Mom's and Mr Mom's

@dfollin (25618)
United States
July 31, 2007 9:31pm CST
Earlier on another discussion someone said something referring to being a mom was not a real job.I remember when my husband told me that he would trade place's with me any day,that being home with our only child that I homeschool was easy.The next day,he was off work and I went out and I made him a list of things that I normally do around the house and homeschooling her.When I came home half the stuff was not done and that was an easy day.He did not have to run her to the doctor or deal with her being sick and no phone calls or bills had to be done.My teenage son was not home and our daughter was only being homeschooled for kindergatin,not very difficult.And when I got home he appologized,telling me that it was hard.That wasn't the full 24 hour's yet.How do you feel? Do think a mom or father staying home with the kids is a REAL job?
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13 responses
@happymom1 (1179)
• United States
1 Aug 07
My husband always tell me that being a house mom is not easy and he appreciate that i just stay at home not working. I am the one said that being at home is nothing thats why i want to work and experience outside world of work. But my husband said that being a house mom job is a real job. He cannot compare my work to his work. And if i said i did not do anything beside taking care of my son, him and the house. He said its a big job that only wives can make it. So stay at home mom is a real job and its hard job.
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@dfollin (25618)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Your husband is totally right.It is a real job.At one point I went back to work and put my daughter into daycare and in 2 weeks I wanted to quit a go home.
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• United States
1 Aug 07
Oh boy. This could be a very hot topic. I stay at home with my children. I home school the older one, and try to teach the middle one pre-school stuff. I clean. I cook. I do any errands that have to be done. I bring the kids to the doctor. It is a job!! It's hard work. I used to work outside of the home, and I loved it because it was my "break" from home. Whoever said that most likely didn't actually try it. My husband stays home with the kids on Friday's when he's off of work. That's enough for him to realize that it's harder than his "real job."
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@dfollin (25618)
• United States
1 Aug 07
The thing is that the person that said this was a mom,who had left her "real" job (as she put it)when she had her child. I bet your husband does not,have to run the errands,talk to people on the phone and do major cleaning.Does he? My husband would come home from his job and start cleaning,even over what I had already done.He was hyper and always had to be doing something,lol.
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@dfollin (25618)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Yes,he did help me and it did make a diference.But,believe me a stay at mom contributes.When I was at work my whole check except $9 went to child care.That $9 went towards gas and my lunch.When,I explained to the lady at socail service's that I had the job so we could save money to rent an apartment (we were basically homeless then) and she said not to quit my job to get money from my husband to make up for the gas money,food and saving's.I asked her why should I work and cost him money and he still has to save?So,even if you work it cost's.
• United States
1 Aug 07
Maybe she struggles with feeling worthless because she isn't contributing to the income. I felt like that for a while when I first started staying home. My husband does help me when he gets home from work. And when he wakes up in the morning he does dishes and laundry. The fact is, I just cannot keep up with everything and I need help. I'm glad your husband helps you too. It makes a big difference, doesn't it?
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@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
1 Aug 07
i think it is a real job, its very full on, a lot of people think it is easy, i dont have any children but i do work with children so i try and imagine, and i think would be hard. my mum actually has been in same situation as you were with your husband, and my parents swapped but my parents had 4 kids and my father changed his mind quick smart lol.. and apologised like your husband did.
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Anyone who thinks that being a stay-at-home parent isn't a real job has obviously never done it....maid, chef, chauffeur, nurse....are just a few of the job titles you have to do all rolled into one. There was a study done recently to try and figure out what a stay at home parent would earn for their work out in the job market and it came in at $150,000.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Most definitely a REAL FULL TIME JOB. No doubt about that. It's even harder when you have more than just one child. I am lucky i have only one son and it gets very hard at times taking care of him and the household. I thought working fulltime was hard but I have found parenting and raising a child to be even harder. It's challenging and it brings lots of joy and happiness for me seeing my son grow, take his first steps, say his first words and all. Nothing beats seeing all of that. Until you have been in their shoes, no one really understands how much of a job it is to raise children.
