Now two women can make a baby!!!

United States
July 19, 2007 11:57am CST
I just heard a couple of weeks ago on my local news that scientists have come up with a procedure that fertilizes a human egg with something from the bone marrow of another female! I am very torn on this. I have nothing against gays, bisexuals, or lesbians, but this feels like dramatic overkill. If a lesbian woman wants to have a baby, wouldn't it be easier to just get artificially inseminated? And what about all the kids in the world without parents? I think less time should be spent on ventures of this matter, and more on fighting government to allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt. I thought that was stupid anyway to ban them from adopting. But I digress, what do you think?
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15 responses
@pitstop (14811)
• Australia
19 Jul 07
In one word - "Yuck!!" What is this world coming to. Parenting is an art and a skill and I doubt a child borne in the above method will have good parents or a good future
3 people like this
• United States
19 Jul 07
I understand your postion, although I feel more like "Why" then "Yuck". How do you suppose that the parents of a child born this way would be good parents? I feel this has nothing to do with the parenting skill of the women involved, I just feel its a waste of scientific knowledge and effort.
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@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
20 Jul 07
Wow pitstop, I can't believe you'd take such an ignorant stance. There are lots of people, consisting of a father and mother, who have kids but aren't fit to be parents. And lots of straight couple's kids end up in jail etc. I hate when posts like this are made cos you just lump people under one category...
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@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
19 Jul 07
I agree that the scentists could probably find better things to do with their time like fight cancer aids etc... Considering there are some options already available to people. I agree that adoption is a great route and that it should be more readily available to all couples wanting to have a child. But if the option is there then it can give a choice to a couple who long to have a child then that is fine. Considering how many unplanned pregnancies occur today, I have no problem with this method for a loving couple to have a wanted child.
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• United States
19 Jul 07
It doesn't get to you that there is no father involved? I mean, not that the father has to stay involved, but one should at least be part of the equation.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
19 Jul 07
The way I look at it anything that we can do to learn more about the human body and what we can do with it is a great accomplishment. Honestly even tho I agree that there are plenty of orphans out there who need homes there is nothing like being able to have your own child from your own DNA. I think this is a great medicle find. Who knows what else we will find in the future.
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• United States
19 Jul 07
That is true magik. Never thought about it from that point of view.
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@ibuemma (2953)
• United States
19 Jul 07
AACCKK...the world become so out of order lately. I don't know what to say. But I just feel that it's wrong. Just ain't right
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• Australia
20 Jul 07
they have always known they can they just haven't condoned it before i think its just another option and choice for people who need to make one
2 people like this
• United States
29 Jul 07
Really?!? How long ago?
• Australia
29 Jul 07
well i heard about it 15 years ago, but i'm sure it wasn't new then either
1 person likes this
• Sweden
19 Jul 07
Hm... I'm a bit split on this. I think it's better if couples of the same gender and transsexuals are allowed to adopt - same as with couples who have difficulties in getting kids the natural way... but on the other hand, I know how important it can be to the person to have the kid biologically. I feel kinda iffy about deciding things like this about others...
3 people like this
• United States
20 Jul 07
hiya there! I was just in awe when i read this..I wil tell you what,..whoever thought of and whoever funded this is a serious MAN HATER! LOL LOL! I bet they will discover a way for a man to have a baby before they cure cancer,aids or anything else..i feel tha this was a complete waste of money and time..theer are people giving up theer children everyday..adoption agencies,clinics to have ot done for sorry but all that time and money could have actually done some real good..not this.,
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Jul 07
Ha! Men carrying babies. The birth rate would drop seriously if it were left to them!!! But again, this does show that nothing but money makes the world go round. If this does pass the FDA, only the rich lesbians like Rosie O'Donnell will be able to afford it, making this procedure more of a waste. *Sigh* What kind of a sick country do we live in?
@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
20 Jul 07
I think that it sort of take sthe fun out of reproduction to be honest, lol, only kidding... In all honesty, I'm not overly phased. I would liek to see more effort and funding go to what in my opinion, is more important research and more needed technology, for example cures for cancer, research into strokes, epilepsy, heart disease etc etc. It is good to know that should a virus ever wipe out every living male on this earth (for some unseen unkown reason) that the human race woul dnot lose its ability to procreate. ANd I do see the benefits for people in a homsexual relationship wanting to have biological children (women obviously)... but yeah... I can think of better things to spend money on... Just my opinion. :)
@nfhs79 (861)
• Malaysia
20 Jul 07
Its sooooo huh I dunno what to say...! I think world is not in correct order now. I think world is the end. :)
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Jul 07
Yeah, with all the things that are unnatural and just plain wrong going on in this world, it does feel like Armageddon. But I wish it would hurry up and happen, I am ready to go home with my Father. This world is ridiculous to say the least.
• United States
20 Jul 07
That is very nasty. Because I feel like this god did it this way for a reason(Man &Woman to produce only) I agree with you all the way drknlvly. This lets you know that its all about the benjamins as they say. Because why would you there and try to find a way for 2 woman to have a baby, in the fashion of the same way of being artifically inseminated. I just think its not call for and this is just another way to make the rich man richer and the poor poorer. I pray this don't pass the FDA. And another thing where is this being practiced at.?
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• United States
29 Jul 07
I don't know, this was part of the national news but on the Cincinnati local news show. I hope not here.
• United States
20 Jul 07
Well that is interesting. i don't see a problem with it, though i think it would be easier on the women to just get artificially inseminated or adopt. See, i don't see any reason why gays should not be allowed to adopt. They have just as much love and care to give as straights. It is ludicrus to ban them from havig a child. Besides, there are so many children out there who need a loving home. Why not open up more doors to them?
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• United States
29 Jul 07
I have no problem with Gays being parents either. But this procedure would only open up a window to those who can afford the frame, you know? This procedure will not be covered by insurance nine times out of ten, and it is so new, and invasive, that this would be out of the price range for a lot of lesbian couples. I feel that the time used to research this procedure was truly wasted.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I think it is a sci-fi hoax. Even if someone brought to me all sorts of proof I would not believe it. The whole concept of it is very disturbing as well.
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• United States
29 Jul 07
I would have thought it a hoax too, had it not been on the local news. They are very meticulous here about what they put on the news, especially medical-wise because we are a town of learning hospitals and medical research (University of Cincinnati hospital and college) I'd rather it not be true, but it is there and possible.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
Dead men - Redundant dead men
This story needs more content. It would be a World Shaker if it were true! Men would be suddenly become a burden to society.Who needs em? Why feed em? Yes I'm already feeling redundant! Lets roll over and die. . .
• United States
29 Jul 07
I wish I did have more information, but this is something I saw on the evening news in passing. This was the local news so I do think its true. If you want I can go to that website and find some more info on it. And don't worry, you guys would still be kept around for us straight females as "Novelty" items lol.
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
science & technology had really had gone far. isn't it so odd that they try and force to create things out of it's usual behaviour?
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• United States
29 Jul 07
True, its like man has gotten so far away from most traditional religions that they think that they are God themselves and if things arent the way they want it to be, then they have to change it. Unfortunately this will catch up to all of us in the end.
• United States
29 Aug 07
I don't know... I highly doubt that two women can have a child of their own at all. I mean, it's just not natural. I'm not sexist or anything, but consider this possibility: What if feminists, extremist or not, had jumped on this opportunity? After all, "God" created man and woman to populate the Earth, and then some. But two women having a child? That's possible fuel for them to start their own "Amazonian" anti-male propaganda. I'm not familiar with feminism, but i'm familiar with extremism through 9/11 and terrorism. They could use this piece of news to their advantage.
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