Are You a Passionate Blogger?

United States
June 28, 2007 4:39pm CST
Is blogging one of your passions that you pursue on a daily basis? Where do you find inspiration for topics of interest for your blog/blogs? Do you have a business blog, or a personal blog or both? Which do you enjoy more, business blogging, or personal blogging?
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8 responses
@KATRINKA (1624)
• United States
29 Jun 07
I do not pursue it on a daily basis, but I do update my blog weekly. It is one of my passions. While I'd like to be able to earn money for my blogging, my main goal is to reach others, especially those who want to write. The purpose of my blog is to help anyone uncover the great writing ideas they already have. You don't have to live an exotic life to have something to write about. The topics of my blog are about universal things. At the end, I propose a writing exercise. I've had some great feedback on my blog topics so far. If it touches someone each time, then I feel I've been successful.
• United States
29 Jun 07
The best advice is to write what you know. If it interests you, it will interest others.
@lillake (1630)
• United States
28 Jun 07
I love blogging. I tell people it is like talking to myself but with witnesses. LOL I write about the things I am already interested in, thigns that I am inspired to write about every day. I think the 50 million "Make money on the net" blogs are pretty pointless. They think they will get rich, they forget that there are so many already out there that people are tired of them. Write about a subject that you are passinate about, that's the key to success. I keep a personal blog for talking about my family and friends, but I also have 3 blogs that are about interests near my heart. A homeschooling blog,, a blog on motherhood,, and a new one on activism,
• United States
28 Jun 07
I totally agree with you. I run Moms United in Business, and so many women join up thinking they are going to make easy money on the net. I just started a Money Making Mama blog, and I am sharing things I know for a fact that have worked for me, but my personal blog, The Woman Within I post there when I can and it's neat to go back and read my entries (I print these posts out as a personal journal of sorts)...I also like posting at CafeMom and MomZoo. I also have a MUIB Blog where I promote other Moms and such. I just bascially do it for the interaction and I enjoy writing. I love meeting others that share my passions!
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 Jul 07
I wouldn't say I'm a passionate blogger but I am working on it. I've been hired by a business to post daily to their blog so do that - which involves research, writing, and posting. It's kinda fun actually and the monthly income is not great from it but certainly better than nothing - $100 per month. My blog I designed for both business and personal so if I don't have something business related I can just drop in a post about something personal or new photos I've taken.
• Singapore
6 Jul 07
I would say I'm a newbie blogger and have been blogging consistently for the past 3 months. i write posts from Mon - Sat, only rest on Sunday. i maintain a sort of personal blog : and is trying very hard to build up traffic and my reader base. I do get writers block and also run out of creative ideas to write unique post. I am jus a hobby blogger who have a full-time day job, so its doubly hard to blog on a daily basis. But so far, I've keep up to this challenge. Do drop by and provide me some valuable feedback!
@abiesm (373)
• Vietnam
6 Jul 07
It's one of my passion, but now because I don't have time so I can only update my blog 1 time per week. I find inspiration the most from my normal life, my friends, my loved singers, my favorite mangas ^^ .. I only have a personal blog. I don't know much about business blog and I don't care of this kind of blog so I don't want to have one .
• Malaysia
5 Jul 07
I love blogging. I have a personal blog that I will mostly likely be using to make some spare change posting reviews and the like. I try to blog on a daily basis, but my blog is more of a notebook of my thoughts to the world; when I'm inspired, I can put quite a number of posts in a day (which annoys my friends but it does make for some pretty good discussions later). Blogging is another form of writing to me, and I love it. I enjoy personal blogging more than business... as I get to be very informal in my language use. ^_^
@Jamian (2603)
• Philippines
29 Jun 07
naruto  - naruto manga
i am not a passionate blogger because I dont have a blog, but I am planning to have some blog to promote some products.
@adijam265 (769)
• India
30 Jun 07
I started blogging very recently and i think i'll do this in my freetime, i dont pursue it on a daily basis as of now, it is a blog on one of my interests , graphology, it's just at its starting stage, you can see it at , and i have not done any business blogging