belief in an afterlife
energetic representations from the natural world
intelligent responses and interesting perspectives
Do you believe there is life beyond this one? If yes, how do you envision it?
@Perspectives (7131)
July 14, 2007 12:23am CST
I will be very interested to hear what your views are on this subject. My Mom passed away two years ago in April...and she raised me with spiritual beliefs in an afterlife. She and I would discuss it at length when I was older and throughout shared path as mother/daughter and friends.
So I do believe there is life beyond this one...and have some sense of how I envision it. I choose to believe it is a fuller extension of life here...and it certainly has animals in it, especially our pets. It is hard to imagine any place that is supposed to be 'heavenly' without energetic representations from the natural world.
I could go on and will comment more to your responses...but I would greatly appreciate it if you'd share what you believe life will be like beyond this one if you'd care to. Your responses are keeping me busy...but I so enjoy the thoughtful, intelligent perspectives you continally add to the discussions.
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13 responses
@Darkwing (21583)
30 Jul 07
Yes, I believe there's an afterlife. I believe we cross the bridge to the Summerland/Valhalla/The Otherworld, whatever you believe it is, and I think we find a time of rest from the learning periods we spend on earth. I believe we spend this time reflecting on and assessing what we've learned from our previous lives, and pondering what lessons we still have to learn. Then, when fully refreshed, and when the time is right, we are reborn into another body, or life, and from here, begin to learn the lessons we haven't yet encountered.
I believe the Otherworld is a tranquil, green and bright place, where we will meet up again with our loved ones... perhaps even our soulmates... and our pets who have crossed the bridge previously. We may stay there a short while, or we may stay for a longer period, but I don't think this place is ruled by time. I'm not afraid to go there because I know I won't be judged, and that I will find all the souls whom I've been missing on Earth. I also know that I will be back someday, the same soul in a different body, thus to continue on the Wheel of Life's lessons.
Brightest Blessings my friend. x

@Darkwing (21583)
1 Aug 07
As we are such like spirits, I'm not surprised I view the Otherworld and reincarnation in the same way as you, my friend. I think we have truly "found" one another here, which in such a wide, wide World is some amazing occurrence, don't you think?
I'll say no more, because I know you understand what I mean. Take care my dear friend, and have a beautiful day, full of love and happiness. x
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
4 May 08
10 months ago...but see I am still responding to every response when I come across missed ones...even when it take almost a year to do so.
Your comments on this one have proven to be true for us...and our bond deepens and expands with each exchange. You are a blessing in my life dear one...and I am so happy to feel our kinship.
Love you..soul sister of mine.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
31 Jul 07
OMG...I you momentarily took my breath away as you eloquently described my views on the afterlife, reincarnation, soul sharings and carings with loved ones and like minded others. It is amazing to read thoughts that I never really wrote down in such a concise yet spiritually expansive way...and now I don't need to....because you wrote it for me and I am grateful.
Your beautiful spiritual essence comes through here as always Darkwing. You always offer brightest blessings to others...but in a post like this you have provided that in your thoughtful, insightful response. Light filled blessings coming back to you.

@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
14 Jul 07
Well, we all have our perspectives...and yours is welcome here too!
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 Mar 08
I never really thought about it until I lost my Petey then I started thinking about it alot. A friend in Texas sent me a poem about the rainbow bridge and in that poem I formed my vision of Heaven. Rolling meadows, bubbling streams, sunshine and serenity. I sincerely hope there is such a place where I can be reunited with my Petey and my other pets and loved ones that are already there and will still come one day. It makes it all that more important to work on getting to Heaven and being on the right path.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
4 May 08
Hi Twoey...
Sorry this comment is a month in the making. I know we share similar beliefs about our pets and you posted the Rainbow Bridge when Tasha passed on. It was a great comfort to me then...and still is.
I feel confident that the next realm has a place for our pets...and believe as you do that we will meet again.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
4 May 08
I believe that there is a heaven and that there is a hell, and each will be filled with many.
