Do you keep thinking about MONEY?

Do you keep thinking about MONEY? - A picture of a man with money on his head. Taken with permission from .
July 14, 2007 1:38pm CST
Money money On the floor When will you appear For me to pick? DREAM ON. :P The issue of MONEY is old, but we can never seem to completely rid ourselves of it. Day in day out, it is a fact that money is required. Even if you live in a hamlet consisting of just your 5 neighbors and you, you will likely be involved in some form of barter trade. You may not be using money but you will still be dealing with a form of currency. My question is whether you KEEP ON THINKING about MONEY? Does this problem plague you practically 24 hours a day, whether you are awake or asleep? Or do you only start scratching your head when the bills arrive? Or do you think about it only "occasionally" to sadistically assure yourself that indeed, you have a "money problem"? Or do you never think about money care what may? Or... ? Do share your thoughts.:-)
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104 responses
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
14 Jul 07
Yes, I always think about money. I keep thinking how to make my money grow. I even wish for the Heaven to open up and rain money. I have no desire to have lots of money. Only enough money to get me by. I need to keep jutting down all my everyday expenses and how much to put aside every month. It's really tiring.
@weemam (13372)
14 Jul 07
When you are dreaming your way over , come over Scotland and pay me a wee visit that would be so nice pal xx
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• Singapore
14 Jul 07
Wow cool. Let me know when your part of the sky starts raining money. I will probably dream myself over and bring a pail along.:P
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• Singapore
14 Jul 07
Lol, then we can go visit charms with 2 buckets.:P
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@mummymo (23706)
14 Jul 07
Well honey I do think about money quite often but only because I am trying to figure out how we are going to be able to pay for all the things we need to pay! I am in no way money hungry - yes I would love to have enough money to not have to worry and to enable me to help friends and family - but it is not the most important thing to me! I only think of money so frequently because we are trying to struggle through a hard time financially! xxx
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• Singapore
14 Jul 07
Oh yes honey. You do not need to be "obsessed" about money to keep thinking about money.. there simply is a need regardless.
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• Singapore
14 Jul 07
Honey, I never left. I still answered those discussions I could from my email notifications (which is really nothing much anymore since no one's posting much). I didn't post any more discussions since there isn't much point. What I get is simply disproportional from the effort I need to put in. :P
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@mummymo (23706)
14 Jul 07
just one thing sweety - where the heck have you been? Missed you loads - big huga xxx
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
14 Jul 07
I would have to say that it plagues me every waking hour. Because I am unable to work my husband is carrying the load and is unable to do so. He is continually withdrawing on retirement savings which in turn has the taxman asking for lots of money come April. I walk with my eyes down so that I can spot any change anyone has dropped. A penny here, a penny there. It all adds up. Plus, I check the sale flyers, use the flyer coupons, use manufacturer coupons, etc. I just got back from shopping at the pharmacy where they also sell grocery items. I get better deals on cleaning and laundry supplies there than I do at the grocery store. Over $15 in savings today on a $70 grocery bill (that included a lottery ticket - plus they forgot to charge me for a greeting card I purchased - unless it was a deal I didn't know about but it's not indicated on the receipt). I am also a member of AC Nielsen so have to scan every purchase I make, input the amount and the total money spent. I check my earnings on myLot every day to see how much I earned the day before (not making as much as I used to. hmmmm....). And I check my bank account online to see if someone has graciously deposited some money into my account. LOL! So I guess you say money is always on my mind. Sad state of affairs, is that. But when you have money troubles such as we do, and you have the guilt of being unable to work such as I do, it plays a major factor. It is also a source of contention in our marriage as the husband still spends what he doesn't have.
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• United States
14 Jul 07
How is that AC Nielsen program? Is it a big hassle? Do you make good money from doing that? How does it work? I've seen it mentioned on survey sites, but never followed up with it. I would love to hear any details from you. Good luck with saving money. It's what most of us try to do as best we can!
• Singapore
14 Jul 07
Oh yes, I am interested to know too. I only know AC has to do with surveys so I couldn't be sure why you need to tally your amounts. Wanted to ask but forgot lol. Thanks AnythngArt.:)
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• Singapore
14 Jul 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Tax on retirement savings? That seems... wrong! People don't drop money that often over here. Unfortunately. That checking of bank account thingy is "funny".. I do that from time to time too BUT nothing ever happened. :P
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@AmbiePam (96703)
• United States
14 Jul 07
OK, I confess! I've been thinking about money a LOT lately. Or rather the lack of money. I know things will be tough for a while, and I'm always thinking how I can stretch this and save on that. Unile a lot of mylotters, I don't think any online program will make me rich. I appreciate when it may put gas in my car, but I'm not going to dwell on how to make fast cash. I just want to do what I can with what I have. But I know I need to concentrate on other things, and just appreciate what I DO have. Now, get out of my brain because I know you were spying in there. : )
@AmbiePam (96703)
• United States
14 Jul 07
As long as he wipes his feet.
