Okay, I KNOW that just didn't happen!!

United States
July 10, 2007 10:26pm CST
I have to tell this story because I could not believe that it even happend and I was actually there when it happened. So me and my mother went to take the kids to the dollar store, (it's a great place to go when the kid's are really bored, lol). So I was in the toy isle with the kids helping them pick out a toy, my mom was in the next isle to me, the food isle, getting some snacks for the kids. I hear this splatter noise, was thinking "huh, I wonder what that was." It didn't sound like someone broke anything. It sounded as though someone had opened a bottle of liquid and poured it all over the floor. So a couple of seconds later I see my mom at the end of the isle and she's motioning to me to come here with this scared confused look on her face. She tells me "let's get out of this store now!" Than seconds later I hear a couple of guys screaming "get the manager now! You don't pee in my store, get out of here now!" So she pulls me to the front so we can hurry up and pay for our stuff and we pass the food isle and I see this giant lady, literally, she looked like a guy almost but a GIANT one. She was standing next to a big puddle of something on the floor. So we are standing in line and the lady goes up to the front and she was with another lady and they go pay for there stuff first and the manager is telling the other woman not to ever bring her back in the store again. So they pay for there stuff and the lady who did this on the floor actually says like nothing, "I'm so sorry" and than they leave. So we pay for our stuff and I told the manager, why didn't he make her clean it up? So he says this was the second time she did this, the first time he says she peed on his floor near his office room in the back. So he just wanted her out of the store. So, we finally left and my mom was explaining to me how she saw the whole thing happen. She was standing right next to the lady and she just pulled her pants down like nothing and peed right there on the floor. She than looked right up at my mom and my mom turned around quick and that's when she went to where I was. I just couldn't believe it! I just don't know how someone could do something like that unless they really had something mentally wrong with them. The lady sure knew it was wrong because she apologized for it, but I guess the whole thing was just creepy because of the way she looked and how it all happened, and than for that to be the second time! Or maybe she really had a problem and just had to let it out right there but I'd think she would hide in a corner or something, not right it in the open food isle right next to someone. Or who knows, maybe she had something against the manager, or the store, lol. I just had to tell someone about my crazy day!
5 people like this
14 responses
@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
11 Jul 07
That image to go along with the story is priceless... When I worked at a gelato shop we had a customer come in about once a week and poop all over the bathroom, for some reason. Thankfully I never had to clean it up, but my manager would make the high school kids do it. Disgusting. I don't know if they ever caught the person doing it, either...
• United States
11 Jul 07
Oh my gosh!:0 That's even more gross! That is just awful for someone to do that! Atleast it was in the bathroom though and not in public, but still gross. Oh yeah, I feel sorry for those kids who had to clean that! Thanks:)
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
11 Jul 07
It could be the lady did have some mental problems and that's why she had a companian with her. May never know for sure. I've never witnessed an adult do that other than some homeless guy who was sleeping on a bench. He just started peeing. Didn't unzip his pants or anything. It ran all over the bench onto the ground and continued to the curb. All I thought that day was why didn't he at least get up and go by a tree or in a empty alley or something. I never sat on that bench again.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Jul 07
Oh my goodness, that's awful! I've always felt sorry and could never understand that either, seeing them soiled and dirty like that. That would be awful to see that though, thanks:)
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
11 Jul 07
that's really crazy... i will be very scared if i were your mother and were next to her... i think she might has a mental illness... i don't think a normal person will do something like that especially in public places... i guess you wouldn't want to go into that shop again for sometimes... :-)
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Jul 07
I know, she definitely has something wrong with her. My mother was actually scared because the woman was so big and she looked at her right after it happened she thought maybe the woman would do something to her, lol. I'm sure it was scary for her at that moment but a little funny now thinking about it. Oh yeah, I won't be going there for awhile but eventually in time I'll have to go back. Was one of our favorite dollar stores too! Thanks:)
@laridbz (1280)
• China
11 Jul 07
Wow... Now that's a crazy and bizarre story! If she has something against the manager, she could have done something else to piss him off. I don't know, anything but this! Hahaha! She is probably not really ok with her mental health, otherwise I don't think she would do that. And if she had any other problems (like she couldn't help it or something) she probably wouldn't return to the store again, so ashamed she would be. This sort of things might happen, specially with old ladies, but it's very unlikely to happen twice at the same place. And if she couldn't help it, she wouldn't just pull her pants down! Hahahaha! :D Well, it's so tragic it's funny! :)
2 people like this
• United States
11 Jul 07
now that was weird and gross and it was a good thing your mother moved never know what someones attentions are especially when they act that way. Your probably right theres got to be something mentally wrong with her. If I was the manager I would be on guard next time he obviously remembers her when he sees her the next time he should call the police.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Jul 07
Oh yeah, I agree. He did say he would call the police next time he saw her in the store. I wouldn't want her around either being the second time, cause you know there's a possible chance it just could happen a third time! AAhh! Just awful thinking about it! Thanks:)
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Now that is a bizzarre story!! She obviously has some sort of mental illness. And you really have to wonder about the lady that keeps bringing her into public places!!
2 people like this
• United States
11 Jul 07
Ha! I know I thought the same thing! Thanks:)
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Oh my, I can't even imagine that. I wouldn't take that lady out in public unless she had a diaper on. She must have some mental health issues.
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@scottology (1208)
12 Jul 07
wow this is like not real to see
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@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
11 Jul 07
My brother's father-in-law was dating a woman who would squat right on the street. I never met her but apparently she was mentally ill. Needless to say, he didn't stay with her for long!
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Wow now thats a good one.LOL I cant believe she did that! It sounds like she had something against the either the store or the manager. Boy did she have nerve. It takes alot of nerve to do something like that. Thanks for sharing that story with us. Its amazing what people will do.LOL
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
11 Jul 07
It certainly does sound like she has a mental illness of sorts. You didn't mention around what age she was. All I can think of is if this has happened before, why isn't the woman wearing adult diapers? That is really crazy and I can see why your mother wanted to get out of the store in a hurry. I don't think I would have wanted to be there then. Eeewww!
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Jul 07
She had to be probably around her late 30's. She didn't look old at all. She probably did have a mental problem. You're right, if she had a problem you would think she should be wearing diapers, I guess we'll never know! Thanks:)
@DJ9020 (1596)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Yeah, she's got to have a mental problem! Social mores are one of the first things to go. I worked (years ago!) at a mental hospital as an aide. We had one woman that had to be escorted to the bathroom every time she had to go because she'd go on the floor then take all her clothes off!
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Jul 07
Oh my! You must have seen some crazy stuff than! You just can't imagine how a sane person could do such a thing! Thanks:)
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Sounds like she is not all there to me (in the head I mean). They should of got one of them to clean it up at least before they left. That is a bizarre story for sure!
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
11 Jul 07
That lady must have some kind of mental illness.These kind of people shouldnt be left alone and should be taken care of properly.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Jul 07
I totally agree! Thanks:)