Does Anyone Else Have Trouble With Their Mother??

@cabergren (1181)
United States
July 4, 2007 4:27pm CST
My mother will be 65 this summer. She seems to get more difficult to get along with lately. No matter what you do it is never enough. She is driving me crazy. Does anyone have this problem with a parent? And what have you done to try to resolve it?
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6 responses
• United States
5 Jul 07
I think people tend to get more difficult as they get older. They're more set in their ways and begin to realize that half their lives are gone. It's a scary time, and people react to fear with anger. Of course, they could also become more arrogant with age, assuming that because of their age they have become wise and feel the need to impart that "wisdom" on the younger, less fortunate generations. Either way, it's something you have to learn to deal with and move on. As long as you have a life outside of your mother and she's not the one you look to as your main source of approval, you should be fine. Hopefully she'll mellow out by 70 or so.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
5 Jul 07
oh t ome this is funy for I am older han your mom lol. and mine is 87 . But I can go bavck some years and me and my mom never got on to well it wasnt any thing she did it was mostly me for we never did think alike and that got on my nerves. BUt I havent been around her much in years so I do nothing but call her on the phone we did talk fo hours but since she had her stroke we talk like maybe 40 min. if she isnt to tired and I can understand what she is saying and I hate her being this way but witht he therapy she is getting so much better. BUt look at it this way you only have one mom and ya got to love her some huh? Just try to ignore what upsets you about her youll make out ok hugs
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
5 Jul 07
Not my mom she put on a happy face and is doing the best she can to fight to get back most of what she lost. JUst have to be pateint with her and ler her get the words out I just keep guessing till she says that right if it is a word she is haveing the trouble with its like she has to get her tough around the word to get it out.
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
8 Jul 07
I think that is natural between parents and their children. My parents and I never got along at all even today when they are in their 50's. So, that is to be expected and understandable.
@sunshinecup (7871)
5 Jul 07
Oh lord yes!!! My mother and I have always had our issues, some very deep some not so deep, but many non the less. Now she is 63 and has reverted back into being a baby. She has her fits and her jealous streaks. Just recently my father in law became ill and was rushed to the hospital. Besides finding he is diabetic and had two viruses, they had to remove a leg full of infection to save his life. Before he could return home, his children and I came together and tackled his house. Among repairs and cleaning adjustments had to be made in order for him to function in a wheel chair. My mother the entire time called every hour on the hour to whine her basement needed to be clean. The woman was jealous I was doing something for my father in law and not her! How do I resolve my issues? I dodge it like a bullet. I let her whine to my answer machine, I limit the time on the phone with her and I just blow her off. Some say I am cruel, I think I am protecting my sanity.
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@nfhs79 (861)
• Malaysia
5 Jul 07
I have trouble that she always intefere with my life and always worried and too much worried. I dunno how. Until I was in operation room for caesar I didnt tell her. Because, she will be too worried! I felt so sad about this. I cant talk to her about anything. I just talk to my sister and they understand well about this.
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@laurika (4532)
• United States
2 Oct 07
I actually know what you are talking parents are very similar.When I was at home I was trying to help as many as posssible.I helped around the house, with garden, cleaning and other things and also I had school.I just cannot stand it anymore and I just run away.My mum was just never really satisfied with anything.It drived me crazy.It didn't really change that much, but now I am far away from home, living in other country so now my brother have to listen all those things.I am sure it is not easy for him, but seems he just don't take it personaly.that's probably what you should do too.
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