It is better to be in America under BUSH than any place in the world.
@TheRepublicMenu (290)
United States
July 14, 2007 12:47pm CST
I have been all around the world, and trust me, America is the best. I have seen places like Somalia and Ethiopia. I have seen the violence and the death close up.
You do not want to live there.
I have also met people from various places around the world such as China, Rawanda and even North Korea. They have said it is better here in America than in their countries. They told me of the human rights violations which occur there most of the time.
Noone does anything in those countries when people come up missing and/or are found dead days, weeks or even months later. The police officers are paid most of the time to lend a blind eye and a deaf ear to reports and investigations. I did not find all of the things which were said hard to believe. The people that told me about some of those attrocities said that America is a far better place than any of their countries. And for any American to hate being in America, even under President Bush, was indeed ignorant. I see no real human rights violations in America. We do not have sweat shops which are legal (unless it is where illegal workers). We have the best hospital, the best doctors, the bravest police force (least corrupted) and a very good political plat form.
So when people say all the bad things about America, or even the president who has kept them free from harm, allowed them the protection to worship freely, thank the president and God for that.
You could be a drinking toilet water in the countries of Chad, or Rawanda. You could have been in Cuba being censored by the Communist government too.
My friends from Africa and the Asian areas of the world are republicans. I am proud to say that. They know that democrats are nothing but another excuse for meek and weak. This group panders to socialism, being malcontents and excuse making.
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19 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
14 Jul 07
I think countries like Canada, Sweden, Australia, Britain and Ireland you wouldn’t hear we Americans are ignorant for hating Bush but of course I don’t see these people breaking down our doors to get in either.
To me it highly sucks being an American under the shrub's turn in office. Can’t waite to say bye bye to the idiot.
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@dfollin (25610)
• United States
15 Jul 07
I do not know if this is all Bush's fault or not.But,people from those countries are not breaking the door down to come here.But,many other people are and taking advantage of our resources.
@sunshinecup (7871)
16 Jul 07
"Ooh, and what is this calling Bush an idiot for?"
Just the mere fact you had to ask, speaks volumes. LOL, keep up the good work, saves me time. :oD
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@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
15 Jul 07
I can speak on Canada and Germany only. I have been to those nations. I live in Detroit, and I was just in Windsor, Canada the other day. They are trying to get Americans near border cities to acquire pass ports. We are all up and arms about that because we have had a "friendly neighbor" policy for over 50 years. Canada is nice, but STILL I would take America over Canada anyday. Windsor has nothing over there that I am interested in other than the University of Windsor.
I will miss Bush when he leaves. God help US if a democrat gets in. I can see taxes being raised, more crime, being attacked by terrorist more than ever too. But I do not think any of the candidates will win the presidency. I think the republicans will win again.
Ooh, and what is this calling Bush an idiot for? The man has taken down the nation debt, he has a better employment rate than Clinton, and we have not been attacked since 9/11. He also got better grades than John F. Kerry. So if anybody was stupid, it was kerry. The idiot wasted all that money to try and win the presidency. The idiot democrat senator should have known that he had an ice cube's chance in Hades. Anyway, I feel a lot better under a republican than a lousy democrat.

@chunkers (1050)
• United States
15 Jul 07
Ya....well blah, blah, blah! It's easy to compare America to the countries you mentioned! Any place on Earth is better than that! Why did you not compare America/Bush to other developed & civilized Canada, Switzerland, Australia, England, etc.? Because we wouldn't fare so well compared to them. That's why! And Americans complain about Bush and his stupidity because we expect MORE from our president, our country and ourselves! The hospitals may be pretty good here, but you're stretching it to claim we have the "best hospitals". But the cost of health care, elderly care, medication, etc. is shameful! Do you know it costs $15,000+/month to house a senior in a care facility in the US? What will you think of America if one or both of your parents should be forced into a long-term care facility? Stop waving the flag and sit down or take off your rose-colored glasses and see what's REALLY going on. By the way, as an American, I'm insulted that you would compare our country to the counties you mentioned in your post!
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@chunkers (1050)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I read you, but I don't agree. That's one good point about American (and Canada, and Australia, and England, and Switzerland, and Japan, etc, etc, etc), you can speak your mind freely. But I don't see their leaders as power/money hungry, war-mongering fools. BUSH IS A FOOL if he thinks that mainstream America supports his foreign policies anymore. I don't know, I'm just ready for a change of power and policy. America is GREAT, but we can do a WHOLE LOT BETTER!
