Taking being frugal too far
By emeraldisle
@emeraldisle (13139)
United States
June 23, 2007 7:46pm CST
I'm all for saving money and cutting bills but there comes a point when there are some things you cannot cut back on. Right now we have a neighbor behind us who instead of paying to have their garbage taken is just piling up the bags in the back yard. Of course animals have been in the bags so they are ripped up and trash is all over back there. Add to all this it's causing the Palmetto bugs to come really bad to the area and of course they don't stay just at their house. (For those who don't know Palmetto bugs are very large cockroaches, anywhere from 1 to 3 inches in length and they can fly. Very nasty bugs.)
Now like I said I can understand cutting bills but garbage pick up is approximately $26 and you pay it 4 times a year. It's like $8 and change for each month. It's not that big of a bill.
I don't really know this neighbor and to be honest considering how they are living I don't really want to. I don't know what to do to handle the situation. Should I call the health department or someone else about it?
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45 responses
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
24 Jun 07
either the health department or the city should take care of it.
city hall will probably hit them with both health hazard and illegal dumping.
we had to call on a neighbor before who had a compost pile-well and good,but they decided to add adult human waste to the mix.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Your local health department should be contacted. They will investigate and take the appropiate actions. It is a health hazzard to them and to everyone in the community. The health Dept is not allowed to tell who reported it.
In our county, garbage service is mandatory. We pay ours annually when we get our taxes back each year. That way we dont have another monthly bill and when it raises, we are locked in at the rate it was when we paid it. So it is savings to us as it has been raising alot lately.
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
25 Jun 07
I agree with you on this one. The health department will make sure that the problem is taken care of.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
24 Jun 07
That's disgusting. You can contact the heatlth depart, or anyone that works with the county, your city hall. Honestly I would contact the health department and if they can't help you, they should be able to point you in the right direction. There is no telling why they are doing this. Once everything is said and done, they are going to wish they paid for the service. Heck, if they have trash outside, makes you wonder what the inside of there home is like.
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@killahclaire (3665)
24 Jun 07
I would definatelty call enviromental health as this is a seriosu health hazard by far. If rubbish was meant to be left that long then they wouldn't offer such frequent pick ups.
Maybe, if you are on speaking terms with her you could suggest that she starts a compost or a wormery or something so that at least something is being done with the food waste that is left.
Here in the UK our council tax pays for these kidn of services as they are neccessity to the health and hygiene levels of everyone surrounding.
I would even write a letter to your local council or politician or whoever it is that deals with local issues like this.
I can understand that maybe the woman has money troubles or something but I think something like this is a basic and should be covered by either her wage or if she is not earning then whatever benefits or what have you that she is entitled to.
Lol. I am just thinking that maybe you should put the link to myLot through her door and say that she could easily earn enough money on here to cover her rubbish being removed.
Can she not do something sly and put it with a businesses rubbish nearby or even put it near yours to be picked up and you could share the bill.
I personally think that her kind of behavious though is inexcusable and if she is doing it for frugal living then she is taking it too far but then I don't know this womans individual situation and maybe she genuinely really does have no money.
I would get onto someone official and put in a complaint against her
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Unfortunately we can't put them in others. We had one neighbor do that to us, we didn't know she was. She'd put her trash in with ours after we went to bed and of course the trash guys came around 5am. We didn't know but she was getting notices not to do it. We didn't find out till they cut our service. They knew due to different trash bags and also she's put her whole trash can with bills or envelopes on top addressed to her for them to see. We had a fit with the company asking why didn't you inform us. They just assumed we knew and were letting her, which we weren't. We got reinstated but talk about a pain.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Jun 07
You're welcome on having the response back. I try to respond when I can :)
I don't know the nieghbors at all. They are actually on another street and are behind me. Their back yard is at the corner of my back yard and they have a chain fence around it. I knew the previous owner somewhat, he'd come out there now and then but this one I haven't seen at all. So I couldn't go over and talk with them about it. Their grass needs mowing horribly as well. If it wasn't for noises I've heard coming from there (mostly argueing late at night) I'd think they abandoned the house.
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@killahclaire (3665)
24 Jun 07
That is totally rubbish that they decided to cut your service because someone else was stealing your servce effectively.
I really like the fact though that you took the time to respond to me as I really did spend ages typing all that out.
DO you speak to this woman or is she one of the neighbours that keeps herself to herself. You could try and find out what her reasons are for not paying to get her trash picked up and then maybe help come up with a compromise or a solution.
Maybe she could put her food waste that will rot in a plain bag and tuck it into your bag and maybe recycle the rest. I know it would be hard to approach her as you may cause aggro or offence but it probably would be nicest way to do it instead of sticking the authorities on her.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I would definitely call the health department about this...for now the ripped up bags are attracting the Palmetto bugs which are a nuisance enough...but sooner or later might attract other undesirable critters as well. Also it could be considered a fire hazard to have too much garbage pile up...One of my neighbors was threatened with eviction because of the condition of her apartment which is appalling...she's a hoarder...one who can't throw anything out...not only was she threatened with eviction but the health dept. did come into her apartment...and declared it not only unsanitary conditions but a fire hazard...one spark and the whole place could have gone up in flames--also this neighbors garbage probably downright stinks...no? Who needs that to live near by??
