Having children????
By jolenegreen
@jolenegreen (1209)
United States
33 responses
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Well it sounds as though you and your husband have alot of love to go around. And if 7 to 8 kids is want you want and you can financally have them I would say go for it. My mom had 8 kids and thats not including my stepdads 5 kids So we are a pretty big family and the love a family can share is what counts. I guess your MIL and her mom just don't want you to overdo it. And the downside to having that many kids is buying all those school clothes and also haivng to stay home and not being able to work. So Just tiem everything right like wait till one is out of diaper before having another one and one day you'll have your own ball team..lol
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Yes,it is very hard to adopt a child much harder then it should be. I think they should let people adopt that want to, People that have the love and caring it takes to raise a child. There is just so much red tape to cut through that in most cases it can take up to 2 years to adopt a child or not at all. I think if they have a clean no crimes in their back ground they should be able to adopt no problem. Shame that all these kids and people have to suffer because of the time it takes to adopt.
@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
28 Jul 07
I know! I cant believe what it takes to adopt a child. I mean...I already have 2 kids whom I love and adore. It seems like the ones that they just hand the kids out to...have nothing. Fostering is the same way. I know LOTS of people who foster and shouldnt be...Of course I bet if I tried. Id prolly get denied for some stupid reason!!!
@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Thanks for your response. I did answer your question about adoption and fostering. Its in the section above this one...sry.

@ZenDove (698)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Oh, that's a rough one. There is an emotional answer and then there is a practical answer. Emotionally, yes, yes, have babies! We all LOVE babies! I, myself, wanted to have lots of babies, TONS of babies because I happen to make wonderful, beautiful, brilliant babies (brag,brag!) Yet, my first marriage, which I thought was forever, ended after seven years - what if I had had a baby for every year?!! It was hard enough to make it alone with 3 babies. Children have so many opportunities these days - music, language, dance, sports, academics. I've spent the last 25 years of my life going to (and paying for) classes and events. You don't want to short-change your children in any way. It's better to have the money to feed 7 and spend it on educating 3, then just scraping to get by. Yes, family is all about love but we also have a responsibility to RAISE our children as high as they can go. Besides, you don't want to be worn out by the time the grandchildren start coming. Hey, if you think children are great, you're gonna lose your mind over GRANDchildren! LOL I've always said that if I ever hit the megamillions, I would adopt a houseful of pregnant teens so that when their babies are born, I'd automatically be Grandma! As you can tell, I love babies probably as much as you do. It's because of this love that we also have to look out for their best and future interests. Good luck!

@ZenDove (698)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Mummy, I know exactly what you mean about not being limited by finances to get your children involved and educated. Just yesterday, I enrolled my godchildren, ages 5&6, in a free Vacation Bible school. Earlier this year, I gave my granddaughter a "disco" dance party at a professional dance studio that cost about 5 dollars a child. You have to be creative and look around a bit, but it most certainly can be done. Actually, not having excessive amounts of money can stimulate your creativity and determination. But you have to admit, it's easier to be creative for 2 children than it would be for 6!:-) You sound like the kind of mom who puts her all and all into her children and it doesn't matter how many you have, they each get 100 percent from you. That, in itself, puts them ahead of the pack. Money can never take the place of mother's love and support. Thank you for your kind thoughts about my family. We have many struggles but I am happy knowing that my children(and their children) cannot resist loving and believing in themselves because they see how much I do, no questions asked. Thanks for the rating and right back at ya'!
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@mummymo (23706)
27 Jul 07
ZenDove I love your response - it is obviously thoughtful and I bet your kids and grandkids adore you! I would just like to say that children can be raised to their highest without lots of expensive activities! I do understand what you say and I only have 2 children, we don't have a lot of money and they are not involved in a lot of expensive activities - this does not mean they are not involved in the community - both at school and where we live! Both my children are way above average at school and both are very involved in the community! I think parents can find many inexpensive activities for their children that helps them to be all they can be! xxx
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@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Thanks for your response. I will definatley think those things over and discuss them wityh hubby
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@catherIN (430)
• United States
27 Jul 07
That is a decision that is up to you & your husband to make. If you can provide for that many & you and your husband will be able to physically take care of them, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
Now, what bugs me is when people have several children & think it's the grandparents or other family members place to always "babysit". One child CAN be a handful.The more that you have the more it requires from the parent. If a couple are willing to take on the responsibility for the children, I see no problem. But, when a couple seem over whelmed with having 1 or 2 children & always feel like they need a break from the kids, then they should consider not having more.I believe it the parents responsibility to care for their children, not everyone else.
That being said... my husband & I have 8 children;ages 6 years to 24 years.We do not use babysitters. The main time we ever asked family members to watch our children was when child #5 was born extremely premature & there were times that my husband & I needed to be at the hospital at the same time for things like surgery or things looked bad for the baby.Other than that, there have only been a handful of times that we have asked to have someone else sit with our children. If we need to go some place,either my husband or I go by our self or we take the little ones with us.We just don't feel like we had children to expect others to take care of them.