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@chunkers (1050)
• United States
20 Jul 07
See, you called me a fool in public. You have a right to do that without repurcussions. I also have a right to call you a butt-sniffing, egg-sucking, yellow-bellied, war-mongering, Bush-lover...also without repurcussions! Ah, don't it feel GREAT to be in America? But you must not have an obligation to the American Forces or know anyone who has donated his/her life to this war....all in vain. Now why don't you be a good boy, run along and crawl back under Bushes desk...I'm sure he's missing your lips on his butt right about now!
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@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
16 Jul 07
Bush is no fool. You are the fool. An uninformed fool I might add.
Overall, the Bush administration has been most effective.

@4ftfingers (1310)
15 Jul 07
I think not only America but the whole world would be better off without Bush. He didn't deserve to take office, his only asset was that his dad was a president before him which he has proved meant nothing.
It is not thanks to Mr Bush that you have the freedoms and human rights laws in place, you had that before he came a long. You wern't drinking toilet water either.
No democracy is compeletly true democracy, but I beleive there are much better examples of truer democracy, across Europe. We may adopt aspects of socialism but what's the fear? What's the harm in putting your hands in your pockets to look after another person. This is what I can't understand about some people with strong conservative ideals, they are so patriotic and nationalist - until it comes to looking out for each other.
Despite what you are being told the World Health Organisation ranks the US's health care system at 37th.
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@kimthedane (945)
• Denmark
15 Jul 07
Hear hear hear 4ft. this loonie is just coming out with one sick claim and lie after another without anything to back it up. Take no notice, his not worth wasting your time.
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@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Without question the United States is a much better country to live in than any of the
countries you have mentioned. Almost any where else in the world is better as those
countries either have no government or corrupt governments so the people are on there
But you are very wrong to try to lump all other countries into that category and you know
We will survive President Bush. The real question will be can we select someone better.
On one hand that will be very easy to do but on the other maybe not.
Regardless I challenge you to find any American that does not want to be here. Not liking
the current President is not the same.
By following blindly the man who directs our country we place ourself down a very scary
road. So many other countries have learned this the hard way. To never question is to one
day wake up in a world of hurt. Many of the countries you talk about have done just that.
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@totty1969 (1468)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I think Romney could do a good job, look at what his father did for Michigan.
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@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
15 Jul 07
Yes, we can pick someone better. Mitt Romney or even John McCain.
@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Fant, I can agree with that. These liberals will destroy America.
John McCain is ok.
I wish Bush was running for a third term so that I COULD VOTE FOR HIM AGAIN.
Mitt Romney is my pick.

@Inky261 (2520)
• Germany
15 Jul 07
To each his own. I once lived for one year in the States. I saved all my pennies to go back where I came from. After one year of sacrifice I could pay for the flight back.
I love the country I was born in and would never ever go to live in the USA again. Once was enough.
@jasgirl (79)
• Canada
15 Jul 07
I think Canada is an awesome place to live:)
One huge bonus is our universal healthcare (which is a blessing)~I truly pray the US gets a new President in the next election who is much better than the the present one.(yes I am a Bush hater sorry)
@drmohamedshalata (121)
• Ecuador
16 Jul 07
why sorry ? who loves him anyway
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
16 Jul 07
While it is true that the United States of America is a beautiful country, politically it's going down the toilet. George Bush is ruining this beautiful country with his brand of extreme politics, and his lust for combat. As my fiance remakred one day, he put the BUSH in ambush.
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@4ftfingers (1310)
16 Jul 07
I agree, the US is an amazing country. It deserves much better than this!
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@kimthedane (945)
• Denmark
19 Jul 07
I have never been to the us but sure would love to go one day. The us is packed with lovely free spirited people. Bush and this loonie therep sure aint amongst them.
@lovein (345)
• India
15 Jul 07
when two man are educated, they will speak and write same on forums,meetings.
If they speak and write altogether different, they are not educated then.
here I am not educated, cause I wrote in forum which is different
than others in this forum.
@nadinetannous (138)
• Australia
15 Jul 07
What do you mean?
