Is it ok to beat children?
By somebodybig
@somebodybig (941)
26 responses
@madzie09 (278)
• Philippines
9 Aug 07
it's ok to spank but not too hard. beating up a kid is an abuse. the child can develop a trauma for that and may also cause rebellion. some of the rebels i know were beaten up with their parent when they were young. the pain makes them numb and started to develop hatred. i'd rather choose a conversation with my kids and a punishment like no tv,no ice cream and all but not beating. it could a parent to jail.
@somebodybig (941)
3 Sep 07
Conversation is a good thing with keeps for real.I also agree with the little punishments
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
9 Aug 07
Of course it's not OK to beat children! It's not ok to beat anyone or anything! There's a difference between spanking and beating. Some people think a little tap on the bum every now and then id ok and others think there are other non-contact ways to teach a child a lesson. No one or no thing should EVER be beaten. That doesn't solve any problems. All it does is create more anger and negative feelings.
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@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
12 Apr 08
No way no how is it ok to beat children.. There are many other ways to deal with a child's behavior than to hit on them.. People don't realize this but I strongly believe it's true.. When being beat as a child and growing up they tend to do the same thing to there children. It's a habit forming thing that just gets passed on.. However sometimes people realize that yes it does hurt and the last thing anyone wants to do is beat a child they won't go in that direction.. I was one of them when I was a child, Not beaten until I bleed but I was hit with things I could never imagine anyone Every hitting someone with.. I was hit with coffee cords and belts.. The funny thing is I never knew what I ever did wrong... Knowing that as a child and remembering all that I down right refuse to touch my son, yes I will raise my voice and say go to your room for time out but no more than that.. If I get very upset, knowing my son won't listen I will have my husband finish as he sends him to his room as well.. People know how to react toward things but beating a child is NEVER EVER the right thing to do at least in my eyes...

@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
12 Apr 08
You know how like some people say girls act like there mothers and sons act like there fathers? It's almost like that.. I mean You almost do the same thing your mother did, it's something that you cook things this way, you will almost do the same thing being an adult and don't really even realize it.. So it's like when parents spank there children you are MORE likely to do the same.. It's just the way you were brought up as a child.. This really isn't easy to explain.. I do hope you understand what I am trying to say though..
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@somebodybig (941)
12 Apr 08
Yes i understand what you are saying.Parents have a very strong influence on their children's life.But some parents dont see this.
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@somebodybig (941)
12 Apr 08
It is something that is passed on really.People that were beaten by their tend to beat their own kids also when they grow old and have kids.Beating kids is really not a good thing.It affects the kids emotionally

@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
14 Aug 07
Define "Beat."
I agree with corporal punishment when necessary. 3 out of the five of my kids reacted very well to time outs and guilt trips. the other 2 required a swat on the bottom occasionally to make them listen.
I do not condone "beating" a child under any circumstances. If you are talking about spanking, I agree with that if everything else fails. Of course, if my child is thinking about putting a screwdriver into an electrical outlet, I will smack his/her hand and put a stop to that directly.
So, what do you mean when you say "beat." I know of no one who agrees that "beating" their kid is the right thing to do.
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@somebodybig (941)
3 Sep 07
Well i agree with you on corporal punishment only.Punishment and punishment only
@marshall_blake2000 (304)
• United States
9 Aug 07
Some kids can be told to do thing and they will do it without having to get wiped, While otheres need alttle more then just a talking to to get there atension. It depends on two thing then the kind of kids you have, and the kind of perent you are going to have to be to get the kid to mind you.
I have six kids, and sometimes I need to handle each one diffrently. because not each one of them is the same. one a can say some thing to and she will cry. and does not need a wipen. while one of the othere kids may need one dayly.
So in shot the people that say they do not need to wipe there kids eathere have really good kids or they have not had kids yet and are saying that they do not believe in doing it .
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@somebodybig (941)
3 Sep 07
My baby is still very small though and i do not think i will ever beat my child.I love her so much.Love is the greatest weapon on earth.You can solve any problem with love .No matter how hard the problem may seem.
@somebodybig (941)
12 Aug 07
Common ,this is just a discussion and people have different opinion towards it.
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@somebodybig (941)
12 Apr 08
Its actually very wrong to beat children.I wish everyone can realize that
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
9 Aug 07
It is not okay to beat children, but when the child insists of misbehaving, a slap on the rear end or a sharp rap on their hand is appropriate. Of course if you consider slapping and hitting the child lightly is beating, you can spend all your time trying to say, 'Please darling, don't put the fork into the socket. You know when people do that, horrible things happen. You will get killed.' and then when your child puts the fork into the socket when you are not looking, you will say,'Why didn't she listen to me?'
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@Greenergrass (32)
• Ireland
15 Aug 07
I am with you on this Suspenseful. I suppose the problem lies in the hands of the parent realising what the right situation is and the thought for the good of the child being moral. That I think where it can all be wrong. I had a friend whose dad used to ebat here till he was put away. He still justifies that he was doing it to make her a better person who knew right form wrong. Also, violence breeds violence. Her dad was beating by his mum and therefore he felt this was the way you brought up kids.
