Allergies Strike Again!

United States
August 6, 2007 3:34pm CST
I could feel it coming on all week long. It seems to have started last week, Tuesday, when I had to go into the cellar of a client to do her laundry. The cellar was damp and musky smelling. Mold was the culprit. I am highly allergic to mold. My sinuses were starting to give me trouble. Mid-week, I started bouts of sneezing. This weekend it came full blast and I was sneezing more and more. My sinuses became blocked. Sunday night I woke at 3:00 because I could not breath. After blowing my nose it started bleeding. As I was not able to get it to stop as quickly as I hoped, I grabbed a blanket and my pillow and headed for the couch. Being in an upright position seemed to work with keeping my sinuses somewhat unblocked and I was able to rest. I woke 2 hours later and returned to my bed. When I woke at 7:00, I took a shower. The warm water brought me temporary relief from the pressure that had built up in my sinuses. It took me a bit longer than normal to get my morning routine finished. While having breakfast, my nose started bleeding again. This sinus infection is really taking a toll on my poor sinuses! After much debate with my body, I decided to head to work. My day started out in the supermarket shopping for a client. I had to go to 3 stores to get what was on her list. It was a slow process. My body was objecting. Thankfully there wasn't much to do at her house other than put the groceries away and a few light chores. Even those light chores were taxing on my energy. When my time was up, I headed to the next client. On the way, I had a sneezing fit and it caused my nose to start bleeding again! It dripped on my shirt. Thankfully this client lives only a short distance from my house and I was only a stones throw away. I called work to advise them of what was going on. We decided to have me go to the next client's house as the work wasn't too heavy. I change my clothes and headed out the door. The client was happy to see me! I prepared her lunch and a cup of tea for myself. While she ate, I puttered around in the living area with the dusting. Sneeze, sneeze, but it was the lightest task I could find to do. I sat down periodically because my body was tiring from even this little movement. When I got home, another nose bleed happened when I pulled into the driveway. I sat there for a few minutes pinching my nose to stop the flow. Once it was under control I went into the house and headed straight for bed. When I woke from my 2 hour nap I felt groggy, but feeling a bit better. I got another nose bleed and it now has stopped. I hope this doesn't happen all night long. Using a saline nasal spray is about the only thing I can think of to help this. Thankfully I only had to be out for part of the day. I have vowed that when I am ill I will take care of myself. If I don't take care of myself, nobody will. Better to be out a day rather than a week because you don't take a day to mend.
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15 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
7 Aug 07
Well bless your heart you poor thing. I know those things are horrible to deal with and in this heat, it makes it all the worse. I wish you a speedy recovery and hopefully you will feel better today.
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• United States
7 Aug 07
I feel your pain. I truly hate my seasonal allergies with a passion. Can't help but feel like I am always missing out because of my allergies.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
8 Aug 07
My husband has been subject to serious nose bleeds all of his life, and he is quite a bit older than you are. We have been married over nine years. The first thing I did to help him was to get him to take vitamins, especially C as it strengthens the walls of the capillaries. He also has always been anemic, I wonder why? So he eats a diet high in iron to help this, we cook in iron skillets and our vitamins have iron. The other thing is the saline spray. When or if he starts having them, like if we have been lazy and not taken vitamins, the doctor tells him to use that saline spray ten times a day. He very seldom gets a nose bleed now. I think if you have to be in that moldy environment again a good idea would be to take the saline spray with you, and use it a couple of times to rinse the allergens out immediately. Also wear a dust mask. I hope you feel better soom.
• United States
8 Aug 07
I am going to get vitamins that have iron in them. With my hormonal changes I need the extra iron. This may be a contributing factor to the nose bleeds.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I am sorry you are not feeling very well. But those constant nose bleeds concern me a bit. Is this normal for you? I know you don't have insurance yet but I am thinking you might want to get some medical advice. I hope you feel better soon.