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I'm sure it's going to draw the raccoons if it hasn't already. We live near a bird sanctuary, which is all swamp land, and I'm sure the cranes and herons have been picking at the trash to find food as well. Let alone Sea Guls.
We had another one like this two doors down from this one and behind us as well, they were a renter and one of the other neighbors got a hold of the owners to let them know, they got them evicted really quick and the owners cleaned up the place, thankfully. It was actually much worse then this one but we didn't see it because they had a privacy fence but we heard about it afterwards.
@castleghost (1304)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Depending on the size of your town you should be able to call the local police first. The local police can actually get the local health depeartment out faster to investigate the problem. I can understand wanting to save money but it doesn't make sense to throw your trash in the yard because what you save from not having trash pickup you will waste in trying to get rid of the nasty bug infestation it will cause.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Unfortunatly our town is unincorporated which means we have no police of our own or city hall. I have to call the county.
Oh yeah and getting rid of the bugs down here is not cheap or easy once they infest a place. Believe me I know and it doesn't take much for them to decide to infest a house either. I hate the bugs we have in Florida.
@sanell (2112)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I would check with your local police or even your town village chamber of commerce about it. Maybe even talk with a free legal counsel to see what your rights are for this neighbor. If this neighbor is causing this much problems I think that definitely should be doing something about it...I would not want the threat of the cockroaches at all, that is just disgusting and the fact that they just leave their garbage for animals to dig through and not even clean that up that is just gross...Something is definitely wrong there..could be renters lving there
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I think it's more then likely renters as well. Most home owners I find won't let it get that bad. Maybe a little build up but not like that.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Oh dear. I would definitley call the health department and/or city. Soon, in addition to palmetto bugs, you will begin to see rats, oppossums, and more! The trash will also begin to attract bees and wasps. Some people are allergic to their stings! The smell will likely get very nasty too! In most cities, garbage pickup is mandatory.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
25 Jun 07
Tell me I'm one who is allergic to their stings. We have bees and wasps around here anyways but I don't need more then our share.
Ours it's up to the person to contract to have it done or do it themselves. Obviously they aren't doing it themselves.
@ShadyGrove (996)
• United States
24 Jun 07
If looks like you've gotten a lot of good suggestions. I would go with reporting this as well - a health hazard is a hazard, and you don't want all those nasty bugs or roaming animals finding their way into your yard or house -- with all that free mess and food they just might decide to take up residence with you!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Jun 07
That's the problem. The Palmetto bugs don't stay over there but look elsewhere as well and I hate those things. They are all over Florida as it is but I don't need anything attracting them to my area.
@gypsylady28 (945)
• United States
25 Jun 07
I would call someone and see if you can do anything about the situation. Maybe if you get some other neighbors to complain too something will happen faster. Is there a local garbage place anywhere close? Or a landfill? You could always suggest to your neighbors to try that. Garbage is automatically included in our electric/water/sewage bill here. The nice thing about it is that if you cut down a tree or have large items, you just call the city and they come pick it up. It might take a week or two, but you don't have to worry about hauling it off. I don't think I could handle it if I went outside and had to look at someone elses garbage.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
25 Jun 07
I wish ours would do that for the larger items. We have to pay extra for those, like matresses or something. Now if the tree is cut down to small pieces that are shorter then 5 feet long they will take it if they are bundled together but otherwise you have to call and pay extra.
I wish ours was also included in a bill like the water. It would make it a lot easier.
@AmbiePam (96644)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I think you should call the health department. It's not right, but also very bad for you and any other neighbors you have. That's not a lot of money, and if that much is putting them over budget, then they really should be living in a smaller house. Because that shouldn't break anyone. And maybe if you explained the situation to the health department there could be some help for those people, if in reality they cannot afford to have their trash picked up. At the very least, could they take it to the dump themselves? That is always an option here. I have no idea where the dump is, but I know it exists. : ) I know what it is like to have to cut corners, but I have to look at important things first, and trash pick up is definitely important.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Yeah they could take it to the dump themselves but they do charge a small fee for it, not sure what but a couple of dollars I think. Problem is the dump is way out and would cost more in gas with prices right now. Here in this area we have the choice of who to contract with or take it there ourselves. Since it's on the other end of the county it's cheaper to have others take it.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Well the only reason I know where the dump is was because the trash guys won't take mattresses and we had a bunch we needed to get rid of. The dump is way, way out in the middle of no where.
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@AmbiePam (96644)
• United States
24 Jun 07
It's obvious you have thought hard about what to do. I wonder if they realize that their trash doesn't juse affect their neighbors, but they too are in danger of health problems. Hospital costs are way more expensive than trash service.
