DISIPLINE, What is your method and Do you believe in spankings?
By laydlexius
@laydlexius (133)
United States
July 24, 2007 12:34am CST
I am a 23 yr old single mother and I have 3 baby boys and 1 girl. I will tell you their ages are 5,4 in 10 days, 1 and 5 mths. My 5 yr old has the snoodiest attitude and is very outspoken. Nothing is wrong with that, but when he talks to me ohhh he is so sassy. He catches himself, but the point is it's not nice. I have the intentions of getting someone to talk to him, but why, I am his mother, right? Well I was raised where you spare the rod, spoil the child. It's crazy. He is old enough to know right from wrong but his attitude is horrible. He is rubbing off on my 3 yr old. They don't listen anymore. I would love to hear some ideas on what to do for them because they are my oldest and I can't have them running wild on me. I know that having a male in their lives is important and all that will change when their father returns home in a few weeks but that's no excuse. I should have control of something right?
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20 responses
@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
24 Jul 07
They all warn you about the "terrible 2's" But no one ever told me nothing about 3 4 5 which for me have been so much worst then 2! My daughter is also 5 and has the BIGGEST ATTITUDE! But I have not found too many methods that work besides either telling her Im calling her dad and then she says "NO MOMMY! Im Sorry please dont call my Daddy" (Her dad and I are no longer together) Or my boyfriend if he is home she will really watch her attitude and if she does get an attitude with me, all my boyfriend has to do is say her name and she will tell him sorry and then tell me sorry too.
So I really dont have any suggestions but I do feel the stress your feeling because I too have the same problem. I dont really beleive or not beleive in spanking myself I have tried it but doesnt seem to get thru to my daughter so I dont see it to be right if it doesnt seem to do any good. All though I do have friends that do spank their children who are around 5 as well and it seems to work for them. Sometimes it seems like if I tell my daughter if she doesnt loose her attitude then I will take away something she likes or is looking forward to and that works some what so I that your sons dad coming back home helps or you find something that works and if you do find something that works PLEASE LET ME KNOW! =)
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@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
24 Jul 07
I agree! When my daughter was 2 she was an ANGEL, now she is 4 and i keep wondering what ever happened to my beautiful ANGEL, lol :)
I don't agree with smacking though. It only fixes things for the short term, not the long term.
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@andyvish (901)
• India
24 Jul 07
Discipline is the most important aspect of my life. I live with discipline and wants that all my family members should be disciplined.
Discipline is a state of mind. Very difficult to follow but if followed makes you the leader of the world you live. Defence forces abd other organised sectors thrives only because they have high disciplined work culture.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
24 Jul 07
I do believe in spankings. If your child acts up, spank their butt. Honestly, your children need to know who is boss. Children need to know that if they act up, there will be consequences.
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
24 Jul 07
Why do those consequences have to be smacking? There are other, more mature and patient forms of discipline.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
25 Jul 07
Sadly, there are not. Putting your child in a corner does not always work. My mother has tried every method out there and she said spanking was the only thing that worked half of the time, and I agree. Now of course, it depends on the situation. Some children all they respond to is spanking. I have taken care of some children that really like to act up and after a while, they will take advantage of mom and dad to get what they want. If you do not lay down the law at an early age, your children will turn into public offenders. Whenever my mother spanked us she really did not want to do it, but she had no choice.
@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
13 Jan 08
My method of discipline to my child is to teach them a good behavior from the beginning age until they grow up. Spanking is not the answer. Every children have a unique behavior and a unique attitude toward other. Spanking is not the answer, instead we need to show them the beauty of love and respect, so that she or he know what is a good sign of a good behavior. Beside that we need to show them what we are, if we show that we have a bad attitude, that is an example for them. Having a good parent is having a good children. We are the model of our children and we must show to them.
