The GREAT god debate.... a discussion that WILL make you an atheist/agnostic
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
August 10, 2007 7:56pm CST
santuccie and i had a really long debate, and we are going to continue it here, you are welcome to join as i thought that he had the best argument i have seen on this website... so i explained to him everything about my beliefs.
PS: if you want to read the whole discussion just go here on the 9th response...
here is my response to his argument... good luck reading, as i really do think that it will make you an atheist.
k, very good argument.
you go straight to the point, its either intelligence or chance... or... it has always been.
A) modern sciences and physics states all point to the idea that the universe itself has always been, and always will be, much like god itself, and time.
B)but, if this was true indeed, we still need to resolve the matter of life... it is unlikely that life itself has always been and will be.. so is that the answer? might as well be..
C)or, it could be that through some sort of inorganic chemical reaction... however, you, and DR. AW state that this is very unlikely, however, many say that ETERNITY is a long time, and its bound to happen sooner or later.. but we can also rule this statement out.
D)on the other hand, we could state that there is some sort of intelligent creator... which we will call X.
errors with D.
D1)according to A, this being would not be omnipotent and would always exist.
D2)according to A-D, the best answer to who created this creator is, again, another creator... X2.
E)so, according to everything from A-D2, we realize that D does not really make sense because of A.
so, either the universe has always been, or this X has always been and is omnipotent. but the thing is, even if he has always been omnipotent, since he is a conscious being, we would need to prove his existence as well!
E2) i will use a [famous theist] example. if we are on a mountain and we see a rock, we don't need to ask why it is there, but if we see a working watch, we need to explain how it got there. now ofcourse, the main purpose of this example is to show that there is a creator for the created. this goes for the omnipotent conscious all knowing being as well.
F) so, out all these conclusions, we realize that the most logical explanation is indeed the idea of life through chance And the idea that the universe is eternal. for if you have eternity to find a needle in a haystack, or a thousand needles in a thousand haystacks for that matter, you will eventually find the needle[s].
now, lets for a moment imagine that we do not need to explain how and why this omnipotent god is there, and lets assume that he is there. how would that change our view on the world?
A) there will, be, a sort of "absolute truth" about the world... it does not matter what you believe to be true, or what i believe to be true, there is always one truth... now, absolute truth can stand on its own without an omnipotent being, but, however, it does suggest that this being does exist. absolute truth suggests that there is a god, but it does not prove it.
B) our lives will have a purpose, for this omnipotent being would not have created us if we were not to have destiny, for he will not waste his power for a meaningless cause..
C) there would be no free will, we would be gears in a machine that god needs for his own use. (this is the biggest problem i have with someone else handing over a purpose for me). we could either say that since god gave us a purpose, which is, indeed, our destiny, destiny and free will cannot co-exist, and even if they did, all the paths we choose would lead to the same inevitable outcome.
D) worship and prayer become useless because there is no free will and god knows all.
E) all religions would be considered as man made and this god could not be understood by anyone..
on the other hand.. we could also say that they can both not exist because this omnipotent being existed before we existed, and, since he knows all, he knows our future will, and the only way he could know that is if he was, indeed, the creator of our will as well.
so, according to ABC, if god existed, our purposful life, would ultimately be pointless as we are here because our master made it so, and that our minds cannot comprehend what he is willing to do with us, for we have no free will and we cannot challenge the absolute truth.
its ironic that purpose of religion is to give us purpose, but, inevitably, it will indeed make it purposeless...
lol.. in that situation i felt like i should use the Mormons own tool against them... the best way you can prove to an atheist is through logic and science and observable reality. the best way to make an atheist is to read the bible critically, as my other thread my suggest.
what i meant by untrusted was that it was on a biased website.. if it was like a news report (not on fox news that is lol) then i would have accepted it better, but the guy does make some good points which i have talked about above.
since i cannot prove negatives, i cannot say that god is non existent, only through contradictory claims am i allowed to disprove anything... or i can simply state that there is no evidence of it, which is, simply, the easiest way i can put it.
im glad you did not discuss jesus christ with me because, really, that is the last thing i would have wanted to debate about... some people are just blindly accepting that he is the son, of this all powerful all knowing being and its pretty funny when you think about it... god is SO big, that they suggest that jesus is his son? lol... and jesus wasnt the only son btw, horus, mithras, all of these people were considered the son of god... and it was all because of the ZODIAC.. yes the zodiac made jesus the son of god... and mithra and horus too.. but we are not discussing that so i wont go any further.
through my years of research, i have come to the conclusion that there are only 3 explanations for god.
1) there is no god.
2) god is an unconscious being, and is basically the rules of the universe, the absolute truth, physics, science etc...
