Multiple C-Sections
@locomomof3boys (4)
United States
July 18, 2007 6:35pm CST
I am a mother of three boys as you can tell by my nickname. I have this huge desire to have a girl. This explains why I find myself crazy. lol I am 29 years old and have had three cesarean births which I found easy to deal with. The first was an emergency and the second and third were planned because I was afraid of a vbac. I have also been cut along the same line twice more for different surgeries. I am fine now but when I had my last boy the doctor wanted to tie my tubes. He was almost adamant that I do. I told him I didn't want to close that door and he said so callously, "Well, I don't want to be the doctor on call that night." Made me very angry. Anyway, has anyone had more than three cesareans? If you have, did the doctor advise you against it first? I know there is no guarantee that I will have a girl (in fact, the past has proven against that, lol), but I want to at least try again. If it is a boy then I will succumb to the fact that I will not have a daughter.
I hear all the time how lucky I am Not to have a girl. These are all of course from women who have girls. Easy to say when you already have one.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!!
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9 responses
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I can't believe your dr told you that. Someone I know has had 3 c-sections and her dr told her since her kids were 2 years apart that she should wait alittle longer then 2 years to have another one. But that was because of her uterus. As far as having a girl the trick is to have as much acid in your body as you can when you get pregnant. The acid kills off the boy sperm so drink alot of orange juice, eat oranges, tomatoes, lemons things like that. It has worked for everyone in my family who wanted to have a girl. I need to figure out how to have a boy. I have 2 girls and yes they are alot of work and I didn't get to the harder years yet. My 2 year old loves shoes and loves to shop lol. Its worth it. I wanted the girls.
@surveygrrl (1270)
• United States
21 Jul 07
I have never heard that before.
I charted. With my daughter we stopped baby dancing 2 or 3 days before I ovulated. It can take a couple months of taking your tempurature to figure out when you ovulate.
If you are serious about wanting a girl I advise you to read...Taking Charge of your Fertility.
It really is crazy how much you don't know about your body. Or at least I didn't It is an easy read too. My husband even read it.
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
21 Jul 07
Yeah 3 C Sections are fine but here in Oz & obviously over there too, 3 is the max the Dr's will do because after the 3rd the uterus is too weak & probably wont handle another round of holding the baby & being cut open again.
So yeah, no more than 3 is recommended!
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@Dee351972 (743)
23 Sep 07
hi i have had 3 c sections. My frsit 2 were boys and i was told that my husband couldnt father grils. But our third one was. I chose to had my tubes tied then and i wasnt told i had to. NOw i wish i could have more becuase we lost my daughter 3 yeras ago when she was 7. I know i cant replace her but i would like to have a antoher little girl.
@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
25 Jul 07
Its your body and your choice!! You should do what you want. I have had two c-sections and If I could Id do it again. We have decided we dont want anymore kids atleast right now.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
21 Jul 07
What was the reason for your first section if you don't mind me asking? And are you still afraid to try a vbac? Depending on the answers to those questions, you may want to consider trying a vbac for your next pregnancy- but you may have an incrediably hard time finding a doctor or hospital that will agree to it if you are in the US. The trend right now is to only allow VBACs under very specific conditions of the hospital- as in it's not whether the mom is a good candidate for one, it's whether the hospital has XY&Z at their disposal. It's outrageous that births are subject to such political nonsense, but they are in the US.
Do you homework on VBACS. Make an educated decision if it's a good option for you based on your situation.Then either find a larger hospital that has a good rate of VBACs already- don't just ask if they allow them, ask for their statistics or consider a birthing center or home birth midwife.
As for having a girl the next time. There are some methods that will increase the chances of conceiving a boy or a girl. They do not always work of course, they just improve the chances. Y-sperm (boys) swim faster & die faster in a woman's body. To increase the chances for a boy you would chart your cycles to best predict when you are ovulating & make love on that day preferably in a position that allows deep penetration (with the man behind the woman). X-sperm (girls) are slower but live longer. To increase the chances of a girl you would want to again chart your cycles but make love the day before ovulation is expected in a position that only allows shallow penetration (missionary position usually). There are books that go into much more detail than this on the subject but that is the basic concept.