I believe that the full gloriousness of the one - and the utter despair of the other are too much for our finite human minds to comprehend or even begin to imagine .
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 May 08
Hello again..
Hope you and your loved ones are doing well. Thank you for adding your beliefs to the topic...I always value your input.
Your comment "too much for our finite human minds to comprehend or even begin to imagine" has a lot of impact within it. The amazing part of life and all of creation often makes me feel that way. When I gaze at the heavens on a clear night it is hard to fathom the Source of All That Is and our part within in.
Take care and blessings to you and yours.
@learner6 (25)
• Pakistan
3 Jun 08
There is definitely life after this.Becuase almost all the religions have believe on it.this is the unrejectable proof of life after ward.We will be at dark for a long time in our graves,there will be a gathering where all the souls from the start of life will gather in front of God,this day is called Day of judgement,the bridge crosssing,rewarded people will cross it easily,while other will fell down,in deep down is hell,where they will live for ever.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
25 Jul 08
Great scripture you are quoting there. Thanks for sharing your beliefs.
@podqueen (340)
5 May 08
I would like to think that there is a life after this one. Surrounded by so many interpretations and versions of religion I think it's a comforting feeling that we all continue to "live". I did raise a discussion about whether anyone had read the book "Talking to Heaven" by James Van Praagh but as there was no response I took it as a no! He is a psychic/medium and his book relates to case studies and I found his communication and interpretation of the afterlife absolutely fascinating. He believes that we still live on and that our souls are constantly evolving to be better "people" in the spiritual life. This whole concept was very comforting especially when I lost my grandma almost 12 years ago. Just the thought of her being on a higher plain and still "alive" made it easier to cope with her passing and her absence. I still miss her so very much and I often feel that she's looking and guiding me.
I don't really have a definite vision of what the afterlife has in store for me when my time is up on earth but I would love to think that it's a peaceful and tranquil place.
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
15 Jul 07
I have many teachings in my head. I think that our energies are timeless and hope that we all go to a better place. What that would be as energy beings is not so easy to discern. I would hope that there is no more need, pain, hunger, cold, green, jealousy etc. This is one thing we will have to wait and see what happens. Hope to see you there!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
16 Jul 07
I also hope to see you there too...well hopefully we will. We have a like-mindedness and a feeling of kindred spirits on this plane. It wouldn't suprise me that the like-attracts-like-magnatism would draw us into a sharing circle there.
I mentioned something to Lakota12..I am sure we wouldn't have much difficulty finding a common meeting place when things flow so easily here.
Lovely you say we will have to wait and see...
@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
2 Aug 07
We are here due to circumstances that we had no control of. But now that we are here and experiencing the wonders surrounding us and meeting like minded souls we realise that we have a purpose in life whilst being here. We may not have had a choice to start here but that start has been given to us so it is up to us use the knowledge and gain as much as we can.
Due to the way that we are brought up, we can make some terrible blunders along the path that we tread here, but as long as we learn from lifes mistakes and better ourselves, and the souls that are with us at present, it can only do us good for the future when this body that we are in comes to its end of usefullness.
Intelligence is a wonderfull asset that can only be gained from the learning of others that have been passed from others in book form or even the souls that are all around us being in this body or from the afterlife from the people who have that gift as well.
We will all be busy whilst we are here to help others in thier way through this this life and even help, or be helped in the next life.
Have a wonderfull life from Deeeky.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Aug 07
Thank you for sharing your wonderful views about the afterlife. I completely agree with your perspective. Everything you have stated so well fits with my beliefs about why we are here. Meeting like minded others, advancing our souls, working through blunders...and helping others along the way.
Your very well thought out addition to this topic is appreciated. I hope you will stop by again.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
31 May 08
I believe in reincarnation. I believe that when you die , your soul leaves your current body. It waits a certain amount of time and then gets a new body to travel in and returns to earth.You can be a human one life and a cat another.It all depends.

@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
3 Jun 08
Thanks...the writer in me I guess. Love to make word pictures filled with a sense of wonder. You are an intuitive person and I appreciate the connection we have made my friend.
