Housewife Or Career Woman......???

July 18, 2007 11:51am CST
Whih one do you prefer? To be a housewife or prefer a career woman? Many woman do like to work nowadays for many reasons. I did work years ago when I am single, but I quited few months after I had a bf that turned to be my hubby 6 years ago. He wanted me to help him with his bakery. But after I gave birth, I become housewife. I want to say that I like working too but that doesnt mean I dont like to babysit my boy. Babysit and seeing my baby grow up is the best thing I want right now. Besides now I dont have to attached by the time. I go wherever and do whatever I want without have to wait until day off.
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26 responses
@Nykkee (2522)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
I am a house wife and I love it. I used to work full time and I was always tired and the house was always a mess and my husband is no good at cooking or cleaning or any of that so he needs a house wife. :)
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• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
Make ourselves very busy are tiring. Being a housewife is not a bad thing too.
@hob684 (53)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Yes, but can't you cook and clean and also have a full time job? My wife is a teacher, so her work definitely doesn't stay there. She brings it home with her, and she still cooks dinner every night and keeps the house clean. I help, but I don't do it alone. You need to teach your husband how to clean. Besides, cleaning can't possibly take all day, so what do you do with the rest of your time?
@Nykkee (2522)
• Canada
6 Aug 07
Ok, I don't want to insult your wife in any way as she is not even participating in this discussion, so I will say there are many things about teaching that can be stressful, however, teachers get to sit alot. Every job I ever had was 8 solid hours standing, service, housekeeping, fast food, labour, at the last one I had to wear steel-toed shoes and lift large heavy objects all day long. I am 5 feet tall I weight about 100 lbs. 2 doctors, a chriropractor, a massage therapist, and my husband told me to quit repeatedly before I actually did. At home, I clean the house, do the laundry, care for our pets, run errands, handle all household matters such as bills, taxes, banking, etc, keep track of the events such as birthdays etc. occuring in both my family and my husbands large family and make sure that we have gifts and cards ready, I repair my husbands clothing which he damages almost daily at work, I care for our front and back yards, I do minor home repairs (he enjoys doing the big ones, he likes his tools), I cook and bake all of the food eaten in my house, I prepare lunches for my husband to eat at work, I search out recipies and information tohelpmyhusbandwith his bodybuilding or anyhting he is doing at the time, I find coupons and deals to make the things we buy more affordable and save a significant $ each week, and I do things online to make extra $ when I can find the time. I am sure I have left something out of generalized something too much there but anyhow, I would like to see you work full time at an airplane production plant dragging around 100lb+ objects all day wearing steel toed boots and then come home and do all the things listed about, everyday. My husband and I are living the life we both want. Hypocritical, overly opinionated people that only find joy in crapping on others are one of the things we try to avoid in our lives.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I had to work mostly because I had to, but I also enjoyed working. It took me a very long time to not identify myself with my job. I have been a stay at home mom and became very bored and complacent. I have found a happy medium by working part time, on the hours that are good for me. I can send my daughter off to school and be home for her when she gets out of school. She is older and doesn't require as much one on one attention as a smaller child does.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
21 Jul 07
Yeah, it is very nice that I can manage to do both at the same time. I am very fortunate!
• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
That sounds nice. You can work while you can still manage your family
• United States
19 Jul 07
I stay at home with our son and I love it. I also keep two other little boys in my home to make a little extra money. But they are so good I really have it easy. I can take them and go to the park or take them out to lunch, etc.... And I really like it. I used to work and I liked working but it's really nice when you can be at home and be able to do laundry, cook, clean, etc... whenever you need to.
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• Indonesia
26 Jul 07
That is a nice thought. Thanks :D
• United States
18 Jul 07
I like to call it a homemaker, not a housewife. lol Just makes me feel better about it. Just thought I would make that point. lol Anyway, I like being a homemaker. I enjoy staying home with my son and watching him grow up. I don't want to have to send him to a babysitter all of the time while I work. I would rather be the one who is there with him. I'm sure when he gets older, I'll probably be bored and want to get a job but for now, I love what I do.
