Was your mom obsessed with your hair when you were a kid?

United States
July 19, 2007 6:36am CST
My mom was really into long hair and she would have literally killed me if I had cut my hair when I was a kid. Or, at least it felt that way! I'm sure she would have just been really mad for a long time. She was majorly ticked about the one strand of hair she had to cut when I was twelve years old, after I got a tiny speck of chewing gum stuck in it. I tell you, the woman was overly fixated on hair! I didn't cut my hair short until I was 13 years old and then it was a hack job done with kitchen shears. Who knew you could cut your own hair so badly? I don't think that woman spoke to me for a month afterwards. Now, having a kid with such cute hair, I can kind of relate to not wanting to cut those locks of her. Maybe it's a mom thing. I guess as she grows up she'll insist on shorter hair. But, for now, I like it long. Who knew I'd become one of those moms? How about you? Would your mom let you get your hair cut when you were a kid? Or, did she make you grow it long? Will you do the same for your daughter?
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21 responses
• United States
20 Jul 07
My mom was quite the opposite. I loved my hair and grew it out past my butt by the time I was 9. My mother hated brushing it everyday and got so fed up with it that she had my aunt give me a boy cut. My hair was so short that literally everyone thought that I was a boy. I was so mad at her. My daughter is 2 and she has hair just above her bottom and I would kill anyone who tried to cut it. I'll let her decide when she's older what she wants to do with, but for now it stays the way that it is:)
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• Canada
20 Jul 07
My Mom wasn't obsessed with my hair..but she did have a hard time combing it though...and after seeing pictures of it when I was 4,5,6...the tight mass of natural curls were hard to brush. I don't have siblings so I was Mom's pride and joy...and I remember her saying she 'loved my curly hair' because her was straight and thin. She let me keep it long...and was okay when they cut it for some hair shows when I began modelling. So was very good that way...a real believer in allowing me to figure things out for myself...within reason. Her motto was 'I raised my daughter in a very large yard...but with some fences.' I appreciate that about her to thise day...and still miss her. She passed away two years ago. As for my daughter...not in the picture my hubby and I do not have children.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
19 Jul 07
As baby, my hair was her obsession, but from the age 10, she would demand that I keep shaved most times-infact she wouldnt hesitate to pinch me if I delayed to have it cut, most cases she would do it her self with a pair of scissors, rather roughly and there were always painful accidental cuts on my head which were really painful!
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@mummymo (23706)
19 Jul 07
Well I was adopted and raised by my grandparents and I always had long hair when I was young! I can never remember it being an issue and I was in my mid teens before I even thought about having short hair! Oddly it was my Grandfather who used to do my hair - he used to put it in rags to make ringlets and I now do the same for my daughter - she loves it! I wouldn't be able to get my daughter to cut her hair short if I wanted to , she loves it long and won't hear of cutting it short! Guess I'm just lucky cos I think she looks gorgeous with her long hair and although sometimes I wish I could persuade her to cut it short when she gets it full of food and tangles I am glad really that it is long!
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
19 Jul 07
My mom didn't let me cut my hair until my tenth birthday. I had hair down to my butt that all of the kids at school loved to play with. For my tenth birthday I begged her to let me get my hair cut. So she took me and I had my hair cut to my shoulders and got a perm and bangs. Yes, this was the 80's so I had the big poofy bangs going on lol. Oh and one time when I was about 7 or 8 before she let me get my hair cut I decided I wanted bangs. So I snuck in the bathroom with some sissors and cut me some bangs. Then I decided that she would be mad at me so to cover it up I cut them all the way off. Well she never did notice until they started growing back. I had little spikes of hair growing out right in the front. And of course I couldn't take the blame so I blamed one of my friends sisters. I told my mom she cut my hair in my sleep lol.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
19 Jul 07
it was a nightmare for my... my mom chose my haircut, she also preferred long hare so if i even mentioned i want to cut them short she had a small tear in the corner of her eye so i could do nothing... she also cut a string of my hair from time to tame and kept it safe for memory
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
21 Jul 07
My mom was great growing up- She let me choose the cut and style I wanted- that was once I got old enough to do so- When I was really young she kept it short- I think it was just easier- I havea sensitive head and I have snarly hair- so I'm sure I screamed alot- LOL when brushing it- I am a mom of a 10 year old girl- She has thick curly hair- I let her choose the length of it- but I have to have some say it how it is- It gets frizzy when left down without any product- She would die to have her hair straightened- and I'm almost there with her- Maybe before school this year-
• United States
6 Dec 07
I hated getting my hair cut when I was a kid. I liked the long hair. And because I had really long, really nice looking hair, everyone loved it and didn't want me to cut it because it looked so nice. That was the only reason why they really liked my long hair. I cut it rather short a few years, but since, I've been slowly working on trying to grow my hair out. I refuse to cut it, I trim it and that I do myself because too much hair is taken off in my opinion when that happens. I do remember everyone being upset when I was a kid when I cut my own hair because I overheard my mom saying I needed a hair cut. So I went and chopped my own hair. That was interesting. They were rather mad about that, but they got over it.
