Spanking: For or Against?
By WolfSinger
@WolfSinger (115)
11 responses
@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
23 Jul 07
I'm against it mostly. My mother and her 9 siblings were all spanked and some of them turned out to be great people while others turned out to maybe need a few more spankings. I wasn't spanked and neither were my cousins, out of all 67 (yes huge family), the majority turned out to be great people and of course there were a few bad seeds. So in the end it seemed to be like not spanking worked out best. However I think there always needs to be another form of punishment in place of the spanking. For me, I used to throw major tantrums and my mom was totally against spanking so the doctor told her to throw me in a cold shower. She only had to do it once and I never had a tantrum again. I used to look after one of my younger cousins who had a temper like no other and despite spankings and punishments from her parents would not behave, I mean she was pretty bad. One day I'd had enough and put her in a cold shower, I think I only had to do it maybe twice and to this day she's still a good kid. I'm not saying every kid needs a cold shower but when nothing else works instead of spanking, try a little cool down shocking.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
27 Jul 07
i am for spanking. I think depending on the situation a spanking is called for. yet don't get confussed. a spanking and a beating is not at all the same thing. I have never beat my children, but i have given them spankings. a spanking to me is a couple a swats on the booty, along with a time out. I have not used a belt or stick or any object. I have only ever spanked with love
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
27 Jul 07
you know what i think the problem is. and i don't mean all parents but to damn many. they see how children now days just pick things up so fast. i mean my son and build a computer from crap he finds in the trash. i think when parents see that there children are smart and can read at an early age and all that. they forget that they don't only need to be book smart then need to be street smart and have some damn commen sense. with commen sense comes self respect, and love. now once they have that, they will soar to hights only we parents ever dreamed of. but we forget about our children. i am not a perfect parent, and i have had my moments. but my children know that as much as i love them i will never ever be their friend!! which is a whole other issue that pisses me off.
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@WolfSinger (115)
• Canada
27 Jul 07
You're absolutely right, 34momma - there's a HUGE difference between giving a child a well-deserved swat on the backside, and beating the crap out of them. Personally, I think society has become far too politically correct to make anything truly effective, anymore. Everyone is so afraid of saying something and being accused of discrimination, or abuse, or racism, or prejudice, or hate speech, or anything else, that no one actually TALKS anymore - and the kids don't get disciplined when they need to be, which only makes things a whole lot worse... :(
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@WolfSinger (115)
• Canada
27 Jul 07
You know, it's not often I actually talk with someone who thinks like I do, 34momma. I agree with you completely, and it really frustrates me to see what the kids of today have become in terms of lost potential, when compared to the kids of my generation, who understood the concepts of respect for others. *sigh*
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@pumpkinjam (8834)
• United Kingdom
24 Jul 07
I think it's ok sometimes. If the child is the kind of child who doesn't respond to other forms of discipline or in circumstances where the child puts themself in danger so you smack them to stop them before they hurt themself.
I wouldn't say I am actually pro-spanking but I was smacked on occassion and I've turned out ok!
My kids get smacks when they haven't listened to me. Sometimes that's the only thing to do. Personally, I would rather smack my children so they know they have done wrong, than have them grow up to continue to be brats because I've not done enough to discipline them. I know children who have excuses made for their behaviour where the fact is, if they had been smacked when they had done something wrong instead of talked at then they might have learnt their lesson.
It hurts a child less to have a tap of the hand or the bottom to let them know they have done something wrong than it does to be shouted at all the time. One tap on the hand is usually more effective than 2 hours of shouting. They can ignore that.
So, basically, yes, within reason, I think it's ok to smack a child if you fee it is appropriate
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@pumpkinjam (8834)
• United Kingdom
27 Jul 07
Thanks for the choosing me for best!
I totally agree with you. There is more of a problem and I really think a big part of that is parents fearing to discipline their children.
@WolfSinger (115)
• Canada
25 Jul 07
"...yes, within reason..."
