4th of July
By JoyfulOne
@JoyfulOne (6232)
United States
June 27, 2007 11:47pm CST
I can't believe the 4th of July is next week already!! I always remember the 4th of July picnics my family used to have, 3 legged races, egg & spoon races, sparklers, and all kinds of other fun games. Good food was always a big part of the whole day! After our picnic we'd always go and watch the local fireworks. This year it'll just be a quiet BBQ at home. What are some of your favorite memories of 4th of July's past? How do you plan on celebrating this year?
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14 responses
@catcherguy247 (39)
• United States
28 Jun 07
Ahh yes, the fourth of July. It is only about the greatest thing ever. There is always so many fireworks, and good times. Everybody gets together. I comes at a perfect time too! It is right in the middle of the year, all the family gets together it is like a mid-year Christmas. The best thing though, is the fireworks in the afternoon. It is just hard to beat a big glass of lemonaide and sitting out by the bonfire and watching the explosions of color.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
28 Jun 07
Never thought about that it comes midway through the year past Christmas. I love the fireworks too! If it's a real clear night out, I can go up into my one barn and see fireworks from 3 different communities having events (kinda neat!)
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@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
28 Jun 07
I am going to work a twelve hour shift that day at the place where I work with developmentally delayed adults. I will take the place of my group coordinator at the day services for the day. Then I will work my own shift that evening. We will have a special barbecue, and they will have fireworks on their campus. I will still be done in time to see our community fireworks display, my husband will still be at work and will even get to miss all the traffic. Have a wonderful time with your quiet barbecue.
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
28 Jun 07
That's a long shift! Isn't it great that they're planning on a special BBQ and all that for them. They will be excited about it all day, I'm sure! Glad your hubby will miss the traffic, there sure is a lot on that day isn't there!? Out here this one town has festivities for 3 days and call it their Mardi Gras, they've been doing it for at least 50+ years that I know of. Parades and all that; it's one of the biggest draw events around this area. The traffic is absolutely horrible (I feel sorry for those that actually live in that town and have to try and get in their own driveway, hahaha) Hope your day is as special as you are!
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@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
28 Jun 07
I worked seventeen hours the day of the state track meet, at least this will be indoors part of the time, and will be in familiar surroundings. One of the founding principles of this particular agency is that living should be fun.LOL
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
28 Jun 07
BBQ & pool sounds like fun! I don't have a pool, just one of those kiddie pools for my grandson, think I'll have to fill it and park my lawn chair in front of it to cool the tootsies, hahaha. I've never bought my own fireworks, the only thing I've ever got was sparklers and little things like that. My favorite ones are those ones that boom so loud you can feel it resonate in your chest. Have a fun day!
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@AmbiePam (96391)
• United States
28 Jun 07
As far back as I can remember, my family would always go up to this resort called Fin N Feather to spend the Fourth of July with my dad's side of the family. Everyone who came would pitch in with the cost, and considering my dad was one of 16 children, the cost wasn't too much because we had cousins and now more cousins, and the family continued to grow. They'd all rent the biggest cabin and stay two or three days. This year I won't be going, but I'm not really bothered by that. It's getting really crowded and when you have migraines as often as I do, all the little kids, as cute as they are, can be a strain on the ears. : )
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
28 Jun 07
Wow! That sounds like a real fun family outing. I'll bet that cabin is crowded, lol! Even though you can't go this year it I'm sure it still has made many nice family memories for you and everyone that's gone and participated in years past. Hope you have a fun day (with NO migraines!!)
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@nicolec (2671)
• United States
28 Jun 07
We always had people over too when i was young. Lots of food. The kids running around and playing outside. My mom had rasperry bushes that always seemed to be just ripe that time of year. we would pick them right off the bush and eat them! Then we would walk to the park to watch the local fireworks.
Since I've become an adult, nothing has come even close. Not even sure what I am doing yet this year.
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
28 Jun 07
That's some fun memories! Isn't it funny how just talking about past family times can bring back all those long forgotten memories?! My Aunt that used to have the family parties had raspberry bushes too, yum! (Hadn't thought about those bushes in years, thanks for the memory:-) Hope you have a nice 4th no matter what you decide to do!
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@tgreen2618 (21)
• United States
28 Jun 07
this year i plan on makeing it memorable with my kids and then on the fifth i am getting a new brother after two years of convincing my parents they are adopting a little boy they have fostered for 2 years so really i am looking forward to the 5th not the 4th fireworks both night proabably lots of fun you all have a good one

@TheCatzMeow1 (579)
• United States
28 Jun 07
My aunt would take my cousin and I downtown to see the parade and then we'd lay on the grass hill under the Arch and watch the big display of fireworks on the night of the 4th.
