
My Coke Rewards - A website where you can redeem codes for prizes or to enter contests.
@freak369 (5113)
United States
July 1, 2007 5:47am CST
WOW! It has been a while since I hit that site and they have really expended the rewards that they are offering. Everything from DVD's to contests to enter. We kill about four two liter bottles a week so I have been saving up my caps. The one thing that sucks is that if you don't enter a code every so often you lose the points you have saved up. I've put myself on a schedule to enter the codes about once a week so I never have to worry about losing them. They do send out an email to let you know that you have points that are going to expire. Have you ever used one of these rewards sites for Pepsi, Coke or Dr. Pepper? What are some of the cool things you've received from them? The nicest thing I ever got was a CD play and a ton of free movie passes.
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8 responses
• United States
1 Jul 07
i've never actually won anything from the coke codes myself..i have better luck with the win free cokes-now those,i've gotten quite a few of. that's cool you got a cd player,you have better luck than i do:)
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
6 Jul 07
We used to drink a lot of Pepsi, and I got tons of stuff from saving the Pepsi caps. I got several T-Shirts, hats, a chair, an umbrella, a cooler, and probably a lot of other things I have forgotten about. I know that I gave several things away for gifts. Now I don't drink much pop, but if I save 8 caps off the Poweraid Option water that I drink I can type in the numbers into MyCokeRewards and get a free bottle so I'm saving these up now.
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@freak369 (5113)
• United States
6 Jul 07
When Pepsi had their promotion going we got tons of movie tickets .. after that I was put off Diet Pepsi for a long time because I drank so much of it lol.
@Bizziebod (3497)
6 Jul 07
I think I've collected stuff for Coke before many years ago, I think it was for CD's. I try not to drink sodas any more and try and opt for a nice healthy option lol, but there's nothing like Coke or Pepsi when you've got a real thirst!
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@ma_belle (1357)
• United States
17 Sep 07
Actually they do send out an email saying that your points will expire soon if you don't add more points. I did get one of these emails, so I went ahead and added more points. they have really updated their site and rewards. I'm still saving up for something big though.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
11 Sep 07
I notice you used the word,"KIll" in your post. This is very appropriate! Coke has killed countless people. If you drop an iron nail in a bottle of coke, the coke will desolve the nail completely. What do you think this is doing to your stomach? Coke will also desolve insects that are stuck to your Windshield. Coke is a mixture of acids and sugar, neither of which are good for your body. Please think about this while you still have your health.
@sherry24 (252)
11 Sep 07
I wish I lived in the U.S, you get all the great sites. I've just been to the coke site and being a U.K resident I can't join. I love the U.S you guys are great, someone in the U.K needs to pull their finger out and let us have fun on the net too.
@sherry24 (252)
11 Sep 07
I wish I lived in the US, you guys get great sites to join, I just took a look at the coke site and can't join being from the UK. I wish someone would pull there finger out over here and join in the fun too. I love U.S I think you guys are great!
• United States
30 Aug 07
I use mycokerewards. I just recently printed out a reward for a Blockbuster movie night which included 2 movies, 2-20oz cokes, and a bucket of popcorn for FREE. It was 140 points , but turned in worth $12.00 free movie night. I didn't realize that the points expired. That's nice to know. Thanks.