That's what I believe too, pumpkinjam. I really think that when spankig was made a crime by the government (well, it's considered a crime in my country, anyway), everything went downhill from there. Kids today are very different than they were thirty years ago - they're more aggressive, more violent, more selfish, and much less caring than they were when I was a kid. In my day, children were respectful and well-behaved people who understood the value of a dollar and who never abused or disrespected their elders. There was almost no need for juvenile detention centers, because there were very few crimes being committed by youths. How times have changed... :(
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@WolfSinger (115)
• Canada
27 Jul 07
Oh wow - you totally hit the nail square on the head when you said parents fear their kids, pumpkinjam. That really is a big part of the problem - and it's because some governments have robbed the parents of their rights (and duties) to appropriately discipline their kids. In my opinion, that's just one more reason why government should quit sticking their noses in places they don't belong...
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@fake_you (391)
• Philippines
23 Jul 07
i'm really against it. people nowadays who spank their kids or ubuse them are results of their parents' actions. i think that if we hit our children in a really bad manner, they'll ennd up like those bad people. we can just use other methods of disciplining them. like we can confiscate their things if they don't conform to our rules, or giving them punishments.
@WolfSinger (115)
• Canada
23 Jul 07
Thanks for the replies. :)
Now, what if every attempt fails to bring about the desired results? A cold shower might work on some kids, but not on others. What if there just isn't any other option but a darned good spanking? There IS a difference between spanking and abuse - as I'm sure we all know...
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@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
29 Jul 07
There is always another option. A "darned good spanking" should never be an option. It's a quick fix, not a long term fix.
@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
29 Jul 07
we use spanking for really serious stuff. i mean there are limits to it. when i was a kid grounding was not a thought lol it was not spanking either it was a all out beat the kid lol. i mean we had a razor strap that was used , fly swatter, etc. my hubby made a paddle and showed it to the kids and we have not used it one time since he made it the thought scares them enough. we only spank them maybe once every 6 months to a year. we do the grounding, taking things, etc. but also my kids have to earn the right for tv, having friends over, money, etc they have to work for what they get. i dont just hand it to them so i have to admit they are no angels but they are alot better then alot of kids i see around. i dont think a parent should beat there kids but sometimes a kid really does need a slap across the but. i have seen so many that do what they want and will tell you what are they going to do ground me to my room with sterio, playstation, etc. kdis know parents are scared to do things to cause people say i will call on you or if your dad spanks ou tell me and i will make him stop. parents have there hands tied on so many levels they think when they dont. a spank across the butt is not child abuse. also alot of parents jsut dont care either. i mean as long as the kid isnt in jail they can do whatever. parents are busy with there own lives. alot of times it is one parent and the kid is left at home alone and when the parent gets home they are tired so they just dont want to deal with it. its sad really
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@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
31 Jul 07
yea we would never use it. my oldest went through a stage of hitting her sister all the time. he made it and showed it to her mainly after she had taken a barbie car and hit her sister. told her that if she thought it was ok to hit like that then he made it for her so he can do the same when she hit her sister like that. like i said we have never had to use it. in fact the kids now that they are older playing around have swattede me with it lol. they dont hit with it just like when i am making dinner she will come in and be uck i dont want that bad mom and touch me with it playing due to the fact that it is her favorite food. it just sticks around the house cause well we hvent thrown it out lol. the kids have even used it as a baseball bat even though it is only like 1 foot long.
@WolfSinger (115)
• Canada
31 Jul 07
First of all, easymoney, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I've been there myself and I know it's no walk in the park. I don't agree with the idea of making a paddle (which, if you think about it, is a weapon of sorts) and using it as a scare tactic, but that's just my own personal opinion. I DO, however, agree that there are times when a child DOES need a good swat across the butt - and only as a last resort.
You're right that parents are afraid to discipline their kids, and sadly, it's because governments have stuck in their noses and decided that parents have no rights, anymore. Kids aren't stupid; they know how to take advantage of that, and many parents have been run through the ringer because their kids got mad at them and called in a false report. ::sighs:: How the times have changed, eh? ::sighs::
@helpingmomsathome (88)
• United States
27 Jul 07
I'm for it as a last resort for my kids. If everything else I've tried failed or they did something so terribly bad that an immediate punishment is needed to show the seriousness of their actions then I will give them a swat on the butt. I never hit them hard enough to leave a hand print or mark only enough to make contact. I am totally against hitting out of anger or hitting hard enough to leave a mark on the child.
