Do You Think Hillary Can Make It As The Next President?

@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
June 24, 2007 9:00am CST
Personally for me, I have wondered what others think on this subject, and if there are some downfalls you might consider keeping her from winning? For me, I have always Loved and respected Hillary. I think what she did for Bill as President was wonderful, and her support for children, just makes me respect her even more. When you look at her books, etc. most of us will think of this Strong powerful woman who has a lot to offer. And personally in my opinion, looking beyond Bill's affair while in office as President, to me one of the reasons that Bill Clinton was so Great in office was his wife Hillary. From what I can see why would people not respect these 2, and want her in as the next President? I know it will take way more than 4 yrs. to begin to clean up the mess that Bush has done for the Economy, etc. in the US, and Medical Care, help for Seniors, etc. is at an all time low. But personally looking back to what all Bill did in office, I am sure Hillary is aware of, and if given a chance would try and bring these back to a Good standing again as well. Do you feel she has a chance, and who do you feel her strongest opponent or opposition will be? To me, this will be a Fun one to watch.
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24 responses
• United States
24 Jun 07
I definitely think that Hilary Clinton can be the next president. She is a wonderful person, and can fix up a lot of the crap George W. Bush made. She can help us way more than he has. Good luck Hilary!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
25 Jun 07
Oh, so agreed. If anyone can fix some of the damage George Bush has done for the US, Hillary can.
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I think that she would do just fine as President of the US and much better than Bush is now. There is no doubt that she will do things that we will question, just like any president, but overall I think she can do a good job. It would be a nice change to see how a woman does as President as well as this country needs changes and for the better. Our Presidents keep getting worse and worse. She seems to be very knowledgeable and seems to be a caring person and honest.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
21 Apr 08
Personally, even if Hillary is no longer the Best candidate out there, and someone else wins, personally in my opinion I don't think anyone out there can be worse than Bush, and really hope I never have to eat these words, but it is truly time for a change for sure.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I don't usually get involved in political discussions but couldn't pass this one up. There is no way I can imagine ever voting for myself or the country electing a women President no matter who they are there would have to be nothing but really really bad men running against her before I would vote for a women. Why? Women are not only way too emotional to be running the country but they can also be real 'nasty' but the b word - I've never liked working for women and wouldn't want one in charge of the country. Just my opinion though, sure others will disagree.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
27 Jun 07
I can see your point here with why you think Women could not do the job. Interesting point here.
• United States
24 Jun 07
Although I'm not a fan of Hillary, she can't do any worse than our current president. And I would have to say, if she was elected, she would start getting our troops home, plus start making changes for the better in our country. I'm pretty sure that our healthcare would change for the better, and those in poverty levels may get some glimmer of hope for a better future. I'm basing this on what she stood up for when Bill was president. They did seem to look out for us little people. Hmmmm....did I state that I wasn't a fan of hers? I think I'm starting to change my mind. Don't tell my husband!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
27 Jun 07
You have made some excellent points here. I just hope it will not be too late for her to try and fix some of these things for the better before she even gets a chance to be elected though.
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• India
24 Jun 07
although i am a non u.s resident but i think hillary is a wonderful and promising lady and i think she is going to make a responsible and wonderful president
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Great to see your thoughts and ideas on this even though you do not live here in the US. Very respected. Thanks!!
@2wicelot (2945)
24 Jun 07
I think she is a very intelligent and charming person. I am not an American so I may not have all the details. But I think she has a great chance of winning and it seems she is the leading candidate for the democrats. It just remains to be seen if she can maintain this lead for the coming months and if she can defeast the republican challenger at the polls.
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@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
25 Jun 07
It is sometimes hard for me to envision this, because I come from Alabama, where she and Bill are generally hated. I do not hate her. I think she is wonderful, and I know that many others in other parts of the country think so too. Living where I live, and observing ignorant fools putting her down all the time, it is hard for me to imagine that she could even win. If she did win, I think she is exceptionally bright and could do great things for the country. And I'd love to see Bill get more involved again. The adultery thing aside (and whether he is a good husband has nothing to do with whether he is a good president!), I always liked and admired him so much, and I sure would love it if we could return to the gas prices we had when he was in office, not to mention the lack of WAR!
• United States
24 Jun 07
Hillary would make a fine president. I do believe that it is time to see a woman in the office of the president. One as strong in character as Hillary would do a wonderful job.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
21 Apr 08
I still now wonder if she can still be a Good choice and if so, can she make it to be the next President?
