2 Mormon missionaries came to my door.. scaring a Mormon!
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
August 7, 2007 10:38am CST
the other day, 2 missionaries came to my door. they told me that they were spreading the word or something and i told them "im an atheist" and i was about to close the door when he asked why... and i said there is no proof.
then, there you know it, a guy my age and we had an hour long debate on my porch.
he was a good kid tho, he seemed to be kind of, a "bad missionary" because after i stated that free will cannot coexist with god, he thought about it, tried to argue and realized that his arguments were basically wrong.. he gave into that and said that, god is above what humans can understand.. then i said, if this is so, then all religions relating to this omnipotent god are wrong because like you have said, he is above human understanding..
anyways, after that i showed him a few of the "bad scripture" in the bible like deuteronomy.. he said he has never seen that before..basically because he reads the mormon book...
anyways, in the end we shook hands and i told him one day he will realize that there is a point to the pointless, godless life.. and he said that one day i will find god..
and just for laughs, i whispered in a deep [satanic like] voice "you cant save my soul, ive already sold it" and closed the door.
his look of fear was PRICELESS as i was shutting the door.. then i went back to my studies.
so, do you think missionaries are doing the right thing?
if your a real christian, or believer of any sorts, why arent you a missionary? because i would be if i believed in that stuff and i would try to save as many people as i could..
how would you go about handling missionaries that dont believe what you believe?
if your an atheist, how do you handle them? kick them out for wasting your time or try to point out the illogical fallacies in which their religions base their points on?
do you like the way i scarred the guy?? lool
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22 responses
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
7 Aug 07
My brother made a pass at a Jehovah at his door once. LOL. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall.
My parents have been doing missionary work for years, but it isn't about ringing doorbells. It's about doing things that they would normally do. My folks like to go to other countries and even to areas in the US and help rebuild after disaster or war. They talk with them like people and help them with their problems. They will occasionally mention God, but that isn't the primary goal. The goal is to help people in need, and they would do this whether they were Christians or not. It's something that makes them feel right.
So after people meet them and talk with them, perhaps the next Christian that talks to them will bring back memories of these 2 real people who where Christian and perhaps it will make them think on the teachings of Jesus for a bit.
They lead by example, as I beleive jesus did.
Could I be a missionary. I dont' think so. I'm not subtle enough to make it stick and I'm confrontational enough to put it out there. That's just me.
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@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
7 Aug 07
I'm a Christian, but not a Mormon, and I really have no time or energy, whatsoever, to deal with Mormon missionaries. I just ignore them, at least for now, and hope that they will ignore me. I simply have way too much going on already, right now.
I don't think the Mormons are doing the right thing, because I think they are way off base. But, that's just my personal opinion.
I would be more missionary-like if I had the time, energy, resources, stamina, and strength. Obviously, Mormon missionaries have way more of all of that than I do.
I have just got to say, I burst out laughing when I read how you terrified that one missionary! That was freakin' hilarious! Good one! LOL!
Now they can say to all their Mormon buddies, hierarchy, and whatnot, that they really HAVE encountered all sorts of people. LOL!
I just can't stop laughing!
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@sunshinecup (7871)
7 Aug 07
Questions, questions so many questions, LOL.
so, do you think missionaries are doing the right thing?
No and yes. Yes we are to spread the word, no we are not to force it down anyone’s throat. Jesus didn't go door to door. He let it be spread he was in town and those that wanted to hear him were invited to come, no he didn't chase anyone down and make them hear him. Kind of the whole concept of a church.
if your a real christian, or believer of any sorts, why arent you a missionary?
See my answer above
how would you go about handling missionaries that dont believe what you believe?
I don't argue, I say no thank you and I close my door. That simple.
do you like the way i scarred the guy??
Yes I do, cause now he will remember the questions you asked, and he will go find the answers. It's what helped me to find my belief I have today, I had questions of my own as well as some from others that gave them to me, either way I looked for the answers. There is nothing wrong with seeking knowledge.
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@minijumbuk (514)
• Australia
8 Aug 07
awwhh! what you did to that kid was aweful, he was only trying to help you into HIS heaven which he believe exists, out of his goodness because he gets nothing out of that, but you spat right in his face "metaphorically"....that is so mean!