Best of luck with TTC if you choose to.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
28 Jul 07
I hope this doesn't get deleted, so I will try to say this in around about way so as not to offend anyone. About ten years before I had my daughter, I read a book on getting pregnant when you don't think you can. And, it had a chapter on how to practically guarantee conception of either a boy or girl. One of the tips that I remember is that the doctor in the book said that if you "enjoy" yourself during lovemaking you are almost guaranteed to have a girl. It worked for me! LOL! I hope that does not sound crass, cause that is not the way I meant it.
As far as C-sections go, why not do a little research online. There are various medical websites that deal with pregnancy and C-sections. Don't take the snide "opinion" of some stupid doctor if you really want to have a baby.
If you really felt you wanted a daughter and didn't want to under-go another pregnancy/C-section you might consider a surrogate.
There are no guarantees, but that has worked for other couples.
Best of luck with your children, present and future. And, don't listen to other people. Girls are lots of fun. My daughter is the living sunshine. She is the smartest person that I know and has a huge heart filled with compassion. However, unlike a boy, who might be more independent, she requires lots of interactivity and mommy/me time. If she doesn't get that, she gets fiesty! So, I am always sure to spend lots of time with her. I am sure you will do well.
Hope things work out for you. Chat with you later.
Here are some useful links
@alstaxidermy (269)
• United States
8 Aug 07
No kids here (yet) but did have an in-law that had 4 c-ill hasn't had her c-sections and still hasn't had her tubes tied. Not the best or brightest people in the world, but did a great job at making pretty babies and seemed to handle each pregnancy like a champ! I say find a supportive doctor, they do exist, and go for whatever your heart tells you to do!
@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I had 2 c-sections and my husband and I both decided that I should have a tubal ligation after the second one. My doctor kept asking me if I was sure that I didnt want to have anymore and I said YES, I'm sure! (i had twins less than a year after my first was born)...and she didnt mention any dangers of having another c-section. I always wanted a chance to push out a baby and not just be cut open for a c-section but I will never have that chance, I guess... The only reason I had to have a second c-section was because it was so soon after my first and it was twins (i was on birth control, too btw). ..oh yeah and I wanted a girl SOOOOOOO badly. I was so excited when I found out I was having a girl..and she has been the biggest pain! She is a total drama queen and whines and cries constantly for attention! I'd take another boy any day over another girl if I WAS ever to somehow get pregnant again, lol!
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
20 Jul 07
I have had two children the normal way. They were fairly easy births and both were at home. Needing to have an operation would be my worst nightmare. My first son is 12 and my second son is 2 months old. I don't think another operation would be in your best interests. In which case you would have two options a natural birth or to adopt a girl. I would also dearly love to have a daughter.
I suggest if you want to try to have a girl you look at the internet. In a discussion called boy or girl on another web site I read about the way couples try to get their preferred gender. They read a book.
To get a girl timing is important. Some women eat a girl diet and take supplements. The girl diet is to help obtain the right ph number. Four or five would mean a girl, anything higher would mean a boy. Please ask if you need any information about this.
@surveygrrl (1270)
• United States
21 Jul 07
I have a friend who has had 3 c-sections. Her first was an emergency and her next 2 were planned. She has 2 boys and a girl. They asked her when they did her tubal after her 3rd if she was sure and tried to talk her out of it.
Maybe your first caused me scarring or maybe those 2 other surgeries have?
I am not sure why they would tell one person that they should have another and one person they wouldn't want to be the doctor. How thoughtless!
I think if you feel your body can handle it then screw that doctor and find another.
If you don't think your family is complete then I say go for it. Or if you on't think you could handle another pregnancy and delivery what about adoption?
Good luck with your choice about #4.