual!
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@rhinoboy (2129)
22 Jun 07
The weather is getting stranger all the time. I bet it was nice (at first) to experience feeling cold if you don't usually get it.
• Australia
23 Jun 07
When the "winter" first arrived, it was wonderful! The funny thing is that in summer I love 15-16 degrees, but right now it seems very cold! This week our temp dropped to an unbelievable nine degrees!
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• India
22 Jun 07
I find the heat terrible too, and Wait for the monsoons and winter, of course I live in India and the heat can Literally Kill you here. But on the whole I try to enjoy the sunshine during summer and the rain while it lasts. I do think it sensible to treat the weather with respect though, you never know when she might decide to go wacko on you, remember the Tsunami?
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@rhinoboy (2129)
22 Jun 07
I included a note about extreme weather in my first draft of the discussion. Great care should be taken regarding extreme weather of any type (heat / flood / freezing / hurricane etc). Thanks for mentioning it.
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
23 Jun 07
I am not sure that people realize that they are of nature themselves. Personally I love to dance in the rain. Do not own a raincoat or umbrella. The power of the storms are to be admired and respected. Do not need your house relocated for sure. It is a shame that many of us do not know the joy of mud between the toes, wading in water and make little boats of things. They do not know that the food they eat must have rain to make it possible for harvest. Lazy, hazy days of summer is meant for relaxing and drinking those waters, juices and ice cream and watermelon. Take care and enjoy all the glories of weather!
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@rhinoboy (2129)
25 Jun 07
Well said. I think it should be be compulsory to teach children in school more practical things like where food comes from. In a survey carried out among children in the UK, something like half of them didn't know that milk comes from cows!
@Dolcerina (3376)
• Hungary
22 Jun 07
I like the weather, but I scare from the strong wind. I had an experience 15yrs ago, when it was a hurricane in our city. It was not before, and after so far. I saw then the strong 100-200yrs old platan trees fell down.It was a terrible vision. I was not at home. I lived in a lodge in that time (I was 18). When I arrived to the flat I saw that the wind broke up the front door. The window of my room was open. My clothes flied out the window! I have never found them. The landlady was at home, but she was scaring very much, so she went to the toilet and was waiting the end of the world at that safety place. So I know the strength of the wind. ANd when it blowing hard, and I am even in the flat I can not be calm. I always afraid that the wind broke up the windows. Just like yesterday evening. It was 110km/hours wind. I could not sleep till it got finished. I heard the noise of the wind, and it was so scary for me. I sit on my son's bed, to protect him, if something had happened. Anyway he did not wake up.
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@rhinoboy (2129)
22 Jun 07
As I said above to makeitcount, safety is paramount when it comes to extreme weather. Wind is one of the worst things, especially at that speed.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
27 Jun 07
The only time I use an umbrella is when I go to the local race track to keep the sun from burning me is all. I have been in the middle of a tornado. I had a tool box ripped from my hands and my cousins hands as it passed over us. We were in a ditch and dropped that toolbox like a hot piece of steel dropping into the mud filled ditch. The noise is train like roar. A minute or so we got up and the farm across the street was gone. We got really lucky. But no weather here in Minnesota scares me actually. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@rhinoboy (2129)
28 Jun 07
We're pretty lucky here in the UK, as we don't usually get any real extreme weather. Things are quite strange at the moment as we're having a ridiculous amount of rain for the time of year and a lot of areas are suffering floods. We occasionally get small hurricanes in the south, but they always make the news as it's only freak occurences.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Lol..I think it's something to do with how we're taught that we're somehow seperate from nature. Which is a big lie, but whatever..most people are more comfortable beliving that. Others hate getting wet. I love water..but I hate the cold. I think the snow is beautiful..but I'd rather have warm days and a ton of rain..than snow and ice. I've nee out during a tornado..I didn't even get to see it, 'cause it was just skirting our area..but the sky was green and the wind would kind of make it easier for me to jump higher. I love the wind too..I don't know why, it just makes me feel like I can fly. I like most weather..and I'm not scared of it in the least.
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@asahibza (388)
• Canada
23 Jun 07
I think people do not want to see extremes of weather. Weather can take any form. At some places weather abruptly changes and one may be caught in the wrong place. I remember a place where rain used to start in minutes. So I was always scared of the rain. Again sometimes weather may be harsh in some other respects, like hot winds, sunburns etc.
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• India
22 Jun 07
people always scare about weather. in rainy season there islot of obstruction of doing work and in the summer it ishard to go out. So people always suffer these conditions
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• China
22 Jun 07
I think your wife may be a bit superstitious. I don't like rainy seasons. I like sunshine and breeze. I guess the worst weather might be the day when I was shopping and it rained cats and dogs. Even though I had an umbrella, I was quite wet. I never like being wet.
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@rhinoboy (2129)
22 Jun 07
This fear of getting wet sounds increasingly like a 'woman thing' lolol
• United States
22 Jun 07
I happen to love the rain. It makes everything so clean and standing out in it while it washes over you is so liberating! I am a outdoors person too and the only thing to send me running for cover would have to be lightening!
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@rhinoboy (2129)
25 Jun 07
Lightning makes me a bit uneasy too, especially since I'm usually holding a 12 foot carbon-fibre stick in the air when out in it!! lol