Am I breaking a Commandment because I am not fruitful and multiplying?
By blondbat
@blondbat (503)
United States
June 29, 2007 7:28pm CST
This is a natural progression from my last discussion regarding stewardship or dominion over the earth. This is a part of the same verse for the Genesis Commandment.
I do not have children. I have never wanted children, I do not ever want children, either my own or adopted ones. I know enough about myself to realize motherhood is not for me.
Is this a sin? It would seem I am breaking a commandment or mandate from God but not being fruitful and multiplying.
They vigorously promote an extremely traditional family-centered lifestyle - patriachal father, stay-at-home mother, many children who are home-schooled. I cruised through the "store" and while I certainly believe in many of the thoughts their publications promote - virtuous daughters, family and marital fidelity, there are other ideals I am not as comfortable with. But that's me...
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18 responses
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
30 Jun 07
Yes and no. You're not breaking a commandment, so we'll disregard that. But a sin? Quite possible, if you're actively stopping yourself from becoming pregnant by using contraceptives. Contraceptives = evil ... remember. Only natural family planning is accepted in Christianity, and the use of any contraceptives to stop pregnancy is considered a slight against God, since apparently only He is qualified to decide how many children you should have, when you should have them, etc.
Personally, I commend you for your decision. I know plenty of people that should have thought long and hard before deciding to have children. Not everyone was meant to be a parent, and for some it just didn't fit into their ideals and goals set for their own lives. It's a heck of a lot more responsible to recognize these up front than to have children and a family because it's 'expected' of you, whether by society, religion or any other reason.
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@friendship (2084)
• Canada
30 Jun 07
There is no such thing in Ten Commandments about having a sin because of not fruitful and multiplying :-) God only aksed us to be fruitful and multiplying but it is not a mandatory.
In fact, Jesus was not married. If you're married, you're supposed to be fruitful and multiplying because God has given a partner to you. But if you're not married and don't have a husband, it means that you aren't supposed to be fruitful and multiplying.
Bible mentions about this...
Matthew 19:10
The disciples said to him, "If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry."
Matthew 19:11
Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given."
Matthew 19:12
"For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."
@blondbat (503)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Okay the group whose link I put in my initial message quotes a Genesis bible verse I am too lazy to look up right now and refers to it as the Genesis Command? or something of that nature. As if it is a no-way-around-it commandment.
if it is not one of The Commandments, I apologize for my assumption it was.
Also, I am married - have been so for 10 years this month. Hubby and I agree on the no kids policy. I am nearly 43 years old, so even if I woke up this morning and wanted to get pregnant - not very likely.
I am adopted, have nothing against adoption. More people should do it. I like OPK's - Other People's Kids. The kind I can borrow, spoil rotten for a few hours, a day or so and give back when I am done with them.Hubby and i are just really big kids, we like our toys and we like to play - ALOT. We don't really want to have kids because we would have to be grown ups.

@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I think it's a decision that each person has to make on their own. I wanted children since I was 12 years old but several years ago I found out I couldn't have any. I've also come to the decision that even if I could, I wouldn't. The world has gotten so messed up that I wouldn't want to put my child through it. I know that sounds terrible but it's how I feel.
I do believe that if a woman decides she doesn't want children then she needs to take steps to ensure that she doesn't accidently end up pregnant.
@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Wow! That is a great question. My personal opinion is that the statement was made long ago when the world is not as heavily populated as it is now. That is just an opinion, however, so probably not worth much. I know there are certain sects that do focus on family and children. At the same time, I don't believe that commandment carries the same weight as "Love your neighbor."
@blondbat (503)
• United States
30 Jun 07
That is my opinion as well. I find just about all of this particular quote/verse to be completely inappropriate in this day and age of global warming, destruction of habitats and threats of extinction, and over-population and the inability for many countries to support the people they have.
On the one hand you hear this, and then on the other you get solicitations to help all the starving children in the world from religious groups. What about birth control, what about NOT having the children they can't feed?
@LCecelia (1124)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Be fruitful and multiply is not one of the commandments, so you're safe there.
As I've heard it said if you had a desire to get married that you're called to get married. So I think that the same can be said for having children. Not every woman in the Bible had children, David's wife (King Saul's daughter-can't think of her name at the moment) didn't have any children.
So my answer to you is, I don't think you're breaking anything, commandment or otherwise.
@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
29 Jul 07
NO I do not think it is a sin. God created many things and many types of people. Not everyone wants to be a parent. And that is ok. If you dont want to be a parent I hope you are careful to not make babies you do not want.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
30 Jun 07
i personally think that being fruitful and multiplying is a cultural mandate that God asks us to do when we are still living on the Earth... and yes, i think if a married woman ever have a thought not to have a child, it is a sin... unless if she is infertile or can't conceive... by purposely restricting ourselves to have a child, i think we have gone against God's will and i think it is a sin... this is my opinion though...