Just because your opinions are different from anothers does not make you uneducated.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
16 Jul 07
So sad,
A menu to take us into Armageddon, so sad, the darkest days are about to come, because there is no reflection from zombie followers. The words indicate that the eyes have glazed over. It is interesting to note that the cranial is not filled, the neurons fail ignition, the second is blank...
I'd say it is a whole or hole thinking problem.
Extraction might help, what do you think?
2 people like this
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
13 Jun 09
I could not agree more. I don't see how we can think otherwise. You don't see many people from the US trying to move to North Korea or China or the soviet block
Why aren't you more active here? We need someone who talks sensibly and has broadened their horizons through life experiences..

@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Well come on by for discussion too.. I have been doing tasks..but discussion can be fun.
@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I recently came back. I am more active in writing articles.

@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
14 Jul 07
america is still the best even under Bush cause here i have the freedom to shout from the roof tops how much i dislike him and his policies where else could i do that?
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@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
15 Jul 07
Kitten, he is no coward. He is less a coward than both Kerry and Clinton.
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@totty1969 (1468)
• United States
17 Jul 07
If he is not a coward why did he join the Nat' Guard, to avoid going to Vietnam. He is a coward.
As for standing any where and saying you don't like him is treasonous. And that's a shame even if it is true. Something tells me if you were in Iraq you could stand on a rooftop and say that, and no one would care. They might even shout with you.
4 people like this
@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
17 Jul 07
No, saying things about the man with no proof is libel in which is sueable.
Second, it is treasonous to say the things that we have been hearing, especially when the "enemy" uses the sound bites and videos for their recruitment. As far as I am concerned, democrats, liberals and all of the left are traitors and should be arrested. I agree about 89% with the president on issues. I did not agree with the Dubai port deal or the immigration bill.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
16 Jul 07
I am someone that voted for Bush both times. I am not going to get into a heated debate with people that hate him. We fortunately live in a country that allows us the freedom to speak out against our leaders if we so choose. I am glad he was in office on 9/11 because Gore would have been a scary thought. We probably would have been attacked more times than we were. I would rather live in the US than anywhere else in the world, but I don't go around bashing other countries either. I know a lot about Cuba, because my husband still has family on the island and he risked his life to come to the US to try to better their lives. I think a lot of Americans don't realize what they have and many take a lot for granted. I don't think we all need to be name calling and bashing each other. I don't hate nor dislike all people that dislike BUsh, and I should not be discriminated against because I voted for him and I happen to think he has done a pretty good job with what he has been dealt. I don't agree with everything, but who agrees with absolutely everything someone does?
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
16 Jul 07
Hi Misheleen73,
I'm so sorry that our President felt the need to lie to us the American people and that so many of our citizens had to die for his cause.
This war and mess in Iraq could have been avoided, yet they are not listening now and probably they never will.
America can be better and should be...
Gore or Kerry would have been good in office and I would suspect that things would have been much different. I can imagine a couple of scenario's and none of them matter, what matters is that we get our troops out of Iraq. The deeper we push into the Middle East the more sinister the trap that we walk our men and women in to. When the Chief of a Fire Department recognizes that his men are in danger there is an order given to evacuate. If the men disregard that order they could likely die. There is a more pressing issue and need for our troops to get out of the Middle East than just restoring peace, there is the eminent danger that the roof is about to collapse! We need our troops out Now... Imediately! Sooner... Can you hear me?
Do you hear me? Does anyone hear me???
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
17 Jul 07
Like I said, I stated my opinion, I heard yours, I will NOT argue.
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@flpoolbum (2978)
• United States
23 Jul 07
The two party system was designed as part of a system of checks and balances in order to protect our form of government. While I am proud to be a Democrat, there are some issues that I tend to lean toward the Republican's side of the argument. That's right, argument, debate! This is how our country's government was set up. We need to take two opposing views and compromise to make one bill which will become law. Both parties are to contribute their opinions and to work for the greater good of our country. Let's rise above the name calling and realize that THIS IS HOW OUR GOVERNMENT IS SUPPOSE TO WORK. The whole problem is that some of our representatives (both Republican and Democratic members) have become more interested and focused on their career as a politician or increasing their net worth then representing the citizens they were elected to serve. That is why lobbyists are so powerful. If we could rise above the corruption, America would be one of the GREATEST AND MOST RESPECTED COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD. Let's also remember that it is our right, no, our responsiblity to question our leaders!
