Do you always do a list before going to market or grocery stores?

Do you list down your gocery needs? - I do always list down my grocery needs...
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
July 19, 2007 12:46pm CST
Every saturday I do manage to go to the supermarket to buy stuff that are needed for the whole week. And I list it down on a piece of paper so that I will not miss somethings whenever I'm in the market or grocery store. Specially kitchen needs and food that can stored for a long time such as canned good and health care products. I do always visits my kichen cabinet what ever is missing and had to buy again. I ask my children to list down all their personal stuff and food that they want to bring for schools snack. For these it gives me saves my time for buying, looking and thinking of what things are missing. How about you friends do you always do a list before going to the market, grocery?
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29 responses
• United States
19 Jul 07
Most of the time, I know what I need before going shopping. I usually never make a list, even though there have been occasions where I did forget something. Quite often, when I know that I need something, I almost never go out just to go to a market or store, unless it was urgent. Most of the time, I go to the market or store on the way home from work. There have been times I have needed something & found that I had forgotten to stop there also. In that case, even if I did make up a list, it would not have helped anyway.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
Well you have a good memory hehehe, thanks for sharing, have a nice day..
@ibuemma (2953)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I always make a list. Couple days before I do groceries, the flyers from all supermarket usually there in my mail box. It make it easier to know what on sale and what not. And I usually matching it with coupons that I have. That way, i can save some money on my groceries.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
Ohh really it's good. I don't know here If we have also a coupon like that. Thanks, have a nice day....
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I always make a list before going to the store. Usually, I start a list and keep it on the fridge. When I run out of something I add it to the list, just saves time so I don't have to hunt through cupboards, or rely on my memory. I like to get in and out of the supermarket, or whatever, and pretty much stick to the list. If I don't I would probably end up with all kinds of stuff I really didn't need. I also learned to not go shopping when I'm hungry. Everything looks so much better when you're hungry!
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
Yeah your right sometimes when your hungry you wan tto buy all the food you saw in the very right moment. Thanks, have a nice day..
@liyan97 (2127)
• Northern Mariana Islands
20 Jul 07
I do make a grocery list at times, depending on what I need to get and how much money I have to do the shopping. If I have enough money in my wallet that would allow me to shop until I am I don't make a list, i simply just get the groceries we need and the groceries we want. If I have a limited amount of money in my wallet, I have to make a grocery list before going to the store! I have to remind myself of the groceries we need not the groceries we I feel that the grocery list helps me to prioritize our needs such as salad iol, butterm soysauce and ect.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
25 Jul 07
Yeah your right with the grocery list you will know what comes first to buy specially when you have limited amount of money to shop. Thanks liyan, have a nice day...
• Sweden
19 Jul 07
I need to make a list, or I'll forget half of the things I'm supposed to get and/or buy things I wasn't supposed to.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
Yeah your right it's good to do a list so that we can remind all the things that are and not needed... Thanks for sharing, have a nice day...
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
i hate doing the what i always do is get my groceries once in a month and buy everything needed for the month..i dont do listing of what is needed coz i always buy the same thing every month..or if there is something new i wanna add..anyway, i would not follow the list..
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
Ohh you have a good memory... Thanks , have a nice day...
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
23 Jul 07
we make a list, but it usually serves more as a "guideline" lol. we usually get most the stuff on the list, but we always end up with extra stuff. we are really bad impulse shoppers. we'll say "hey, we could use that" or "ooh that looks good" and in the cart it goes! if our budget is tight we usually stick to the list a little better.
• India
23 Jul 07
I very rarely do a list and i usually tend to forget one or two items from the list of items to be purchased..
@golfproo (1839)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
Hi Lyn, Yes I always make a grocery list before I go shopping. My reasoning for this is two fold. First of all it makes it so I do not forget anything. Secondly, it makes it so I know exactly what I am going to buy and then I do not waste money when I get to the grocery store. Since I started making lists I have saved a lot of money on groceries. cheers,
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
25 Jul 07
Your right It can save us more money coz we know whats he priority to buy first. Thanks, have a nice day...
@prily9 (568)
• Indonesia
20 Jul 07
yes same as you before pay day I usually make a list for what item that I need for this month,check my cabinet, check my bathroom and so on. I think make a list is very helpfull to avoid you to buy something that not important and save time also because usually I don't want to stay in market for more than 1 hour because my youngest daughter only 2 years old and she may take everything and put in the market bag.
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@mishaval (61)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
Not me.
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@kalo1314 (23)
• Hong Kong
20 Jul 07
I need not make a list because Hong kong is so small. Supermarket is everywhere. Once I forget to buy something, I can buy it immediately. Also, shopping online is an other chioce.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
20 Jul 07
you're lucky kalo1314! you can go to the supermaket quickly in hongkong when you need something to buy. good for you! people do online shopping. but i don't. i want the idea of grabbing the stuffs i want on my own than just ordering them online and having them delivered at home... anne
@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
25 Jul 07
Yes, I do try to make a list so as to make sure that I never go beyond my budget. My list serves as my parameter. But there are times that I forget to make a list, and I not only go beyond my budget, but I also forget the things that I really need to buy. I tend to pick up things that ruin my budget. And ruin my day.
@swirlz (3136)
• Philippines
23 Jul 07
yes, cause i tend to forget the items i need to buy. and i tend to buy the things i don't even need. heheh
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
20 Jul 07
no i don't... i just make a mental note of what i have to buy... that's why i always miss some items and have to go back and buy again... :-) luckily, the place where i live and work have a grocery store... so i don't have to worry too much...
• United States
20 Jul 07
I always make al ist of the things that is needed because i will forget the things that i need and walk out with lots of things that i do not need as well. Making a list is also best for me to sa ve moeny. I know exactly what i need and i stick to that list and do not get anything that is not on that list. So it saves me lots of moeny from those last minute buys that i really do not need.
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
For me, it is really a must to have a list before going to the grocery because it minimizes the hassle and really saves time...
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
yes. this ensures me that i'l not gonna miss anything
• United Arab Emirates
20 Jul 07
Yes if there more than 2 items I make a list of thing to be purchased. It helps me in picking the things that i really want and that is in my list. If i do not make a list, I end up buying more things than required. So, making a list to purchase is a good idea for saving too.
• United States
20 Jul 07
I usually make a list of food items before I go. Most of the time I will have a look through my cookbook and pick some things I will cook later that week. I try to base my shopping list on that. My boyfriend's family has a generic list of items printed out and hung on the refrigerator. Whenever they run out of an item, they just highlight what it is. That way they just go to the grocery and purchase whatever is highlighted. Neat idea, right?