3) god is an omnipotent being that is above logic, but this makes all religions faulty and there would be no point of worship or prayer.
so basically..
1) atheism is right.
2) pantheism is right.
3) no religion is right.
longest thing i ever wrote on this site...good luck thanks for reading and i think im going to make a discussion on this and we can work there if you really want to continue this debate..
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14 responses
@AndriaToh (1268)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 07
Mind if I jump in?
How does modern science point to the idea that the universe has always been? Heard of Kalam's cosmological argument? The universe cannot have existed for an infinite length of time, because the Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the energy within a system can decrease in quality. If the universe has always been, it would have 'run down' long ago, as it is a closed system. The rest of the points fall apart without this premise.
Furthermore, I don't see how you go from A to D1. As to D2 and E, God has always been. But before you say that I am contradicting myself, He is not bound by time, as time began at creation.
As to free will - God has given us a destiny, but you can easily choose not to fulfill yours. If you refuse to be His gear, He already knows what will happen as a result, and can easily raise up another person to do it. It is YOUR loss. And worship and prayer are for our benefit - God wants us to learn how to go to Him for our needs. I also do not see how you conclude E.
As for "the best way to prove atheism is through logic and science and observable reality" - how does logic and science and observable reality prove atheism in the first place?
All websites are biased. They're written by people. Some websites are more biased than others, but people cannot help but read their own presuppositions into whatever they're doing.
Firstly, how do you conclude that Horus and Mithra are the 'sons of God'? And God is big, yes, and omnipotent, yes - somehow this keeps Him from coming to earth in human flesh?
I don't really see how you conclude 3 - you haven't shown why God should be above logic if He exists. Above science, and how the world normally works, maybe. But that is not the same thing.
This is the great God debate, after all, and now it's your turn.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
13 Aug 07
KCA states that it is impossible to create infinity.. this argument is not really an argument for god, but an argument against it. it comes down to the question of can an object have a shape before it can have a size?
so basically, it is metaphysically possible to do this.
theists who use KCA dont realize that it is really not of any use...
plus, i said science and physics tell us that the universe is infinite, not philosophy, philosophy has negatives and positives on any subject that do not include contradictions.
to say that god is not bound by time, is to say that god is not in the universe, is to say that there is no proof for god, is to say that god is non-existent.
if destiny changes, the definition of "an event that will inevitably happen" does not work and destiny is not destiny, but something else... and please, for god sakes, stop speaking for god.. if he was there, and he had emotions, he must be PISSED that people, like bush, do that all the time..
um, observable reality, science, do you know what that means? science does not come up with a conclusion, then start building evidence for it.
i disagree, an unbiased website shows both opinions, and contradictory conclusions that are arrived from them.
hm, if an omnipotent being was true, it is more than the mind can handle, hes not some guy.. you cant think of anything to describe it... this, in itself, should should tell theists to throw out their bibles and korans because it becomes useless, and to say that this great all knowing all powerful being had a SON that was human, its just defys all law that god himself has supposedly created.. i think it is possibly one of the greatest religious blunders, i think it is just as outrages as what Scientology claims. i dono, i think its just.. unexplainable.
k, um, number 3 kind of leads to my last response.. logically, god has been disproved. there is no substitute and argument there.. however, people that have heard this argument, and are still theists, have no choice but to believe that god is above our logic.. he may possibly how the power to create contradictions... on the other hand, you could say that god is omnipotent, but is still limited by logic and could not create contradictions, but if this was true, he has already been pretty much disproved..
but anyway, to believe in god, is to believe that god is above logic... to believe that god is above logic, it makes no sense to believe in the WORD OF GOD, whatever that may be.. for it tries to give logic to something that is above logic (although one may argue that even the books are illogical)...
so yea, if, indeed, god did exist, he would be above human capacity of understanding... kind of like the 5th dimension, we can see the shadow that it lays on our 4th dimension, but we cannot see what it really is..and im not even going any higher..
so, if god existed, all religion would be pretty much wrong.
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@AndriaToh (1268)
• Malaysia
14 Aug 07
Who said that KCA was an argument for God? I used it as an argument against an eternal universe. What do you mean by an object having a shape before it has a size? And again, how does modern science prove that the universe has always been?
God can still act in the universe that He created - this means that His existence is proved by His acts throughout history, and in people's experiences today. There is also circumstantial evidence, if you want to go into creation/evolution.
There, I meant destiny as in a purpose for our life. Wrong word, I guess. The outcome will still be the same. You will just have missed out on your part in it.
Even experimental science starts with a conclusion - except it is called a hypothesis. The hypothesis is used to determine what data to look for and what experiments to conduct. The data from the experiments is then interpreted for or against the hypothesis. And you didn't answer my question. How does science prove atheism?
