Do you think it's "SELFISH" to bring more children into the world?
By nikkiwith
@nikkiwith (1074)
August 14, 2007 6:37am CST
Sometimes i look at my 4 year old daughter and wonder what kind of future she will have. The health of our planet is obviously getting much worse because of Global Warming, there is so much violence and war, too much fast food and the price of everything keeps on rising. There are too many things too mention. Maybe we should think about what kind of future there will be for our children before we have them for our own "selfish" needs. ??????????
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28 responses
@chingyieng (248)
14 Aug 07
Why worry about something beyond our control? We should live our lives to the fullest and children are part of our lives (if we have them) and they bring a lot of meaning to our lives and us to theirs. I wouldn't say it's "selfish". Who knows for sure what's going to happen in the future? Perhaps, there'll be a solution to all those environmental problems... and if there is... aren't we then depriving our "children" from living and enjoying it?
In short, IMHO, there's nothing selfish or otherwise about having children. We wouldn't know what's going to happen in the future... and the future is in their hands as well.
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
14 Aug 07
There are a lot of people who have children for their own "selfish" reasons. As for the "solution for our environmental problems", well there is a solution but there's a window of opportunity. Some scientists say it's too late, others say we have less than 10 years to try and turn it around. I don't see things getting better. If the planet has another "Ice Age", then i don't think there's much chance of many people surviving it.
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@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
15 Aug 07
I've always been wondering what IMHO is?
I do believe that there are "situations" where it is selfish to bring children into.
@starmoishe (58)
• United States
15 Aug 07
First, a little advice. STOP WATCHING THE NEWS! You know, the world is the same crazy, rotten, violent, wonderous place that it has always been. With technology being what it is now, bad news reaches us faster and it seems like its alll around us. You have a four year old! You have the opportunity to look at the world through brand new eyes, full of wonder. Enjoy this time. Learn the lessons of childhood again. Remember what it feels like to get excited about snow, leaves in autumn, blowing bubbles, swimming, walking in puddles and running in the rain. Simple joys. Sure you can still change the light bulbs in your house to energy effecient ones, plant some trees and give your appliances the afternoon off, but enjoy this time! You don't get your four year old again once she turns five.
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@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
15 Aug 07
It's not just the NEWS, i have seen proof of the destruction and disasters with my own eyes and also on documentaries. It's real and it's happening. I agree with you though, i agree with everything you said, and you said it beautifully :)
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@Celanith (2327)
• United States
15 Aug 07
God made humanity and expected people to have children and to raise them. God is in control his word said these things would happen but if we trust and beleive in him we need not worry about Global warming or other things because He is in control and will cut the time short for the elects sake. Christ is returning to restore things and heal. When the earth does finally burn up as it says it will and there is a NEW HEAVEN and NEW EARTH it won't matter. We have at least 1000 years until then plus and God is then going to have his people dwell in the new heaven and earth and babies will be born. Read Isa 65 and I Pet 3. and Revelations 21-22. Stop worrying we need not.
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
15 Aug 07
"Stop worrying" I think that may be easy for some and not as easy for others.
Why don't you tell all the parents in the "poverty stricken" countries to "stop worrying"? They are suffering and they cannot feed their starving children, and you want them to "stop worrying".
GOD is not in control, we are.
"We need not worry about Global Warming"???
How about you tell that to the people who have lost their loved ones because of freak disasters that are caused from Global Warming?????????????? Or why don't you go to the Antarctic and tell the "nearly extinct" Polar Bears not to worry???????? Just tell them that GOD is in control, and GOD is the cause of all the rapidly melting ice.
Christ was meant to return in the year 2000 wasn't he????
The earth will not "burn up". If all the ice keeps melting then the planet will "flood".
So, i don't think we'll be needing Christ, we may need NOAH and his ARK :)
Not every thing happens for a reason, GOD is not behind every disaster, war or unfortunate event. Things happen because of choices made. Yes, things happen for a reason, but not everything. If i "choose" to kill a lizard, it didn't happen for a reason, it happened because i chose to do it. If i was to choose to do that, then it is me choosing to do it, not GOD.
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@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
15 Aug 07
I'm sure every generation felt this way, hun.
Look on the bright side. The children we are bringing into the world could make a difference and make things better. People don't always have to make the world a worse place.
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@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
15 Aug 07
What if Global Warming is irreversible? Then we and our children will suffer. But if we stop having children then we can save them from this's the way i will think if the world is told that Global Warming is 100% definitely irreversible!
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@motaz4 (133)
• Egypt
14 Aug 07
iam motaz(male)
i liked your discussions about children
you know i like to have alot of children i like them
and iam not worry about any thing,just because iam faith iam faith that god bring them and god will take care of them and at the last god will get them back,of course they will die by any way they will die but ofcourse they will be happy,because they will backe to god.
