Does past defines your future?

@claire03 (1443)
United States
August 15, 2007 11:09am CST
Do you think that our past defines our future? for me, i guess, in a way, yes! cause without your past there would be no future, but you can't live in the past to.. if something happened in the past that is not good then you have to learn from it and make it better for your future. There is a saying that Past is Past.. you can't change it anymore but you can definitely learn from it.
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8 responses
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
9 Nov 11
I think that everything that we go through in life makes us who we are. The good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful, all make us who we are and help to direct our lives. It is up to us whether or not we use our lessons in a positive way or a negative way....that is what ultimately defines our future.
@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
7 Nov 11
The past is yesterday's present and future, this by tomorrow. To control the past and the future we want to be like that now need to do our best for it. For that you need to live now, to take all decisions and act now uninfluenced by future or past, of what will be happening or has happened, to do what we think is better and we do our best.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
1 Oct 07
In our culture they say, a crooked past in the life a young girl ruins her for ever. Usually a good wife is judged from her upbringing-if she had poor handling by her mother, her husband tends to blame her past and not her present lack of seriousness in the home. And when such a lady continues to pursue life along the concept of a false start in the past, every body in the clan will believe emphatically that she is not going to raise a solid family for the clan and this puts the whole future perspective of the clan in hopelessness because no good is bound to accrue to the clan from such an upbringing. In this way, the past defines the future in a very serious way-have good past, expect a good future, have dirty, filthy past, be sure to meet these traits in the future, because the roots never die! have you attempted to fathom what the future of our environment will be in 100 years if the currrent inaction against man inspired global warming conditions continue? This is a clear case of the past impacting dangerously upon the future! think about it claire03!
• Philippines
27 Sep 07
For me, yes. Because whatever your mistakes in the past, you've learned and probably, you grow not to repeat it and improve yourself in the future.
• Singapore
27 Sep 07
In a way past do defines future. With past experiences, we would tend to correct ourselves and the future has changed. However in another perspective, future can be changed even if there is no past. For instance, you've strike a lottery that somehow may change your future.
@smin2x (46)
27 Sep 07
For me, I believe that the past does not define the future. A person has the freewill to choose which path he leads. If his past is unhappy childhood, he still has the capability to either choose to love his parents or be a loving person or not. It is only our present decision that defines the future.
• Philippines
19 Aug 07
i think that it should not define your future. i am a firm believer that we are in control of our future so good or bad experiences need not define your future for you. they are important though in guiding you through your decision making and they would be able to help you deal with situations. how you deal with your past and present, i guess, is what defines your future.
@gradyslady (4054)
• United States
26 Sep 07
Without the past, we wouldn't have our future. The past is the past, but without it, we wouldn't be where we are today.