I hope that makes sense to you.
@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Totally makes sense. I plan to tale care of all of my children. But may I ask you....do the both of you work or are you a SAHM??? Just curious. Right now, hubby and I both work. We both work 3rd shift, overnights. For now, we do have our children watched while we work. We have 2 children. My MIL watches them. BUT.....that is ONLY becuase she offered to watch them. Becuase she didnt want to see them go to a sitter. So I took her up on her offer. But HOPEFULLY by next year I will beable to transfer to days...which will be nice becuase Hubby and I will basically take turns watching the children.
@MzKitten (11)
• United States
27 Jul 07
I would say if your financially and emotionally ready to have more children, than do so. I, myself, am a mother of 4, ages 14, 12, 7, and 6. I do not work outside the home, and I am here everyday with my children. My dh is a owner/operator/trucker. He is constantly OTR. To be honest my "4" is enough for me, and I don't think I could handle anymore than that lol .. You must have the patience of a saint lol.. But at any rate, the ultimate decision should be based on what you and your husband want. Not what other's may think..
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@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
27 Jul 07
Hey there. Theres nothing wrong with wanting a BIG family, personally I think its neat to have alot of children around... As long as they are all loved, treated equally and most importantly, that you and your husband have a mutual understanding about it with support for each other throughout the growing years, financial security would be an advantage, because 7-8 children is years of grocery and clothes shopping, personal needs, not too mention education and added expenses... You do what you feel is right... Maybe your MIL and her mom, are fearing the thought of baby sitting so many lol... Look I hope everything goes well and that yous make a decision for yourselves and no one else... Have a great day...
@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
27 Jul 07
There's nothing wrong in wanting to have a big family. My husband and I wants to have 3 more kids, but we have to accept the reality that we can only fully support 3 kids. You just have to be fully aware of the great responsibilities in having a big family and to be sure that you can give them the best quality of life they can have. My husband and I have one child for now, and he's almost 4 yrs old. He almost had a sibling but I had a miscarriage two months ago.
I have 3 more siblings and they are my bestfriends. I told my husband that I would love to have 2 more kids so our family would be much happier and noisier!LOL. If you are sure and ready to give those 8 kids the kind of secure life that they deserve then follow what your heart is telling you.
@ethel52776 (146)
• Philippines
27 Jul 07
i only have one child. I am suppossed to have two but I had a miscarriage just recently. There is nothing wrong with a big family, as long as you think you could afford giving them a decent life and sending them to a good school, why not? Though some governments and churches have this family planning thing, for me, the bigger the family, the better, but of course as long as you could afford it. We should be practical now, anyway, they are our children, we would want anything but the best for them.
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@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Thats the way I see it...The bigger, the better. I love being a mommy, I love my children that I do have MORE THAN ANYTHING (obviously). I just think more kids would be great. Hubby agrees. I think that money would be rather tight....we wouldnt beable to do things like go on vacation Every year like we do now, but they wouldnt be starving or not have anything either,u know. Thank you for your response. ANd I am very sorry about your miscarriage. I hope next time it goes better for you! Thanks
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
27 Jul 07
have you thought of becoming a foster mother? or adopting since you want to have alot of children? I think you have alot of love to scatter around and it might do some foster kids alot of good.
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@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
27 Jul 07
I would LOVE to foster or adopt. We have talked about this but have heard sooo much stuff about adoption. Such as they check everything and you have to be perfect in order to adopt. Great Jobs and lots of money
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
27 Jul 07
As long as you can afford to keep them housed, fed and clothed, I dont think it is anyones bussiness how many children you choose to have. Where I think it becomes a problem is when you expect people like me to work to pay for the upkeep of your children.
blessed be
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@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Well...Hubby and I BOTH work hard and we both work FULLTIME I dont get the pleasures of staying home with my children.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Jul 07
I only had two adopted children, now adults, and the one child I did have I gave away for adoption. I wanted to adopt more, but because I was worried about my dog who ran away, she, having thought because I had my daughter adopted, should not have the worry and emotions of a natural mother, figured I could only handle two. I wanted to have six children. I still want them. Go ahead, have your seven or eight children. There are too many people who want you to have just one or two or none and it is lonely in the house when the only two boys you cared about are gone and have their own lives.
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@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Thank you so much for your response. It means alot. I totally agree with the house being empty and lonley....and hey you only live once right? Why not love and care for all the children I can. Right?
