My grandma's van got keyed at Wal-Mart

@Flight84 (3048)
United States
July 21, 2007 6:02pm CST
Seriously. A girl and her mom got so mad today because my grandma got the parking space they wanted. My sister and I were waiting inside for her to get a buggy and the girl and her mom came in glaring my sister and I down. I said to my sister that it must have been those people because I hadn't really seen what they looked like. She came back huffing and puffing at me because I guess she heard me and tried to tell me that they had been waitng for over 5 minutes on that spot. Please, they pulled up after we did. I told her it was a good thing she was at Wal-Mart because it sounded like she needed a watch too. Crazy. You can't say or do or look at some people anymore or they go crazy. When we came out, we discovered that the van had been keyed down the side and their SUV was gone. I think I know some people that really need a life.
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9 responses
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
22 Jul 07
We all come across people like that some time. The only thing we can do is just be glad that we don't have to deal with that person all the time. I for one need peace in my life. I had something similiar to that happen to me a few weeks ago. I had walked up to get in line and I saw another lady get in line just before I did, so I stood behind her. The next thing I know a friend of hers comes up and stands in front of me like I am not even there. I said, excuse me, but you just got in front of me. She says no, you cut in front of me. She claimed that she and her friend had already been in line, but they had to leave and go in separate directions. I don't know what happened before I got there, but I know that I did not get in front of anyone and she was not going to stay in front of me. I was tired and it was hot and I was not going to stand there any longer than I had to. After going at it for a while, she finally says, okay, you can go ahead and cut back in front of me. I did too. She kept going on and on ranting and raving in my ear. It was just so creepy that I looked back at her and I asked, are you serious? She says, yes I am serious, blah, blah, blah, lah,lah,lah, yada, yada, yackitty, smackitty. Then, if that didn't beat all, she stops and says to her friend, as a matter of fact, I was in front of you wasn't I? The friend says, yes you were, as if to prove something to me. I just completely lost it then. These two nuts were going back and forth trying to drive me crazy and I wasn't about to go there with them. Finally, I just really set it off and they both shut up and left me alone.
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@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
22 Jul 07
People like that really get to me. There is absolutely no need for grown women to carry on so childishly. My sister and I were in another store today and a lady cut in front of me like I wasn't even there. I looked up because I had been getting my wallet and told her I was in line. She just looked at me and slung her stuff up on the counter. I just rolled my eyes and let it go. A while back, I would have been yelling and making a scene. I'm a different person now I suppose. What good does it do, ya know? I can't beleive those women you encountered though. I hate when people are behind you running their mouths, knowing very well that you can hear them.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
22 Jul 07
I can take a lot, but she was doing two of the things that make me the most nervous. She was standing behind me and she was yelling at me. When I was a child, I realized that I could not stand to be yelled at. I will do what it takes to stop a person from yelling at me. I would rather be hit, than to be screamed at. When people holler at me, I feel backed into a corner and I can not think clearly. When I can't think clearly, I can not even walk without falling. When my mind is cluttered, I become accident prone.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I used to get so angry and aggressive when people yelled at me or mouthed off, but now I can handle things much better. Certain things, like the women you encountered or the women I dealt with, still tend to get me riled up. I'm kinda surprised I kept my cool. It was just that the situation was so ridiculous! A parking space...