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• United States
7 Aug 07
I know that my sinuses have been dried out from the anti-histamines I was taking. I have since stopped taking them. I guess that is when the mold took over and caused the infection.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
7 Aug 07
I am allergic to exactly the same. Mold. I had the allergy tests done years ago, & mold was the main culprit. Your current infection sounds like it is infected, in which case you may well need antibiotics. I know it is good to avoid these if possible, but if your sinuses are infected, it may not improve on it's own. I had the preventative injections for my mold allergy. This as many years ago. It worked fairly well. I think it could be wearing off now. This week, my sinus has been swollen under my left eye. It looks gross. You will need lots of sleep too. Good Luck.
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• United States
7 Aug 07
I am on an anti-biotic now. I know better than to wait on this as I have done it in the past only to have suffered longer and harder.
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• Canada
6 Aug 07
I am sorry to hear that you have been going through some rough times. ow...when you get get allergies!! We have 2 big dogs and 5 cats in the house and I have never experieced anything like what you do. You are a trooper though. To keep on keeping on is admirable in one way...but maybe it is also your body's way of letting you know some nurturing self-care is in order. I used to drive myself and carry on through thick and thin until I woke up to the fact that it was rather self-defeating in the end. Now when I get sick I stop and pay attention to what is going on that I might have missed. I developed an upper respiratory infection a couple of weeks ago and I rested and took things easy...and in just over a week the antibiotics and the nurturing time helped to flush the infection out of my system. Years ago I would push myself and the upper bronchial infections would linger for weeks and sometimes reoccur. So anyway...I am glad to hear that you have vowed to take care of yourself...I highly recommend it! Hope you feel better soon.
• United States
6 Aug 07
There was a time that I would force myself to work regardless of how my body felt. Fifty was the turning point for me. Life is too short to not take care of yourself.
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• United States
6 Aug 07
Awe, poor sugar. Allergies suck. I have lots of them, and they certainly do get one down. Hopefully you will feel better. Huggers.
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@venshida (4836)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I understand. I am having the same problem. My head is killing me. It seems like I have allergies about 8 months of the year.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
6 Aug 07
Bless your heart I hope you get to feeling better. I didn't know that nose bleeds were caused by allergies. I will have to remember that. I have woke up with nose bleeds myself and I have alot that makes me sneeze including spices in stores and blech sitting on a shelf. So I understand I hope you get to feeling better soon take care.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
14 Aug 07
Darn sinuses- I’m having a problem also- though not as bad as you- I get all groggy and a lot of pressure- I have been taking advil sinus for the last 3 days- Hoping it will break! I very much dislike the nose bleeds from the dry nose- and not breathing is not good- When I get like this I go turn the shower on hot and get in- No exhaust fan so the steam clears my nose at least temporarily- Hope you get feeling better soon!
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
6 Aug 07
I have them too. I think that my problems are always on going. They are there all the time. Just worse some days then others. I have found that yogurt and vitamins seem to help. I hope you feel better. Best wishes.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Aug 07
Better take the day off. You don't want to get any worse. Is there any allergy medicine that you can take?
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
7 Aug 07
If you continue to expose your self to the mold it will become worse and worse. It will soon attack your lungs and then it is permanent. Mold is the most dangerous stuff around it can and does kill children.Please do research on this because workers compensation will not help you if you know you have allergies and continue to go where they are. Your employer needs to advise your client that they can not allow their employees in to an area where there is mold growing. I know you are thinking I am only allergic, but you are setting your body up for massive problems.And it is not the answer to have someone else do the laundry, the home needs to be repaired, as it may be affecting the Tennant as well.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
7 Aug 07
Sorry to hear that you have been having a bad few days, Elusive, but you are right to put your health first. I have sinus problems also and they can get pretty bad when you get an infection. Thank goodness I don't get the nose bleeds. My advice-just do what you have to do in order to get back to feeling well. Peace.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
17 Oct 07 do have them bad. I'd definately stay out of that cellar from now on. I have terrible allergies and to so many things but when mine act up it's usually in the form of rashes, welts and itching like crazy. Occasionally there seems to be something in the air that sets off my sinuses to where it blocks up my head and I feel like my head is stuffed with cotton. I hope yours clears up soon. !!HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~