Crows --- are they there in your place.

@abroji (3247)
July 19, 2007 11:04pm CST
Hello friends, I hope that you are familier with the black bird with strong beak which prey upon wastes and catch some pests and rodents. There are a lot of crows in our place. They can be seen anywhere where people inhabit. My parents were in Singapore for long years, and even I was there still I was ten. I don't remember seeing any crows there. My mother told me she has never seen any crow there. I think crows are everywhere except in regions of extreme cold climate. They are often thought a nuisence. So, now please tell me are crows common in your country? Do you know any place without crows?
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18 responses
• Sri Lanka
20 Jul 07
Hi dude, I am from sri Lanka. Yes in my country there are crows every where here. in streets, in trees, roof or balcony even if we sopt our vehicle for 5 minitus it will land in the roof of the vehicle. i think in sri lanka there might be over 200 crows in every sqair km. Yeah as you say in singapore there are no crows. becos in the past they shoot all the crows. they have a wistle if they wistle it all the crows in that area will come so when the crows come they shoot it i mean the kill it. I have never seen it but my brother was there he told it to me 10 years ago.wel i dont know about other countries friend. so when i get to know about it i will let you know.
@abroji (3247)
• India
21 Jul 07
Thank you for that information about killing of crows in Singapore, and also in your country, Sri Lanka. If we in India try to kill crows in such a planned way strong protests are sure to errupt from bird lovers and Hindu religious people.
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
20 Jul 07
Well, there are crows in Singapore. At one stage, there was a sudden influx. Mostly found in housing estates. However, the relevant authorities are really working hard to get rid of them. There has been reports that crows too attack human beings. To think of it now, it seems that I have not seen them for quite some time.
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@abroji (3247)
• India
21 Jul 07
That is really news for me, because as stated in my original posting I was under the impression that there were no crows in Singapore. My pare4nts have mentioned that several times. May be crows later inhabitted into Singapore. News regarding crows attacking humans are reported in Kerala too. Thank you for the response.
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@urbandekay (18278)
23 Jul 07
Crows, Ravens, Rooks, Magpies all inhabit UK and our folklaw is rife with tales about them. all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
23 Jul 07
Opps, I mean "folklore." all the best urban
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@abroji (3247)
• India
24 Jul 07
Thank you urban. Your response is informative as usual.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
20 Jul 07
All your facts may be true,but I can't agree that they are thought nuisence,as they are given too much importance in the 15 days period called pitrupaksha just before navratri. They are considered to be our elders and food is kept for them on the terraces,hoping that our elders will come and take their share of food. All these are a part of hindu customs, I don't know whether you are familiar with it or not.
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@lucy67 (819)
• China
20 Jul 07
yes, there are crows in our place though we can hardly see them in cities now. but most of us would not like to see them coz we think we will have a bad luck if we see a crow.
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@abroji (3247)
• India
21 Jul 07
There are superstetions connected with crows in India also. For example in our place people think or believe that if they happen to see a croww washing itself in some still water they are sure to here the demse of somebody dear. So there are crows in China also. Thank you lucy.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Yes, there are many crows where I live in a northern flat area in New York State (USA). I've seen crows in Vermont (USA) and in Southern Quebec, Canada, too. I've seen crows and heard ravens screech (another black bird with a strong beak) in the Adirondacks in New York State. I do not know any place without crows. But when go to the Southern United States, I'm always looking down. The snakes and spiders worry me all the time I'm down there. So I miss looking at all the birds. I know one place where crows aren't. Wherever my cat is, they aren't. But he only has a very small area. When he leaves the area, they fly back in.
@abroji (3247)
• India
21 Jul 07
That's interesting. Your cat drive away every crow in it's jurisdiction? So you are not sure if there are crows in southern USA. Thank you for the response.
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@abroji (3247)
• India
21 Jul 07
You are welcome too writersedge.
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
21 Jul 07
We do have crows in my state, though they are not seen as much in my neighborhood as they used to be. I think the West Nile Virus has caused a decrease in the number of crows that I see around here. They can be pretty loud and are easily seen. Some bird species have been affected by the virus.
@abroji (3247)
• India
21 Jul 07
Yes you are correct. The west Nile virus is claiming lives of many birds in the US. Thank you for that informative response.
@gberlin (3836)
31 Jul 07
We have crows in Michigan in the United States. They don't bother me so I don't bother them. I know some people hunt them.
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@abroji (3247)
• India
2 Aug 07
It is better for the crows not to bother you, otherwise they will be bothered by you. Great response gberlin, thank you.