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
22 Jul 07
You definitely have to be careful with what we say or do around people these days. They are very ignorant people and hope that something will be done about those two. Did you report the incident and give them descriptions of the two people? They should be forced to pay for the damage to the van.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
22 Jul 07
How childish was that? People act like their names are all over everything. My grandma started to report it, but she figured she would just let it go. They had already left and we didn't get a good look at their SUV. I wish now that I had looked at their license plate number though.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I would at least speak with the manager at WalMart. Perhaps the cameras that are in the parking lot caught something on tape that could be used to prove your point. It is a shame that you didn't get their license number, (of course we don't go around getting the license number of all that we argue with I realize...) because then you could track them down and go to small claims court. It is a shame that people are so sick and narrow minded that when they feel wronged they want to lash out and harm someone else or their belongings. So very juvenile.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I wish I had got the number, but I never thought they would have been that crazy. Who expects someone to key a car now, ya know? I didn't even think of cameras, but I'll definitely mention it to my grandma.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
22 Jul 07
Hrm. A/ I got this notification! 2/ That sucks! man, people are crazy! and this just goes to prove my point that it's so much better to just pull in a parking lot and find the first spot you can, even if it's far away, and park there. That's what I do. I never look for parking spaces. I just go in and park. My car is ridiculously precious to me and I get so so angry when I see that someone has dinged my car, I'd go nuts if someone keyed it, especially for something as stupid as a parking space. I mean, I can understand if you have a bad time walking or whatever, that's what they make handicapped tags and spots for! and doctors will pretty much give you a handicap tag for NOTHING these days. But, I have to say...people who shop at wal-mart seem to be even more crazy than others! I almost went to wal-mart today but then I remembered how much I hated the store in the area I was in and decided otherwise. I'll probably go tomorrow. My first car was keyed once. It was either by my ex-boyfriend or his girlfriend. Neither of which I understood since HE broke up with ME and he started dating the girl a few weeks later and I didn't even know her. Needless to say, I never could get rid of it and it would tick me off every single time I saw it.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
22 Jul 07
It was insane! I was so pissed after the confrontation in the store, but I didn't think it would go to anything that stupid. People at Target never get that crazy!:P I was mad, but the whole deal was absolutely ridiculous. Michael(hubby) and I just park wherever and deal with it, even if he wants to grumble. When we were dating, I got into a fight with a woman at another Wal-Mart because she started cussing him because his truck at the time was loud, and she thought he was revving his engine at her and her kids to make them hurry out of the way. I mean she was going on like he had rammed one of the kids or something and it was just his truck period. People are so stupid and paranoid.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
22 Jul 07
Oh and by the way...I'm still not getting notifications.:( *grumbles in a corner* I think I'm going to try switching my email address. I dunno....
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
22 Jul 07
Ha ha. That sucks! well on both accounts. Do you wonder if maybe you hadn't had that confrontation they wouldn't have keyed the car?! I can't believe people still key cars. that's just ridiculous. I mean, what goes through you're mind when you're deciding to KEY someones car? That's hilarious! I can't believe she cussed him out for something that stupid. Even if he did rev the engine, who cares! At Wal-Mart I honestly park where there aren't any other cars. Just so that I don't have to bother with people :\
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Jul 07
Thats too bad. What amazes me is what some people get away with in busy public places and there are apparantly no witnesses?? It is hard t o believe that not a soul saw this happen.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I know, right? It was at a Wal-Mart Supercenter too. I know there had to have been people around to see something suspicious.
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@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I would have said something too if I had witnessed someone keying a vehicle. People don't have backbones anymore.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Jul 07
It sucks that people are too afraid or lame to stand up to what is right. I am not one to run to the cops for every little thing..especially when I may not be sure of things. Someone very obviously and clearly destroying someone elses property, yes...I would be speaking out. i really just don't get it.
@xkristalx (230)
• United States
22 Jul 07
They have cameras all over the parking lot at walamrt, you should report it and press charges.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
22 Jul 07
Thanks...I didn't even think about cameras. I'll have to mention that to my grandma.:)
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
22 Jul 07
well, this world is full of crazy people nowadays and we just have to be very careful when we are around those people... i don't want to mess up with those type of people... i think your grandma has to report the incident and tell the police about what those 2 people did to her van...
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
22 Jul 07
She thought about it, but we didn't have anything to prove it besides a gut reaction and they had left before we got back out to the van. Grrrr....I wish we could report it though!:P
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
22 Jul 07
Awww man some people need to get a life. Sorry your Grandma's car got keyed like that. I would of been spewing/angry. I don't know why people have to act like that when you did nothing but park the car and so forth. Now I would be annoyed if I was sitting there indicating I was going to turn in and someone cut me off, but I would not do damage to their car because of it?!? why? It's all good, what goes around comes around, I really do believe that~
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
22 Jul 07
That's what my grandma was saying. She said she had been cut of by plenty of people and she had never been mad enough to do damage to the vehicle. That's judt nuts. People do need to get a life.:P
• United States
22 Jul 07
That is just ridiculous. Some people just really have nothing better to do with their life than makes other life's worse. People like that just think they are perfect and want the attention they "think" hey deserve. I would have sued, but If you don't have a license plate number or names, that might be hard to do at this point.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
22 Jul 07
I know...I wish I had the plate number. It never occurred to me that they would be that crazy though. The funny thing is, when we were checking out, my grandma was joking that we had better hurry because we might come out to find writing all over the van. She got something all right.:P