@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
29 Jul 07
I don't think that you're sinning by not having children. My personal choice was to have no children. After seven years of marriage and birth control, God thought differently. God is omnipotent. If He wants you to have children, you're going to have them whether you actually plan them or not. God overrode my birth control. I have two beautiful teenage sons now and they honor God with their faith as well as with their talents.
I think a Christian can multiply by being a fruitful witness and bringing others to the LORD. Just remember that you may not always see the fruit of your witness. You may be a seed planter, and someone else may water and cultivate. Again another may be the harvester. In your own role, you are multiplying the family of God.
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
29 Jul 07
And quite frankly, these that you speak of who promote those things seem a bit cultish to me.
I don't think that God want women to do things that make them unhappy, and if being a stay at home mom makes them unhappy, I don't think he will frown upon them working. I also don't think he will frown upon putting your children in a real school getting a real education with real children surrounding them. Yes, it teaches good virtues, but it's 2007. Every mom can't stay at home and school their children.
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
29 Jul 07
Not one of the 10 Commandments say "go multiply" He told Noah and his wife to do that in order to repopulate the earth after the flood. However, if YOU don't have kids, I doubt the human race will go extinct. There are plenty of people picking up the slack, trust me!
@jadona2006 (84)
• United States
2 Jul 07
To become many and fill the earth were instructions to Adam and Eve, not to all men and women. Today the earth is so over populated, it is better to not have children if one's such as yourself do not want children. Coming from parents who did not want me and gave me away, I would recomend for you to not have children then to make some poor child go through such agony of knowing they have parents who don't want them. That to me is a form of child abuse and the God I know, hates any to mistreat little children. My life because my parents didn't want me, was horrible. I was raised without love and I was raised in orphanages and foster homes where there were many other children and not anyone who truly cared. Please don't do that to any child.
You are not breaking any commandment because to fill the earth with offspring, first, is not part of any commands to us from God. Second, it would be more sinful to have a child and truly not want it. Three, God, wants parents to take responsibiilty for their children. God gave children parents to love them and look out for them and care for them. So, in my humble opinion, if you do not want a child, then please do not have one. You are not sinning of breaking any commandments, but if you do have a child and you really don't want them, then my understanding of the Bible, that would be a sin and breaking God's commandments.
I hope this has helped you.
Take Care,
@fizzytom (752)
• Maribor, Slovenia
30 Jun 07
My partner and i have been together over six years; he is 39 and I am 35 and we don't ever want children. In fact he had a vasectomy last year so its definiterly not going to happen.
We are quite selfish I suppose; we like to do our own thing. My parents have four grandchildren already so its not like they don't have granchildren to enjoy.
As for his parents they are so involved in their grandson - my sister in law's son that they forget about us. I know that if we had a child I would never be free of them and i couldn't stand that.
It is hard, though, to explain to people why you do not have children. And i hate it when people pity you - they don't understand that you made a choice
@DiamondWings (176)
• United States
30 Jun 07
No, you are not breaking a commandment as others have said. I do not have any children and my husband is not able to. I'm 56 years old, we are both only children with no other family. I believe that the Lord is the Author of Life and many women have become pregnant on birth control. If He wants you to have a child, it's going to happen. I had to come to terms about having a child. It was a conscious decision on my part not to have any, regardless of my husband's ability or not. I'm not the parenting type. But... there will be no one to care for me if my husband predeceases me. Not a comforting thought. However, even when there are children, there is often neglect of their elderly parents so there is no guarantee in life. There is just faith in the One Who gave us life and is in control. Enjoy your life. Perhaps you can influence the life of a child in need in some way. I do what I can and I know there is condemnation from the Lord.
@just_sarah (34)
• United States
30 Jun 07
No i think your making the right choice if you feel like mothering a child isnt something you would want to do.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
30 Jun 07
I kind of think that it is wrong to have children if you do not want them or will not be happy.
@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
30 Jun 07
Being fruitful and multiplying is not a commandment. In fact I Paul wrote in the Bible that it is better not to have a family. Family is a distraction of your time.
I have much more respect for people who think it through and decide not to have children rather than bring them in the world and abuse and/or neglect them.
Good for you.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
30 Jun 07
I didnt think that was a commandment *puzzled*
But I don't think you're wrong to make that decision. I don't ever want to have my own children either, I might consider adopting one..I love kids, but my life's rarely the nice peaceful and loving enviroment that a child needs.
I think it's wiser, to think of the child first. You know yourself, and believe you wouldn't be the mother type. And not having a children, you're thinking of them first.
I don't think having children should ever be a mandate. Our world is overpopulated anyway.
@minijumbuk (514)
• Australia
30 Jun 07
hahaha your question is very hard to answer! i personally do not know the answer to that question, but my guess would be NO! If you fully believe in God and follow his words i do not believe it is sinful to not be fruitful! Everyone is different and have different opinion about parenthood..... but what does your husband/boyfriend think about having babies? Does he want one or just like you, would like to be children free?
Maybe as you grow older, you might change your opinion about parenthood and enjoy being a mother to many children, we would never know ! LOL! =D