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@hob684 (53)
• United States
28 Jul 07
I hate the term "homemaker" too. When my wife and I got married, we had to declare our occupations. Seeing as how she had just graduated from college and hadn't get gotten a job teaching, she said she was currently unemployed and they assigned her the role of "homemaker" I thought she would leap across the counter and strangle the woman putting it in. Homemaker is such a degrading 1950's term, in my opinion. Besides, you're not a "homemaker" or a "housewife" you're a stay at home mom. The difference is you have a human being to take care of. A housewife basically just keeps the house clean and cooks, but what does she do with the rest of her day? Wives who stay home and don't even have kids yet created the stigma that women who stay at home sit around "watching soap operas and eating bon bons", but being a stay at home mom is a 24/7 job.
• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
Watching our babies grow are wonderful things to do. Besides, it makes them closer to us.You have made the housewife meaning become more interesting by calling it homemaker. Nice thinking for oneandonemakesix too for making it become a nice position, the family manager. I guess you will be a good manager in your home.
@kate635 (126)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
It is wonderful to be a full time housewife, but it always depends upon the person what she really wants to be. Others find fulfillment in either way. For me, I want to work as a housewife but I also want to have something to work with during my free time to boost my self steem,to keep my mind active, and to prove to that I still have worth outside my family.
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• Indonesia
26 Jul 07
That is such a nice thing to think of...
• United States
25 Jul 07
I am a housewife and would want it any other way, I take care of our house and our child. I do plan on getting a job delivering papers as soon as I get my drivers licence but that would be really early in the morning before my husband and so wake up and its only until my hsband joins the police academy. I would love to have a career as a child psycologist but thats not until our child and future children are atleast in middle school.
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• Indonesia
26 Jul 07
Well, you can find some work that can be done at home until you get your career as a child psycologist....
• United States
18 Jul 07
To be honest I don't know which one to choose because I enjoy being home with the kids but I think I need a break sometimes from it all. I kind of miss get dressed and going out to face the corporate world. But I think I'm going back part time. My kids are all at scholls age level now. I just want to be here when they come home from school. So I don't think the housewife is for me. I jave no problem with still doing my wifey duties like clean and cook.
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• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
Doing nothing at free time make us bored sometimes. Why dont you find a part time job like you say. An also you can find work that can be done at home. So you will get both of it.
• United States
18 Jul 07
I think everyone has their own idea of what they should be in life. I am a stay at home mom and I think it is the best way for me. I love to be able to raise my kids, but it isnt easy raising kids on one income either. I understand both sides.
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• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
Being a home mom is not a bad thing. And I am sure raising and babysit a child is the toughest to do.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I have to work in order to help pay the bills. However, I would love to just be a housewife and mother. I home school my children and work outside of the home about 30 hours per week. I also help my husband with his new company that he is trying to start by keeping up with his paperwork and entering stuff into the computer for him. Maybe some day, I will get to stay home.
• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
I am sure you are kinda tired there. But you are a tough woman who can work, be a housewife and still can help you hubby with his work. I hope you can be with you kids all day like you want
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
19 Jul 07
I am a career woman. In fact I like to be a housewife, because it's a heavy working pressure once you have to work. However, double income is much more important. I want my child to have a better life, so I have to work hard. When I am home, I like to play with him. So I try to balance my work and life well. I want to have family time whenever I don't have to work. That's my happy time.
• Indonesia
26 Jul 07
Thats nice youless. You are a great mother. And yes every parents want the best for their kids. Thanks for the response.
@vampoet (825)
• Singapore
19 Jul 07
As a guy, I would prefer a career woman. there is nothing sexier then to see a woman in office clothes. I mean, society is evolving. WE are evolving. We cant just expect women to play the role of housewives and child bearers. I dont mind having an equal to contribute to the family instead of being given the role as the sole breadwinner
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• Indonesia
26 Jul 07
That mean you will have a career woman as a wife and that you will let you wife to stay working instead of staying at home :D But stay away from starring women in ofice clothes... :P
• United States
19 Jul 07
I would so love to be a stay at home mom but now a days who can afford it? Maybe if I ever won the lottery then I would consider it lol
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• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
That is kinda difficult wish to get lol. But who knows, maybe one day you will win a lottery. Wish you luck....
