
United States
October 26, 2006 9:55am CST
Does your dishwasher really clean your dishes?
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21 responses
@gotOBX (764)
• United States
26 Oct 06
My dishwasher is relatively new and it does a decent job but from time to time I'm unhappy with it. My biggest complaint is the noise, my dishwasher is very loud. It is a GE Nautilus...if I'm not mistaken, about 5 years old.
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@gotOBX (764)
• United States
27 Oct 06
Actually I wash by hand as much as I can. I don't use the dishwasher but maybe once a week. I cook with Calphalon and they can only be washed by hand to boot.
• United States
26 Oct 06
Yea we have an open floor plan at our house and when the dishwasher is running that is all you hear. Thanks for responding.
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• United States
26 Oct 06
Are we spoiled?
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
26 Oct 06
Yes, get's the job done! :) However, we did face difficulties because the damn thing was leaking all of the time, not because we we're opening it to soon because we did not, but it would just start leaking every instant. This happened to two of our dishwashers.. I'm not sure if it's a common thing but it can be pretty frustrating when your kitchen starts flooding every time your doing the dishes :S :P
• United States
26 Oct 06
Ours used to leak all the time too. But my dad was the one that hooked it all up. He has taken that thing apart so many times to try and figure out why it leaks. We used to have to put rags all around it when we were using it. But it only seemed to leak in the winter. It finally stopped on it's own. We still have no clue what was wrong with it. The floor boards underneath seem okay from the basement side, but the flooring is destroyed and I'm sure there is all kind of mold under it. We don't live there anymore, though.
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
26 Oct 06
I'm sorry someone else posted 0.01 cents earned in one day, I'm waiting for them to post a screen shot. If they don't get it done I'll let you know and you can have the best response.
• United States
26 Oct 06
Do you have a crawl space under your home???/ if so....make sure there is no damage under there from the water...thanks for responding.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I had a dishwasher for at least 5 years and I never really felt that the dishwasher got them clean. First of all, you have to pre-rinse the dishes. If it's just me doing it, it works OK, but the rest of family forgets to pre-rinse, they just throw them in, and then when you do turn it on the food is 'set' on the plates, whatever, and it seems to get baked on by the hot water. I never had an appliance that I didn't appreciate, but if I did, it would be the dishwasher. I had a portable and I gave it to my mother-in-law. Call me old fashioned, but I find doing them by hand gets them cleaner, and it just seems to be quicker. When I had the dishwasher, there was never enough dishes at once to run it, so I'd only run it once a day (instead of wasting water and dishwasher soap.) To me it just seemed like it was more work to do the dishwasher than just get them done by hand.
• United States
26 Oct 06
I am glad someone feels the way I do. thank you so much for responding.
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
26 Oct 06
When we had a dishwasher, it rarely got the dishes spotless.
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• United States
26 Oct 06
mine too...I quess I have really never had one that really worked.
@klavs_r (134)
• Latvia
26 Oct 06
not always
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• United States
26 Oct 06
thanks for responding
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@Lushlie (572)
• United States
29 Oct 06
I hate my dishwasher...There's nothing worse than having to wash your dishes BEFORE you put them in the dishwasher!
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• United States
29 Oct 06
yea it is stupid....thanks for responding!
• United States
26 Oct 06
I dont have a diswasher, I never used it before. I had one when I used to live in apartment when I was in college but I always wash my dishes by hand. People I know use it but most of the times, I see some foods still stuck to the dishes and I hate that. It only me and my hubby so there are no use for dishwasher.
• United States
27 Oct 06 far I am convinced washing by hand is the winner.
@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
26 Oct 06
We have always had a dishwasher and then we moved and now we do not. It is annoying to have to do dishes but there is never any food stuck on them. When we had a dishwasher we had to prewash anyway
• United States
26 Oct 06
at least you know there clean right.....thanks for responding.