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
25 Jun 07
She has already been caught on video commiting felonies. She has stated that she is against free speech for talk radio hosts. She can't decide whether she is for the war in Iraq or against it. She constantly threw things at Secret Service agents while she was first lady. She openly shunned military members working in the White House. Personally, I don't see how she is a hero for feminists. Yes, she has accomplished a lot, becoming a lawyer isn't easy. However, she would still be a big fish in little pond if she didn't latch onto a man with connections and motivation.
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@avs189 (1030)
• India
25 Jun 07
Yeah i personally feel that she should be given a second chance in order to prove herself ,without testing an candidate we cannot say he/she is worthless,also she has been through several turmoils of her life,she would be better candidate as to what might have gone through and what is expected to come.
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• Canada
26 Jun 07
I think she is incredibly divisive and would be a really poor choice for the D candidate. I think many people find her hard, manipulative, and ambitious. I know I do. I wish there were another female candidate though - perhaps it would be a refreshing change of pace...
@flpoolbum (2978)
• United States
27 Jun 07
Although a majority of voters are women, I don't think that any women will get elected president in the near future. I think that this is stupid and that a presidental candidate should be considered by their intelligence and their stand on the issues. I think that most of the voter's in the country wouldn't vote for a women especially Hillary, because a lot of people hated her when her husband was in office.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
29 Jun 07
If I was tied to a chair and had hot boiling oil poured over my bathing suit parts, I STILL wouldn't vote for this woman. Not that I wouldn't vote for a woman, just not THIS woman. There are several reasons, well actualy a hundred reasons, but I'll only list several here. To quote one news commentator, "she is as close to a european styled socialsist leader as this country has seen". This woman would force large companies to turn profits over to the government for re distribution. the robin hood philophy has NEVER worked successfully ANYWHERE. She will force socialized medicine down the throats of america. AND a new age of political correctness will arise, the likes of wich this nation has never seen. CONDIE RICE IN 08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@sandeep_t (428)
• India
25 Jun 07
I dont know the situation in the US but in India, she is the most repected one. I personally felt that Bill did a better job than Bush. Bush is so bullying. Hope US gets a better president this time. If Hillary could be as good as Bill, i wish she be a president.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
25 Jun 07
I agree, it will be interesting to see what happens. I thought Bush would do a better job, but he hasn't. Sorry, I could never vote for Hillary. But I could vote for a woman to be president, not just this one. Whatever problems this government has, and there are a whole basket full, they did not happen over night. They are the results of decades of abuse and faulty government by both parties. They will not be fixed anytime soon. I don't think the politicians have the guts to fix our real problems. That would mean too much pain for a lot of people to get things fixed right. And a politician will always take the path of less pain for everyone even if it leads to more problems down the road.
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• United States
24 Jun 07
Not only do I think Hillary can make it as the next President, I think she will be the next President. The fact that she is a woman don't faze me at all. We now have women leaders in Nigeria, Germany, Phillipines, Jamaica and elsewhere and I don't see the sky falling. Of all the candidates, I think she is most qualified. She has 8 direct years observing a pretty successful presidency. She has over 6 years as a Senator from a very tough state, New York. Her leading contender on the Democractic side just don't have enough experience and the canditates on the Republican side are fighting amongst themselves, back-stabbing each other. John McCain has been around so long that he is part of the problems we have and not a part of any solution. He voted for the previous illegal amnesty bill and here we go again with the same thing all over again. The only logical choice at this time is Hillary Clinton. Lloyd
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
25 Jun 07
I dont think that she will get elected...she will get some votes but not get elected...thats just what I feel about it.....I think if she were a new person and maybe had not been married to bill, the her chances would have been better but since he was already in the whitehouse , I think that will be enough to detract the amount of votes that she needed to win.....
24 Jun 07
I have always thought she'd be a good president. Although an interview she gave here, she kinda made me feel like she "didn't" expect our questions and never really answered them. I still hope she would be though, because the others don't really make me feel confident that they'll keep a close bound with us. ~Joey
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@saralee1 (1983)
• United States
25 Jun 07
Her biggest and strongest opposition wold be bush starting WW3, and creating martial law which would prevent us from voting because of a state of emergency plan. the NWO is coming,and I wouldn't doubt the sneaky oil salesman isn't finished screwing up America yet.
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• Canada
25 Jun 07
I think she is trying t be in the running for president and frankly, what's stopping her? She has money, she is well known and many people respect her as a politician. The only thing not going for her is that she is a woman, but in this day and age this is becoming a less important factor.
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