You did nothing wrong up till saying you already sold your soul...that is so awful!...

@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
11 Aug 07
loooooool...i think its hilarious, not "evil"... "evil" is killing 500,000 iraqis so you could get some fuel out of the ground... THAT is evil..
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
10 Aug 07
lol..he should have been prepared, and i was about to close the door on him, he was the one started the debate not me...
are you talking about the satanic message i gave him? lol
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@Daelin (683)
• Brazil
8 Aug 07
There are two type of encounters with strangers. The friendly and the non-friendly.
Since this missionary was a friendly person, who wanted to give a good message, I don't think being rude with him is a good thing.
The fact that he is young and maybe not able to keep a good discussion about his religion should not be used against him.
Sorry, but that was just mean. You were in a superior position. He was the stranger who dared to knock at your door. All he wanted was your attention.
As for the right thing, I don't know if it is effective to go door to door spreading the word. Maybe they visit 200 houses one day and save a life of a depressed person who was just lost in their problems.
In that case they will be doing a lot more than other people who don't do anything at all.
As for your last question, I didn't like how you scared the guy. People deserve respect no matter their beliefs, race, gender, age, etc...
He was respectful to you. You should at least return the same respect.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
8 Aug 07
im young as well. he seemed like he was my age.. so the playing field is level.
he is the one who asked me why, i was about to slam the door in his face... missionaries should be prepared to face atheists..
religion cant save you from depression, although many claim it has..
if he was respectful in the first place, he would have left me alone and NOT have knocked on my door.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Aug 07
I have never had a Mormon come to my door. I have had Jehovah's Witnesses, however.
When they come to the door, I always invite them in (if the house is fairly clean) or at least talk with them at the door. I don't try to convert them, although they do their level best with me. I simply ask them questions and then follow up questions and then try to lead them logically around some of what I consider to be the most illogical doctrines that they teach - For instance, Heaven is full, only 144,000 can get in.
I ask them if God is all-powerful, they say yes. I ask if God made everything, including this infinite universe. They answer, of course. Then I ask why God made Heaven so small and put up a "No Vacancy" sign? This gets some thinking and some running.
They never come back again.
I have had them at my door three times, and each time it was after I had moved to a new address. Obviously, after the initial encounter, my address is put on a "do not knock" list.
Maybe they share the list with the Mormons... could explain why I never have had a visit from them.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
8 Aug 07
exactly, and the ideas of men include jesus christ, mithras, horus and the rest of the gang...
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Aug 07
I am neither, I am a Christian. I am not Mormon and I am not JW and I am not anything that ends in an -ist or an -ism. I am someone who believes God as I have experienced Him. My problem is seeing people who are led away from God by teachings that limit their experience of Him. If God is the Supreme Being of the universe (as I believe He is) He isn't limited to what is contained in the ideas of men.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
7 Aug 07
Oh my - you have a lot more patience than me, I really have no time, energy or patience for these people. They have their views, and are entitled to them, and I have mine, and am entitled to them too - so what's the point? We get Mormons here in the UK too - and loads of Jehovah's Witnesses. They tend to annoy me more, because they invariably drag their poor little children around with them, and I think that's so wrong. Maybe they think they are less likely to get a hostile reception if they have a cute kiddie with them, - but it's still unfair on the child in my opinion. I usually politely tell them I am not interested and have no time, and firmly close the door - though more often than not I don't even bother to answer the door to them.
As far as missionaries are concerned - well, I guess if they are working in health, hospitals and education as some do in some parts of the world, then there is no harm in it, but I am generally not in favour. I hate indoctrination of any kind, and religious "zeal" of any kind, and I hate the idea that someone might want to "convert" me to anything I am perfectly capable of making my own mind up about. I believe in "live and let live"- I won't hassle them if they leave me and my beliefs alone, and don't trey to convert me! As for your final comment......... well an ex-boyfriend of mine did a similar thing a long time ago. He calmly said "You have no chance with me - I am a Devil worhipper!" (which of course he wasn't!), and their looks were priceless as they scurried away!!
