Sleep with baby

@sahm35 (890)
United States
July 3, 2007 1:38am CST
Do you think that it is safe to sleep with your baby in the bed with you?
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10 responses
• India
3 Jul 07
In India 99% of mothers and babies sleep in a bed only. Only few mothers do not prefer to be slept with babies. Each country has its own culture received from forefather and we follow. many things do not match with each other. We should not criticise such cases. A thing which is good for us may be bed for someone. Sleeping with baby in the same bad is quite safe and it is good for baby also. In this way baby will be in touch with mother whole night. Whenever feeding is needed, mother can do at once.
@sahm35 (890)
• United States
4 Jul 07
Thanks that makes me feel better!
@butterfly39 (3904)
• Philippines
3 Jul 07
Yes, I always sleep with my baby beside me... I can't sleep well if they're away from me...
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@sahm35 (890)
• United States
3 Jul 07
I cant get up.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
8 Jul 07
My sister likes to have her baby sleep with her in bed. She has a soft carpet on the floor, the bed in low to the ground, and she and her husband are light sleepers that do not toss around very much. Her youngest is nearly 1 year old. She will probably stay in her parent's bed until she moves into a bed at three. Her older brothers and sister all did this. I had a baby in May and he sleeps in a cot in my bedroom. The bed is very high, there is a hard wooden floor and my partner does toss around a fair amount in bed. I think it is dangerous for him to bring our baby boy to bed. Three things worry me: him falling out of bed on to the floor, him getting too hot and him getting rolled on or crushed. I believe he is far safer in his cot. In the night when I get out of bed and feed him, my partner, still asleep, can change position. So much, that sometimes it is difficult for me to get back into bed. So I think my sister is safe to let her baby girl sleep in bed with them. But I think it would dangerous for my son to sleep in bed with us.
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
3 Jul 07
I think it's a personal choice but you do need to be moving around after a cesarean - i had one as well & had my daughter, in her bassinet, next to the bed so i didn't have to move too far. By using a bassinet or even a moses basket, it's much smaller & usually on wheels so you don't have to actually get up like you would with a cot. If you choose to sleep with your baby in your bed, get one of those snuggle beds or whatever they're called, they're like a little soft mat, with sides & it goes between the parents. If you choose not to sleep with your baby then make sure the bassinet or whatever you are using is close by so you don't have to move too much.
@Lucille7 (509)
• South Africa
3 Jul 07
No it is not safe to sleep with your baby. It is too easy that you can accidently smother the child or lie on the child when and if you fall into a deep sleep. No babies need to sleep on their own in their cot or you can hold your baby in your arms (which is spoiling the baby LOL and I loved to do) but never lie the baby in your bed and go to sleep with your baby. It is too dangerous.
@sahm35 (890)
• United States
3 Jul 07
Yes that is what I told myself too. But I had a c-section and could not keep getting up to feed her so I just placed her in the bed with me.
@Lucille7 (509)
• South Africa
3 Jul 07
Shame yes that can be sore. I do understand... You just have to be very careful though that you do not hurt her in some way, cause it can easily happen. Enjoy her... they grow up so fast...
• United States
3 Jul 07
Depending on your babies age and if your a deep sleeper. Everyone has their opioion but my 13 month old has been sleeping in my bed with me since he was 5 months, but i dont recommend you do that everynight because now he won't sleep in his crib lol.
@sahm35 (890)
• United States
4 Jul 07
Yes we had a hard time too. She only consistently stayed out of our bed by the age of 4. But you know I selpt with my mother until I was about 7 or 8 years of age.
• Philippines
5 Jul 07
Its your choice if you will sleep with your baby in the bed. For me i am sleeping beside my baby and im not worried that i will roll into her coz i put a pillow between us so i will know where my boundary is.
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
3 Jul 07
I also went through a c-section 4 weeks ago so i know what you mean about it being hard to get up and back in bed so many times during the night. Its very painful. Because of that I have put both my kids in bed with me. I just make sure she is in my arms the whole time and as much as you wake up during the night when is there time to not check on them. I know its hard but try to make sure that since your holding him/her during the night that he or she sleeps in their bed during the day so they can still be used to sleeping in their beds. I still have my 2 year old sleeping in the bed with me. I'm trying to get her in her own bed now.
• Philippines
7 Jul 07
i sleep with my 8 month old baby by my side... you just have to be careful and always mind you sleeping positions. its also best to put a pillow in between the two of you...
@rdougl (469)
• United States
5 Jul 07
I would not sleep in the same bed with my baby. I'm a wild sleeper. There is no telling how I will wake up.