Do you always finish a book?
By Sushicook
@Sushicook (690)
July 4, 2007 6:20am CST
I have a principle of always finishing the book I read, even if it bores me to death. A couple of times I've had to give up though, a girl can only take that much!
When you read, do you always try to finish the book even if you don't like it?
Have you ever stopped reading a book because you found it boring?
How far do you usually read before you give up?
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39 responses
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
5 Jul 07
Up until last year, I had a very strict "I started it, I'll finish it" policy as far as reading. Then I encountered a book that was so boring that I didn't want to read it. I found myself neglecting reading altogether. I only read one book at a time, and I was only getting thru a few sentences a day with this book. It took almost a month to get about 1/3 of the way thru it. Finally I decided that there's too much good reading out there to force myself to read anything that I don't enjoy.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
5 Jul 07
I try to, but I don't always finish the books I start, some of them just bore me to tears, then I can read and read, but don't remember any of it. So there is no point to my continuing.
I read better then a book a week, I think my standards are going up.
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@fluffleshark (810)
• Ireland
8 Jul 07
For me it depends on whether its a fiction or non-fictions book that I'm trying to read. Fiction I read entirely for pleasure and to relax, so if I am not enjoying the book at all, and have given it at least a few chapters to find out, then I will stop reading it because of course there is no point in reading something for pleasure that's not giving me pleasure!
Non-fiction I read also partly for pleasure and to relax, but also to learn new things, so I will often try and plod through even if I'm finding it horribly boring! I often will end up giving up before the end though if it's just too much!!
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
4 Jul 07
I can think of perhaps two books that I never finished reading, that were just too boring for me to do it! However, most of the time since I read quickly I don't have this problem, and will finish books even if they are a little boring to me. In fact, there have been some books that I've slogged through the beginning of wearily that I was later on glad that I hadn't given up on!
I think if I were a slower reader, my determination to finish books wouldn't be what it is. I know people who spend months reading a book that is a work of a few hours for me, and I can totally understand why they are pickier than I am about what to read.
In fact, I'm known among my group of friends sometimes as somone who will read "anything" and has no taste. =p
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@rockerwitch (538)
• Philippines
4 Jul 07
As much as I can, I finish the book, no matter how bad or boring or confusing it is. Ha ha. I get kind of guilty because I spent money on those books and if I don't finish it, then I just wasted money. Books over here aren't that cheap, unless we get lucky searching book sales and stuff.
There were times that I stopped reading a book. They were mandatory reading for school lol! I found them really confusing. But I finished reading one of them. Maybe someday I'll finish the other one. I really plan on reading them.
I'm reading a chick lit now that's really trying my patience lol! I like chick lit, but this one just can't seem to keep my attention, you know what I mean? Haha! Yeah. But I will finish that. Maybe after 3 months! I still have a cabinet full of books to read!
@orbeltadz (506)
• Baguio, Philippines
8 Jul 07
During my spare time, I always read any articles from the web, newspaper, novel, book, or any reading material that I found. But I never ended sometimes to read specially novels. I just glanced at them.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
6 Jul 07
I try to finish every book I've started but sometimes I do just give up. How far in I go before I decide to quit depends on the book, my mood and whether or not I have something else new on hand to read.
@lovelyladydancing (1016)
• United States
8 Jul 07
I usually finish a book. The only time I don't finish book is when I completely don't care what happens to the characters.
@mivarg (277)
• India
6 Jul 07
I always try to finish the books I start reading. I have never regretted reading till the end of a book, no matter how boring it had been at some point. I feel every book stores within it infinite pleasures for you. I never choose to read a book that doesn't interest me. But once I start reading it, there is nothing to stop me from finishing it.
@rangics (1334)
• Philippines
8 Jul 07
Before, I see to it that when I started reading a book, I'll make sure to reach up to the end of it. Nowadays, if a certain book bores me, I don't have to force myself reading it up to the end. There are also books (some of them) that I can predict the ending already or that the story line is quite obvious so I stop reading them. (Most especially if it bores me already). I read books that interests me. ;)
@bluearchi (57)
• Philippines
7 Jul 07
i am a person who loves to read books unfinished. i dont know why, but for me i always wanna create my own ending in such particular situation, then afterwards ill do to finish the article and see weather ill go right.
@southernbelle77_ab (87)
• United States
5 Jul 07
Life is too short to read something boring. I had to do enough of that in school. Now as for when I give up on a book, it depends on how boring it is. I may read just a few pages or one or two chapters. Never more than that. If it hasn't caught my interest by then, I'll choose something else.
@naokokensaku (529)
• Malaysia
8 Jul 07
It really depends.
I've given up on books before, but they tend to be books that are so mind-numbingly boring that I give up halfway anyways. I can't remember any of the life of me right now though. Normally I would try to finish a book in one setting, but due to work and all, it's getting much more difficult to do.
I normally try to read as much of the book as I can, which means I've sometimes given up after 70 pages, or even halfway.
@randisexi (20)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Oddly,every book I read, I enjoy it.It's probably because I tend to read a lot of fiction,which is my favorite genre. There's a least 3 books I decided to stop reading because it's boring.Overall I finish every book I read ( very quickly too because I'm a fast reader.I read at a level of ninth grade,but i'm in the seventh grade.)
@shrekk (561)
• Pakistan
5 Jul 07
Oh, that's one big problem I sometimes have. Sometimes I just don't feel like reading on or the book is too boring. at such times I'm stuck in between trying to drop it and finishing it quick. The latter is difficult, but if I do the former, i always have that distracting, irritating tingling going in my brain that I left the book unfinished because I was a looser and couldn't read it further. In the end,I mostly finish it after lingering on for a long long time. This happened with Rose Madder of Stephen King.
@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
5 Jul 07
i have stopped reading a few books because the book was boring, and when i find it really hard to get into it, i like reading them to the end, but i havent read a proper novel for awhile since to busy studying
@sbksat (355)
• India
5 Jul 07
Yes. I always finish a book before I lay it aside. I dont leave books half-read even if they bore me to the core. I usually select catchy authors like wilber smith and sidney sheldon. Both are really great novelists.
But I dont care about leavind my subject books unread.
@senthil2k (1500)
• India
5 Jul 07
I do love books. But the fact is that, when I dont like the book content, I cant just continue with the book, just to finish it. I do love only quality books that matches to my taste. I dont have the patience like you, to complete the book even though I dont like it.