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
7 Aug 07
DRAG THEIR CHILDREN HAHA that is SAD...i have never seen that before, most missionaries i have seen are like 17-24ish..
i am never polite to door knockers no matter what the case is, i usually say F*** off and close the door.. yes, i am a jerk, but i dont care, they waste ppls time.. if i needed something i would go out and get it myself..
the thing was, at the time i was writing a philosophy thing so i was really into it and the guy knocked..
loool..yours is funny too but i like mine better because your xboyfriend is much goofier, mine is kind of "realistic" ..
but yea, dragging their children, i hate that with all religions who enforce their beliefs on their kids.. but ofcourse, you can argue that they dont want to send there kids to hell... but you can also argue, if they truly feel that way, why are they not missionaries themselves?
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Aug 07
" You can't save my soul, I've already sold it" Classic.I love that. Thank G-d I am not a Christian. But if I were I wouldn't belong to the type that have to convert people. I believe religion or the lack of it is a very personal choice. And I wouldn't want to sell G-d like a new type of laundry soap.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Aug 07
Oops. I forgot. When I encountered missionaries I calmly tell them I am Jewish and that was end the conversation.But if I ever get any flack with the next bunch I hope you don't mind I going to use your lost soul line. Classic.
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@JennyLeah (190)
• United States
8 Aug 07
"Do you think missionaries are doing the right thing?"
Well... no. And yes. While I won't deny that they're aggravating, and always come around at just the wrong moments, they're doing what their faith tells them they should be doing. That makes it right. For them. In general, I disagree with both the practice and what they're saying, but the world simply isn't black and white - there's a reason they believe that proselytizing door-to-door is necessary, but there's also a reason I think it's wrong and intrusive.
"If your a real christian or believer of any sorts, why aren't you a missionary?"
I'm not a Christian. My faith doesn't include convincing others of G-d's greatness - it's something a person chooses to come to of their own. Rabbis even attempt to change a person's mind when they're approached about converting - not because we don't like converts, quite the contrary, but because you should be absolutely sure you're making the right choice before making such a drastic change.
"How do you handle missionaries?"
It generally depends on a lot of things, like the timing, my mood, the individual missionary at the door. Generally I keep it to a polite, "Thanks, but no thanks." Sometimes I'll be a little less than cordial, and sometimes I will be more willing to listen and engage in a friendly debate.
"Do you like the way I scared the guy??"
No. I can be a pretty sarcastic, dry type of person. But that just strikes me as inappropriate. You had just engaged in an hour long conversation with him, and had a pretty good feel for where his heart was. He was probably at least a little bit naive, and his concern for your soul was certainly genuine, even if it was misguided. You probably knew, at that point, that he'd be disturbed by that sort of a joke, which makes it crass and inconsiderate.
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@wiccania (3360)
• United States
7 Aug 07
My favorite mormon moment was when I was visited by a pair of Elders a couple of years ago. They informed me that their church had an official who knows all of the answers. He can answer any question about god, the world and even the future. Then he asked "Don't you want to be a part of that?"
I said no. If one knows all of the answers, one has no reason to seek anything anymore. Eventually it will leave a person with no hope, nothing to look forward to. And once people know everything they want to know about god, they'll no longer be awed by the mystery of him and their faith will die.
They were perplexed. They left without another word. I haven't been visited by mormons since.
I think that your little moment of fright is funny. If the guy took you seriously and was truly frightened... then perhaps he needs to get out more.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
7 Aug 07
lol..im not sure if it was real, but he gave me a very bad look haha..
and i really agree that a life with a purpose is basically pointless!
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@agnescav (566)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I don't know why you would want to scare off the Mormon. I used to have a great time talking to the Jehovah's Witness who came to my house. On my step, she would show me a Bible verse, I would explain to her why i didn't see that verse as anything important or what came before or after it. We had a good relaxing time actually. Until my husband scared her off for some reason.
But she was a perfectly nice person and I enjoyed our chats. Neither one of us changed the other's minds. I think she might have gotten in trouble for spending too much time at my house, though.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 Aug 07
He is doing what he was taught was right. I'll be willing to bet that until he came across the likes of you he had never even considered or questioned what he was doing. I think you handled the situation very well. who knows....maybe YOU saved HIS soul...how ironic huh?
@spyjax (46)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I really admire them.
They could be out partying with friends, shopping, or playing video games hours on end, yet they get all dressed up, grab a Book, and bike or plod block after block hoping to save a few souls.
As a nonbeliever, I have to tell them no thanks when they show up. It must come off brusquely.