@somebodybig (941)
3 Sep 07
It is actually not right to beat children.I guess punishment is better than beating
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
18 Aug 07
Statistics have already shown that beating children can negatively affect them mentally and emotionally. That's just a scientific downside to it, though. While I agree with spanking to a point, I believe no competent parent would beat or physically harm their child with excessive force. That's abuse, and should never be tolerated.
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@somebodybig (941)
12 Apr 08
I agree with you in some ways.Laying hands on kids to me is wrong.No matter what.
@JesseTheCat (214)
• South Africa
21 Oct 07
It is never ok to hurt or beat anyone.We as humans should know better,but so many people feel they can be abusive towards anyone they like..which shows how pathetic they are.
There is no sense in violence, but it goes on all the time and in all walks of life.
I have never beaten my child...and she is seven years old, very well balanced mentally and intelligent as well.
She was a very boisterous child...and pushed me at times to the limits...but when I felt I was losing it, I would walk to another room and just calm myself down.I had enough respect for her and for myself to never be cruel to her. Somehow it worked out fine :)
@somebodybig (941)
12 Apr 08
You are very very right.I strongly agree with you.It is very wrong to lay hands on any child .No matter what.
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@time2surf (2)
• United States
14 Aug 07
Beating your child is never okay. Spanking is not beating. I spanked my children. Sometimes they would get a swat other times two, three or four swats depending on the negative behavior they were being punished for. After, I always gave they a 10, to 15 minute time out to think about why they were punished. Then I would talk to them regarding their behavior, hold them and tell them how muched they are loved. My boys are grown, but the are both wonderful, hard working, respectful young men.
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@punkgurl73 (248)
• United States
12 Apr 08
Of course not!there is a such thing as reasonable discipline!We should teach children it is not ok to hit others.I would never hit a child.
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@somebodybig (941)
12 Apr 08
That is very good.Hitting a child is not right at all
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@viewpoint (137)
• Philippines
12 Apr 08
I don't agree to beating children. We as adults don't like to be beaten, how much more for children who are smaller and weaker than we are? Parents should discipline their children to obedient to them from a very young age, and the kids will carry out this discipline until they grow up. No need to hurt them.
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@somebodybig (941)
12 Apr 08
That is so true.We as adults don't want to be beaten ,how much more little kids.I strongly agree with you
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@Elixiress (3878)
13 Apr 08
No that is child abuse. What reason do you have to beat your child?
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@rinaaus (1201)
• Australia
9 Aug 07
I think it is OK to beat the children, but you have to beat on their bottom (not on head, face, or other body's parts).
When I was a kid, my parent beaten me when I did something wrong, when I did not listen to them. I think it was many good lessons that I learn from that. My parent told me "It's better they beat me than the others beat me".The children need to be taugh with love and discipline to know respect and humanlity.
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@somebodybig (941)
3 Sep 07
As the saying goes "Charity behgins at home".I strongly agree with your parents.Did the beating turn you into a better person?
@rapolu_cs (1184)
• India
9 Aug 07
I hate beating children all the time and once i a while to make them cool it is ok and not all the time if they are out of our control and i think beating kids is a sin that cant be forgiven anywhere even in the cour of God.
@somebodybig (941)
3 Sep 07
The bible says "Spare the rod and spoil the child".What does that mean ?
@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
14 Aug 07
I think it's absolutly wrong to beat a child or anyone child adult whoever...I mean I myself would not like to be treated and don't deserve to be treated in such a manner why should a child? I have 2 children and I have tapped my oldest on the butt growing up when he has done wrong or tapped his hand...He is 14 now but I would never consider beating him...My 14 month old is getting taps to the hand and learning the word no but I don't tap her hand unless she doesn't stop because she a smart cookie and knows what no means already hehe..But I believe it's wrong to beat anyone...
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@somebodybig (941)
3 Sep 07
I strongly agree with you.Do onto others as you want them to do onto you
@venkatkalyan1234 (15)
• India
12 Aug 07
No never do it.He only devolps more hatred.Conqur the the world with love not with force.Tell him how much you love in your words and actions .He will realise it and obey the same this does mean pampering your child ,But dont be harsh.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Apr 08
It is never okay to beat anyone person child or animal. Allthat does is make more child abusers and wife abusers in the next generation. time outs or standing in the corner or having priveledges taken away these ways teach kids right from wrong. Beating does not.
@ayessa (1583)
• Philippines
14 Apr 08
People have different belief in beating a child. It also may vary on what tradition and culture you have. For me beating a child is fine as long as once you beat a child you need to explain to them why do you have to beat them. Because in that way you are also teaching them how to avoid the wrong they have done. Aside from that if you don't explain to them the reason of beating they might tend to think that you don't love them. So the main point is if you'll going to beat your child think if it is a major sin that they have committed and if you can't explain to them why you have to beat them don't attempt to beat. Another is a single beat is enough to let them know they are wrong. Don't overbeat them. Some people do it without thinking of the consequences of their actions.