would you upset or mad if your baby constantly crying?

July 20, 2007 9:00am CST
yesterday i dont have a chance to open my computer, because my baby is contantly crying, he wants to be pick-up all the time but i can't because his so heavy. i only pick him up for about 5 minutes then i put him down, then again he cried.i begun to upset/mad because my back is really soar of picking him up, i give him a food, toys, etc. but he never stop. how about you would you upset if your baby is constantly crying and wants to be pick up all the time?
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16 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 Jul 07
It is very stressful when a baby cries non=stop and nothing seems to help. Some babys crie because they are collicky and are in quite a bit of pain. How old is your baby? Is there anyone who can take the baby for a little while so that you can get a break?
• Canada
20 Jul 07
his already 14 months old. nobody can take my baby if he is with the other people or my husband relatives he will cry. his not really collicky because when he was less than a year he never cry like yesterday. i also carried him all the time but now he is so heavy.
• United States
21 Jul 07
It's hard when you have a fussy baby. I never got upset with my oldest. She was basically the one that was more fussier than my youngest. Her fussyness was due to the fact that she developed sooner than most babies. Her teething and those ear infections were a nightmare. You might want to get your baby checked out. It might be that there's something more than just a simple fussy attitude going on. I do admit, it was tiresome for me. My oldest used to be wide awake at night and asleep during the day. I did get frustrated, but never upset because she was a baby and had no idea what she was doing.
• United States
21 Jul 07
OOps, and I forgot to wish you good luck.
@roxprice (30)
• United States
20 Jul 07
To save your back, you might try making a child sling. I've made a baby/toddler sling by having tying a twin sheet under kiddo's rump, then around my waist, then across the shoulders. A little bulky, but she was happy and I could get up and get something done. (try googling "make baby sling" if you need a diagram)
• Canada
21 Jul 07
can you make a diagram? i may try. thanks
• Canada
30 Jul 07
thanks for the information,,,i will do it. by the way, maybe you like to join a paid forum, the admin will pay you 1 point per post equivalent to 1 cent per post. even your post is short. here's my link http://mycashguide.net/forum/index.php?action=affiliate&memberName=bhelle i got my first payment already worth $5.30 within 5 days. try this and i am sure you will like it.
• United States
21 Jul 07
The baby sling is a good idea, If the child is running a fever you can try this for the morring give the child a luke warm bath. This should bring the childs temperture down for awhile. Then if it is his teeth giving him problems you can try this trick give the child a soked cold face towel that he/she can suck on and itch there gums with. These tricks worked on all 4 of my boys. I had one boy that had colic and another that was alergic to his forumle and would cry all the time.
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
20 Jul 07
I can understand your frustration, I would definitely start getting upset about it just b ecuase you can't figure out what the baby needs.
• Canada
21 Jul 07
sometimes i dont understand what he wants thats why i am upset. it is not easy to be a mom, it is very difficult/hard especially if we're alone, no break at all.
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
i don't have a baby yet. but i have neice and nephew. yes, sometimes it is irritating to see and hear kids crying. you do everything to make them stop but everything you do would sometimes be futile. some babies want to be always carried by you, always in your arms. I guess they just want to feel adult's presence. Maybe they feel secure when we carry them in our arms.
• Canada
21 Jul 07
absolutely!!!your picture is very cute.
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Crying to I wouldn't get upset but whining yes. My 2 year old whines and when she starts she doesn't know how to stop it drives me crazy. Crying something is usually wrong with them. Wanting to be in your arms all the time they could either be gone through a phase. Not sure how old your baby is but maybe hes getting teeth in. Try to give him a cold wet towel to chew on. If he is smaller place him on his tummy it may be gas. What always works is a bath for my kids it calms them down and after they usually take a nap. If he is spoiled from being in your arms then you will have to just let him cry it out not in your arms.
• Canada
21 Jul 07
i agree too, my husband is really mad when my baby is whining too much, it gives earache. my husband always blame on me why our baby will cry and whine like that because i always carry him when his less than a year. giving a bath is a good idea too, i found it very effective but my baby dont like to stop, he likes water very much, if you take him out from the bathtub, he will gonna cry and whine again for very long.
• United States
21 Jul 07
I totally agree with you there on the whining. That I did get upset at. There's nothing more irritating than a whining child. I can't stand it. Lol, I made sure I stopped my kids right away at the sight of whining, I think it's so annoying.
• Canada
20 Jul 07
I would probably be upset...because I wouldn't be able to find a way to make my baby feel better. It would also be loud...which is why I don't like babies much...they're too loud. Do you think your baby would still cry if you had him on your lap while you went on the computer? That sounds like a reasonable compromise.