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• Singapore
14 Jul 07
I shall remind him to put on socks then LOL.:P
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@mfpsassy (2827)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Yes I do. Hopefully one of these days I will win the lottery so I don't have to worry about it so much. Then when I think about money it will be what I will be able to do with it. For now though I mostly start thinking real hard about it when payday rolls around. Which bills to pay this payday, how much extra I can apply to our debt, how much we will need for the household to survive to next payday. Things like that. Then I wait for the next one to get here and start again
5 people like this
• Singapore
14 Jul 07
Hey, same thought here! LOL :P I just keep thinking and thinking and thinking. All I can do it hope and hope and hope.
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• Portugal
14 Jul 07
Yes, i think a lot in money, specially at the last days of the month... because the rest of the time i'm spending it, not thinking about it...
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• United States
14 Jul 07
Well I find the more you focus on money the less it comes when your sole motivation is to get money makes you overlook greater things. I think more of who I can help or what I can do to improve. I think about money when it shows up and I need to decide where to put it or if I need something. Bills are there every month like clock work and I pay what I can and leave at that there is too many more important things in life to focus on. When you worry or lose sleep thinking about money then you lose focus on the ideas or inventions that might come to you if you would relax your mind. I think more about my children and how I can keep them safe, watching them grow and cherishing every moment I have with them.
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• Singapore
14 Jul 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
I know what you mean but.. it's hard, isn't it? To not think when you need it?
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@weemam (13372)
14 Jul 07
As we are now pensioners pal , we have what we need , we don't need big items of furniture or things like that , we have enough to cover bills and feed ourselves and a bit left for petrol to go for drives , If I have learned anything in the past few months with all the illness that is and has been in the family , I realize that money indeed CAN NOT buy happiness , What IS important is that you have people around you that you love and that love you back ,That is worth all the money in the world , God Bless x xxx
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@weemam (13372)
14 Jul 07
Thanks pal , yes we are all very close and I know that I am really lucky there , xxxxx
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• Singapore
14 Jul 07
3 people like this
• Singapore
14 Jul 07
I think that's where you are "more fortunate" than many of us - if I am not wrong, you have a pretty loving family. Quite envy you there.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
14 Jul 07
money, money - money, money, money, money.
Money is a neccesary evil. I wish we didn't have to think about it but we do. I am not one of those that have enough where I didn't have to think about it. Money doesn't consume my thoughts but the lack of it is in my thoughts. One of these bills would sure help me with some of my problems.
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• Singapore
14 Jul 07
Quite the same here..
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@budsr03 (2350)
• Canada
14 Jul 07
When i see a due date, that is when thoughts of money come to me! If i owe somebody i don't like to keep them waiting, but other than that we can get by. If i work a little harder then i have money for extras. Take care Lordwarwizard.
• Singapore
14 Jul 07
Hello my friend, so you don't believe that "crap" about paying yourself first? :P
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@budsr03 (2350)
• Canada
15 Jul 07
When i was younger i was always cutting corners, just so i could keep that little extra for myself. As i got older and wiser about life, it was my needs and not my wants that have become more important. But sometimes i will cut a corner just so i can fulfil a want! :) Take care Lord.
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• Singapore
15 Jul 07
Life has few choices..
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• United States
15 Jul 07
Money is a big worry in our house. I worry about it, my husband doesn't. That starts more fights then anything in our house. I take care of all the bills and finances. We both work to make it, just doesn't seem like their is ever enough. I would say I think about money, but it doesn't plague me 24 hours a day. Maybe just 12 hours a day. I agree, if it wasn't money, you would have to have something of worth to bargain with.
3 people like this
• Singapore
15 Jul 07
Maybe you should just dump the accounts on him then.:P
• United States
14 Jul 07
I think of money or should say the lack thereof. lol. It's not a whole lot though.I don't let it cloud m y thinking. If I thought about it all the time ,I would crazy!
