How many Brother/Sisters do you have?

@bayboy (986)
United States
October 24, 2006 10:45am CST
Im an only child.
10 responses
22 Jan 07
I have one sister who's the oldest and a brother who's the youngest.
22 Jan 07
I have one sister who's the oldest and a brother who's the youngest.
@blessonje (1651)
• India
24 Oct 06
i have one sister.
@redlynn (320)
• China
24 Oct 06
@rudz11 (163)
• Philippines
21 Dec 06
i have to younger sister.
@stailgate (2363)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I have one older sister who is 30, and a younger brother that is 10. I am 26.
@selva005 (119)
• India
24 Oct 06
one sister to torcher me ...
• United States
24 Oct 06
I have a step sister my age (33), a stepsister who's 20 and a stepbrother who's 23
@asif700 (1267)
• Pakistan
24 Oct 06
3bro and 2sis
@msqtech (15074)
• United States
24 Oct 06
I have two natural siblings two half siblings and a whole bunch of step siblings