10 Steps that might help you have a better relationship!
By mtdewgurl74
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
United States
July 20, 2007 4:07pm CST
Here is ten steps that just might possibly save a relationship, Or go a long way in repairing one. I got thesse out of a relationship book so here goes.
1.) Tell your partner you love them often(Everyday would be nice).
2.Do things for each other that shows you care and appreciate them and don't take everything for granted.
3. Flirt,joke, and laugh with your partner.(Remember the things you did to get their attention and catch them)
4. If you have an agrument fight fairly,don't throw their faults and past mistakes in theior faces. Or be so critical that you will extremely regret it in the morning. If possible always try to resolve the issues before going to bed.
5.Give your partner the love and attention they love and need and deserve.(give kisses and touches in passing each other). But also reconize when they need their space and give it to them.
6. Ocasionally give your partner a treat, do somehting for them that you know they love and enjoy, maybe a little gift or a picnic. Doesn't have to be exspensive or even cost anything just as long as it is something they like.
7. If nothing else always have a date nightor a night away form the house. Try to make it special and get a babysitter if that is needed.Always keep this date night unless theiur is an emergency and you cannot.
8. Share responsibilities,nobody should have to do it all in a relationship.
9. Praise your partner for something they did, take an interest in what they are doing. and If they accomplished something give them a gift or a treat to show you care. Make their accomplisments speical to them.(If they take the effort to do something then take the effort to remark on it.
10. Send little love notes/emails/calls to your partner they will know how much you love them or care for them. Or leave a hot sassy one if you are planning something for them and want them to hurry home after work. ( Just don;t go to overboard..lol
These ten steps may help you to have a good strong relationship that will stand the test of time and always be there standing tall if you need it to lean on throught the good the bad and the uglies of this world..And remember even the small stuff counts a kind word, a gentle carress,a loving kiss and hug..
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11 responses
@paulsy (1263)
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
Those tips are sooo good! Honestly, we actually do most of them already. I guess that's what makes our relationship really nice. Oh yes, we argue sometimes, but the sweet moments always overcome the little arguments. But I guess I still need to keep up on the rest of the steps you mentioned. These steps won't only save or repair a relationship. These steps would help keep the relationship always on fire!
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
21 Jul 07
Thanks! Sometimes argueing is good..well the make up part anyhow. It also lets your other half know boundries you have set. What you'll take or won't take or put up with. I need to use some of these tips myself because after being married 16 years and together for 17 sometimes it needs a little help because we get stuck in a rut, so these things can help nudge us out of them. Well, thanks for the reply I appreciate it. And good luck.
@Sushicook (690)
• Sweden
20 Jul 07
These are very helpful steps, and I for one can say that they really work. Me and my fianceƩ have been together for more than two years now living by these simple rules, and have yet to have a big or serious arguement.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
21 Jul 07
Hey, thats great! I hope that it continues to work out for you. These rules are simple and all you have to do is respect them and the people you love and things will be great. Thanks for the response to my discussion I appreciate it.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 Jul 07
Gee, is that all? I find this so unrealistic. People don't appreciate this sort of stuff and the one on the receiving end generally doesn't reciprocate...you get one person giving their all till there is nothing left to give. The other person laps it all up and gives nothing back.
Yeah, I'm a bit cynical about this sort of thing, I've had lots of experience.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
23 Jul 07
Of course these rules are to be applied by both partners in a relationship no reason a man cannot do these thiungs also. I am aware that everyone's relationship is totally different. And not everything works for the same couples everywhere. It has to be a two way street to work..can't be just one sided or it is doomed to fail from the start. Some people don't appreciate all these things that is why the word might is applied instead of the word can.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
24 Jul 07
I think most woman should show or tell a man their expectations right from the beginning so everything is clear in the beginning and although we are all wanting a romance that is the best we'll ever know expectiong to much is what busts our bubbles and starts causing alot of romantic delusions and problems..It is hard for alot of men to show their softer sides becasue they were always told when they were younger that it was sissified to show them.. thankfully now days the teachings are a little different. My hubby doesn't show his feelings well while I do. We need to find someone who will meet our emotional standards and be strong for us when we cannot be for ourselves.. yeah I know to some it is all rubbish and that is our downfall. Because we dream to big about being swept off our feet and having the perfect everything and then reality sets in and it is not at all what we want or expected so using someof these concepts might be of help or of little help. I guess it is just how we look at things.

@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
20 Jul 07
My parents do all of these things, although they didn't start off doing them all when they got married. But I guess utilizing these things is what has brought them to their 33rd wedding anniversary, which will be next month. I love to hear of successful marriages.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
21 Jul 07
33 years is a long time, now days it is a rare occasion to hear about the longer lasting relationships these days because alot of them are giving in to easy to problems without trying to find the solutions to their problems first. Well thanks for the reply I appreciate it. To the sucess of marriages! and partnership.