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• United States
15 Jul 07
you are so funny ,whiz. lol I'm sure money has driven plenty of people half crazy
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• Singapore
15 Jul 07
That's why some people still think money is the root of all evil. :)
• Singapore
14 Jul 07
Maybe that's why I am half crazy lol.:P
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
14 Jul 07
Hey wiz. Yes. sure i am thinking about money. "money makes the world turn around, the world turn around, the world turn around". LOl. But not 24-7. it is not the thing that would make me happy, and i will not give up my life if someone woulf offer me money for it. well atleast i don't think so. But thanks to you, i can surely tell you that i will go to bed today and dream about money, i always dream about the last thing i talked about, and it is 22 p.m. here so..:)
4 people like this
• Singapore
14 Jul 07
LOL, I wish you a GREAT MONEY DREAM. Dream well and may your good dream come true. :)
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
15 Jul 07
Hello lordwarwizard!:-) Money had been a great dilemma for me for a long time since I started thinking about it in my childhood. When I was born, my parents had already become very poor. My father couldn't graduate because he wasn't able to pay for it. He started job and funded his studies himself and graduated from his own earnings. When I was a child I saw my parents working hard just to meet the basic necessities of life and our little desires. I saw my father even working for straight 19-20 hours a day sometimes. Those were the times when I missed him a lot because otherwise he would spend time with us, playing with us, teaching us and such. I always thought in those times why he is not giving us time in these days anymore? when other children have their fathers to spend time with. I remember one night when I was a little kid and I over heard my parents talking about their worries for us, especially our education when even meeting our necessities was difficult for them. They thought that I was sleeping. That was the day I realized that what their problem is..Money. What made it a great dilemma for me is that my parents even in those days were very generous. Buying things for others that were needed (and sometimes asked) by them, helping people get their daughters married (in my culture there, it's quite expensive job), giving away their own belongings, lending away little sums of money etc. I was surprised that when they themselves are worried about money why don't they keep it for them? why they give it away? why they spend on others when they don't have for themselves? I was never able to understand their behavior in those times. Seeing the seriousness of situation, I started thinking about ways to make money myself (even much before my teenage started), just so I can help my parents in their worries. Though I was keen to spend time like other kids, laying, having fun etc yet I dared to offer my parents that I'll work. They strongly rejected the idea and strictly ordered me to concentrate on my studies. I was puzzled as to how I can help now. Then I thought that if I can't earn money I shouldn't be burden on my parents too. I vowed never to ask anything from my parents and I lived by my promise to myself. Even if my parents offered me something, I will refuse giving them some excuse. If they asked me to buy another pair of shoe, I'll tell them that I already have one that I love. I asked my mother to make my father's left over clothes fit for me. When she refused I argued that I love them and would like to wear them. Similarly, I thought many ways where I'll reduce burden on my parents. I also came to know, how I can passively "earn" something and it was about winning a merit scholarship by scoring high. I tried for it and I am glad that I succeeded and continued to succeed. It helped me not only finance my own studies from even before teenage but also in buying some needed "gifts" for my parents and other family members. I was allowed by my parents in my teenage to teach. I got some tuitions where I'll teach in return for fees. But here strangely I came to solve the puzzle of my parents giving others when they themselves had little, as I would deny fees from the poor parents and taught their children free of charge even though it had been decided to be otherwise. I earned some handsome amount from rich people though, which helped me take care of my own expenses as well as augment my parent's. Overall I accepted fees from only 10% of the many, many people I taught. I got a good government job reserved/confirmed even before my result was announced. I was very lucky about it as I was from among very few engineers of my batch who got employed, in fact I was the first in my class. I thought now are the easy days coming. I was i 3rd year of my job when an opportunity arose. Government announced a nationwide competition and reward was a foreign scholarship. More than 12500 students enrolled for this competition and I am quite lucky to be among very few who made it to the final and I am now studying on same scholarship. During the time I was confirmed this scholarship, I was working on a project where I came in contact with a company. The owner of that company personally offered me a very lucrative job with great perks. I was offered $1000 (which was considered very high pay in my country of origin), a house worth $300,000 which will become my own over time, a new car and some other great perks. I promised him to consider it and it was the time I made my clear choice about money thing. Sure, if I had accepted, it would have been great with an enormous potential for growth. But I thought that I really want to study more than I want to get rich. This was the time when it became crystal clear that money is not important thing and I don't want to be rich as such. This was also about the time of my marriage. I always thought that marriage would be a blessing for me and I was never wrong about it. My marriage freed me from many worries as ironically when I should be thinking about money more than before, I stopped thinking about it anymore. I came to know what is going to make my life happy, and it's surely is not money. I believe that money doesn't make life better or happier, it can make it worse...As I have seen people who are rich but whenever they get something they are after making more and more. I am glad that I am out of that vicious circle. I am glad that I am happy with whatever little I have. I have money for my basic necessities or perhaps we have kept our necessities to fit in well below our income. We have a very simple life without luxuries and we are happy about it. With my current income, I can afford a car, Air conditioning, partying, and much more but I have found other useful purposes to direct my money to. I don't save and I believe that whenever their will be a need, money will come by itself. I don't need to worry about it. The only time I worry about it is when I am not able to help someone as much as I would like to. People in my country have undergone two great disasters in last couple of year, ne is very recent. When I think about them, I wish I had enough money to take care of them all by myself. I wish I had money to fight, hunger, clean water and shelter problems throughout the world around us. Otherwise, it doesn't bother me in my personal life. I am sorry for being too long but I am really passionate about the issue. I don't now exactly why I stopped thinking about Money..I am not sure if I got rid of this thinking because I was fed up with it or I grew up or it's my beliefs that freed me from it. Whatever it is, I am happy to be what I am and that I am not in that vicious circle.
