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How do you keep your kids off the wet kitchen floor when you are mopping?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
July 3, 2007 5:17pm CST
Today as I was mopping my kitchen floor, my three year old kept running across it. And, I asked her at least ten times to leave and not walk on the floor. I was simply afraid that she would fall on the slippery surface. But, she refused to listen.
How do you keep your kids off the wet floor when you are mopping? Would love to hear from the other My Lot moms on this subject.
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19 responses
@ifinallyfoundmybaby (1742)
• Philippines
3 Jul 07
well sarcastically speaking (since i dont have kids)
i would put a large barrier on the palce that im mopping and put a large sign that says "i love you kids but keep out"
nah hehe . . you just have to tell them or put them in a place where they could spend their time .. when i mop the house i put all my siblings inside the guest room and let them play all they want :)
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@ifinallyfoundmybaby (1742)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
haha i did the same thing with my sister but she would actually sit on the chair barricade and start making that abnoxious noise which makes my work a little bit longer. Its funny how noises like that seem to make your work a bit more troublesome.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
4 Jul 07
Hey, ifinallyfoundmybaby! You'd be surprised but real moms do that kind of stuff all the time. But, most of them don't share on message boards. Mostly, cause there are stickler moms that insist that everyone raises their kids to their own perfect standards. Sometimes I think those moms that complain must have lots of extra money for all the gadgets. Makes a regular moms job so much harder.
I've found the most unconventional methods usually do work the best. The little kids are way too smart for store bought stuff. Mine was anyway.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
4 Jul 07
It's funny you mention the baracade, because I used to do that. When she was younger (like 18 months or so), I would block off the kitchen entrance with a chair or the couch. But, now she is strong enough to pull the couch away. So, that doesn't work anymore.

@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
4 Jul 07
That's a very sensible solution. And, it doesn't cost money!
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
5 Jul 07
Hey mummymo and Katesmama, I tried your idea again last night while my daughter was sleeping and it worked like a charm. Why am I not surprised.
@fuzzEbluebathrobe (378)
• United States
3 Jul 07
I am trying to remember what 3 yr olds are capable of grasping...Yep 3 is old enough, Next time hand her the mop and tell her to clear up her tracks as you hold and guide her to the exit.
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@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
4 Jul 07
Well i tell then then let them learn the hard way better to fall on a slippery floor and get a littel hurt than have them not listen and have a majory injury
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@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
4 Jul 07
yup try telling them and if they do nto listen let them get it from the school ofd hard knocks that where i got my diploma
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
4 Jul 07
It is unfortunate that it often has to be that way. With my older brother he just had to try everything for himself. That's boys, though. Girls are different. They don't understand why someone didn't stop them from getting into a bad situation. Maybe it's a female thing. I am grown up and do the same thing. When something goes wrong, I look around for the culprit, and of course the fault is my own. But, i don't usually admit it. Isn't that funny? I should know better. So, maybe it's something girls don't grow out of.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
4 Jul 07
Some kids just won't listen no matter how many times you tell them. That's just a fact.
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@golfproo (1839)
• Canada
4 Jul 07
Well, please let a MyLot daddy reply to this question. My kids are a bit old to worry about this now. However, when they were younger I used to always do the mopping early in the morning or after they went to sleep. Nap time was always a great time to get these types of things done.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
5 Jul 07
Thank you! I tried your nap time idea today while my daughter was sleeping. I got the cleaning and floor mopping done at a time when she was not around. And, it worked out well. Thanks again for the great suggestion.
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
4 Jul 07
I think what would be a great idea would be to get a kids play mop and get her to mop with you. She will probably enjoy doing it with you and it will be teaching her to clean up. My kids loved to help me with the big people jobs and made them feel important and useful. My three kids are now 11, 8 and 6 and all have daily chores they do. They take pride in a clean house and a job well done. Have fun! Vicki
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
5 Jul 07
That's so funny, mummymo, my daughter did that just the other day. I came into the bathroom and she was standing there at the bathroom sink with a cup and a guilty look on her face. She looked at me all innocent like and said, "I didn't do anything." I looked down and the floor was literally flooded. I didn't get mad. I just took it as a sign that she was suggesting I clean the floor again. So, I did.
