Question for Christians and Muslems
@SEOGUY (906)
United States
July 5, 2007 5:38pm CST
Please help me if you can. I know this sounds shalow but give me your advice. I am a Christian, how ever my Christian veiws are differnt than most mainstream Christian veiws. If a Muslem her at my lot ask to be your friend would you be friends? The reson I ask is I guess paranoia. Why would a Muslem ask to be freinds with a christian? Al I here on tv and the internet is death to Christians, jews and the infidel being yelled by the followers of Islam. I was going to except the invitaion but at last declined the invitation. I feel guilty for doing so becouse my Christian instinct is love for all but my instinct as a man says beware. I do have an Egyptian freind here in my town that is Muslem, And he does not say the things linke I mentuioned before, But what would you do? And to you who follow Islam, What would you do if a Christian asked to befriend you? I guess one of my fears would be that the freindship would become an argument of religious beleifs and that I may offend.
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13 responses
@vivienna (582)
• Venezuela
6 Jul 07
This isn't a question. Of course I'm friend of every person -here in myLot or anywhere- with persons who manifest good will. And, as I know and your own experience can tell you, this doesn't depend on what kind of religion you profess but on the interpretation you give it. I'm Christian and very glad to see that some responses of mine, regarding Christianity, brought more than one Muslim to ask for friendship -which I happily agreed with.
As Christian, non believers need my attention and love, inclusive, no, especially, those who may be inclined to hate me because of my faith. Between friends, religion and faith can also be a topic of discussion, as it can be -or is- between couples. According to Paul, patience and love can lead to the salvation of the other part (1 Cor 7:12-16).
I think you should turn to the person whose invitation you rejected and invite him/her in turn. I don't know whether he/she will accept, but anyway, you will have done right. :)
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@MelodyRhapsodical (1248)
• United States
5 Jul 07
I apologize beforehand friend, but that is a horrible mentality and way of thinking. Why would you not accept friendship from a Muslim? Because he has a different religion and view than you? I'm Christian myself and I don't agree with what most people believe in - but that doesn't mean I'm not going to interact with those around me because I do things differently.
Jesus ate and talked with the Gentiles, so why wouldn't we as Christians interact with those who aren't like us? We have no reason to not befriend a person just because the beliefs are different. There is nothing Christian about that.
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@dfollin (25610)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Of course I would be their friend.That's what God want's,for use to be friends with the unsaved ones and maybe one day after you have dropped a line or two here and there about Jesus,they will get the point and become christian.Don't be pushy and constanly preach,that might scare them away.You need to keep the door open so that you can drop subtle hint's.
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@Kalachia (230)
• United States
6 Jul 07
I'm neither christian nor muslim, but I feel I need to give my opinion on this. Isn't it a bit closed minded to say that you wouldn't want to add a muslim person because of something broadcast on a tv that they have nothing directly to do with it? Sure, they may be proud of their heritage, but that doesn't mean that they share the exact beliefs of their faith. This country, along with alot of others have come a long way from the religious segregation we've once faced, and it continues to grow more open to possibilities, so not adding someone like you'd say you'd be paranoid about just closes that gap.
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@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
6 Jul 07
I am open and can admit I am not perfect, and do not always make the right desisions. Like I said my first instinct was as a Christian to befriend this person. But then fear set in about their intention of befriending me. I have read some angry post on mylot from Muslems to Christians and was afraid it was just another confrontaion waiting. Then I began to feel guilty about my desision and left it up to the Curch as it were, meaning the people to tell me I as right or wrong. And I am so glad I have had other than Christians also respond to my question, and I am delighted that some Muslems have responded with moderation and honesty as well. thanks again Kalchia
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@sahar88 (250)
• Egypt
6 Jul 07
ok i'm a muslim girl...and i'm proud to be a muslim...
i don't know why u made that,you must know his character at first ........
and mine i have more christians friends and really i love them.......and i want to tell you that news give a bad view about you know that it's forbidden in islam to kill any one ,and i wanna to say if they some people make that they just represent thierself not ISLAM.
any way if u really want to know anything about islam i can help u.....thanks
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@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Thanks, of all the coments yours helps the most. Thats what I want to know. Except for my Egyptian friend I have no idea of alot of their thoughts, My friend told me these people are not right, that Alah said that none without a weapon in hand against you should be killed. And that to kill inocent women and children and men who are not attacking you or at war with you is wrong, Is this true?