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• Singapore
15 Jul 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Hello my friend! :-) You have a tough childhood but I think you came out well. Your parents would be proud of you. And honestly, I am very impressed by what you have shared.
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
15 Jul 07
Hello derek_a! I do have trust in life and it is neither blind nor calculated. I do plan things meticulously but with whatever I have already or I am sure I'll have through salary, scholarship etc. I do not dream to get magic money to do my jobs. I believe that the more I freed myself from it the more opportunities presented themselves to me. Probably because I could think of those opportunities more than I would waste my time on worrying about money. Ever since I have freed myself, It is working best for me. It doesn't mean that I do not believe in struggle rather I believe that whenever I'll need some more than what I have, there will be an opportunity for me to search for it. It's just that I'll limit my search to only that opportunity without thinking of getting more and more thus putting myself into never ending lust. I am happy without it:-)
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@derek_a (10873)
15 Jul 07
You have developed a very healthy attitude there my friend. It seems that you are already rich with the trust you have in life that you will always have what you need. :-)
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• United States
14 Jul 07
Oh, my gosh. I am constantly thinking about money. Paying the bills, saving, how to make more. I wish I had no worries but that has not happened yet. I mean, I have enough to pay my bills and everything. Mostly I worry about saving for the future and paying for the kids college
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• Singapore
14 Jul 07
Cool, making long term plans.:P
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@gberlin (3836)
19 Jul 07
I think of money every month when I pay the bills. Other than that I am not obsessed with money. If I was I would be thinking about it all the time.
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• Singapore
20 Jul 07
Yea, not much point really.. :(
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
20 Jul 07
The only time that I think about money is when I need something and I can't afford it. I want to meet the person that came up with the idea of money. I think that is the worse thing a man kind has ever created in my opinion.
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@unisis (1673)
• Indonesia
23 Jul 07
Yes hopefully I will win the lottery,cause I am very need the money and some time it bring to my dream,I am handling money very responsibly and I think I am doing well with that. I am more of a saver than a spender most of the time and when we got married I was the one who did the budgeting. We keep to what we agreed on then,and sometimes I check whether I reach the goals I have when it comes to saving up a bit for our future but still not enough for my children school pay.
• Singapore
23 Jul 07
Cool. Remember to be generous when you get rich.:)
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
19 Jul 07
yes, we are always worrying about money, my hubby was off work for awhile and now he is working again but making much less money so we are struggling. i have gotten a part time job to help make ends meet.....
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• Singapore
20 Jul 07
You are supportive.:)
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
14 Jul 07
I think of money now and then, when I look at something in a magazine or in a shop window and wished I could buy it, but it doesn't plague me 24/7. Money doesn't make me happy, however my hubby and son do, so it's nice to have it, to be able to do things as a family which we normally don't do. How about you wizard? does money plague you? :P
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• Singapore
14 Jul 07
Oh yes, I think I am dying from it. Final stage.:P
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@tmlnmr (1850)
• Canada
15 Jul 07
Hey wizard, it's been awhile! I do tend to stress about money when we are short of it, and when aren't we really! I don't so much anymore though because we are doing pretty good now. I think often of what I can buy or stuff like that more than do I have enough. Although we run into the 'do I have enough?' bit as well! LOL I only really think of money when we are running short of it then it is more how am I going to pay this or that. :)
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• Singapore
15 Jul 07
Yea, been a while. You know why.:P If you can't afford to buy anything more, just roll about your land and feel satisfied.:PP
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@tmlnmr (1850)
• Canada
15 Jul 07
LOL I hear ya. We have been spending a fair amount lately and leaving ourselves a little short for the week. Oh well glad to see ya back in action! ;)
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• Singapore
16 Jul 07
I have been more active at another forum..