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@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Yuck! I've heard of being frugal but that's taking it to a whole new level. They need to be reported, but I would probably say something to them first. They will probably get fined if you report them and that will cause bad blood between you and them. I would just ask them what's up with the trash, that it's atracting bugs and that they really need to do something about it because some of the neighbors might call the health dept. Of course if you don't want to go over and talk to them (and I wouldn't blame you) then maybe call the health dept and ask what the penalty is. I sure don't envy you in this situation-- keep us posted on how it goes!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Jun 07
We are going to see about getting the physical address, aren't sure of the number since it's behind us and the numbering here doesn't always make sense and then call. We don't know them at all and for all I know they could be renters and if so they aren't going to care about it.
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I would call the health departmnet, the city code compliance and who ever else I need to. This person is causing a negative health issue. The spore from rotting food could cause all kinds of problems to the health of the people living in the area. And the bugs. Ick. Just thinking of all the bugs is gross. Maybe you neighbor is having a financial crisis and cannot afford the cost. Perhaps your community could take up a collection and pay the bill for her, just too get the trash removed. Has anyone tried talking to her about this issue?
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
25 Jun 07
I have no idea if someone has tried to talk with them. They are behind us and their back corner over laps with our corner. I don't even know them honestly. Never see them or anything. I will though be calling the health department on it.
@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
26 Jun 07
As much as I hate to admit it, I would probably call the health department or the City to come in and force them to clean up.
I have a nasty of habit of collecting trash myself, but it's usually inside my house. I just don't think about dumping it and taking it out as often as I should.
On the subject of being frugal, it can definetly be overdone. I have several relatives who are total penny-pinchers. They refuse to spend money and buy everything as cheaply as possible.
It's like you *never* want to go their house or anything. In the Summer it's hot because they won't run the air conditioner, in the winter it's freezing because they won't turn the heat up.
If they didn't have money I would understand. But they do, a fair amount of it. There is no reason for them to be living like they in the great depression.
What's the point of having piles of money sitting in the bank if your day to day quality of life sucks so bad? It's not like they can take it with them when they go. I don't get it...
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Yeah I can never figure that one out either. I agree we should be wise with our money but to horde it to the point where life isn't that great why bother?
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Jun 07
By all means, call the health dept immediately. Those bugs sound gross..I hate cockroaches with a passion. Who knows what diseases may be lurking in the debris, they must be growing some nasty bacteria there. You'll probably find other vermin taking up residence too. Why don't they take it to where it's supposed to go??? (We have a tip where we take our rubbish as we don't have a garbage collection.)
@elisa812 (3026)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Oh wow, that's really gross!! I'm so sorry you have to put up with that! Yeah, I think you should definitely let the health department know. That's so unsanitary and you all shouldn't have to be subjected to it. I can't believe they would go that far, and that it isn't driving them nuts having it right there in their own yard too! I hope you're able to get things cleared up soon!
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I would call the health department if its getting gross. I agree that isn't much money. Maybe they cant afford it, but they should be able to get some sort assistance to help pay. I like to cut back as well but haven't done a good job. The only thing recently i've done to cut back, is turn off the land line at my home and just use the cell phone. That saved me like $40ish a month. I wouldnt feel bad about calling though. The bug thing is just nasty! No sense in letting it get worse.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I agree, there are lots of ways to cut back on bills but that is not one of them. It causes way too many problems for everyone.
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
24 Jun 07
That's just ridiculous. I'd call the health department about it. Eventually all that garbage is going to get all of the neighborhood sick. Not just strays, any animals that get out accidentally can get sick. It can also make people sick as well.
Palmetto bugs... BLEGH! I HATE Palmetto bugs!!!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Jun 07
You and me both. I hate palmetto bugs and because they have them they are coming over here. I want them gone big time. I will have to call the health department and hope they do something and quick.
@myfanwy65 (1030)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I would file a complaint with someone. Maybe even the police. It's affecting you and that's not right. If they don't want to pay the bill, it would be ok if it only affected them. But, attracting all those bugs. And, I can't even imagine the smell. Not to mention the other animals. Yes, I would complain. I probably would have complained a long time ago. But, I'm not very friendly. :D
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Jun 07
We don't go into the backyard that often so we didn't see it till we mowed the lawn and we have the a/c on so don't really smell it, thankfully but I don't want it to get worse out there either. Summer in Florida is nasty enough without baking garbage.
@hermitcrabheaven (645)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Amazing. I can't believe how some people can live. You'd think the smell alone would get them to pick it up. Maybe they are on a fixed income, or disabled or something like that. I have my own home & we have to pay for our trash service. It's just over $50 every 3 months (that's what it used to be anyway). We're trying very hard to pay off medical bills from my 2nd pregnancy 4 years ago - well over $100,000. Trash service is one of the things we cut, but my husband is able to bring it to work and dump it there. There's enough room in the business dumpster & his employers are okay with it.
Really though, something should be done about the trash piling up in their yard. Not only is it disgusting, but the health implications can be extreme.
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