Warm and caring regards,
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Jun 08
Great being friends with you...and I can see that we have similar views about a lot of things. Your perspective on reincarnation fits with mine and I can appreciate why the term growing your soul seems ambiguous. As we have chatted though it could also be called the pathway to enlightenment....or anything else. Like you I find it hard to fathom that this is all there is...or that we learn everything in just one lifetime.
So yes, reincarnation is definitely part of my views of life beyond this one. Good to have a kindred spirit as a new friend.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Yes, I most certainly do believe there's some life beyond this one where we go to...a place where all our souls/spirits dwell until we feel the time is right to re-incarnate again to learn another lesson from. In the wicca/pagan religion we call it the Summerlands...a place to rest between our incarnations, surrounded by all other souls who await their re-incarnations as well...It is thought to be a peaceful place, with lush hills and valleys, and of course animals are their as well, especially our pets that we have had....I too, very much cling to the idea of seeing my pets there, just like you do--If not, oh, my I sure wouldn't want to go there then...LOL...I'm always reminded of the beautiful poem Rainbow Bridge about our pets...ever hear of it? If not, here's a link
Uh..warning...have some tissues nearby as you read it:
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 May 08
Hi again..
I haven't been here much and am still plodding along responding to every response as I come across ones I missed.
Thanks for the link to the Rainbow Bridge and for sharing your views about the next realm. I see things in similar ways and cannot fathom any realm without animals and our precious pets. Like would not seem very "heavenly" for me without them either.
Hope things are going well with you. We will connect as we can...we always do.
Hugs my friend,
@DanaMark (807)
• United States
15 Jul 07
I also believe in an afterlife for eternity. I was raised as a Christian, and have believed in life with God in heaven for as long as I remember. I don't know what it will be like, except I believe people won't be sad, or unhappy. People won't hurt each other's feelings. People won't kill each other, or harm each other physically. We won't have to worry about finances, or world hunger, or disease. I'm looking forward to that.
There are a few hopes I have, like no waiting in line. Everyone will get to be at the front. Who knows how that could work, but hey, if God can create an afterlife for eternity, then figuring out how to get everyone at the front of the line should be a breeze. lol. I hope there will be no getting put on hold for anything, although I'm sure we won't need phones. And I hope there will be no spiders. I think even in heaven spiders would scare me.
@vonkristoffer (833)
• Philippines
27 May 08
you know the Bible tell us what after life... just read this.. :)
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Jun 08
I checked out the link and bookmarked it. I will be going back to assess the information. I appreciate you offering it. Thanks.
@Celestiamoon (231)
• Canada
31 May 08
I agree that there is a life beyond this one. What it really is I have no clue but I have my theories. I agree that there are animals as well as anything else that is living here. I don't think that we take human form though, I envision us more as balls of light. I believe in reincarnation too as well. So that our souls have a chance to live many lives and evolve.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Jun 08 positively delightful to have a like-minded other as a new friend. Your views mirror mine...and I live more within energy-based awareness than outwardly directed as I once did.
Like you I cannot believe that this is all there is...and reincarnation makes a lot of sense because there is so much to learn and I cannot fathom that we 'get it' all in one lifetime.
I have felt such a strong connection to certain people in my life that they do not feel like new friends...just old ones that I've been reunited with. To me that is all the proof I need.
Great input...thanks for offering it.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
3 Jun 08
Yes, that surprised me too. After feeling the need to be discerning about my beliefs for much of my life it has been delightful to connect with other kindred spirits within the Mylot community.
I am sure you will find more of us...DarkWing, Pyewacket, Winter08 and many more share similar views to yours. I am glad we are keeping our channels of communication open and I am sure we will continue to have many more meaningful exchanges. Once we find a sense of kinship I tend to want to foster those relationships too.
Take care...and best regards,
@Celestiamoon (231)
• Canada
3 Jun 08
Yes it is great to have someone that is likemined as a friend. When I joined up here I didn't know that there would be so many discussions that would go along with what I believe. It is nice and refreshing :) I am glad to have a friend like you.