@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
2 Aug 07
crow - crow image
i saw lots of crows when i visit Singapore. it was preety scary because i have never saw as much as that. creepy.. in jawa island tradition crow bird represent somebody is gonna die. i don't believe such things, but seeing so many of them still scary.
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@abroji (3247)
• India
3 Aug 07
That is good information. Thank you for that.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
20 Jul 07
There are many crows where I live, which is in the state of Michigan in the United States. Crows here are larger than the ones I was used to seeing in Kentucky, the state where I grew up, and therefore I was very surprised the first time I saw one here. I can't think of any place I have gone where I have not seen crows, but I haven't been out of the United States much (only to Canada and Mexico), so I can't speak for much of the world. Most people look at crows in a negative manner, but they are very clever and interesting creatures, and I really like them. In my religion, the Goddess Morrigan was often known to shapechange into a raven or a crow.
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@abroji (3247)
• India
21 Jul 07
Thank you for those interesting informations supplied by you through your response.
@mdchennai (2129)
• India
2 Aug 07
Yes my friend, it is very common in my place. I stay in India and i have found that in some state/city, i find crows whereas in other places its not there. May be your reasons could be right. Anyway, thanks for your information.
@abroji (3247)
• India
3 Aug 07
In my city, Thiruvananthapuram, if we watch in the evening from some tall building we can see thousands and thousands of crows flying southwards to the suburban countryside to nest for the night. They will come back in the morning. Same as people coming for work in the trains, buses , cars and aurorikshaws, two wheelers etc. Crows are everywhere in our place.
@thefuture (1749)
• Nigeria
21 Jul 07
What a situation in your contry. I have seen it but not so many time. crows are not common in my country. Infact, they are hadly seen except where there are no people except bushes. Thanks and have a nice day.
@abroji (3247)
• India
21 Jul 07
That is really mysterious the future, here crows could be seen anywhere people dwells. You say in your place they are seldom seen in inhabitted areas. Anyway, thank you for the response.
@indiavani (863)
• India
23 Jul 07
Hello! Crows are common in my country (INDIA). Few years back, I used to live in southern part of India & there you can find too many crows as they are common there as you have already mentioned. But now am in northern part of India & here crows are less visible. Here I see crows once in months...vani^_^
@abroji (3247)
• India
24 Jul 07
You are right. While travelling in north India I have also noticed that there are not as much crows as we can se in the south. Interestingly I have seen som vultures preying on carcases of cattle in Rajasthan, near Bharatpur. Thank you for the response.
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• Canada
21 Jul 07
We have them where I live but they don't really bother anyone. It is just a bit creepy to hear them calling to each other. It just sends shivers down my spine!! I have heard that they are really smart and can kind their way into closed baskets and other things not left out in the open which is really surprising.
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@abroji (3247)
• India
21 Jul 07
Thank you for that news from Canada. Crows are really intelligent. There is a very popular story about how a crow dropped small stones into a tumbler with little water to bring the water upwards to it's reach. They have good memmory of things too.
@pitstop (14883)
• Australia
20 Jul 07
Yup.... I stay in India and we have plenty of them flying around. Back at college their 'crowing' used to wake us up in the morning and each of us got their droppings at least twice a year.
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@abroji (3247)
• India
21 Jul 07
Yes in India they are quite common. This dropping is yet another nuisence of the crows. Thank you for the response.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
20 Jul 07
We have them here in Australia...I live in the bush and there is a family of about 10 that come into the yard everyday...
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@abroji (3247)
• India
21 Jul 07
Thank you for the response.
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
20 Jul 07
I recommend you to read my post on ravens and crows and what happened to me. Lol. yes i do know ravens and crows very well i must say, they are alote of them in my area, and i will not be jealous if someone tries to hurt them because their revenge is very bitter. Yes, i know alote of places that there are no crows in them, most of the places that i lived in.
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@abroji (3247)
• India
21 Jul 07
Yes liranlgo, I have found out that discussion and read it. A similar incident happened here in Kerala, India. A young man was deliberately attacked by crows and the young man was constrained to keep himself indoor for quite some days. I read in the newspapers here. The incident appreciated good media coverage. So thank you for letting us know that crows and ravens are present in Israel also.
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• Canada
21 Jul 07
We have them where I live but they don't really bother anyone. It is just a bit creepy to hear them calling to each other. It just sends shivers down my spine!! I have heard that they are really smart and can kind their way into closed baskets and other things not left out in the open which is really surprising.