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@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
15 Aug 07
Faith is a good thing to have, but faith does not feed your children, clothe them or put a roof over their head. GOD cannot take care of them, only you can. GOD will take care of them when they die, but while they are alive GOD is lending them to you to look after, love and teach.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
14 Aug 07
As they say “ we give our today so that they may have a better tomorrow”. What you say, has merit no doubt but that’s not the solution to save this earth and our children. If we have no more babies, the world would be full of old infirm geriatric patients, living on botox, looking unnaturally glowing and healthy! UGH!!! I would rather die before that day comes. No doubt the world is in a bad shape and going downhill, but people are becoming more aware, schools are educating children on conservation and hopefully our future citizens will be more responsible. Already our generation is trying its best to reverse the trend and its our duty too, to contribute how little we can, towards a better world. even you can do your bit by starting to educate your child on the values of conservation and nature.
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@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
14 Aug 07
I agree with you but not when you say "our generation is trying its best". We are definitely not doing our best. I think the majority of people do "care" but they are not "taking the action that is needed". They just go about their day, they wake up, go to work (usually by car), they go home, eat and sleep, they only really care and worry about their "world", not the "world as a whole"
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@anjalisk2005 (1492)
• India
14 Aug 07
hmmm nikki i guess ur worry is not well justified.don't forget that we humans have great adapting nature.when ape like human can become present day humans then we will get accustomed to all the effects of nature also...
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@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
15 Aug 07
There are some things us humans cannot just "adapt" to. These things are usually things that kill us.
@unisis (1673)
• Indonesia
15 Aug 07
Hi Nikkiwith ,why are we worry about something beyond our control? I agree that our planet is obviously getting worst,we should enjoy our live our lives to the fullest and children are part of our lives and they bring a lot of meaning to our lives and us to theirs. I would not say it is "selfish". Who knows for sure what will be going to happen in the future? Perhaps, there will be a solution to all those environmental problems, and if there is the solutin,are not we depriving our "children" from living and enjoying it.
i felt the same way before having my son,i am scared for their future, but i can not lose sleep over it. people are coming together to help our earth, but yes there is still a lot who are abusing it. i try to do my part, what little i do,i should do more, but i use what resources i can, like we try to recycle, we changed some rubbish become fertilizer, things like that to keep our environment, it hurts my heart so bad. maybe things will be better in a future, i just trust in God's will change for me.
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
14 Aug 07
No, it's not selfish, it's natural, normal, and good, and always has been.

@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
15 Aug 07
Good question, but it is central to being human. It is what we do; and we just have to keep on doing what is natural to us, even though the world may be increasingly in trouble. Family life is one of life's abiding beauties. Without it, where would we be? What would we be?

@tdbrower1969 (1242)
• United States
14 Aug 07
My husband feels the same way. I kind of waffle back and forth. I know that with global warming, and the rate of crime increasing, our world now is much different than when I was growing up. But, I also always wanted children, and I can't see my life now without my son, and we are planning to adopt in the future. But, yes I have concerns, too, but why worry over spilled milk? We just have to do what we can now to help save our planet and hope for the best. We also need to do what we can to help with the crime wave that has hit our planet. People need to stop and think before they act. I don't think it is selfish to want children, but I have concerns about the life they will be living when they are grown.
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
15 Aug 07
I think in the very near future it would be a good thing if more people adopted instead of having their own children.
I agree with you; people need to think before acting.
I don't think it's selfish to want children either, but it is selfish to just have them without thinking and planning.
@frecklelip334 (1668)
• United States
14 Aug 07
i agree nikki. i felt the same way before having my son. i thought, "i want to be a parent, i would make a dam good parent...but what would i be bringing my kid into?" i'm scared for his future, but i can't lose sleep over it. people are coming together to help our earth, but yes there is still a lot who are abusing it. i try to do my part, what little i do. i should do more, but i use what resources i can. we don't have money to donate, we don't have a lot of time either, but there are lil things, like we try to recycle, we changed some lightbulbs, things like that. but i'm almost scared to have another child, simply cuz of money. everything, rates and such, gas, all keep rising. how am i even going to send ONE kid to college, let alone more? if i can't offer them, what they need let alone what they want, it hurts my heart so bad. maybe things will be better in a few hubby's job is promising. good pension plans and such...but it still worries me, i don't want to live like we are now, forever...and why bring more kids into that worry? i just trust in God's will for me. if my hubby and i are to have more children, then so be it. but i don't know how people who have 10+ kids do it these days? hopefully their children will work together and find a way to make the world a better, safer place!!