In that case, the only unbiased website would be one that simply compiled arguments from different people over the issue, without any commentary from the owner of the website. And then the arguments themselves would be biased.
I don't see how you go from your premise to the conclusion that Bibles are useless. I believe that the Bible is God's Word, which includes God telling us about His nature. What laws has God created that prevent Him from coming in human flesh? I thought omnipotent basically meant able to do anything - wouldn't this include incarnating in human form?
You are still confusing logic with science. Logic is simply a system of reasoning that tells us whether a set of statements is self-contradictory. If God was supposed to be all-powerful and not all-powerful at the same time, that would be a logical contradiction. However, the argument:
1. All dogs can fly.
2. Roger is a dog.
3. Therefore Roger can fly.
- is strictly logical. It is the premises that are flawed. I do not see how this process of logic can be used to disprove God's existence.
God is, if you want to put it that way, still limited by logic. To ask Him to make a square circle, for example, is a logical contradiction, as the very definitions of the words 'square' and 'circle' are contradictory, and therefore the phrase 'square circle' is nonsense. God is not required to make nonsense make sense to be omnipotent.
It is true that some aspects of God's nature are above human understanding (note - this does not mean it is above logic, if you want to try that again - it means simply that we do not know exactly how they work), but He has revealed the rest through His word in the Bible.
Why would consciousness require being in time? Could you please elaborate?
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
14 Aug 07
um, kca is like a bigger philosophical problem.. but anyways, i never said it proves anything, i said physics and science suggests that the universe has always been...
if you study things like quantum physics and all that it all pretty much suggests that there was no beginning.
is there proof of creation?
if there is a [greater] purpose, that pretty much means that someone has created you specifically for that purpose, so again, it would lead to the idea that, you were created to be a "gear" in the "god machine" know?... this, ultimately leads us to loose our free will..
sure, but a hypothesis isnt proven until there is proof.
science basically means proving something through testing and observation etc etc.. since there is no [universal] proof, you cant test it, so you basically say its non existent.
i dont really have a premise for god being in the flesh, thats just my own view, i just think its outrages to believe that god had a human son in flesh,...however..this can be a contradiction if one says god exists outside of time..
if you want to go strictly logical i can bring the burrito question and this argument will be over.
but see, if god was limited by logic, he is basically a creation of man, he cannot be omnipotent.. he could not exist outside of time, therefore, time would be kind of a "greater entity" than god.. because he cannot be bound by his own creation... the only explanation is that god did not create time..
you cant pick and choose the aspects that are "above human understanding" either he is all above human understanding, which make jesus moses Mohamed all liars and cheats, or, then that still means that he is not omnipotent and simply a creation of man.
so either there is no god or religion is wrong.. or you can consider god to be the unconscious rules of the universe.. which is what Einstein believes.. but even that kind of god is being challenged by his own creation of quantum physics, and that is what he spent the rest of his life trying to disprove... but thats how crazy genius this guy was..
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@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
11 Aug 07 must give thanks to me as it took me for 45 minutes to finished up reading thoroughly on your texts and the link's page with no earnings. But it's paid by interesting and open up one's mind to freely express their belief in God and firmly stand with one's belonging.
Talking about God will never end and always adjourned with assumptions and not conclusion. Why? Because the existence of God is just like an energy, neither created nor destroyed. And having said, in one's mind and phenomenolism. If you say YES, there...the existence of God for you. But if you say NO.....God does not exist for you.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
16 Aug 07
but since you believe in god, you should believe in absolute truth.. right?
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@michaeldadona (5684)
• Malaysia
17 Aug 07
there is no god, god is actually a terminology for super natural power. If god still can be pronounce god, it just same like human has name, that is not god. there is no god....human don't know how to express the super natural power...then they just simply named it and say god. Because god cannot be materialized, just like ebergy: neither be created nor destroyed but can be transform. THERE IS NO GOD.
the existence of the said 'god' depends on oneself, if you said YES then it exist in your self-spiritual.
You yourself and not your tangible physical.
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
2 Sep 07
How would you support with evidence your statement 'THERE IS NO GOD'?
I am also wondering if you would say that this power is the source of your existence... if so then how would you say that this power brings mind into reality. Can impersonal power bring into existence personal being like us?
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@paul8675 (750)
• Australia
11 Aug 07
Sorry, but I haven't got the time or inclination to wade for ages through the text of people who are shooting their mouth off and saying nothing new. Logic supports the existance of Jesus as who He said He was lock, stock and barrel, resurrection included. Biblical prophecy is impossible to argue against logically, as is the dramatic change in people's lives that I see daily. No-one will ever be able to intellectualise away God. Give up even trying.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
16 Aug 07
okay, i hate this kind of reply.. why would you even bother to make a response? why waste MY time.. and no logic does not support god, let alone jesus. prophecy can be fullfilled by anyone who already knows it..