@bearfan (63)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I am a stay at home mom now but I also was in the working field up to about four years ago. My kids are all teenagers and I felt that I needed to keep an eye on them more now then when they were little. I love it and wouldn't change it for the world.
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• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
Teenagers need more attentions from their parents than they were smaller. This is the toughest time to get thru I can say.
• United States
18 Jul 07
Hi ya I'm both. I am a stay at home mom and housewife but I also sell Avon!! As well as watch kids and sell stuff on ebay etc etc. So I bring in some money too.
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• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
That sounds great. There are so many housewife who have done work like that.
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
18 Jul 07
I would love to have the opportunity to work from home and balance homemaking with my small business, research and other interests, but I'm the main wage earner in the household and I think we would not be able to pay the mortgage and bills if I gave up work. I think the cost of living is much higher than it was when our mother's were young women, and its much harder now to justify working from the home unless its bringing in a decent wage, and thats even with being very frugal.
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• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
Thats a great idea thinking of that. We can get both being a career woman while we can still manage our home life at once
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I am a retired housewife and like it like that really...I miss my job - exotic dancer - the way it was yrs ago but the industry has gone heavily downhill over the yrs so I ended up retiring in 1998 then I owned my own business for 2 yrs but gave up I just like being a SAHM..Mind you I started working (had to) when I was 13 yrs old so I figure I've put in my time in the working world ya know. LOL
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• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
You have got so many experinces being a career woman. Well I can say being an exotic dancer is not easy.
@wenfri (1185)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
I don't call Housewife but Domestic Engineer Sounds much more like a Career LOL You are lucky and fortunate to be able to stay home with your son. I wished I could have done so. I had no option but to work and earn income. So we could make ends meet and have money for the kids. I raised 3 sons. Going to a baby sitter never hurt them in the least Although I know I missed a lot of things when they were younger. Keep up the good work and Bless you for being able to do that Wendy
• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
I bet you want to spend a lot of time with you kids so much. Sometimes the situation and condition do make us cant do what we want. You can spend your time with them on weekend still. Hope everything will get better for you.
@lisado (1227)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I enjoy being a stay at home mom. I like being here for my sons and husband when they get home from school, or in case they need something. I like being able to keep my house cleaned up. I haven't worked since I had my oldest over 8 years ago. I'm content and so is my husband. He likes me being at home. We get to spend time together, plus if something comes up I can run errands or take him something if he forgets it. I do admit, though, that sometimes I'd love to have 5 minutes to myself. My husband and kids even go to the grocery store and doctor with me. I can hide in the bathroom sometimes, but that doesn't always work. lol Sometimes I go stir crazy, as well, if I haven't had to go anywhere for a few days. I'll make up an errand just to get out of the house. 98% of the time, though, I enjoy being home for my family.
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• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
I can see you have a nice and caring family. And that is a good thing that you and your family can still go anywhere together. Thats owesome I can say. Yes, you are right. Spending some time outside sometimes is needed. I do the same thing, especially I feel bored and got something stuck in my mind. By going out make us relax. Thanks for sharing...
• United States
18 Jul 07
I guess both roles has advantages and disadvantages. Having a career will allow a wife to bring in a 2nd income into the home but that will mean time away from family. No career means less money but more time with family. I used to work before I was married. Now, I'm a stay-at-home mom to our 2 year old son and I'm loving every minute of it. I do miss having a career sometimes but nothing can replace the time I get to spend with my child.
• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
That is absolutely true. I can miss that too. But knowing that family is more important thing to spend our time with, makes me stay home more often. Besides I can go anywhere or taking my boy out whenever we want withouth have to wait till weekend time
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
I am a working woman and some days wish I wasn't but then again if I was a housewife I would want to work. I am childless so I don't worry about kids it is just me and my hubby.
• Indonesia
19 Jul 07
I think its better to work if we are still childless. I will do so too if I am childless. Its better than sitting doing nothing.