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@sahar88 (250)
• Egypt
9 Jul 07 first thank you on your friend request and i appreciate that you are really want to understand Islam not like othres who are just criticism it without know anything.....yes,u r islam we don't kill anyone exception in war when we are protect our country and that's mean we don't start to fight i don't know why people think that islam support terrorism... just see what happen every day in Iraq and Phalestine(others called Israel)
to know who are the terrorist...i tell you about my friend cousin he was from Phalestine and 12 years old..he just said a bad word for soldier(from israel)
u know what this soldier did?.........
he killed this boy with 12 bullet...ok anyway i hope u understand me because i'm try to improve my english... take care ...bye
@minijumbuk (514)
• Australia
6 Jul 07
I would definitely accept ANY friendship here on myLot, since if they really want to kill me, they couldn't! I think you are stereo typing Muslims, they do not all want to cause trouble to the world! It is only the minority of them which causes so much problems in our society, causing wars between nations! I have friends from different religion and culture to me, Hindu, Hindi, Buddha, Christian, Muslim, you name it! They are only people who have different life values to you. I do think it is becasue of "paranoia" because of the rotten world around us, cause us to disbelieve that people can be friendly, scams on the internet, killing and bashing on the streets, wars and terrorism..... It is not your fault that you hold this attitude towards making friends of a different race or religion...
Happy posting, hope you can be more accepting of other religions later on in life =D
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
5 Jul 07
I am neither Muslim nor Christian, but I have friends of many, many religions, on mylot, other websites, offline! I can understand how it could mkae you paranoid that there are some extremists out there, but living your life in fear of other's beliefs isn't healthy.
Even if the person who requested your friendship did have some ulterior motive for doing so, the amount of damage anyone can do to you online without you giving out too much information is limited. Unless you're thinking about actually meeting someone, it's rarely an issue.
So I think you should just relax a little and give people a chance. If your new friend does turn out to be disrespectful of you because of differences in beliefs, you are always free to delete them later!
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@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
6 Jul 07
I think I have several Muslim friends. I am not sure, because we never discussed religion. On the other hand, I do have a friendship with a Muslim in which we constantly discuss our religious beliefs. I have been learning a lot about the Muslim religion. I don't know how much he is learning about Christianity, he seems to know so much already. I have enjoyed our exchanges so far. We are both very respectful of each others beliefs. I am well aware that he is actively trying to convert me, but I take his zeal into consideration when reading his messages and in my replies. I am very strong in my own faith, but I do want to know what others are thinking and how they came to their beliefs.
I'm sure there are some Muslims who might get ugly in an information exchange, just as I have seen some Christians and some atheists get ugly.
If you would like to add a Muslim as a friend, go ahead. If it doesn't work out and you feel the person is disrespectful, mention it and if things don't improve, then cancel the "friendship."
@viollet_ry (968)
• Indonesia
6 Jul 07
Hi Seoguy
Although I am not a christian or muslim but I think what u did was wrong. Although i don't have so many friends and i am not good of making friends but I know making friends is from the heart and sincerity not from the religion. Like me I'm a buddhist and although i never had muslim friends from my country but most of my friends from net are muslim. And u will find that lots of them are friendly. So why don't you give it a try ok?
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Yes I am comming to beleive this as some Muslems have responded so freindly to my Question. I have sent a request back to this person to become friends, If he does not wish to at this time I will count it as my loss. Thanks for your responce
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@JhiLLiCiOus (8)
• Philippines
6 Jul 07
..for me, friendship has no doesn't really matter what your religions are, as long as you are willing to stay in a friendship...religion would not be a barrier to a relationship which is focused on acceptance and understanding..the only difference between christiana and muslim is the beliefs that are being practiced..but that beliefs is not a hindrance for a friendship to grow...
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@naokokensaku (529)
• Malaysia
6 Jul 07
Forgive me, Seoguy, but my first reaction was to laugh.
I find your question very amusing, but at the same time very scary, as like you mentioned, it could be just paranoia. That said, I'm a Christian, and I find that limiting your friends to a certain religion is rather bigoted. My boyfriend's a Muslim, some of my best friends are Sikhs, I work with a majority of Buddhists whom I also call friends, and the only major religion I have yet to make a friend with is Jewish, but that's only cause Jews are hard to find in my part of the world. :P
It will only become an argument of beliefs if you let it. If there are more things in common that you share beyond religion, then those are more important. Most people I know are happy to tell me more about their religion, as they would not like to offend and be offended by others. So yes, I would make friends with a Muslim in a heartbeat. Now if you were talking paedophiles and the like that would be another matter... Have a good day, Seo!
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@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Yes thankyou, as I said my first instinct as a Christian was yes to be friends. But my fear was this, I read all the confrontaion writen around the internet and even here at mylot. I was garded becouse I don't want to offend anyone and I didn't want anyargument over religious beleifs. Maybe I did what I tried not to do. Becouse of my fear to not offend, I did offend and had a fear of an argument that may not even occure. I have went back to this person and requested friendship, And if they eccept I will be truthful with them about why at first I was hesident to be friends. In a way I was trying to be a freind by not becoming a friend, But you have all helped me see my fear is not needed. thanks
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