My 1st born's birthday is July 8th so I always celebrated on the 4th. Since I don't have good memories of my birthday, I've always tried to make holidays special for my kids. For the 4th we would have a BBQ and then we'd have cake and icecream, presents, etc. Then we'd light off fireworks to make a whole special day for his birthday. Now that he's almost 20, he'd rather get his presents and be off with his friends.
Ahhhh, memories.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
28 Jun 07
That's some sweet memories catz! And while your son would rather be off with his friends at 20, when he gets older he will have fine memories of his own of the wonderful celebrations that he had as a child! Happy fourth!
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
29 Jun 07
My bday is on july 4th.So i have lots of fun.I pretty much go all out!
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
29 Jun 07
Wow! How cool is that?! Gee, happy birthday disvachic! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and celebration filled with love and laughter.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
28 Jun 07
The 4th of July used to such a big day. No one had to work. The stores were closed and the town had a big 4th of July parade. Back home in Wyoming there were rodeos to attend with BBQs and as you said three legged races and greased pig scrambles for the kids also changes was thrown into a saw dust pit for the kids to find. There was the wheel barrol race. (a person tried to run on their hands while another carried their feet) Now that was a sight. Then after dark a big fire works display. Then living with my son who was in the army and moving here to South Carolina every year we would go out to the military instelation and watch the Tatoo a parade of past soldiers uniform and the past flags Then a big fire works desplay. This event always brings tears to my eyes.
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
28 Jun 07
Hahaha, you and I ARE from the same era, lol! I too remember when everything was closed for the holiday. The only people that worked were nurses, drs, policemen & firemen, etc. OOOoooooh!! Greased pig scrambles, now those were fun. (You guys had some good ideas that I'll have to file away in my brain for later family parties!) That must have been impressive watching the parade of soldiers and flags....that's what the whole day is about. (If I was there with you I'd be dabbing the tears off too)Hope you have a nice relaxing 4th filled with family and fun!
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@jessescottus (807)
• United States
28 Jun 07
When I met my first girlfreind that broke my heart years later. bo,ho, but I'm over it now,that was a long time ago in a Universe far,far,away.
@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
28 Jun 07
I know I cant believe its almost July!! Where did the year go! Well this year we are going to have a BBQ with some friends. Take the kids to watch the fireworks. They love them. Nothing major just a nice day!!
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
28 Jun 07
I know! The year seems to have gone soooooo fast this time around, lol! (Not sure, but I think the older I get, the faster it seems to fly by.) A BBQ with family and friends is the best! Sometimes that's the best kind of celebrating. Wishing for you a very nice day (and good weather to have it.)
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
28 Jun 07
My niece has been having our July 4th celebrations. So, we will go to her house and have lots to eat and play games all day. Then when it gets dark we go to the fairgrounds and watch the fireworks and then back to her house to have some desserts and let the kids do sparklers. We have a fun time.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
28 Jun 07
That's nice of your niece to provide the setting for the get-together! Looks like you are lucky enough to have one of those good old-fashioned families (I do too!) It sounds like a fun day just waiting to happen. Hope you have a real great time!
@amyann16 (414)
• United States
29 Jun 07
I love the fourth of July as well! When I was really little, there was an awesome fireworks display in our town and it was always coordinated to patriotic music on the radio, so I remember going to watch the fireworks, while sitting in the back seat of our family's toyota :) When I went into high school, we lived in Missouri and I was old enough to work in the fireworks tent and sell the fireworks. It was really good money and we were always busy on the fourth of July.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
2 Jul 07
That's some really nice memories Amyann! Hope you have a fourth this year that sparkles! (Pun intended, hahaha)
@MusikSpieler (140)
• United States
29 Jun 07
This year I plan to celebrate by wearing a pair of thick overalls, a heavy coat, and black plastic-like shoes that have no breathability while carrying 35 pounds of brass on a very hot and humid day, all the while blowing my brains out into the lovely piece of brass that I have to lug for who knows how long.
My friends made me join marching band, and I got stuck playing the sousaphone (marching tuba).
Oh well, it should be fun anyways!!!
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
29 Jun 07
My hat's off to you musik! A parade is just a ho-hum parade without a marching band. You set the beat for the day! Believe it or not I do know what a sousaphone is...my daughter was in marching band for many years, and as a band Mom, I carted lots of instruments in my trusty ole station wagon, lol. It's been my experience and belief that the kids in the school marching band are the best kids in the school. I hope you have a great time despite the heat and all!
@MusikSpieler (140)
• United States
30 Jun 07
It will be fun anyways! For any of you who are out there, my only regret about joining marching band is that I did not do it earlier! I started the Spring of my sophomore year of high school, so I only have this season (April-October) for 2007 and the 2008 season. I really did not think I would enjoy it too much, but my friends made me try it for the first month, where anybody can come and try it out without commitment. If you have even the slightest thoughts about joining, I highly recommend you do!!! I thought about it in 7th grade, but decided not to, and I regret it a lot!
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