Do you always Close the Door of your room at Home?

@bcc23488 (883)
July 2, 2007 11:05pm CST
I always like to close the door of my room no matter whether I am alone at home or not. I am a private person who like quietness in my room and prefer to do things without disturbance. How about you? Do you leave the door of your room open all the time? Or leave it halfly opened so that your room will be in good ventilation? Or are you just like me who close the door all the time?
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8 responses
@angelyka (57)
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
I prefer that the door in my room is closed. It makes me feel safer.
• United States
1 Oct 07
my bedroom door always remains open unless my husband is asleep and there are people like my niece and nephew or what not over.. i leave it opend at night time so my daughtrer can find her way to me if she woke up in the middl of hte night. and during the day it is just me at home there is no need to close it.. i never have a need to close it..
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
3 Jul 07
I usually close the door too. I am also a private person. It is also quieter since my husband and/or mom are usually here and the television is on.
@wdiong (1815)
• Singapore
3 Jul 07
No, I do not close the door of my room especially when I am alone at home. I only close the door if I need to change clothes and there are people around in my house. Other than that, I prefer to have the door open so that there is continuous ventilation of air in the room.
• United States
3 Jul 07
Bedroom doors stay open in my home. I was raised in a very open family. We never closed doors or hid anything from each other. To this day my uncle walking in on me when i'm half dressed bothers me none. I want my kids to feel that comfortable with thier bodies around family. Don't get me wrong I have taught my kids just as I was taught the difference in good and bad touch and where they should and should not be undressed. And also who should and should not see them in states of undress. but my family has alwas been comfortable with each other and we still are. My husband was raised opposite doors alwys closed blah blah... he loves how open my family is and has adapted well to our ways.... My uncle says that we are like this because my german grandmother was like this.. I'm not sure about it but it does seem that my grandmother was the most open of us all and made it possible for us to be open.
@ericajoyce (1746)
• Philippines
1 Oct 07
Yes, I always close my door of my room. I am a private person. I get annoyed when people just barged in my room without knocking first.
@puravm (51)
• India
3 Jul 07
yup...i like 2 keep it matter wht m i doin...
• United States
3 Jul 07
I to am a fairly private person and prefer my door closed. It's closed nearly at all times except for when i'm home alone because then it doesn't matter because there's no one home but me. But i do like my privacy and to be left alone.