I'll never stop admiring them.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
10 Aug 07
LOL The poor guy!!! I'm a Presbyterian and my fiance is a Mormon. We have agreed to co-exist peacefully learning about eachother's religions but not converting or trying to convert the other. As for why we're not all Missionaries, it's because every human has a different lot in life. That's like saying "why isn't every piece of wood a table leg? There are other parts of the table needed too. Would would a table be with all legs and no tops?
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
10 Aug 07
lol... what i meant is, that if i truly believed in this truth of god and the bible and all that, i wouldnt want anyone to go to hell, i would indeed, be trying to convert people so they would not go to hell..
but since i dont believe in the pit of fire, there is no need for me to "pull anyone out" of it..
for if you believe and you see someone falling in the pit of fire, and not do anything about it, its the same as pushing them into the pit of fire.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I am so glad I saw this discussion. we are having some problems getting rid of some of them. And now I have some very good ideas. My boyfriend talked to then for awhile one day because he thought they were cute, and now they keep coming back. My boyfriend is wiccan but he let them talk. Big mistake. I don't really like what the missionaries are doing because I don't think it is right to push your religion on others. Now I am off to practice my satanic voice.lol
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@jess368 (3368)
• United States
29 Dec 08
so, do you think missionaries are doing the right thing? I think they are doing what their religion suggests to be the right thing, so no matter what I think is right, it is right in thir eyes.
if your a real christian, or believer of any sorts, why arent you a missionary? because i would be if i believed in that stuff and i would try to save as many people as i could.. Well first of all why dont you go around preaching your beliefs? My religion suggests you spread the word whenever possible, which I do when I feel like it is appropriate. But I also belive it is not my place to judge, or force ideas down your throught. So I talk about religion at more appropriate times.
how would you go about handling missionaries that dont believe what you believe? A few times I have talked with them. I have calmly explained that I agree with my religion, and have no plans on changing, but I will talk with them. If I am not in the mood to talk to them, I calmly tell them so, and they move on. These are not rude people.
On a side note, Mormons read the Bible, and the Book of Mormon, they believe they go hand in hand.
do you like the way i scarred the guy??
@janet069 (663)
• United States
8 Aug 07
I am a christian but not everybody is called to be a missionary. I do believe we are to tell people about God but we cannot force anyone to believe as we do. That is where that "free will" you speak of comes in. I will debate with anyone as long as the debate remains civil and I actually enjoy doing that because it is an education each time you speak with someone different. One thing I find interesting, you speak of Satan so you must believe in him. You also speak of God but it sounds as if you choose to lead a life without Him. That is different from being an atheist since atheist do not believe their is a God.
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@lexxbabe (10)
• New Zealand
11 Sep 07
Very interesting read at least you didn't spit in his face like I had done to me. Oh well the joys of missionary work. Missionaries believe everyone has the right to hear their message if its accepted cool if not thats cool too. Being rude and speaking in a satanic voice won't deter a missionary who as has been stated is doing what he or she believes is right. He or she might have a laugh about it later more because when a missionary chooses to serve their 2 years they go home with experiences like this and we all have them what you did is mild compared to some stuff even as a young 21yr old girl I was a party too. Thank you for enhancing some young missionaries life with an experience he will treasure because good or bad missionaries never forget their missions and they will remember you always and you are now (whether you like it or not) a treasured memory. OHHHH I am an ex "Mormon" missionary
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
14 Sep 07
i dont think its rude to speak in a satanic voice.
are you a missionary?
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
14 Sep 07
i mean, so your not a missionary anymore?
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@lexxbabe (10)
• New Zealand
24 Sep 07
No I am no longer a missionary that knocks on doors. I still talk to my friends if they are interested. I didn't mean that talking in a satanic voice was rude I just meant that "anybody" being rude won't deter them. I honestly found it funny that you did what you did and said what you said. In fact alot of my return missionary friends found it funny.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
1 Mar 10
I saw this post and it was already three years ago and I wonder, how are you now? To the owner of the post, I wonder if you are still active here in mylot. You might scared the Mormon missionaries away but you will never scare them of what they believe them. Maybe you felt happy about scaring them at that moment, but scaring them at that moment will give a very long time of being unhappy. It was a very false move.