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
30 Jul 07
You are so right, but too often the relationship seems more one sided. When only one person is applying these tips it doesn't do much good. My relationship with my ex started out good for the first several years, but eventually it was pretty much one sided, and things started falling apart. Once that happened, it didn't matter what I did, there was no pulling things back together.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
2 Aug 07
I went to visit my parents the other day and my mom and me were talking about love and she just blurted out that my dad didn't love her anymore which he looked at her stunned and said what do you mean. She said well first off you don't bring me flowers anymore,(he used to pick her wild flowers when they were in bloom) and secondly you don't hug and kiss me like you used too or tell me you love me anymore.. Dad looked at her and said "honey I just assumed after 24 years together you would know i loved you whether I did these things or not". But I know that was her little signs from him that he still cared still loved her. I think that was one of the reasons she has had depression lately. But she told him that everyone needed to be reminded sometimes that they are loved and worth being loved and I think she is correct in that. We need these little signs no matter how little to let us know we are loved. He went out and picked her some wild flowers and give them to her and she beamed...Hey even the little stuff counts...
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
23 Jul 07
I like your post...very tender and it presents great reminders how to keep the love sweet, strong, passionate and emotionally intimate.
Many times in life we take those we love for granted. Some of the pointers you posted could be applied to close friends as well. We live in a hectic, fast paced world and the reminding others (including friends) why they are important to us can keep bonds strong.
You are right...the small stuff definitely counts..a kind word, a hug and a smile brightens all our days.
Thanks for sharing...and caring.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
24 Jul 07
Yes that is true. I guess they work in everyday life for friends and loved ones and your partner as well just change little things like hide a note to tell them how much you appreciate them and their friendship. I see your point. Thanks for responding to my discussion I appreciate it.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
30 Jul 07
Your welcome...interesting posts are something I love to respond to. I am sure we'll connect again.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
3 Aug 07
Hi again...
I have been feeling under the weather and not Mylotting much this past week. I just logged on for a quick catch up and saw your best response mark. Thank you...you brighted my day.
Just to let you know I have been doing more to let those know how much I love and appreciate them. My hubby has been cooking, housekeeping, giving footrubs and preparing hot water bottles while I've sick. Your post reminded me to be doubly appreciate of his TLC. We all need to keep the caring, sharing 'attitude of gratitude' approach going throughout life. Good memory jog...thanks again!
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@candiec2005 (828)
• United States
23 Jul 07
This is really good advice. Thank you for sharing it with us. :)
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
24 Jul 07
Thanks for the post to my discussion I appreciate it. thanks again.
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
21 Jul 07
Hey thanks for all the advice. Will surely try to keep them in mind. I agree that if only we're not selfish and always keep our partner in mind, be sensitive to their feelings, a relationship can truly last a lifetime.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
23 Jul 07
Thanks for the reply to my discussion I appreciate. This is also true in every sense. We cannot be selfish and have a great relationship. Your post is A+. Thanks
@taurean83 (505)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Thanks for this sharing I hope it will help for peoples who want to maintain good relationships.Thanks
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
21 Jul 07
Yeah me too. Thanks for the response to my discussion I appreciate it. It is hard work to maintain a relationship these tips just make it a little easier to. Thanks
@terri0824 (4996)
• United States
21 Jul 07
Thanks for sharing. I've been out of a relationship for over two years now and getting ready to embark in a relationship with a man that I have been friends with for nearly 7 years, it is good to have these as a reminder. But for me the simple rule of thumb is to treat the person the way you would want to be treated.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
21 Jul 07
Yes that is true. It is good to treat your partner the way you would like to be treated. I wish you luck in your new relationship. Thanks for the reply to my discussion I appreciate it.
@DaCheeSe (20)
• United States
21 Jul 07
That is very good advise. Sometimes I violate those rules and it actually does end up being pretty ugly. I should save those ten rules as a reminder. If everyone could follow all of those steps there would be alot less break-ups and stronger relationships. However I'm pretty sure sometimes it's hard to follow even 9 out of the 10 steps.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
23 Jul 07
It is hard to maintain a relationship and it takes lots of hard work and I am sure nobody follows these 100% but a little and a couple will go a long way. Everyrelationship has it's faults and hardships it is hard to have a perfect relationship unless you both are willing to give it 100% and stay with it. Now days with people working 1-2-3 jobs or working 8-15 hours a day, who has that much time to apply all 10 steps? Not many. Thats why even the littlest stuff should count and be appreciated. I wish you luck and hope that you can maybe adapt and maybe make up some of your own rules to follow that will work for you and your partner.