(where was jesus from the age of 12-30?)
plug your ears and hold your breath like a child and listen to what your [child molesting] priest says, cuz you know what? that is the root of ignorance.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
12 Aug 07
Well, I waded through the whole discussion, and I'm still the same polytheist I've always been. No amount of argument from anyone is going to change what I believe, because what I believe is what I have seen to work in my own life. That to me has more weight than any number of arguments from people on the internet.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Aug 07
If it were possible to take away my memories of my own experiences with my deities, then yes, my beliefs would have the capacity to change. Since I have known her since I was four years old, saying that I "believe in" my primary Goddess is like saying I believe in my parents, or my friends. It's not a matter of faith, it's a matter of what I have seen and experienced.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
16 Aug 07
yes, but even if you had supposed experiences to conform your beliefs, do you not agree that beliefs change?
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
13 Aug 07
lol.. beliefs should have the capacity to change... or else... its kind of ignorance dont you think?
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
11 Aug 07
Here are my views on the subject: God is our Creator and He is very real, and Jesus Christ is the only Son of the Living God.
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@jainaewen (170)
• Philippines
12 Aug 07
no need for arguments.God is so real in our world today.He is in control.those who accept and believe Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour over their life will have eternal life.those who dont will have go to we better choose now whom we will believe and serve.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
13 Aug 07
I live in a country in which the percentage of Christians is not even measurable. None of us believe in Jesus. Are all sixty million of us going to hell?
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
26 Aug 07
He's got the right to say it. I don't agree and guess what, I won't be convinced. By the way I'm not ignorant for simply not agreeing with you, I can grow and change, its just that he didn't convince me and others probably won't either. Why is it people are not allowed to have differing beliefs, but we must become atheists (many haven't been that tolerant toward me, even though I respect their choices)? I could probably tend toward agnosticism (some Christians have rejected me the same as the previous group), but I still prefer to side with the Christian faith but I also want more scientific discovery and new growth and theory in space, time and reality. I still have some faith (get over it) but this is also what I believe.

@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
26 Aug 07
Say whatever you want. There's no way you'll change my beliefs, or the beliefs of anyone else who is strong in their convictions. There are billions of people in this world, and probably a billion different belief systems. Have faith in what you believe in and no one else will be able to change your mind. Only you have that power.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
26 Aug 07
i cant disagree more, my beliefs change everyday, if not, i would be ignorant to the world.
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@livewyre (2450)
3 Sep 07
As far as I can see, there is an error in your premise that there is no freewill. I follow every argument made up to that point. We have acknowledged a potentially omnipotent creator who creates man with a purpose, but this being who can create life cannot allow that life to have freewill??? You have not made a good argument in support of this statement, and until you do, there is a massive loophole in your claim that you have somehow disproved God...

@livewyre (2450)
4 Sep 07
Of course I meant to say, I don't see how you can make someone into an agnostic...not atheist (doh!). you might cause someone to doubt, I just can't see how once you have made a choice either way, you would then go back to a position of agnosticism?? But that's a side issue... There is an error in your premise that there is no freewill - It's a crucial flaw in the progress of your argument - you are doing OK up to that point then blam! brick wall...of course there is freewill, so from then on your argument crumbles as far as I am concerned - so that's one more who can say they have read your argument and can still be a believer.
@livewyre (2450)
3 Sep 07
Actually, now I think about it, I think there is a mistake in your premise that you can make someone an atheist... That presumes that they currently believe in God, surely a change of stance would mean that the only choice is Atheism seeing as Agnosticism is more of a lack of choice rather than a positive decision.
I can't see a circumstance where someone who believed in God, could then make a decision to become an Agnostic, surely they would make a decision to become an Atheist if they were to change their stance at all??
An Atheist is surely one who hasn't made a decision/choice - I don't see how you can make a choice, and then later make an 'unchoice'! please comment
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
3 Sep 07
Can you point out whats wrong?
And i dont understand what is troubling about a theist turning agnostic. I used to be a theist, I turned agnostic and then I became atheist.
Agnostic is simply saying that you do not know because both sides have valid arguments OR you do not know because there is no way to know. You can make a decision to turn agnostic.. especially when you still have not heard both sides of the argument.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
27 Aug 07
First let me say that the Universe has not always be there.
The Universe was created from the explosion of a black hole. After the explosion... the Universe expanded through the speed velocity of the explosion. When that speed becomes zero... the original black hole start sucking the Universe back in. And the process begin again with the creation of a new Universe.
Only a few months ago... scientists were able to take an infra-red picture of the whole Universe. Which put an end to the fairy that the Universe is limitless. For all we know... there could be several Universes... just like we have several galaxies.
