what does religions say about terrorism?
By maghrebi
@maghrebi (61)
10 responses
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
14 Jul 07
realy! this is not what your quran says
“When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives.” (Quran47.4).
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@drmohamedshalata (121)
• Ecuador
14 Jul 07
Yep true
but what you don't know here that this was for the war time
i think you'll do the same with your enemies or you'll smile and invite them to dinner?
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@maghrebi (61)
• Morocco
14 Jul 07
read what quran say about terrorism "god does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes ,god loves just dealers" (quran,60:8)
you must read more about islam my friend
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
14 Jul 07
it is because i have studies islam that i wish to have nothing whatsoever to do with it !was it not in the name of Allah (your God not mine)that the terrorists murdered over 300 inocent folks even children on 9/11 in the world trade bombing ?or in the occasion of the beheadinf\g of Mr Pearlman a reporter i believe !also in whoos name were they indocrinating small children with the mouse like creature on tv over there ?no my friend i will not believe in your peacefull religion untill you come out loudly (all of you )and promote peasce insttead of just claiming to be peacefull !I can claim i am an angwl however my claim does not make it so!
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@thefuture (1749)
• Nigeria
12 Jul 07
Forgive me to say this, but terrorism have always been found among the islamists in the world today and the world keep asking why. The greatest commandment in my relion is "Love your brother as yourself and be your brother's keeper". Thanks and have a nice day.
@maghrebi (61)
• Morocco
12 Jul 07
i can forgive you because all medias show that islam==terrorism but islamiste is different to muslem
islamiste are ignorant use the religion for other aims
but the terrorism have not a religion
for example bush is terroriste he kill millions of people evrey day in the word ,he is a chritian but i can't say that all christians are terrorisms!!
@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
15 Jul 07
Muslim extremist may number well into the millions.
This is more than just a war in Iraq for America, Canada and Great Britain.
We face a force of millions of potential Muslim extremists who wish ill for us.
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@the_vicar (1477)
• United States
22 Jul 07
Unfortunately, a lot of people who claim to be Muslims and profess Islam are terrorists. They use the religion to kill and terrorize the world. They are not men of peace and religion, they are murderers and thieves. They are the worse kind of human, the lowest of lows who cannot grant the world the serenity for people to have a peaceful life.
Sadly, these extremists proclaim a holy war and cast an ugly shadow on the true believers who want nothing more than to raise their families in peace.
They fight other religions and people and amongst themselves so that they look like savage murderers rather than men of God.
@drmohamedshalata (121)
• Ecuador
23 Jul 07
(a lot of people) ??
how many is that (a lot of people)
here in my country we are like more than 60 million muslims
i don't see those murderers or theives you calim
i doubt if you even have that peacefull kind of life i have already
so where did you get your inforation?? EARTH?? or other planet
i guess murderers is all what you see in your TV
and theives are all what they want you to think about us as well
PLZ people use your branis for once in your life and stop being brainwashed
GOD !!
@pSYoniK (35)
• Romania
15 Jul 07
i for one am a catholic...still i don't think that we should take religion way to literally since this is why we have a sh*tload of wars....jihad here, ethnic cleansing there and the list goes on... the thing we don't stop to think about is that religion is usually a way to higher your spiritual level but if we really think about religion then i don't think that most religions say you should kill someone who doesn't believe the same thing you do... a lot of wars in the name of "insert prophet name here" and for what ? do you think mohamed, budha or jesus wanted that we kill each other in their name ? do you think they wanted us to kill everyone who wasn't thinking the same thing we were, believing the same things we believe in ? religion should be taken as another way of expresing yourself, as another way of reaching maybe a higher level of understanding, a way to manage to interact with the people around you...not just as another excuse you use in killing those of a different belief then you...the crusades, ww II and now 9/11 and so on....religion brought a lot of good things yet we as humans somehow manage to abuse the bad things and kill in the name of god.... sometimes i really wonder how the world would be without it....
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
15 Jul 07
Have you actually READ your quran, it tells you to kill all who refuse to convert to Islam, and more than once, too! All religions are the basis for terrorism throughout the ages,there has never been a religion that doesn't suggest all others aren't really people. And if your religion doesn't permit terrorism, then why are all those terrorists called heroes by your religious leaders, instead of the cowards they are
@asawako48162 (3321)
• United States
14 Jul 07
in most church teaching it is "Thou shalt not Kill"
what part of that does the world not understand?
don't kill.
but every religion says they follow the Bible or Koran or some Holy Book of Laws ..but they say one thing and do another...yeah,,Islam says a lot of stuff and so do Chritians and Jews..and Atheist..but saying one thing and doing another ...well that just don't feed the bull dog...it is all rubbish if you don't follow the basic command of love on another as you would love yourself..i am sorry i have no solutions as I think mankind is just too stupid to learn from history...no matter what spin you put on it.
@nagatron123456 (888)
• Philippines
21 Jul 07
It says terrorism is not good, unless if they promote clean and green campaign. hehehehe