@AmbiePam (96728)
• United States
28 Jul 07
I think that if a family can afford that many children, than it is no one's business how many children they have. I am tired of people complaining large families are overpopulating the earth. My dad is one of 16 children, and they all grew up to be upstanding citizens. Two preachers, a policeman (killed in the line of duty), four teachers, and the list goes on. They are all very close and I am thankful to have so many aunts, uncles, and cousins. I have one sister, but I find it so cool to see big families together. You want 7 or 8 children? Good for you! Just remember you wanted them when 4 are in college at the same time, LOL. : )
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@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
28 Jul 07
WOW! 16 children. His mother must have been one Heck of a women!!!!!!! WOW! Thats Great that they all became excellent people in the community!!! Thanks for your input and your response!!!!
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
27 Jul 07
I think that as long as you can afford it; have what you want. I know a family with 10 kids ranging from age 9 months to 18 years. I have no problem with the large family. My issue is that the father hasn't worked in several years. Their only money? Their disabled child's SSI and food stamps. Plus they get medicaid.
I have no problem with helping people but this man just doesn't want to work really. I have had family members, neighbors and his own wife tell me that!
Your not working, you don't want to work so you keep having more kids???? What the heck? (that was about the above mentioned man not you)
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
30 Jul 07
I don't know it is rather disgusting to me.
He really gets me annoyed. He is a sexist pig who requires his wife and daughters to wear bathing suits that belong eons ago. Their bathing suits have sleeves even!!
Then to top that off his sons can get new clothes and the girls get almost all hand me downs!! Jerk
@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
27 Jul 07
It gets me how people are nowadays. How can it actually be possible to have that many kids and not work???
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@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
28 Jul 07
I don't think there is anything wrong in having many children as long as you would take good care of them. It will definitely be harder and you would have bigger expenses but the happiness they would bring is priceless. Raising children will be unnerving but surely rewarding.
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@mummymo (23706)
27 Jul 07
Honey as long as you are able to love , support and provide for that amount of children sweety it is no one else's business at all - not even your MIL! The only 2 people who are involved in this decision are yourself and your husband and I have no doubt that you would both be very sensible and discuss it thoroughly! I know that such large families are no longer the norm but hey wants to be normal - my sister had 3 children naturally and has adopted 3 that she used to foster, all but one are now grown and living away from home - ahe still fosters and currently has 4 foster children, so that is a total of 5 living at home and 2 grown kids who are always in and out! In fact last week she had an extra foster son on respite care and my two staying with her - so she had a total of 8 kids and they were all well cared for. loved and every one of them had a fantastic time! I say if you want a large family and can cope with them and love them then go for it! xxx
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@helpingmomsathome (88)
• United States
27 Jul 07
I feel as long as you can afford to house, clothe, and feed them it doesn't matter how many you have to a point. My mom is 1 of 7, my dad is 1 of 8 and I'm 1 of 3 kids. I personally have 3 kids and our family was ready for us to stop. We had to stop for physical and financial reasons. Plus mentally, I think I'd go crazy LOL.
I have a very close friend in Michigan who has 7 kids under the age of 9 so far with no plans to stop. She home schools them all and loves it. Her husband has a great paying job, so she can stay home with the kids. Really, it all depends on your finances and your personality.
On the flip side, I can see how having too many kids would limit their level of care. How could you possibly spend individual time with each kid if you have 10 kids? What about any extra curricular activities ex. sports, girl scouts? Would you pick and choose which kids got to participate?
@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Great thing to think about. I will jot this down and bring it up to hubby. Thanks for responding!!!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
28 Jul 07
If you think you ca cope with that amount of Children then why not it is for no one to say whether you can have that amount of Children it is up to you and your Husband to know if you can deal with that amount and if you want to have that many so you do what you want to do Sweetie
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
27 Jul 07
As long as you can love and support all of your children equally, you should be able to have as many children as you want!! It's not up to your mother-in-law or the children's great-grandmother to tell you and your partner what is right for you two.
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@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
27 Jul 07
Thats what I tell hubby. But we feel kinda stupid knowing everyone is against it, you know?
@Irishchick22 (270)
• United States
28 Jul 07
I think you should have as many children as you want, it's your life dont let anyone else tell you not to do. I think having that many children would be great. And if it makes you happy go for it.
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@myfanwy65 (1030)
• United States
28 Jul 07
If you want to have 7 or 8 children and so does your partner, then you should. It's not up to your mil or her mother. It's up to the two of you. And, only the two of you.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Jul 07
This should be a personal decision between you and your husband. The only time it should be anybody elses business but yours is if those people are going to be helping you to raise these children properly. If your relationship is stable and your finances are such that you can afford to have 7 to 8 kids and that is what you desire,then by all means go for it.
@tuffy999 (794)
• Philippines
28 Jul 07
there's nothing wrong with having a big femily with several children as long as you can afford it. i mean, giving them a good loving home, education, food, clothing and all the support children needs from their parents. if you think you can do this then go for it. there's nothing a like a BIG happy family.
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