There is a God in our Universe. And he has a name. His name is "NATURE". It is nature which create life and rule our life. Without nature... there is no life.
Nature gives us the freedom to enjoy our life and do whatever we feel like with it... as long as we don't attempt to change nature. When you do... like the climate change we experience now... Nature will wipe us out. Nature is the most powerful God there is. It rules the Universe... and particulary life on planet Earth.
Religion is man made and has nothing to do with God. Religions are cults to give people something to believe in. Some people cannot cope with life without religion. They need the assurance that there is a reason for everything and that their life is not worthless.
But religion was mostly created to set a list of moralistic rules in order to civilize man. If we had no religion... we would live like wild animals... just like the first cave men. Without religion... you have anarchy.
I think people can still be religious and believe in their cult God... while at the same time... facing the real fact that their true God is Nature.

@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
29 Aug 07
Of course morality is man made...
It is a set of rules which was established in the old testament. And man was brainwashed to accept those rules. Just like we accept every new law which is trown at us today.
Religion did serve its purpose in the beginning. It was those moral values which made us so called "civilize".
Don't forget that right up to 1400... the government was the church. It was only after 1400 that governments as we know them today were created. They took the same rules from the church and added their own.
The reason that you don't need to be religious today to have some moral values... is because your government enforce those same rules.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
29 Aug 07
let me say that there are many different theories of the big bang, and yours is just one in many..
the one i refer to is the "foam universes"
can i say that your a pantheist? unless your pagan or some sort of native indian.
oh, never mind, your not a pantheist..what are you?
i agree, but id rather live in the world of the crappy truth than in a fantasy world filled with lies.
its funny, cuz you just said religion is man made, and morals come from religion...that means that morality is also man made..
you dont need religious to be moral and ethical
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
29 Aug 07
*** you dont NEED to be religious... ***
if you want to see a debate on morality vs god ..
its pretty long, but if your interested, check it out.
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@simbrialuis (387)
• Philippines
10 Sep 07
Gee! you're a genius! but i cannot totally see your brain! i cannot even felt it, nor smelt it, taste it..or hear it!
I cannot prove that your brain existed unless i cut it out...jokes.
Bottom line...i never actually read your article because it is too wordy.
I am agnostic i guess, If God cannot be proven by science, then let it be...if God Cannot be proven by Religion, then let short if God cannot be proven by MAN let it be....
God is GOD, if you are able to prove his existence...then you are putting Him in the box....therefore you are making him measureable......ah ah ah ah this is bending the definition of an immeasurable GOD.
Nobody could prove his existence because He is GOD.
Only God can prove themselves....if you are God yourself, do you exist?

@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
14 Sep 07
i dont really know what your point is..
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
11 Sep 07
in short, im only going after the god in which contradictions can be seen... all other gods, ofcourse, are free from my grasp.
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@simbrialuis (387)
• Philippines
12 Sep 07
I wonder why science is convincing itself that there is NO God and trying everyways to prove that He really do not exists...Tsk. tsk. tsk. they are like a child trying to justify things that they cannot justify. I believe, the moment they start their steps towards all process in science just to prove God's inexistence is actually believing that God exists...only they need proof.
Have the science thought of the brain? its composition, and the wonders why such a small amount of matter can build a nation? Despite the fact that only portions of the brain work? Have the science proven the exact size of the whole universe? Have the science known what really is inside the sun? aside from the theories and laws? Science put everything measured...and what can't be measured is a flaw? It doesn't follow that what can't be measured is a flaw...what can't be measured is man's limitation... and this includes God's existence.
In reality, all the chicken sh!t we stored in our minds will perish as we die including the idea of GOD...but the idea of GOD, and people who believes in Him, will roll and pass from generation to well as the idea of science who try to prove God's inexistence will continue and it is a cycle..... those who thought of the ideas science thought today will go on and on...but have the science proven God's existence? No....its like running after time.
Noone can prove God's existence.... it's a matter of believing on what we wanted to believe in.

@santuccie (3384)
• United States
30 Sep 07
Hi Fighting,
Sorry it took me two months to get back to you, but I told you I was going to be busy. :) Here, at long last, is my response.........
'A) modern sciences and physics states all point to the idea that the universe itself has always been, and always will be, much like god itself, and time.'
--Actually, observations in physics (most frequently associated with the Big Bang theory), suggest that the universe is approximately 13.7 billion years old (give or take 200 million years).
'D)on the other hand, we could state that there is some sort of intelligent creator... which we will call X.
D1)according to A, this being would not be omnipotent and would always exist.'
