which is you favorite final fantasy character?

United States
July 27, 2007 10:56am CST
i would have to say ziddane from final fantasy nine.
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8 responses
12 Jan 08
Oh, tough decision. Just one? I like Vincent Valentine and Cid highwind of 7, Vivi and Freya of 9 and Balthier of 12. The whole cast of 3 is adorable. I really like the dynamic between Cid and Vincent, especially in DoC. Cid is so loud and wears his heart on his sleeve. But Vincent bottles everything up and is very quiet, only speaking when he thinks he has something important to say. Their freindship is perfect; a very begrudging Vincent putting up with Cid trying his damndest to make him happy. Vivi is just plain cute, that's about as far as it goes though. I like Freya's attitude (I seem to have a thing for the dragoons), especially to Zidane's flirting. Balthier is brilliant fun, and so British! He and Basch are very much like Cid and Vincent in my eyes... but Vincent is more excaberated by Cid.
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@redfang (967)
27 Jul 07
For me it has to be sepiroth from final fantasy 7, he's a well good bad guy and as tough as nails, i've been playing 12 for a few weeks now but don't have a favourite character in it as of yet.
• United States
27 Jul 07
XII or X2?
• United States
27 Jul 07
yea sephiroth is a beast, even though he is an evil character, i can understand how he can be a favorite, with his huge katana and enormous strength.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
1 Aug 07
I would have to say I like Cloud, I forget which one he's from though.
• United States
1 Aug 07
Yea cloud is a beast! his huge sword and his special attacks are killer. He is from final fantasy VII by the way.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
29 Jun 08
My response got removed, isn't that nice? (/sarcasm) -_- My favourite Final Fantasy character in terms of story is Tina/Terra Branford. I think she ends up with a very telling and unique situation out of all of Final Fantasy, maybe even all of fiction. In terms of character development and action, it'd have to be Kain Highwind. In terms of who I prefer playing as, its Edgar Figaro, and after that Cloud Strife.
26 Jan 08
Tifa Lockhart, definitely. She's just so cool! And FFVII is brilliant.
@OWA777 (34)
• Denmark
27 Jun 08
Think i would say Yuna cause she is so lovable you cant not love her but i also like cloud cause he has such a long history making him a very complex character so you really respond to him cause you know his history so both yuna and cloud :P
@guext65 (129)
• United States
2 Aug 07
Red mage
@Nufan09 (27)
• Italy
28 Oct 07
Mine is Zell, from FFVIII... he is cool!