@fullmetal1 (129)
• United States
24 Jul 07
I truely feel for you! I have three bos too. one is 19 one 17 one 4. my 4 yr old is severly ADHD he cant stop or be still or quiet. he is always in high gear. and talk about sassy! he also has torrets so he cusses sometihng awfull he tells me no and alot worse,and his brothers jut laugh and think its so funny! i get so mad sometimes lately his thing is to say"DUH" or your a looser! its awfull! i dont want to pank him because i know it only teaches him its ok to hit when were mad,i do put him in time out,and take away his game systems, it got realy bad when he was about 3 and got sick,so grandma took him shopping every day and bought him everything he wanted, so now he thinks he should get something every day! the timeouts are only as long as his age,and he relly hates it,but sometimes he will run off and i cant cathc him. come to think of it ,i could use some advise too!lol!
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
24 Jul 07
Every child is different. My daughter is 4, she doesn't listen to me either, but that's just a part of growing up. I believe as long as you love them, give them boundaries and be a good role model, have patience and time, then they will turn out to be good people. I definitely do not believe in smacking. Talking is a better form of discipline. Taking the time to explain is the best way. Communication is important. Smacking is not communication, it's causing physical harm. I punish my child when she misbehaves, i give her time out, i take things from her, i don't let her have dessert or a new toy that was promised to her if she is good. There are dozens of things you can do to discipline your children. Smacking should never be considered. We are their teachers and their friends, we are not their owners.
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
25 Jul 07
I agree & disagree, a friend is an equal - a parent is in charge & needs to be respected. Thats why they recommend you don't be your kids best friend, you'll never have the authority or be taken seriously.
Start your discipline early (whether it be spanking, time out, taking things away etc) & you should be pretty ok i think!
@34momma (13882)
• United States
25 Jul 07
i think children are just the most amazing little people. they can make you love and not like them all in less then a minute. what works for me is to always always be on top of them. i mean say what you mean and mean what you say. i do believe in spankings. i few taps on a bottom is not going to hurt or harm them.
i do believe that talking to them on their level is important. get down there and make sure you are looking right in their eyes. always let them know why they are getting in trouble and always make them say sorry for what they did. and make sure after they are no longer in trouble you tell them you love them and give big hugs
@jbones32103 (717)
• United States
24 Jul 07
I have four children ages 11,9,8,and 3. The oldest three my husband had custody of when we married. The three year old is our baby together. The older three were wild. I didn't know what to do. This is what I done. First always change your tone when correcting them so they will know who's in charge. I explain to mine why they are in trouble. I also ask them do they understand. I try putting them on the couch and spanking them with my hand if they get up. If it's really bad they get a spanking and sent to their room. My three year old knows at his age when I'm mad or serious. It takes time and training but you will win the battle.
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
26 Jul 07
Yes they should know to listen to you. I believe in spanking when they are young, to teach them right from wrong. As long as there is plenty of love in the house, a couple of spankings are not going to hurt them. There are also many other techniques you can try to get them to behave. You can try time out, or deprivation which is taking away something they like, such as tv or video games. Explain to them that when they start behaving like you want them to, that's when they can start watching tv again etc. Or you can reward them for good behaviour. Have a chart on the wall with each of their names in. Explain that you would be very happy if they behaved well. Tell them what behaving well includes. For each time they listen to you or play well without disobeying you, give them a star sticker to put under their name. When they reach 5 or 10 stars, reward them with something small like a lollipop or a colouring book. I don't have children but when my siblings were younger, the chart technique worked really well. Good luck!
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
25 Jul 07
I have a niece, now 4, who got away with everything & now she refuses to listen, she has a HUGE attitude problem & nothing seems to work with her coz she always got away with too much. I am so glad she's not my daughter coz she's way out of control & so very disrespectful.
I am quite glad she's not my daughter coz i would be so disappointed if i had a child with a lack of respect for me.
Someone mentioned something about being their friend & not being their owner, having a friendship with them is fine but you have to make sure you're also more than a friend, you are the one who makes the rules, you're the one who needs to be respected & listened to.