--D1)If you take a quick glance at my answer to A, we are of the understanding that the universe has not existed eternally. According to theology, God himself has no beginning, nor end (alpha and omega; first and last).
Obviously, this poses a conflict with Classical physics, in which the only tools for measurement are the three physical dimensions, and time itself, being the fourth.
If we are to make any attempt to pull an omnipotent, Almighty God down to our own finite reasoning, this attempt can only begin with quantum mechanics, which still consists largely of estimates. "Theories such as string theory and M-theory predict that the space in general has in fact 10 or 11 dimensions, respectively, but that the universe, when measured along these additional dimensions, is subatomic in size. As a result, we perceive only the three spatial dimensions that have macroscopic size. We as humans can only perceive up to the third dimension while we have knowledge of our travel through the fourth. We cannot, however, see anything past the fourth." (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Human resources in scholarly, scientific discovery are poor. Some of our oldest surviving resources date back to the ancient greeks, possibly along the descendant lines of Plato (epistemology), and Socrates, his mentor (if Socrates actually existed). We also have mathematics, which are thousands of years older. But as far as we have come, from basic arithmetic to calculous and modern studies in quantum mechanics (since 1838), studied here on planet Earth and a little on Mars (and telescopically, of course [My grandfather worked at LMSC, now LMMSC for 34 years; his team built the "little black box" which controls the solar arrays on HST.]), methinks we're a far cry from beginning to grasp the terrific complexity of the vastness around us, and that which brought it into being.
'D2)according to A-D, the best answer to who created this creator is, again, another creator... X2.'
--Until we've figured out the answer to D1, which I don't think is going to happen in my lifetime, I'm not going to try probing this one. The first commandment says, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
'E)so, according to everything from A-D2, we realize that D does not really make sense because of A.'
--Again, see my answer to A.
'so, either the universe has always been, or this X has always been and is omnipotent. but the thing is, even if he has always been omnipotent, since he is a conscious being, we would need to prove his existence as well!'
--Maybe YOU "need" to prove His existence, but WE do not. The only one who needs to know ALL is the one who is responsible for holding this universe together.
'E2) i will use a[famous theist] example. if we are on a mountain and we see a rock, we don't need to ask why it is there, but if we see a working watch, we need to explain how it got there. now ofcourse, the main purpose of this example is to show that there is a creator for the created. this goes for the omnipotent conscious all knowing being as well.'
--I'm assuming you're talking about William Paley. If so, you're leaving out his argument that follows: "Likewise, the natural world contains abundant evidence of a supernatural creator." And besides, as far as we humans are concerned, it's a matter of opinion whether or not the rock itself is also a "created" thing. I am of the understanding that God "gave of Himself" to create even the cosmos themselves. Perhaps you know that when energy is spent, it doesn't disappear into oblivion; it simply takes on another form. Just as you can't turn something into nothing (you can only break it down), you cannot create something out of thin air. Who (or what) created the organic materials themselves?
'F) so, out all these conclusions, we realize that the most logical explanation is indeed the idea of life through chance And the idea that the universe is eternal. for if you have eternity to find a needle in a haystack, or a thousand needles in a thousand haystacks for that matter, you will eventually find the needle[s].'
--Again, see my answer to A. From there, and taking into account how difficult it is to achieve right-handed amino acids, let alone the 90 to 100 proteins that must have been required by the first life form to sustain itself, time hardly matters anyway. If and when you do achieve a chemical reaction, it will likely produce either waste, or an explosion. This serves only to pull you ever further from your goal. And, even if all the matter in the universe was constantly at work over some 12-14 billion years to achieve the abiogenesis that you desire, chances are still, essentially, zero. Here's some more material for your reading pleasure:
Maybe you would like a shot at that $1,000,000 reward for evidence of abiogenesis, or $2,000 for evolution (I don't disbelieve in evolution, just so you know). :P
'now, lets for a moment imagine that we do not need to explain how and why this omnipotent god is there, and lets assume that he is there. how would that change our view on the world?
A) there will, be, a sort of "absolute truth" about the world... it does not matter what you believe to be true, or what i believe to be true, there is always one truth... now, absolute truth can stand on its own without an omnipotent being, but, however, it does suggest that this being does exist. absolute truth suggests that there is a god, but it does not prove it.'
--How do you get to the turnaround where "absolute truth can stand on its own without an omnipotent being?" For all you and I know, this universe could just as soon be completely empty. No physical matter, no intelligent being to make something out of it...nada. The watch did not create itself, and in my opinion, neither did this universe.
Why not? I don't know how immortal beings think, and I don't think you do either (if you did, you couldn't be an atheist), but I don't see how a lack of necessity completely obviates the possibility. If all the matter in this universe went out of its way to make something happen, what was the reason behind that? Gravity? I think not, else all the matter in the universe would just comprise one large body.