She's a pretty smart kid, always trying to help out. I don't think there's a malicious bone in her body. She just does all the right stuff at the most inconvenient time. LOL!
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
4 Jul 07
That is actually a very good idea! She is old enough to want to help mommy, so why not let her do so!
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
4 Jul 07
Perhaps you could give her something else to do to occupy her while you do the floor. If she continues to misbehave you could think about sending her to her room or giving her a time out...then you could finish your floor...She should learn that when you are doing the floors she is to stay off them for safety sake...
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
5 Jul 07
It's funny how the simplest answers are usually the best. Yes, I think we could do that. Thanks for the ideas.
@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
4 Jul 07
My kids do it too, it must be something about doing the opposite of what mum says.... Travel on forbidden property.....
I try to do it when they are eith upstairs playing where they can't see that I am mopping, or try to keep them preoccupied, sometimes with the T.V but if it is downstairs where I am mopping, that doesn't last long.
Keeping them pre occupied and out of the way is Best defence in preventing a fall. My son fell once and hurt himself and he sort of learnt from that too...
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@coferbox (298)
• United States
4 Jul 07
If you tell your child not to do anything 10 times and she still does it then you have a bigger problem than just keeping her off the floor. Kids need to be taught that when mommy says don't do something they need to pay attention. What if she was about to run out into traffic and she ignored your command to stop? If she won't stay off the floor when you are mopping put her in time out for a couple minutes - make sure to explain that it is because she didn't obey mommy.
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@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
4 Jul 07
It sounds like your main problem here is your child not obeying, period. If you told her ten times to stop it, she needs to be punished. While walking across a wet floor isn't a HORRIBLE thing to do, letting her get away with disobeying you on something small like that is only going to make her think that it's ok for her not to obey you. She needs to be punished.
@jessicamom24 (391)
• United States
4 Jul 07
have you tried to sit her down and let her watch a movie when you are mopping your floor my kids have done this to me and once they are watching there movie or cartoons then they are good to go but sometimes i will catch them walking on my floor
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
4 Jul 07
When she was a little baby, I'd put her in the baby bouncer, and she would watch me. And, until recently, she stayed off the floor, while I was working. And, most days I would wait until she was occupied elsewhere, but we had ants in the house today, so I had to take care of it while she was awake. She is not in the listening mood today. Some of my friends tell me that she will grow out of this stage in ten or fifteen years, though. LOL!
@lavenderbloom (1057)
• United Arab Emirates
4 Jul 07
When I am mopping the floor, I make sure that my child is safely sitting and playing. Or else I will mop the floor when he is sleeping. That is the best time to do. It is also good for their safety and also helps us of unwanted shouting and scolding the child.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
5 Jul 07
That's so true! I try to keep the scolding to a minimum on unnecessary things. I can always take care of things like the floor when she is asleep. I will do so next time.
@Jade27 (67)
• United States
4 Jul 07
If I have to do the mopping while the kids are awake, I try to put the chairs from the kitchen table in their way. At least then I know their coming, and have a chance to stop them. I also try to give them something to do, like coloring or something.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
4 Jul 07
I usually will do the mopping when they are asleep. Even though my kids are 7-18, they still don't listen when I ask them to stay off the floor. It is like I get out the mop and they immediately have to go on that floor. It is easier than fighting with them to just do it when they have gone to bed for the night.
@a_ce_e (1422)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
I guess you were asking for small children as they love to play around while you are busy on house works. As for me, i do mopping when my kid is sleeping so i will no get worried that he will slip on the floor. For small kids if you are really on schedule to mop the floor and your kid is awake, i guess you may ask them to do something make them busy, say you may turn on the television to their favorite channel or let them watch a movie or let them play inside the bedroom.
@andrejuly84 (1047)
• Romania
4 Jul 07
it's dangerous for her to run on the wet kitchen floor.if she doesn't or don't want to uderstand it's dangerous then don't clean the floor when she's at home or at least do it when she's busy with toons,toys or is with somebody else
@Philboi119 (347)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
Give your kid something to play on to divert his attention.