What's your fave icecream flavor?

July 22, 2007 2:26am CST
I have to say that my ultimate fave falvor would be chocolate. Yep. Nothing beats that.Well at least for me since I love chocolates. Well, who doesnt? ;p I think everybody loves chocolate. So what's your fave? Do we like the same? ;P
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5 responses
• Israel
22 Jul 07
its very clear. CHOCLATE CHOCLATE CHOCLATE CHOCLATE CHOCLATE CHOCLATE CHOCLATE CHOCLATE and im pretty sure the most of the people here think the same.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
22 Jul 07
I agree with you! Chocolate is the best!!! YummYYYYYY.. hahah lol ;p
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• Philippines
22 Jul 07
my ultimate favorite ice cream flavor is MOCHA! i super duper love coffee...I'm addicted to it! i don't know why...hehehe:)
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
26 Jul 07
I like strawberry and vanilla ice cream flavor. I think they are just delicious. Chocolate flavor is good sometime.
• Philippines
26 Jul 07
I actually love strawberry ice cream too. And mocha as well. Chocolate, mocha, strawberry.. Perfect choice.. Thanks for the add by the way. I really appreciate it. ;P
@indiavani (863)
• India
22 Jul 07
Hello! My favorite flavors are vanilla & butter scotch. Other than these I like chocolate, mango & banana flavor ice creams. Actually I love ice creams so much that I like all flavors except strawberry. I don't know why, but I just hate strawberry flavor ice cream although sometimes I have it too...vani^_^
• Australia
14 Jul 08
I love trying a different flavour whenever possible, my favourite at the moment is watermelon, and if the store has bubblebum icecream I usually get some because not so many places stock it. Licorice is nice for a change, but when talking passion for ice cream, chocolate rules.