Smotlz vs. Chipper: Airing dirty laundry in the press isn't the Braves way

United States
June 24, 2007 1:55pm CST
What does everybody think? I can't believe Smoltz took a shot at Chipper like that. I know he's been hurt a lot, but I had no idea anybody questioned his committment. Chipper wants to win in the worst way, just like Smoltz. I think Big John needs to apologize. It is early, and Braves are right in the thick of it, maybe this will light a spark!
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2 responses
@cnetboss (2475)
• Philippines
27 Jun 07
Its sad that things like this happened to the Braves. Core players like Chipper and Smoltz shouldn't be fighting at each other. Hope this would not really affect the team's commitment to win.
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• United States
28 Jun 07
Maybe it's got them going in the right direction. If braves can keep Smoltz and Chipper on the field, and get Andruw back on track, watch out. The two young guys, Saltallamachia (did I spell that right?) and Escobar are incredible--where do they keep finding such talents?
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• United States
27 Jun 07
You are absolutely right. This is not the Braves way of doing anything. We surely do not need to turn out like what happened in Chicago a few weeks back with fighting in the dugout. You are also right that even with the way the Braves have been playing of late, they are still in the thick of the fight and somehow, someway, they will find a way to come out on top. Smoltz, I think is getting too big for his britches. Or his mouth is. Chipper though, needs to stop breaking finger nails and going on the 14 day disabled list because of it. The Braves are great and no team in MLB history pulled off 14 straight division titles. They are truly America's Team.
• United States
28 Jun 07
You couldn't be more right--14 straight division titles will never be matched! I want to see them take back the east this year and they are hanging in there at the half way point. They needed the three in a row from the Nats--yes, it is a big concern that Chipper keeps going on the DL. Glad he's in there and knocking in runs, and glad Smoltz had an easy game on his sore shoulder!
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