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
23 Jul 07
Well said flood! I think it's amazing how we have forgotten that we as citizens have every right to question our leaders. I live in Illinois, and I can honestly tell you I harrass the heck out of some of our politicians, at the local, state and federal level. Cripes, when I was bartending once one of our state reps came in with some business people for lunch. I cornered him on his way to the bathroom and asked him flat out how come he couldn't respond to my repeated e mails on a certain vote that was coming up regarding child predator laws. I made him take my name and promise me he'd get back to me so we could talk about it, and guess what HE DID! It took a somewhat embarrassing and drastic measure to get him to, but he did. Anyway, sorry for the rant, I jsut wanted to tell you that I agree with you, and it's shocking on how many voters seem to forget how this works.
@totty1969 (1468)
• United States
17 Jul 07
I've been all around the world as well and I say that America is going to hell. All the Governmental corruption, both sides of the fence. Democracy is slowly fading. We are getting on the bad side of alot of Nations. I wouldn't be surprised to see rockets heading our way to stop the B.S. People always say love it or leave it. Well I'm not going anywhere, my ansestors are indignous to this country.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
18 Jul 07
With respect and honor to one who writes well, peace, and I look forward to future conversations.
What you see, we do agree, and yet, that is not a vision that has to come to fruition.
There is another way, I will be interested in getting to know you and your thoughts better.
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
20 Jul 07
True, the USA is the best place in the world to live for a US national - seeing there is just no place like home! Made up of diverse people from all around the world, the USA has never been diverse, is a very factionist society and can thus, be the most terrible place to be if you are decent, knowledgeable and have some commonsense! The USA is only a safe haven for imbeciles, the mentally poor and crooks -
Did you know that about 70% of the immigrants in the USA are often the lowlifes and rejects of their original societies? (Go figure!) Did you know that while the US immigration services would easily grant student visas to foreigners (for the attraction of money making for out-of-state tuitions), it mostly grants immigrant visas to the destitute, mentally impoverished and low lifes - I guess it is easier to continue false propaganda by indoctrinating for future usage those who cannot think for themselves and are consumed by their crooked activities!
And about been in Cuba and being censored, I think almost anyone would travel to Cuba already prepared to face harsh living in famous Cuba! A psychological situation that is much more preferred to being in our "model democracy" - the USA - where one dare not say or question anything that matters, or else USA government agents would be, like blood hounds, on one's trail!
And about being censored, did you not know that the USA government has been, for years, screening emails, postage mails and telephone calls in and out of the USA? Did you not know that the USA government has also, for years, been inserting electronic devices on people (with or without the knowledge and/or consent of the victims) and thus rendering them without a will of their own - yes, robots and neo-slavery? No, this is not Science Fiction! Check out:
Human or Robot? -
Manipulation via Hi-Tech -
@pheonix6209 (155)
• United States
23 Jul 07
You see no human rights violation in america? Then go to tulsa, OK (yes, the bible belt!), the christians who are supposed to witness to others and love ALL human beings. There, in my hometown you can get fired, loose an apartment or other discrimitory acts JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE GAY!. I am not talking about gay marriage issues. I am talking about regular rights straight americans take for granted.
Sorry, but you are not seeing the whole picture.
Yes, it is much better in america than other places,but it isn't all roses, or it would be called heaven and not America.
The only thing good about Bush being in offic is that this is his LAST year in office. I think that is what makes america better, if we get someone in office that is bad, #1 we can impeach them, and #2 if that doesn't work they are only in office for 4 years.
@kimthedane (945)
• Denmark
17 Jul 07
Keep them comming you alien, im having fun giving you bad ratings. hahahaha they are coming to take you away haha they are coming to take you away hoho, to the funnyfarm, where life is beautiful all the time. No go get ya lithium and whatever bloody psycopharmica you are on, freak!
@totty1969 (1468)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I'm begining to think that republicanmenu is the minister of propaganda, maybe he should be charged with Bush and his cabinet for crimes against humanity.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
25 Jul 07
i too would not agree with the statement that America is better than any place in the world. it is better than some but not all. I live in Slovenia...
-free and paid health care (whatever you chose)
-free education (from primary school to college) also private -schools and colleges are at your disposal.
-a democratic republic
-freedom of speech
-a normal standard, low level of poverty
do not know what else to write, but if you want to ask something please do.