I wish you well, perhaps you could try the no dessert thing, take their favourite toys away, time out, earlier bedtimes, something like that - if you're not a spanker. t differs parent to parent but i hope that you can work things out, maybe they will see their Dad as someone not to mess with & he might be able to sort them out :) You should have control, yes, BUT kids seem to have a habit of seeing Mum as the soft one, Dad as the big meanie.
@kampupot (18)
• Philippines
25 Jul 07
I do believe in spanking when it comes to discipline, especially to discipline a stubborn child. But, at first I try to have a heart talk with my daugther if she did something wrong, but if she is still arguing and I felt that I was not respected then that is the time that I spank her.
@kampupot (18)
• Philippines
25 Jul 07
I am already in my fiftys but I do believe in spanking to discipline stubborn children. In my own experience, at first I try to have a heart talk with my daugther if there is someting wrong she did, but if she is still arguing and I felt that I was not respected, then it is the time that I spank her.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
24 Jul 07
It’s a tricky situation as much as I can read in it. Your eldest child craves attention and at this early age, he has learned to fend for himself. It’s the same with eldest children all over the world. Just at a time when they are 3/4/5, when they are just growing mentally, they see their parents giving more attention to a younger sibling. Most of the time, elder children have maturity thrust on them, like ‘you are a big boy/girl now, why cant you tie you own shoelaces, I cant come just now, baby is crying….now be a good boy/girl, help mama OK, you are big enough to understand, baby cant understand…’ so on and so forth. I don’t know if this is the case with you, but elder children are expected to look after themselves and take a lot of responsibility from a very tender age. The love, the attention, the pampering they crave for, usually goes to a younger sibling. That’s why they come across as rude and outspoken. Actually, inside they are insecure and they try to make that up by acting smart. I hope you can give more time to your eldest son. Give time to him for his sake only, nothing like ‘come let’s play with baby together, or let’s feed baby together”.
@gloria777 (1674)
• India
24 Jul 07
I don't believe in spanking to maintain discipline in children. Whenever I get time I advise them about good and bad & teaches them about manners. I just keep them in control by my body language.
@smints8985 (1594)
• United States
24 Jul 07
I think different children need different ways of disciplining. There are kids that are naturally good mannered and parents that have those kind of children are lucky. But then there are those that no matter how much lecturing you do on him/her they never seem to learn anything from you. I really hope I don't get kids like that in the future, or else I would go nuts. I have experience dealing with kids that never listen no matter what kind of approach you do.
So for that, I would have to say I believe in spanking.
Since some kids can never be disciplined orally, then I think it does call for a more serious and immediate action.
I am not saying that parents should spank their children, but I am saying that it depends on how serious the matter is and if the child has committed a serious offense and cannot be disciplined in way of talking to them then they should know that depending on the degree of offense it comes with a corresponding punishment.
@ky1119 (698)
• United States
24 Jul 07
I used time out when my kids were little. They're getting too old for that now. They do get grounded, and get the things they like the best take away from them. My son, who will be ten next month, is right now grounded until school starts. I do spank them, but not often. I only spank as a last resort.
@lavenderbloom (1057)
• United Arab Emirates
24 Jul 07
I think at times when things go out of control, spanking becomes necessary. But, be sure that you dont slap them or hurt them. Be strict when the situation asks for. I hope you can handle the situation.
You have written in the last line that their father is expected to return. Sorry I read it wrong in the first line that you are a single mother. Did I?
Take care
@khadiyas (13)
• United States
24 Jul 07
I believe in spankings. If your child knows right from wrong then wrong should come with a consequence.
You should make a discipline chart.
1. warning
2. timeout
3. spanking. (not a beating, lol! Something to let them know your serious. just a couple of pops.)
4. Take away something of value to them.
The time out thing should work for the older kids. Making them sit in a room in a corner and if they still choose to disobey spank them.
You choose how long they sit there.
The "spare the rod spoil the child" Makes a child walk all over you. Ever heard of spoiled rotten?