HELP with publishing

July 21, 2007 11:04am CST
Hello everyone my name is Andrea and im 14 years old. i absolutily love to write on my spare time. At the moment i have many many short stories on the go. One of the stories, ive been working on on and off for a while. I'm hoping to finish it soon i jsut cant come up with a good enough ending. I hope i finish it soon because it is going on to over 200 pages. I'm hoping to get it published some time in the future hopefully before i turn 16. that would be nice, but I've heard that it takes a long time to get something published. Is that true? Not only do i write stories i also write poetry. What one in yur opinion do you think would be best to publish first for a beginner like me? Thanks so much for reading this an if you could, please give me so publishing tips, that would be great. Andrea.
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6 responses
@ivyoon (673)
• United States
21 Jul 07
Getting published is very difficult, mainly because of the number of manuscripts publishers receive on a regular basis. There is a lot of competition out there! That doesn't mean it is impossible, though. I have published my own stories, books, CDs and more on a great free website called ( You just upload your content to them, they set up a store front for you, and when someone orders your stuff, they print it out and send it to them. (They take a small fee from you for doing so, but you set your prices to what you want them to be). I've done fairly well with Lulu in the past, and I encourage you to try them out. Once you have your content available online, you've got a much better chance of selling it to a publisher. Plus, Lulu offers the option of making your content available worldwide, and at popular book stores like Barnes and Noble and on! Good luck with your writing! Write On!
@abhiroop85 (2826)
• Scottsdale, Arizona
21 Jul 07
you need to get a editor of a publisher house impressed by your work..only he can make your dream come true real easy and of luck
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
21 Jul 07
For a beginning writer, I suggest trying to get your poems or short stories published in a magazine. Try those that you read yourself. Like learning how to do most things, there are steps to help you grow into a published author. The first one is getting published in a small magazine or journal (or winning a writing contest). Once you've done that and proven that publications want your work, you have a lot more appeal for a big book publisher. Good luck with your writing!
21 Jul 07
I have recently won a writing contest at my school but I dont think that it was published should i try to find a contest around my community?
@GuateMom (1411)
• Canada
22 Jul 07
Well, I haven´t had a novel published (although I wrote one for teens when I was your age) but I have sold plenty of non-fiction online. Basically, it takes patience. My advice to you is to finish this story, polish it, have someone blunt critique it and then edit again. Then, just dive in and send it off to publishers. If you get turned down, send it to someone else. You won´t like the rejection, but just remember that some very famous authors have been turned down (Anne of Green Gables was rejected over 100 times!) many times before being published. You have an advantage in that you are very young and can get those nasty rejections under your belt early on! :D Good luck to you. If you want someone to go over your story, I would be more than happy to help you out. I´m adding you to my friends and you can feel free to PM me with any questions you have.
22 Jul 07
oh that would be great
• Philippines
22 Jul 07
Well, first you have to find someone who can help you publish your work in other words a publisher. Then try to negotiate with him the price of binding up your work, it can be soft bound or hard bound. In this situation you have so spend money then make sure your work is interesting so people will buy.
• United States
22 Jul 07
I'm still working on getting published myself, so I do not have any info for you, i'm sorry