Stem Cell Research: Right or Wrong?

August 4, 2007 12:17pm CST
This seems to be called "Embryo Research" now, possibly because more people are familiar with embryo than stem cells. Do you think embryo/stem cell research is right or wong, and why?
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4 responses
@ninsensei (232)
4 Aug 07
In depends on whether you believe a fetus is valuable in itself, as humans are. If it is, then you cannot treat them as a means to an end, meaning no abortions either. I would like to point out that many stem cells used in research actually come from placenta of successfully born babies so 'stem cell research' and 'embryo research' are at odds with each other.
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@beckish (641)
• United States
5 Aug 07
I have no problem with using the placenta for research, but being pro-life I have a problem with killing fetuses to use their cells for research. Our science is going to eventually kill us. We are not meant to live forever. Why don't we feed, clothe, and house the people on our streets instead of spending vast amounts of money trying to cure everything?
• Switzerland
5 Aug 07
You do have a point. Like you, I do believe that science and technology are going a bit too far. And you're right, fetuses don't need to suffer in the name of discovery and research. Thank you very much for your insightful response.
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
15 Aug 07
I am against a lot of research in this world but it won't change the fact that they are still being done.
@Digi25 (2)
8 Aug 07
Completely for. Stem cells are, if memory serves, generally taken from zygotes (small clusters of cells). ie. not a human. This is at such an early developmental stage they are, well I was going to say a soup, but actually there's not even enough there to make a soup. I have to say that I'm morally against the idea of people saying this shouldn't be done on religious grounds. The Jehovahs Witnesses I think it is will not allow blood transfusions as the body is then deemed impure, not a small amount of them die because of this. Stem cell research has the possibilty of saving millions of lives. Bringing god into the equation not only muddies up the waters it also means you are trying to leverage your personal beliefs onto somebody elses life. A life you could well be killing. One I might add that is up, breathing and talking, potentially a relative. People should be more careful about making value judgements that impact living, breathing people. /rant