@dfollin (25618)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Hi.I was a single parent with my 2 boys that are 3 years and 3 months apart and then I got married and had my daughter when they were 16 and 13.She's like an only child.I found it was easier having 2 kids by myself than 1,even when my husband was alive.The boys played with each other,kept each other occupied.My daughter is always asking me to play,when her friends are not home.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Good for you.d
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• Philippines
1 Aug 07
it is more than a real job! i dont remember having a really good night sleep since i have my little girl, i wake up a max of four times each night to prepare her formula, and all have is one little girl and i have my hands full! dont get me wrong! i love it! i love being a mom. its a 24/7 real job.
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@dfollin (25618)
• United States
1 Aug 07
You got that right ,"it's more than a real job" ! Iam the same way,my hands are full,but I love it. If God took that job away from me I'd be lost,I wouldn't know what to do with myself.
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• Philippines
2 Aug 07
hey! thank you very much for the best response! Good luck to both of us! i hope and pray we both raise a god-fearing, fun-loving, and successful children.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
1 Aug 07
Well I used to get to hear that but I wasn't a stay at home Mum I was also working part time and my Ex Husband used to say I have easy Days I left him with the Kids for half an hour while I went to get a few Bits of shopping I came back to find the Police trying to get my Daughter of the main road she was 2 As you can imagine I was not happy and never left the Kids with him again while they where little
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Aug 07
Because he had not been watching her relied on my 5 year old to watch her she got out and of course someone called the Police lol He tried to blame my 5 year old for not watching her
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@dfollin (25618)
• United States
2 Aug 07
Lol,right it's the five year olds fault! And I bet the police said that she was not the five year old's responsabilty.
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@dfollin (25618)
• United States
1 Aug 07
I don't blame you for not leaving them with him.Why was your 2 year old in the road? Why was the police trying to get her and not her father? Easy days? No wonder he's your ex,lol.
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
2 Aug 07
Of course I do- I think it is one of the hardest jobs ever- But I also think that going to work full time and coming home and doing all that (besides home schooling) is a tough job also- I think being a parent is the hardest job we will ever have- and it’s the most rewarding as well. Heck there are days that I come to work to catch a break- to slow down- to catch my breath and relax! Stay at home moms cannot do this! I admire each and every mom in this world!
• United States
1 Aug 07
I think raising a child, and being a stay at home parent is a full time job. My husband and I have both done this. He used to make fun, when I was home on vacation or something and told me how easy my job was compared to his. Then he got sick and had to be the stay at home parent, and he realized how much work there is to be done. Yes, I do believe that being the stay at home parent, and taking care of the house, the bills, the cleaning, school, errands and all the other activities is a full time job.
@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
1 Aug 07
This happens to many many families i believe and many of us know that those people think the mom's job is the asiest job which becomes the hardest when they have to do the same. It is funny and it is also nice to watch them defeat in this way. They know it better who do it everday by themselves.
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@terri0824 (5020)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Yes, I think it is a real job, and not everyone is cut out for the responsibility. So I guess I have worked two full time jobs and a part time job for many years. Being a single parent for as long as I have been, has pushed many roles onto me. So I think it is a real job in itself. But when you have all the responsibilities then a person should be commended even more so for being able to wear many hats. I am only speaking from experience....
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@dfollin (25618)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Yes,you do wear many,many hats.There is doctor,nurse,chauffer,secretary,acountant,teacher,errand runner,counselor just to name a few.Good for you for being there for your kids.
@maehan (1439)
• United States
1 Aug 07
It's much more than a REAL job. I am a working mom previously. Working is for hours in the office. But, a MOM ... 24/7. No joke! Staying at home is a tough job, cleaning, nurturing, educate, financing, inventory etc etc. My mom had been a housewife for more than 30 years, my brothers and I always salute her and we all know that staying at home is a very very tough and much more than a REAL job.
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1 Aug 07
Hi i'm not a mom but by best friend has a 20 month old daughter. Her little girl is fab and I love spending time with them but sometimes it even stresses me out when she's playing up. I am in uni full time and also work part time so my life is pretty hectic but at least i do get sometime to myself where i can do nothing if i please and I can easily pop to the shop in the drop of a hat.Whereas my friend always has something to worry about Being a mom is a full 24/7 job.
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