Any way you slice it, life happened. "I think, therefore, I am." We've long since established that we don't necessarily NEED to be here, but we're still here. Maybe an omnipotent God, whom you (a created human) are trying to limit to what it necessary and what is not, actually has the capacity to do something He WANTS to do.
'C) there would be no free will, we would be gears in a machine that god needs for his own use. (this is the biggest problem i have with someone else handing over a purpose for me). we could either say that since god gave us a purpose, which is, indeed, our destiny, destiny and free will cannot co-exist, and even if they did, all the paths we choose would lead to the same inevitable outcome.'
--This could go either way, but I, for one, am not afraid of humility. If you are, perhaps I could make it easier for you. A friend of mine once said, "The purpose of life is to live." As far as destiny is concerned, I am not convinced either way. What I will say is I have seen things happen that "coincidence" is less than adequate to describe, often a chain of events that leads to something. I call it "providence," and that remains the adhesive that binds me to my faith. I convinced myself initially that God existed; now He gives me an occasional reminder that he does. And it belongs to me; if you want revelation of God, you need to ask Him, not another person. That's what my first pastor told me to do when I told him I was agnostic, and what do you know? It worked.
'D) worship and prayer become useless because there is no free will and god knows all.'
--You seem to assume that prayer is way of swaying God. I don't look at it that way. God is not a genie; He does not answer every prayer I pray, or at least not as I would imagine it. But is it not reasonable to assume that God knows what's best for me better than I do? He made me. He knows every hair on my head; He knows what I'm made of, what I'm allergic to...etc.
As far as worship itself being useless, I find that short-sighted and almost blasphemic in its very nature, sorry to say. God is my King, not vice versa. He is NOT here to serve me. I worship Him because I am thankful to Him for everything I am, and everything I have. If you don't see a reason to be thankful that you're alive, then what do you REALLY think of yourself? Do you think you're a waste of life? I don't.
'E) all religions would be considered as man made and this god could not be understood by anyone..'
--All religions ARE man-made; there is no dispute about that. It's also not the point. If salvation in eternal life is what you're getting at, I don't believe there is a mathematical formula for salvation. There's more than one path, methinks. Most western, monotheistic religions tend to suggest that our Creator wants to reconcile us to Him/Her/It. If this were so, do you think this would be complexified to the point of being virtually impossible? N
@santuccie (3384)
• United States
30 Sep 07
Sorry, one of my responses looks a little out of place. This is because I forgot to paste B:
'B) our lives will have a purpose, for this omnipotent being would not have created us if we were not to have destiny, for he will not waste his power for a meaningless cause..'
--Why not? I don't know how immortal beings think, and I don't think you do either (if you did, you couldn't be an atheist), but I don't see how a lack of necessity completely obviates the possibility. If all the matter in this universe went out of its way to make something happen, what was the reason behind that? Gravity? I think not, else all the matter in the universe would just comprise one large body.
Any way you slice it, life happened. "I think, therefore, I am." We've long since established that we don't necessarily NEED to be here, but we're still here. Maybe an omnipotent God, whom you (a created human) are trying to limit to what it necessary and what is not, actually has the capacity to do something He WANTS to do.
@santuccie (3384)
• United States
30 Sep 07
WOW!!! I don't know what happened when I hit Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C, and Ctrl + V; but there's a LOT missing from what I had typed out. Perhaps Satan himself was afraid of my argument.:P Or, perhaps there's a limit to the length of a response...I don't know.
I'll have to try and reproduce the remainder of what I had, though it might not be as good as last time.......
'E) all religions would be considered as man made and this god could not be understood by anyone..'
--All religions ARE man-made; there is no dispute about that. It's also not the point. If salvation in eternal life is what you're getting at, I don't believe there is a mathematical formula for salvation. There's more than one path, methinks. Most western, monotheistic religions tend to suggest that our Creator wants to reconcile us to Him/Her/It. If this were so, do you think this would be complexified to the point of being virtually impossible? No.
'on the other hand.. we could also say that they can both not exist because this omnipotent being existed before we existed, and, since he knows all, he knows our future will, and the only way he could know that is if he was, indeed, the creator of our will as well.
so, according to ABC, if god existed, our purposful life, would ultimately be pointless as we are here because our master made it so, and that our minds cannot comprehend what he is willing to do with us, for we have no free will and we cannot challenge the absolute truth.
its ironic that purpose of religion is to give us purpose, but, inevitably, it will indeed make it purposeless...'
--Personally, I ask God for guidance and provision. Then, I take it as it comes. Simple enough for me.
I don't think it's wrong by very nature to ponder God's mystery, but it can have a negative impact on your life if you drive yourself up and down walls trying to figure it all out. And then, you do yourself further damage by vowing to yourself and to the world that there cannot be a God until His will makes sense to you.