I cannot agree with people who say to never spank a child out of discipline because not all people are the same. Just because your kid responds to a certain type of discipline (time-out, nose to wall, sit in the corner, etc.) doesn't mean all kids will respond the same way. I do believe it should be a last resort and used very rarely.
@WolfSinger (115)
• Canada
27 Jul 07
Good point, helpingmomsathome. And I agree that a spanking should never leave marks, too.
A spanking is usually given to shock the unruly child, not to hurt them. It's like slapping someone across the face when they're so traumatized by something that they're literally hysterical. The shock of the slap helps bring them back to themselves, and oddly enough, helps calms them down. Spanking a child who's just gone too far beyond what is allowable or tolerable is supposed to serve the same purpose: shock value.
@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
13 Jan 08
I am against for it. It is not the solution and there others effective way to discipline the children. Every children have a unique behavior and a unique attitude toward other. Spanking is not the answer, instead we need to show them the beauty of love and respect, so that she or he know what is a good sign of a good behavior. Beside that we need to show them what we are, if we show that we have a bad attitude, that is an example for them. Having a good parent is having a good children. We are the model of our children and we must show to them.
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
5 Aug 07
I read in a parenting magazine a few years back that the opinions of parents vary greatly. But usually parents of only one child were against it way more than parents of two or more childern. I can kinda understand that though. I never hit my daughter ever. However I came a little closer to doing it with my middle child. He would always put his hands on the burners on the stove. He is special needs and doesn't have normal pain sensors so he wouldn't feel the burns like you or me would. It would take a lot of effort to get him to focus on my face and listen to me. I would hold his hand and snap my fingers to my eyes for him to notice my unhappy face. I felt like he needed to be aware that it was a nono.
Spanking should never be done in anger. I wanted to spank when he was young and not understanding my words. But now that he can I don't feel the need to physically get his attention. I would send my middle child to his room for a time out to calm down and think about what he did. But also it gave me a break to calm down before I do something because I was overwelmed. I never spanked my third child either. I think it is better to talk things out and explain why the behavior/action was wrong when they are old enough to understand what you are saying.
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
29 Jul 07
I've already shared my opinion on this subject. Smacking, spanking, hitting or what ever you want to call it, is WRONG. Why don't you ask your child if they'd prefer to be smacked or prefer that you explain why something is wrong, take a toy away, or time out, ect. I know i'd rather learn from words, not physical pain.
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
8 Aug 07
Do you have children? It sounds like you don't.
Yes, they remember the spanking for a long time, i mean how can one ever forget about being abused? (And yes, spanking, smacking, hitting, they're all forms of abuse)
They never forget the spanking, but do they ever remember what they got the spanking for?
I remember my father smacking me but i certainly do not remember why i got smacked.
Smacking your kids is lazy. Only "uneducated and lazy" people smack their kids.
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
8 Aug 07
Oh by the way; my child does not forget about what i have taught her. She is human, she remembers.
@rinkub (231)
• India
8 Aug 07
Well, I believe in not spanking a child though my husband thinks once in a while a good spank is required. Children are every smart and sensitive. And yes, stubborn too. But violence has never helped. For one, my heart would break if I had to hit my little one or any other little one for that matter. And believe me, children understand the language of love far better than any other. You try explaining to the child what is right and wrong, rationalize, make him/her see reason, talk it over with the child, and trust me the child will understand. It might be difficult initially but you have to persist in your endeavours. The problem is that we adults give up easily, we have hundred excuses like I don't have the time to go on, or I don't have the patience etc. But whoever said bringing up a child is easy? It all depends on how much effort you put in, how much time you spend in explaining to your child. Spanking or hitting or punishing never helps.
@dialectgirl (25)
• Canada
2 Aug 07
People don't seem to know the idfference between abuse and discipline. Neither do they seem to know the difference between spanking and physical injury. Perhaps everyone should take a few days' trip off to a place where there is no TV nor human greed and hunger for power. Then they would know what to do. Spanking is not bad if its purpose is clear and the message gets through. It is another thing when it turns into abuse. But watch out - parental lenience may backfire in children playing mind games and wrapping them around their finger. Lenience in disciplining them is, in my books, a form of abuse.