• Canada
21 Jul 07
me too. especially that i dont have break, nobody can take care my baby except me, and i will get tired sometimes. i cannot carry him in front of the computer. oh my God! my computer will be broken then in a minute. imagine he broke already our printer, mouse, 3 telephone and glasses. thanks for the suggestion but it is no good idea for my baby.
• United States
21 Jul 07
I agree with you too on that one. I did get frustrated when I wasn't sure what my babies were crying about. I think it's so hard at that age since they can't tell us what's wrong. Sort of like animals ie cats, dogs, birds, etc. When they get sick or are hurt they can't tell us what's wrong, and we simply just need to figure it out. Good point.
@zaichn (319)
• Philippines
21 Jul 07
Yep.. I think id definitely get upset and mad furious if a baby continues to cry and cry especially when you are sleeping. I dont have a baby of my own yet but I had the experience of enduring the noise of my little sister when she was still a baby. I would cover up my ears since it just annoys me a lot.
• India
21 Jul 07
I'm single still and don't have a baby yet. But from what I imagine now, I think I won't get upset over my baby crying constantly. There is some kind of peaceful feeling in doing things for your baby. So I guess I wouldn't feel upset. I might feel the concert why is it crying so much, but no upset feeling.
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
21 Jul 07
Kids don't usually cry for the sake it, my daughter cried when she wants to sit on my lap - BECAUSE she's tired, she'll be asleep within about 5 minute of being on my lap, then i can lay her down & do whatever i want to be doing! My daughter is only 1 month younger than your son so i guess things could be pretty similar with them :) Try to refrain from holding him for just 5 minutes, if he's too heavy to hold, just sit down with him & give him 10 or 15 minutes :) That always helps. My daughter loves watching cartoons, so we bought her some movies - her favourites are Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo & Barbie's Mermaidia - she watches them in between playing with her toys, so there is always something there to amuse her :) She loves fruit sticks & cordial/juice simple things like that always work as well. I know it's hard when they get like that but remember they have growth spurts, they're still teething & unless they're amused all the time, they can get bored - try buying him a few board books or books with noise buttons - they work a treat too & can keep them amused for ages :) I always just try & keep her amused other ways so i don't have to pick her up, you'll get there, just try & spend more time with him, 1 on 1 doing things he can actually get in to - reading is great too. Good Luck!
• India
21 Jul 07
i havnt maried but i know about aorg on preventing abortion. its cute to hera there voice but frequent is nasty i think but it can only be suffered
• Philippines
21 Jul 07
of course i will not be upset, or mad. but i'll be worried coz kid wont cry that much for no reason.. my kid always do that when i'm in front of the computer, she actually unplug it to catch my attention.. my kid comes first before anything else...i'll pick her up, and carry her for as long as she wants...
• Philippines
21 Jul 07
when i was still with my daughter she always cry.. cant get mad nor upset to her becasue knew she wasnt feeling well and that something was alwaays wrong when she cries..so i experienced 24/7 up all day.the only rest could get is when she sleeps for some minutes then thats the time i do my house chores..sometimes i cant even fnish my house chores and she's awake cryng..i wanna get upset and complan but i couldn't becasue she wont cry if she's not feelng something aching..it was her heart, she had a congental heart desease and it aches so bad.. its very stressful but thats the label of being a mother..i could stay awake 24/7 just to secure she is alrght..
@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
27 Jul 07
When my son was only a few weeks old, I was sleep deprived and very, very snappy. He didn't cry constantly but in every 2 hours, he would be awake and crying so loud. I was very upset that time and my sister said that I was suffering from a mild postpartum depression. I remembered that I just wanted to have a nice, decent and uninterrupted sleep. I was between two worlds during those times. In the land of dreams and in the land of reality. But as weeks passed, and I had adjusted to my new role and responsibility as a mother, I tried my best to keep my emotions in control at all times.
• Canada
21 Jul 07
I would set aside some time for him and just sit down and play with him he is crying and wanting up because he is wanting attention. If you sit and play with him for a few mins you might find that he will allow you to have your time online for a few mins
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
21 Jul 07
Honestly? No I wouldn't be. Yes, it can be a little frustrating BUT that is what mothers are here for. We are supposed to be the ones holding our babies when they cry and sacrificing for them. The time we have with our little ones is so short. They grow up fast and then we can't hold them when they cry. Right now he is still little enough for you to soothe away all of his problems or at least hold him when he is crying. Someday though he will be a grown man possibly living far away from you and you won't be able to soothe away all of his troubles or hold him whenever you want to. I know holding a baby all the time is hard but having empty arms is harder.
• Ecuador
21 Jul 07
it's annoying i have a neice she cries all the time i just try and figure a way to make her stop always end with success