@frecklelip334 (1668)
• United States
14 Aug 07
i read your response to mine, as well as chingy's i can see why you wouldn't want to, if the world would end in 10 years...but keep in mind, nothing is proven. i mean yes the ice cap is melting but can they put a time frame on that? don't think that you are being selfish by having children. children are our future, and they may come up with something, even at 10 years old, that could help us fix things. kids are smart, (as long as their parents are responsible, there are a lot of parents just abandoning their children's intellect) but raise your kid(s) on an environmentally conscience level, and we'll be fine. don't worry about the future so much. don't let that stop you if you want more kids. besides, if the world ends, kids are innocent. the small sins they commit are nothing, God is fogiving. I worry more about what will happen to me in the end than my son. we could ALL die can't let that stop you though. make sense?? stay strong, and good for you for worrying about our earth, BUT trust that things happen for a reason as well!
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
14 Aug 07
Things don't always happen for a reason, they happen because of choices made. And it's all good to think "positive" and wear "rose-colored glasses", but it's also a good thing to think "realistically". Maybe people should educate themselves and look into the future of our planet more, before having kids?
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@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
14 Aug 07
I'm in similar shoes to yours. I don't lose sleep over it but i do feel bad for my daughter's future, because i don't have enough money, and because of the "unhealthy" planet. I definitely will make sure that i don't bring any more children into this "sad" world.
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@Far525 (37)
• China
15 Aug 07
I like childre very much.Sometimes, I have a dream to have a lot of children.But, it is only a dream.What bother me are not only what you said, but also the pressure from the society.The next generation will face more competitive society.I want my children to accept the best things.I have the responsibility to get better envirionment for my children. If I can not meet their basic need tobe equal with others, I have to give up my right ti be a parent.
@tombiz (2036)
• Philippines
15 Aug 07
Your fear is quite valid and really founded on facts as could be seen all around us. Events both natural and man-made are already affecting the quality of life for billions of this only alive planet in the universe. Man by nature is greedy and we are now facing the end of the rope as direct results of this greediness.
What will happen to the future of our children is something we could not really assure to be beautiful and stable. Right now we are already experiencing a lot of problems that are in gargantuan in nature. As the population of the whole earth is growing, the demand for natural resources is exceeding that of the supply. There will come a time when the earth will just simply give up. Survival of the humanity is now at stake. And the future of our children could well be jeopardized.
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
16 Aug 07
Your eyes are opened........if only every body's eyes were.......
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
15 Aug 07
Believing that we all have a bright future is called wishful thinking. Maybe people should start thinking realistically?
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
15 Aug 07
If you want to have children it is fine as long as you can take care of them, if you cannot take care of them then do not have them. Having 1 to 3 children is fine, but anymore and I call you a breeder.
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
15 Aug 07
There certainly are specific races that just breed, breed and breed some more. It's sad.
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
15 Aug 07
It's very frightening, but most people don't acknowledge it until the disasters occur in their own "backyards"
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
15 Aug 07
How can wanting to bring a child into the world be considered selfish? It is the most selfless thing a person can do. You have to put your life on hold to care for your child.If you can have children and you want more because you have more love to give, you should have more children. There are so many people that can't have children.
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
15 Aug 07
I think there are certain situations where it is selfish to bring a child into the world.
If the day comes when everyone is made aware that Global Warming is irreversible and our future generations are going to suffer, then we should definitely not have any more children.
@tombiz (2036)
• Philippines
15 Aug 07
Your fear is quite valid. Indeed the world we are living in right now is a nightmare and quite a disaster. This is never the world our forefathers had dreamed centuries ago. I think we are already the rope of man's ability to manage himself. The earth is already showing some signs of giving up on us. The very survival of humanity is already now at stake. Who in the past centuries could have ever imagined that there will be such a time when survival of humanity could be a central issue.
Sometimes, we could not really avoid thinking what kind of future our children may have. If at this time, we are already finding it hard to survive, how much more at their time, right?
Well, the world today indeeed needs a saving act. Where it will come, that I could not categorically answer.
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
16 Aug 07
Most scientists believe that the window of opportunity to reverse GLOBAL WARMING has passed, and we are all doomed..... I will not have any more children because i don't want them to have a dangerous and scary future.
@tuffy999 (794)
• Philippines
15 Aug 07
you cannot change what's happening around you. whether you have more children or just have one what's happening will still be there. the most important thing is, if you have the means and time to bring a child into this world why stop yourself. children gives light to our existence.
@nikkiwith (1074)
• Australia
16 Aug 07
Having a child because "they give light to your existence" is a selfish reason to have a child. You said "we cannot change what's happening around us".......that attitude is the exact reason why the world is so *#c@*d up!!
@Bill_zhby (16)
• China
15 Aug 07
With the development of the technology, everything will be improve in better side, especially global warming.So it's obvious for you to have more children.