WHEN is enough, ENOUGH when you are DEALING with SMOKE in your HOME ??

United States
July 13, 2007 8:28am CST
To start things off, I am NOT a smoker, but do not have anything against smokers, truly, I was raised with a heavy smoker, my Mother, so I have the compassion to understand your desire to smoke and dealing with the daily restrictions in the public. But as of lately, it just seems like it is TOO much smoke and it is starting to become an issue for me. The love of my life smokes, and enjoys it fully, and has no desires to quit, but as of lately as we are in our nice air conditioned home with all the windows shut and ceiling fans off and he will start to smoke and then his son will start to smoke and if my daughter is there ... that is it, I just give up at that point ... Sometimes I feel like I am walking around in a haze of smoke. Now all the people I mentioned, I love dearly, they are my family, and I would never not want to deprive them of their smoke, but when is enough, enough when you are dealing with smoke in your home? .. or is it just ME?
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17 responses
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
13 Jul 07
Hun, i'm a smoker and it bothers me. This is the way i see it, if there's more than one person smoking in the house at one moment, then they all go outside, because it really does make me ill. If you set that as a new rule, it usually works out in your favor, even if they aren't happy with it for a while.
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Jul 07
Hmmm ... you might want to quit smoking if you are PREGNANT, not good for the baby. My daughter quit smoking while she was pregnant and when my granddaughter was 3 days old she started again, geez!
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
13 Jul 07
It is bad enough to deal with secondhand smoke, now there is the whole family smoking.... If it happens in my family, I might have just joined in the crowd. Perhaps my loved ones will stop if he sees me smoking. Hopefully so. LOL. My dad used to smoke occasionally too but he will smoke outdoors as he knows that I cough when I breath in smoke. To a certain extent, I am "allergic" to smoke as I will get headache once I smelled smoke from afar. How about getting an air freshener or have the smoking outdoors?
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Jul 07
Funny ... I have not thought of smoking also, but I might as well with everyone else smoking, thanks for your contribution whyaskq, it is always appreciated!
@mimatexas (1818)
• United States
13 Jul 07
My husband smokes but he goes outside to smoke. You should tell your couple to at least go outside to smoke because you are breathing that smoke and they say it's worse than the one who smokes.
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
13 Jul 07
My hubby is a smoker, too. He would like to quit but like so many others he cant seem to muster up the courage. He does not smoke in the house. He used to many years ago. When we moved to Houston in 1999 he decided to not smoke inside. We had a large covered patio in the back so he always sat outside to smoke. He continues to go outside to smoke. Maybe that could be a solution for you? And no it is not just you!
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Jul 07
I wish I could get everyone to smoke out of the house, but my boyfriend likes to smoke in bed when he is relaxing so I don't think that will happen, but thanks for your contribution, it is always appreciated. Have we had enough rain yet??
• Columbus, Ohio
13 Jul 07
Until very recently I have been a smoker and my wife has not. I would never think to smoke inside the home and endanger her and my sons health. Doing so woulds show a complete disregard for them. You should definitely confront him about this and let him know it will not be tolerated. He has no right to infringe on your health because of his bad habits.
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@Daelin (683)
• Brazil
11 Aug 07
I feel sorry for you and for your family too. It is not a healthy house when someone smokes with all the windows shut. You could try something like this: When he begins to smoke you don't say anything. Just open all the windows, no matter how cold it is outside. And as soon as he finishes you spray the room with something strong. I am sure he will take the hint.
• Canada
11 Aug 07
I am a smoker and can`t stand smoke in my face so I can just imagine what your going through , can you ask them to step outside when there are so many smoking at the same time ... My sister smokes but onkly outside , I`m proud of her for this ... She does it fot her kids ...
@gberlin (3836)
18 Jul 07
When smoking infringing on your right to breathe smokeless air then it is a problem and you must work something out between each other. I am a nonsmoker and so is my wife and kids. I do not allow smoking in my house and when my brother-in-laws visit and they need to smoke, they go outside. They know this when they come to visit. They have tried to quit because they want to but it is a struggle for both of them.
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
14 Jul 07
I am a smoker but I can understand it bothering you. It bothers me sometimes if many people are smoking. I'm not sure if it would help you but we bought a good air cleaner and if anyone smoked in the house they had to sit near it. It did help somewhat.
@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
18 Jul 07
well In my opinion it is good to try to give advice to other always about stop smoking....ofcourse not like very serious advice only but any way we can...any way... with fun with pleasure...with gift with surprise...or with some good proof in support of stop smoking...this will be good for all of us in future...
@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
3 Aug 07
I have asthma, and my husband smokes. It is all that I can do, to breathe some days. I don't really care if he wants to smoke, but it would be nice if he'd stay away from me, while he's doing it. I have enough health problems, already, and it really bothers me, when I'm around it, especially when I'm enclosed with it.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
14 Jul 07
I was a smoker and I stopped smoking in the house because of my daughter. 2nd hand smoke really is bad for you. My mom has emphazima and does not smoke at all. She does live in a home with my brother who smokes. Her doctor was amazed that she wasn't a smoker. Is it possible for them to go in the basement and smoke? or is there a certain room they can go in? My friend who does not allow smoking in her home does allow it in her basement.
• India
14 Jul 07
naah..even though am a smoker..i do have a problem wid ppl smokin in ac rooms n stuff..it is harmful..period..i guess that should b stopped instantly.!!go talk to him abt all dis..!!
• China
14 Jul 07
i'm a smoker ,and my wife persuade me several times to quit,but i always think it's not affect too much,but when we plan to have a baby,i think about it serious,now ,i'll try ,may it is so tough
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
13 Jul 07
I must be a terrible host whenever we have visitors they HAVE to smoke outside, doesn't matter if its my dad who smokes or my housemate's friends, smoking is BANNED! My housemate used to smoke and the only room I would let him smoke in was his bedroom and the door had to be shut at all times.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
13 Jul 07
I am a smoker and i can totally understand where you are coming from, my mother never smoked and her husband continues to smoke all around her..But for me like I said I am a smoker and I will NEVER smoke inside my house..It stinks and its disgusting and you can never get the smell out...Maybe ask you love of your life to help clean the walls when you take a picture off the wall and see the reation..
@totty1969 (1468)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Hello texasclassygal, I smoke, and have for twentyeight years. My wife smokes as well. Our daughter doesn't smoke. we go out side and smoke, it doesn't matter how hot or how cold, we still smoke outside. I really can't stand the haze in the house. When we have company we all stand out on the deck and smoke. My friends all understand and they smoke outside out of respect and I appreciate that. I can also understand the public bands, second hand smoke does kill. I think that is the other reason why we smoke outside. Peace, Totty