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
I remember my mom wants long hair for me too but she's not the one who was obsesses over my hair but it was my older sister, I guess they made me thier doll, as I am the youngest. I remember how she would fix my hair into weird pony tails before going to school,and oh..how she love to braid my hair and sometimes I would cry because it hurts and I feel bored sitting there and getting some hair fix for a long time. remembering all those days now, I think my sister just loved me and adores me when I was a kid. I'm thankful for that now. I think I can do the same when it is my turn to..so I'm praying my first baby would be a girl. :)
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
20 Jul 07
when I was a little child I would have loved long hair, but we lived in the tropics and mom insisted that I get what she called a pixie cut, very short, whispy. a little older and I still was desirous of long hair but she made me get the SHAG hair cuts. come junior high I was permitted to let my hair grow. I grew it to about my waist and then got it cut off pretty short, I wanted to have the then new look of layers. what a mistake. I now keep my hair quite long, not sure if it is out of style, laziness or frugality.
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
25 Jul 07
Hey. I dont know if I would call it obsessed with our hair, but she would certaintly brush it in a way that I hated, because it would feel like she was pulling my hair out... She would also make pig tails or high pony tails that my sister and I hated and would pull out on the bus to school... Our mom would threaten to cut our hair if it wasnt kept tidy, and tidy to her was those horrid pig tails, and we would hide away her sissors, and she would be so annoyed that she couldnt find them... We kept taking them out, then one day she bought some sissors and cut my sisters hair not too short but to us it was short enough, and then she came for me, which I ran off screaming, that I didnt want a hair cut and made her chase me around our house a couple of times, in the end I gave in and because she had cut our hair shorter, she couldnt tie up any more pig tails... When my sister and I talk about times like these, we're in fits of laughter lol...
@cosylvia (398)
• China
20 Jul 07
when i am a kid studied in the high school..coz the pressure of the study my mum advice me to cut it.i dont refuse her advice,i am so obedience to her.but when i finish the high school go to the advanced school--university..she makes me grow it long,that is my wish too,so now i have the long curl hair
@bagumbayan (2705)
• Philippines
6 Dec 07
My mother likes my hair long but its ok with her if its short. Me, I like it short because it is easy to manage, long hair is good for little girls but for easy managing short hair is preferrable.
• Ireland
6 Dec 07
My mam made me grow my hair long, i think she loved the fact that everyone would admire my long hair and when people would comment on my plaits or curls she'd be so proud :) lol
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
19 Jul 07
My grandmother insisted that my mom didn't cut our hair. Some superstitious thing in the Cook Islands so I grew it long until my last year of high school then I chopped it off. I got sick of it and wanted it short - then it turned into an afro LOL. My grandmother was very upset about it too. If I had a daughter i would not want her to cut her hair, but if she wanted to later on in life then sure. Oh how I long for a little baby girl - my sons hair is all bent out of shape because my husband prefers to cut it.
@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
19 Jul 07
My parents didnt let me cut my hair until i was 14 and by that time it was down to my butt so I just did it myself so they had to take me to get it done professionally. With my 4yr old daughter she has had a couple inches cut from her hair and she has bangs now because before her hair was all over the place LOL Im always making sure her hair is intact because one minutes its in a nice ponytail or clip and the next minute it looks like she got into a fight with the hairbrush :)
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Jul 07
Oh my god...YES!!! My mom was a hairdresser...retired when she had me unfortunately. I was her little guneau pig. I was born with straight hair which she detested. Each and every single nite I had to sit while she wound my hair into tight little pincurls. Then I had to sleep on them with bobby pins sticking in my head. In the morning I had to sit while she yanked and pulled and styled my hair into some shirley temple type do. This went on until I was hmm..about 14 when she got sick of arguing with me. I was not allowed to grow my hair real long. Break time was in the summer. Then she would cut it off really really short. Sounds like our moms were pretty opposite yet alot alike. I let my girls choose their own hair styles. I like long hair alot but if they wanted to cut it...so be it.
• Singapore
19 Jul 07
yea.. my mom loves combing my hair. even till now, she's doing it.. she likes braiding my hair.. i feel the motherly love when she does that for me. i love it.
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
yes she was she's into making my hair curly whenever it straightened hahahaahaha.
• United States
20 Jul 07
she wasn't obsessed with my hair but she definetely made me wear girly styles. but i loved it so it wasn't a big deal.