I've told you before that I don't believe every word in the Bible was directly inspired by God. This doesn't mean I'm right, but I believe what I believe. I understand "free will," and also that it was God's gift to us. And yes, I understand that it doesn't seem to make sense that there be such a thing as free will; while at the same time God has an almanac of everything that's going to happen, and a book of life with all the names, naughty and nice.
But I've seen things happen that I cannot explain; chains of events that were so ridiculously coincidential that only a word like "providence" does them justice. And I started to see (or at least notice) these things after I accepted (you know who) in my life, and confounded my enemy. While I convinced myself initially of His existence, it's these bizarre events that perpetuate my faith.
'lol.. in that situation i felt like i should use the Mormons own tool against them... the best way you can prove to an atheist is through logic and science and observable reality. the best way to make an atheist is to read the bible critically, as my other thread my suggest.'
--I don't think so. Exposing what is supposedly "contradictory" in a collection of books written by men does not prove the nonexistence of the Creator of all things. This is where atheists consistently get it wrong; YOU are not the Creator.
'what i meant by untrusted was that it was on a biased website.. if it was like a news report (not on fox news that is lol) then i would have accepted it better, but the guy does make some good points which i have talked about above.'
--How so? This is an account of a scientist who was once agnostic, and now believes in God. I think he knows more about chemistry and physics than you do. Can I not call Darwin's works "biased?" Who, in this world/universe, qualifies in your mind as being completely neutral, and suitable for consultation or to present arguments? You're calling it "biased" because it's something YOU don't want to hear, lol.
'since i cannot prove negatives, i cannot say that god is non existent, only through contradictory claims am i allowed to disprove anything... or i can simply state that there is no evidence of it, which is, simply, the easiest way i can put it.'
--Are you an atheist, or an agnostic? You sound like you're switching back and forth here. Atheists go further than simply not believing because of a lack of evidence FOR God; atheists have a faith all their own. They believe they can disprove God's existence. Of course this can be a part of your argument, but only a small part, if you call yourself a true "atheist." Atheists do not say, "There is no evidence for God, so there is no God." That's what agnostics say, and what I myself once said. You are trying to prove that God does not exist, not just observe that theists have yet to prove God exists? So what else is new, kid?
'through my years of research, i have come to the conclusion that there are only 3 explanations for god.
1) there is no god.
2) god is an unconscious being, and is basically the rules of the universe, the absolute truth, physics, science etc...
3) god is an omnipotent being that is above logic, but this makes all religions faulty and there would be no point of worship or prayer.
so basically..
1) atheism is right.
2) pantheism is right.
3) no religion is right.'
--In your 19 years on this earth, you have come to this "conclusion." That's got to be some kind of a record. Theists and atheists were debating this thing centuries before you and I got here. Again, if you have enough "evidence" to turn your readers into atheists, why don't you take a shot at that $1,000,000 prize?
@santuccie (3384)
• United States
30 Sep 07
Oh yeah! I forgot, you CAN prove a negative. In case you've forgotten, I've told you this before: Now it's my turn to show you some simple logic: X - 2X = -X How do you demonstrate this? Simple...with a number line.;)

@herrbaggs (1308)
• United States
8 Sep 07
Your born, you live, you die and its all over with. People just can't live with the concept that they are no different than a chicken or a raccoon. When its over, it is done with and all the lip flapping and blather in the world will not make imaginary beings real. But it will bring my star rating down.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
15 Sep 07
i dont know if i insulted you, can you point out what statement was insulting?
3 people like this
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
18 Sep 07
i dont understand?
im sure some give me pluses, others give me negatives, in the end it averages out at an even 7.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
25 Aug 07
some say your born atheist because you are born a skeptic.
[others say your born agnostic because you have no idea whats going on, and others say your born a theist because children are angels]
4 people like this
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
26 Aug 07
thanks programmer, at least that is something i intended to do..
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
26 Sep 07
I agree with you totaly. here is my blog about some of the things I wonder about in the bible this is my first blog. http:/
there is stuff that i would like to add like when i state about the years that Jesus is not in the bible I THINK (this is my conclusion nobody elses) That jesus was a very knowledge hungery person (for example when he was going to his "fathers house" to learn) so for these years I believe that Jesus was traveling the world learning hence the reason some of his things sound like what Buddha would say. I also say that people all through time tried to look in people that did outstanding things as gods (for example Alexander The Great, Buddha {not a god but close} Jesus, and many others). So that would be a reason that Jesus would be looked at as a God (son of God, same thing) and the reason it stuck is b/c the Cathlioc Church at that moment in history destoryed anything that disagreed with it.