Must be nice to be a billionaire

United States
July 13, 2007 11:27am CST
I see that Mark Cuban has applied to buy the Chicago Cubs. He already owns the Dallas Mavericks basketball team. If he buys the Cubs will it be a good thing?
2 responses
@zenmachado (1617)
• United States
13 Jul 07
I gotta tell ya, that while I don't particularly like Cuban, I non the less admire him for the enthusiasm we displays, when it comes to his dallar franchise. I know if I his wallet, that's the first thing I would purchase, an NBA team. Or I would settle for getting a hockey team, like my hometown KING. Hey... Even a loosing team would do. :D If a was a billionare my dream also would be to buy a film production company. Now that would make would be rather sweet!
• United States
13 Jul 07
Oh yeah, about the cubs, I think it would not be a great thing for anyone. With the Mavs he has propeled them to a high status because of all the imput and energy that he has invested in them. Yet if he also aquires the cubs, his efforts will be split. As an owner he won't be able to aid properly any of his two ball clubs.
• United States
13 Jul 07
Cuban is known for being energetic and excited about his team. I dont know if I could or would want to deal with the egos of ball players. And Chicago? Cubs fans can be hard on their team. Now if I were a billionaire? I haven't figured that out yet. I would probably find that there were more relatives that I knew about.LOL! Thanks.
• Philippines
13 Jul 07
i can't see anything wrong if he does.its his money .he can do anything he wants.If i were in his shoes i will do the things i will be happy.and if buying the cubs will make me happy so i will buy it..
• United States
13 Jul 07
Yup. We all tend to wealthy people and wonder why they do what they do. Simple. Because they can! I would not mind. I don't think I would buy a sports team tho. But you never know. Thanks a lot for responding.