@mythmoh (3984)
• United States
29 Oct 06
No.It wont be that much clean.In order to have it as somewhat acceptable cleanliness we have to clean it with towels or with water and then we have to load the washer.Oily and strong spicy dishes are usually cleaned by me.Further the consumption of water is also more when we go for dish washer
• United States
1 Nov 06
great point thanks for responding.
• United States
26 Oct 06
Yes because I'm the dishwasher. When I do the dishes they are clean. If my husband does them at least 20% are not fully clean. Not to answer your real question--we lived with my dad for 5 years and he does have a dish washer. It is an old one from the 70s (a lovely mustard yellow color) and it was okay at cleaning the dishes. I could usually tell what needed to be pre-rinsed before putting it in. Most of the time my stuff came out clean (cleaner then if my dad or husband loaded it). Of course they didn't understand the mechanics of loading it. If you have the bottom full there is no way for the water to get to the stuff on the top rack so of course that stuff wouldn't be clean. It was always a compromise of how full you can get the washer and how clean you want the dishes. The one thing that rarely got clean the first run through was the silverware. I would just run them through until they were clean or if it was more then like 4 times I'd finally just wash them by hand, lol. But if everyone would just rinse their dishes when they are done eating it would eliminate the whole problem.
• United States
26 Oct 06
No one rinses dishes here either, which really sucks when you have a small sink (it isn't a double). There is no room to soak stuff before I wash them. I hate doing dishes but I'd rather do them myself and know they are clean the first time. I don't know how my mom lived without a dishwasher for so long, lol. We got the one my dad has back in 1990 and my mom got it free off a friend. It had been sitting in his yard for years. My dad cleaned it up and fixed it and it has been chugging along for 16 years now (for us--don't know how much use it got before that). My dad has gotten quite good at fixing 1973 era dishewashers, though, lol.
• United States
26 Oct 06
That is so true!!!!!! But at my house.....NO ONE rinses their plate. Thanks for responding.
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• United States
26 Oct 06
Is it still mustard yellow or did you paint it....hehehe I quess I feel the way my mom did...I certainly get peace and quite when doing the dishes because everyone runs...dont get much help there.
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@shrys03 (1016)
• Philippines
26 Oct 06
we dont have dishwasher in our house.. :) my sister do it so for sure its 100% clean ..
• United States
26 Oct 06
that's cool, thank you for responding.
@shrys03 (1016)
• Philippines
26 Oct 06
np.. :P
@Cortney (3980)
• United States
27 Oct 06
I guess I am crazy.. I wash all the dishes to make sure all the food is off and just use my dishwasher to sterilize
@Cortney (3980)
• United States
27 Oct 06
no.. mom does it too
• United States
27 Oct 06
hehehehe....I do that. does your family think your crazy too????
@Bettyann (2485)
• United States
26 Oct 06
i don't have a dishwasher but if i did i wouldn't use it because you would have to wash the dishes before you put them in so i think its a waste of time
• United States
27 Oct 06
true, so true.
@melgosse (137)
• Canada
1 Nov 06
yes, but it is still brand new
@nextgen (1888)
• India
26 Oct 06
I dont have dishwasher. i use my hand
• United States
27 Oct 06
Not anymore it did when I first got it. I would rather do them by hand in very hot soapy water. Does your dishwasher get you dishes clean. Also, it depends on the type or brand of dishwasher you have. God Bless
• India
27 Oct 06
Well in India Dishwashers are seen rarely. We still wash the dishes with our own hands or appoint a maid to do so. The dishwashers have come into the market only recently and that too only the rich can afford it.
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
27 Oct 06
It's brand new and works like a dream. Prior to its installation I was having to wash dishes by hand in the bathtub. We built a new house, and that's all that was hooked up at the time.
• United States
27 Oct 06
We live in an OLD apartment building with an OLD dishwasher. As long as the dishes are pre-rinsed they come clean. If there's any food stuck on, it stays stuck on.
• United States
31 Oct 06
Nah. I wash my dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. I think of the dishwasher as a place to santize them rather than to clean them.